However, after listening to what the old ghost told, and the paintings encountered in the stone temple, the time was exactly the same, which proved that the old ghost did not lie.

Someone indeed came here at the beginning, and entered Longbuying Ridge with the two of them, so the secret treasure in the stone palace must have been taken away by this person, and Xiao Yi suddenly had a strong thought in his heart.

He wanted to know who was sacred, what he looked like, or what he came from. He had a vague premonition, and there was a big secret in it.

"I believe what you said, old ghost, have you seen clearly what this person was like that day?"

The old ghost frowned, remembering carefully, but in the end he couldn't remember, and shook his head.

"That day, my attention was all on the money in his hands, and I didn't look at his face, plus it was raining outside, I didn't even have the intention to pay attention to it."

"It turned out to be like this. Okay, things here have been resolved, and we should go back."

Xiao Yi clenched the short knife in his hand and did not get the final result, but Xiao Yi would not give up. He must find out who exactly entered the stone palace back then.

The old ghost thought that the person should have the surname Xiao, and Xiao Yi should also have the surname Xiao. Could it be said that there is no relationship between the two people, but he would not ask such superfluous words, and save himself trouble.

After Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue got in the car, they headed back. On the way, Xue Yaoyue noticed that Xiao Yi had been frowning, as if he had a heavy heart.

What the old ghost said before, coupled with the discovery in the stone temple, is it the same name, or it contains an ulterior secret? These are all worth finding out.

"Xiao Yi, I know what you are thinking, but I think this is impossible. Maybe someone is using your father's name."

"I also know this is the case, but there is still a trace of obsession in my heart after all, hoping that what I think is true."

Xiao Yi couldn't describe his feelings at the moment, what the truth is, it takes time to test, and the most important thing now is to go back and talk about it.

Driving on the Gobi Desert, half an hour later passed a gas station, filled the gas tank and set off again, rushing back to the base.

At a quarter past three in the afternoon, the plane landed on time. Because Xiao Yi had notified Raytheon in advance, there was a military jeep outside the airport waiting to meet Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue.

Xiao Yi just walked out of the airport and looked at a jeep outside. There were two lieutenants standing beside them. They went out wearing military uniforms and specially put on military ranks to greet him personally. Such a formation is not what ordinary people can get.

"Hello sir!"

When the two lieutenants saw Xiao Yi, they immediately raised their hands to salute. Xiao Yi also saluted.

Before, I had heard about the legend of Xiao Yi, the myth of the special team of Wolves, and how many undefeated records had been set. In their eyes, Xiao Yi was the undefeated **** of war, as unattainable as a mountain.

Today I finally saw myself with my own eyes. It seemed that there was nothing special about it, just like ordinary people, but both of them understood in their hearts that the more safe people seemed, the more dangerous they were.

"Thunder God sent you two lieutenants to greet me. He knows my character. It seems that this is what happened."

"The captain has said that there is something to be discussed when the officer returns."

The two of them were reserve members of the Wolf Warriors, who had passed through layers of selection and hellish training, and finally stayed.

Of course, this does not mean that you have become a member of the Wolf Warriors, which will have to go through three inspections. Every member of the Wolf Warriors will ensure that all the elites remain, and the battlefield can have one enemy and one hundred.

"Oh, you don't need this set, let's go and I will go back with you."

Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue got in the car, and the lieutenant acted as a driver for him, and drove Xiao Yi back to the military area in person.

The military area had already made arrangements. Waiting for Xiao Yi's return, Luo Yonggang glanced down in the conference room. The watch on his wrist indicated that it was 3:35, and the time should be almost up.

In addition to Luo Yonggang, the meeting room also has Thor, the newly selected deputy captain of the Wolf Warriors special team, and several important members. They are gathered here to discuss one thing and wait for the final decision.

"I haven't seen this kid for a while, and I know he has a lot of things, but in order to successfully complete the task this time, I must personally trouble him to take a trip."

Luo Yonggang was a little embarrassed, he went to Xiao Yi when he encountered a difficult problem, but the matter was of great importance and had to be considered carefully.

"I think as long as there is a task, he will definitely participate actively. Reaper is a person who can't sit still."

The conference room was waiting. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Luo Yonggang turned around and said.


Pushing the door open were the figures of Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue. Looking at everyone in the conference room, they cast jealous and envied eyes.

He went out with Xue Yaoyue. In the eyes of these people, it was as if he had gone on a date with Xue Yaoyue. Xiao Yi coughed dryly, breaking the silence on the spot.

"Ahem... You look at me like this, and you feel so uncomfortable. Maybe it's calling me back to visit me."

"I know that this kid doesn't have a righteous mouth right now. Is your honeymoon over?"

Luo Yonggang laughed angrily, Xiao Yi didn't bother to explain at all, and followed everyone's meaning.

"Not yet, I don't plan to spend my honeymoon while graduating a child."


Xiao Yi said poorly, but Xue Yaoyue's face was thin, and he couldn't let Xiao Yi talk nonsense here. A small hand was already touching Xiao Yi's waist, pinching a piece of soft flesh and twisting it fiercely.

Immediately chose to shut up, and everyone uttered a groan. It turned out that the invincible **** of death also had a fatal weakness, and that was Xue Yaoyue.

"Coach Luo likes to talk nonsense. I know that you sent someone to pick us up. It must be an important task. Let's talk about important things first."

"Xue Yaoyue is still a sensible girl. Now that you already know it, let me talk about it. Xiao Yi, you close the door."

The task is very important, so we must do a good job of confidentiality work. Everyone knows this. Xiao Yi closed the door of the conference room and sat down with Thor.

At this moment, the curtains of the conference room were drawn, and the environment became dark. Luo Yonggang turned on the projection equipment, and a woman's face appeared on the curtain, with a sweet, delicate and lovely appearance, a standard beauty.

I wondered when Coach Luo changed his taste. He didn't talk about the focus of the task at first, but started talking about women?

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