Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3862: Universal Store

Xue Yaoyue is in the military area. When performing missions, she often finds some contraband and wants to cross the border or customs and transport it without permission.

This kind of thing will basically be destroyed if it is found, but this engine was left alone by Xue Yaoyue, and it may come in handy. This time it happened to be used in a modified car.

Those who are familiar with vehicle engines know that a rotary engine is just like a monster. The speed of an ordinary engine is about 8,000, while a rotary engine can break 10,000 in minutes.

The maximum speed can reach nearly 20,000, high speed, high power, light weight, fast throttle response, but there is also one of the biggest shortcomings, the high fuel consumption of this engine is scary.

"The maximum output is close to a thousand horses. Although this monster has high fuel consumption, it is equipped with a 180-liter fuel tank, which is enough for long-distance off-road endurance."

The old ghost explained that this modified car amplifies Xue Yaoyue's needs and reduces all unnecessary configurations to achieve the most perfect state.

Except for the two seats in the front of the car, the rear row is a space for equipment. The entire body weight has reached two tons. This monster engine can provide powerful power for this trip.

"I have strengthened the frame a bit. Even if it rolls over and the body is turned into a ravine, it can be guaranteed that the body will not be deformed."

Lao Gui is a professional person. Here for Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue to explain one by one, refitting a car like this is obviously going to the depths of Kunlun Mountain. As for what Xue Yaoyue is going to do, Lao The ghost will not bother.

"I am very satisfied with this modification. If there is still demand next time, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"I am very pleased to be able to do things for my friends."

Xiao Yi felt that this old ghost had a good character and was sincere to people. The old ghost handed over the car keys to Xiao Yi. They had things to do and left here first.

Getting into the car and hitting fire, with a kick of the accelerator, Xiao Yi increased the engine speed to around five thousand, and the roar of the exhaust pipe erupted, the sound was so noticeable, this voice was very charming for men.

Stepping on the clutch and gearing, hitting the steering wheel fiercely, this kind of powerful power feels really comfortable to drive.

After Xue Yaoyue got on the car, at 4:16 seconds, the two-ton mechanical monster reached the gate of the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that it was about to crash, everyone thought that it would definitely crash, and the modification was all night, and the hard work was in vain. I have never seen anyone driving like this.

The old ghost is not worried at all. From what Xiao Yi said just now, he could hear that Xiao Yi is also a car-knowledge. How could a car-knowing person make such a low-level mistake.

Sure enough, Xiao Yi drifted rapidly, and the mud thrown from the rear of the car splashed like a spray, and disappeared into everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

A powerful car also needs a skilled driver to be worthy of the painstaking effort of modification. At this moment, the old ghost smiled on his face and took a smoke.

"These two people are not easy."

Although he didn't indicate his identity, the old ghost could guess something, especially when he modified the car this time, the other party could even get such contraband.

As for what the identity is, the old ghost won't bother, because he has nothing to do with him, he only needs to do his own job well.

Xiao Yi drove to another store according to Xue Yaoyue's instructions. Yesterday afternoon, Xue Yaoyue had already purchased all the necessary equipment and equipment, waiting to pick up the goods today.

Don't look at the shops in general and inconspicuous, even the shop is surrounded by an adobe wall, people outside can come in casually, but a Tibetan mastiff dog raised in the yard shows that the identity of the owner here is not simple.

"The conditions here are simpler, but if you buy equipment, this is the first choice. As long as you think of things, you can basically buy them here."

Xiao Yi followed Xue Yaoyue to the store. The so-called store was just a few bungalows with a sign hanging outside. He stepped into the store with his feet, and what he saw in front of him seemed to have changed the world.

Rows of shelves are filled with all kinds of goods, which can be used off-road. Xiao Yi noticed that some of them were imported goods.

"This engineering shovel is made in country D, and these safety ropes are not on the same level as those available on the market."

The shop has a complete range of things. It can be said that as long as it is within the scope of your normal needs, you can buy it in this place, Xue Yaoyue said with a smile.

"Otherwise, why do you think I am here to buy these equipment? I have arranged everything that should be prepared. I can take my things in the car and leave at any time."

Xue Yaoyue picked up the goods from this store. The equipment weighing more than 200 kilograms was all loaded into the car. Time was not allowed to stay. Xiao Yi was driving now.

Because this time entering Kunlun Mountain, the first section of the road is better, and you can pass by car, but in the second half, you can only rely on walking. Based on the physical strength of the two of them, this time will take at least two days. To be able to reach the locked location on the map.

Therefore, this tent is indispensable for living materials. They are all members of the Wolf Warriors special team. They have long been used to survival in the wild. Such an expedition is just a piece of cake.

Driving a modified off-road vehicle, the powerful performance galloped on the Gobi Desert, rolling up a long dust belt.

Ten minutes later, he appeared at the foot of the mountain. Few people entered here. Only some people who love cross-country opened a way.

The so-called road, winding upwards around the mountain, you can see the ruts left by the previous vehicles, and the vehicles that have been parked for a long time on the side of the road are already scrapped.

Once the car fails to move, the owner will consider the economics of rescue. If it is beyond the acceptable range, the damaged car will be discarded here at will.

Since they are people who can afford this kind of car with money, they don't care about going back and buying a new car. Over time, these cars have their parts disassembled and taken to the market for money.

"Fortunately, you find someone in advance and prepare a car. Otherwise, an ordinary off-road vehicle will really not be able to navigate this kind of terrain."

As expected to be Xue Yaoyue, she had thought of everything one step in advance, and made all the preparations that should be done, and also avoided mistakes in the process.

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