Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3874: Coercion of the strong

As his mind moved, all the puppets, including the damaged ones, were all put in the space ring, waiting to have time to study them.

"Your kid is very meticulous, and you have all the formations on the stone slab in your heart. Are you planning to use it after you go back?"

Xiao Yi thought carefully about how he could hide from Zixu, and while taking away the puppet, he also wrote down the formation.

He really has this plan, he has the puppet, and has learned the formation, in case it can be used at a critical moment.

"Hey, you know this little thought, Master, since this formation can control puppets, then I can use it when I go back and make it in accordance with the law."

"Nevertheless, this kind of puppet technique can only be regarded as an entry level. I can't even look down on your master. It's okay to learn it. It's your training."

Zi Xu told Xiao Yi that after he returned, his soul power would be stronger, and he could teach him more advanced soul control techniques.

Once he learns the soul control technique, manipulating the puppet is easy to control. He will teach Xiao Yi as much as he has learned, and believe that Xiao Yi will not disappoint his expectations.

"Well, these puppets have been resolved, we continue to walk in."

Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue said, Xue Yaoyue jumped up, took off the paintings hanging in the stone hall, and took a look at it in their hands.

The painting is a young and beautiful woman. In today's society, she must be a standard beauty. At first, Xue Yaoyue thought that the woman in this painting was the master of this stone temple.

But after reading the above inscription clearly, it seems that I guessed wrong, not what I thought. It turns out that the owner of the stone palace is someone else.

"The master of the stone palace admires the woman in this painting, but it's a pity that people already have a good name. He can only bury his longing and himself in this dark place."

Xue Yaoyue sighed, but the master of the stone palace was obviously a strong man. He could have such strength and was trapped in a love character. It was really sad.

"The owner of this stone hall is dead, and his paintings are his masterpiece, but the owner of this stone hall is alive and well."

The inscription above was made when the master of the stone hall was 399 years old. At such an age, it has exceeded the limit of human beings, and old monsters can't call it.

And I still have the energy to paint, leaving this excellent brush, after all, I couldn't escape the law of this world.


Xiao Yi stared at this painting, and the writing on it, one thing made him very concerned.

"What's weird?"

"Xue Yaoyue, you shouldn't forget the words that you found on the stone pillars in front of our stone temple. You don't know the words."

When Xiao Yi said this, Xue Yaoyue immediately understood. Although the characters on this painting were from ancient times, she could recognize them all.

It was completely different from the previous column. It was written by one person at random, or it was said that there was something hidden in it. Xiao Yi turned his eyes to a passage in the stone temple.

There was a passage in the stone hall, leading to the rear, and within the passage, several dead people appeared, and the dead were piled together.

He walked forward quickly and saw clearly what was going on. There were a dozen dead people lying on the ground, some of them were puppets, and the puppets were already damaged.

"these are……"

"There should be people who broke into here before us. They also had a battle with the puppets, but unfortunately they all died here."

Xiao Yi knelt down and looked over. The dead people on the ground had already dried their skin, leaving only a thin layer. The collapsed eyes looked a bit scary.

When his clothes turned into dust, Xiao Yi waved his hand and looked for the corpses to see if he could find valuable clues.

However, the age of these people's deaths is so long that it is certain that these people were trapped and died in the puppet formation. The dry expressions on everyone's faces can be seen. They were desperate at the time.

"These people have been dead for more than a hundred years, and there are no valuable clues, nor can they figure out the origin of their identities."

Unable to find any clues, Xiao Yi stepped past these corpses, only to be sure that the purpose of these people was also for this stone palace, and he became more convinced that there is something worth taking risks in the stone palace.

Xiao Yi thought of this. Perhaps the handwriting left on the stone pillar outside was a warning to future generations by these people's accomplices, or perhaps it was a mark made.

Was that map a living person, was it the last message left, or was there another mystery, Xiao Yi continued to walk along the passage of the stone hall, and immediately reached the end of the stone hall.

He and Xue Yaoyue came to the inside of the stone hall, and saw that in the stone hall, many lights were lit up in an instant, illuminating the environment here, and Xiao Yi gradually adapted to the light in front of him.

"this is……"

Xiao Yi saw an old man sitting cross-legged in the middle of the stone hall, dressed in a black robe, and obviously no longer breath.

Presumably this is the owner of the stone hall, his white hair is as dignified and majestic as silver. Although he has fallen, his body must have been preserved, as if he were a living person.

If it weren't for Xiao Yi to use the power of the soul, he would think that this old man was still alive, and Xue Yaoyue didn't have the ability to stand beside Xiao Yi with a nervous expression.

"Don't worry, don't worry, people are already dead."

Xiao Yi walked forward. The owner of the Stone Palace had fallen, but the pressure he left behind was still there. Just a few steps before Xiao Yi stepped forward, a majestic pressure was on his face.

As if a strong wind was blowing towards Xiao Yi, blocking Xiao Yi from moving forward, as if to warn Xiao Yi not to disturb the purity of the owner here, Xiao Yi's expression changed.

"It's such a strong coercion, even if it is dead, it won't make people approach easily. It is worthy of being a strong one."

Xue Yaoyue noticed Xiao Yi's abnormality, and Xiao Yi's steps became sluggish, as if she had to exhaust all of her strength in every step.

"Xiao Yi should go back then, I feel it will be dangerous if you continue to move forward."

You don't need Xue Yaoyue to say that Xiao Yi knew in his heart that the coercion of the strong was to crush his whole body, and Xiao Yi clenched his fists.

At this point, how can he easily retreat? He has been saying how strong the strong in this world is, and he has to personally verify it today.

"Damn it, you're just a fallen person, how could you stop my footsteps."

The coercion of the strong would increase by 10% every two steps Xiao Yi took, and finally doubled, like a mountain, weighing heavily on Xiao Yi's body, making him unable to breathe.

"Intruder, you have disturbed my quietness. You have the strength to pass through the puppet formation I set up, and you can't quickly retreat after picking up a life."

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