Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3895: One light and one dark

The mission is very special. Sakai Mieko is very famous in the local area, so he can't do it casually. Matsushima smelled a special smell. He guessed that Sakai Mieko's identity must be very special, so he sent someone to investigate.

"It really surprised me that Mieko had such a father. I always thought her father had either passed away or divorced her mother."

Matsushima was surprised, how could he not know that Mieko was so famous, it was just that Mieko's identity, his father turned out to be from China, and more importantly, a scientific researcher.

According to the investigation information, Mieko’s father is engaged in a top-level technical research. Once it is successful, it will bring about a huge change in the new energy field, and it will also make Huaxia technology ahead of other countries. .

The upper-level people coveted the development of this technology, so they tried to get the technology, but they were in the territory of China, and there was no way at all. Knowing the true identity of Mieko, this will be an important opportunity.

Through the threat of Mieko, the Huaxia people value the word emotion most. For the sake of their daughter's safety, they will definitely agree to their request. Even if this goal is not achieved, there is another set of plans that can be implemented.

"This time our goal is Mieko. The need of the mission is to execute the kidnapping plan after the cruise ship leaves a certain area of ​​the sea. If this woman is in control, it will have a great effect."

Matsushima holds a photo of Mieko in his hand. In the photo, Mieko looks sweet and can make countless otakus in the island country go crazy. Naturally, her appearance will not be much worse.

He is a normal man, who has ideas about beautiful women, and Songdao is no exception. Before, he was just an ordinary member of the Black Dragon Society, without any reputation or strength. Now it is different. He is an old hen and a duck, which is very different.

Some unrealistic ideas will follow in my heart. Of course, everything must be task-oriented, and other things are set aside. Matsushima is very clear about what he should and should not do.

"I don't think this kind of trouble for the president, I just need to take a few people and bring this Mieko back from the boat."

The subordinates wanted to stand in front of Matsushima and fight for this opportunity. This task indeed sounded very simple, but Matsushima knew that he couldn't relax. The people above had already told him that the men of the wolf warrior would come to intervene in this matter.

He didn't want to cause the failure of the action because of his carelessness, so he made arrangements in advance and snorted coldly.

"What do you know, the mission sounds easy, but China's Wolf Warriors team has already taken action."

"What! War Wolf!"

This is a name that I don't want to hear. It sounds so numb that I don't know how Gao should deal with it.

Previously, there were countless fights with Wolf Warriors, and they all ended in failure. Ono Ichiro died indirectly in the hands of Wolf Warriors. He originally wanted to seize this opportunity to make merit, but he did not expect the people of Wolf Warriors. Also.

Matsushima learned of the news through the upper level, and the message sent back by the person above is not wrong, and it is normal for the special identity of Mieko Sakai to attract the attention of the wolf.

"Mieko Sakai's father is a scientific researcher from China. They will definitely do something about Mieko Sakai this time looking for her father in China, so we must be fully prepared."

Everyone in the special team of Wolf Warriors has a strong fighting capacity. In order to successfully complete the tasks explained above, this time Matsushima decided to disguise the 42 elites of the Black Dragon Club as ordinary fans and watch the singing of Mieko Sakai. meeting.

The tickets are obtained in advance, so that it is easier to move around in this way. Of course, Matsushima's biggest plan is to use this opportunity to retain the members of the wolf and wash away the humiliation before.

"Well, this matter is not something you can control. I know you want to find an opportunity to perform in front of me. I will leave the opportunity to you. It's just not now. Do you understand?"

"Hi! Understand!"

After Matsushima collected this information, he was about to prepare. Using Sakai Mieko's special identity, he set up a trap to lure the Wolf Warriors to appear.

In the evening, the plane landed in a city in the island country, and Xiao Yi, Thor and others arrived here on time.

Looking at the time, it was nine quarters past in the evening, and the cruise ship would leave the dock on time at nine forty-five and sail towards the Huaxia waters.

There was not much time left, and I had to board the boat. After leaving the airport, the four people stopped a taxi and drove in the direction of the terminal.

In the taxi were Xiao Yixue Yaoyue and Thunder God, code-named generalists, and did not act with them. Xiao Yi made other arrangements and could not be with them.

"Xiao Yi, you asked this newcomer to act alone. Is this arrangement a bit improper? After all, he is still a newcomer. He hasn't experienced many things and doesn't know how to deal with it."

Xue Yaoyue was a little worried in her heart, Xiao Yi didn't understand the reason, he had his arrangements and plans.

"I know what you mean, he will be much safer if he acts alone, but he won't be able to play his role by following our words."

Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue explained that the faces of these people, especially Xiao Yi, as long as they appeared in the airport, they would be recognized immediately and became the focus of attention.

When he was on the plane before, Xiao Yi told everyone that the Black Dragon Association could also think of everything they could think of, and he could also make arrangements and arrangements in advance.

Instead of this, it’s better to be upright and show up directly at the airport, just to tell those hiding in the dark that he has already brought someone here, and you should be careful when doing things. At the same time, this approach will directly attract those in the dark. attention.

"We are in the light, and the generalist is in the dark. Relatively speaking, his situation is much safer. This time there are only four of us, so I want to give full play to each person's abilities as much as possible."

"Well, I see what you mean, it's almost time, we should get on the boat."

The three of them stood at the pier, discussed a plan again, and took the boarding ticket to board the ship.

The location of the pier is guarded by people arranged by the brokerage company. What capitalists value in their eyes is profit. No matter who is watching the concert, as long as they have the money to buy ferry tickets.

Originally, an ordinary ferry ticket was fired to hundreds of thousands, so many people rushed to buy it. Those fans of Mieko Sakai were really crazy enough for her.

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