Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3910: Press down

After checking the room, there was nothing unusual in the cabinet underneath the bed. At this time, the person in charge of the operation looked up at the ceiling. This was the only suspicious place.

He moved a broken chair, let a few people support it, stepped on the chair and stood up, dragged a ceiling with both hands and opened it, revealing a passage above the ceiling.

This is for ventilation. Although the place is narrower, it is large enough for one person to pass through. It can be determined that the people in the room escaped along the ventilation duct.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this layer to let them escape beforehand."

He dragged a piece of the ceiling with both hands, and suddenly he heard a dribbling sound, as if there was something on it.

He took the ceiling down carefully. He didn't think too much about it. At the moment when the ceiling was taken down, a black square was pasted on the back of the ceiling, and the red light on it kept beating.

This person's eyes widened, and instinctively told him that this thing was dangerous and that he would throw it out while holding the ceiling, but it was too late to react. Xiao Yi left a gift for these people before they left.

"There is a bomb!"


The violent explosion and the shock wave set off the entire room into ruins. At this moment, no one in the room can escape.

Fortunately, this action was divided into three echelons. If all the people poured into this room, the consequences would be very serious. Even outside the room, it would be shocked by the explosion.

Four people were killed on the spot, three were seriously injured, and the others were injured to varying degrees. This was just a simple first fight. They didn't even meet their opponents, and they were defeated.

In this operation, Xiao Yi and Xue Yaoyue went into battle with light, but before they set off, they brought a batch of special equipment. The bombs made by War Spear were small and difficult to detect, but their power was ordinary bombs. More than several times.

"Yo! The effect is not bad."

Xiao Yi, Lei Shen and others had already detected the actions of these people, so they retreated one step in advance.

They came to the deck, standing on the side of the ship, blowing the sea breeze leisurely, watching the people on the deck, hurriedly escaping for their lives, due to an explosion inside the cabin, at this time the cabin caught fire.

The captain hurriedly ordered the ship’s employees to put down their work and put out an emergency fire. Once the fire spreads, the entire ship’s people will be ruined, and such a big accident cannot be compensated.

"How did you know they were going to act?"

Thor was very curious. Although he also knew that the Black Dragon was about to do something, Xiao Yilian knew exactly when the attacking methods of these people would appear.

Before this, arrangements were made in advance. When the people from the Black Dragon Club arrived on the scene, they had already retreated to the deck, avoiding the eyeliner of these people. I really don't know how Xiao Yi did it.

"Now Irving's sixth sense is very accurate, no fuss."

Xiao Yi ordered three cocktails, and the people inside became a mess, but they were drinking and blowing the sea breeze leisurely here, as if it had nothing to do with them.

"We used a bomb just now. If this matter is investigated, it will be a trouble."

"Trouble? It's good that I didn't trouble them. Don't forget who started the first shot. Since they can choose to shoot, then they placed the bomb. What does it have to do with us."

Of course, Xiao Yi would not add this kind of violent incident to his head. When the people from the Black Dragon Club rushed in, he and Thunder God and others were not there, nor did they shoot them.

So the people of the Black Dragon Club asked for all of this. He believed that the senior leaders of the Black Dragon Club would find a way to suppress it, so Xiao Yi could make a big fuss here, and in the end someone would be responsible for wiping his butt.

The Black Dragon Club arranged a few wastes, and only one of them was able to give Xiao Yi a fatal blow. Even if there were some more, Xiao Yi would not take it seriously, so this time Xiao Yi and the others do not have to worry about the consequences. .

"A person like you, you have calculated everything before and after. The people from the Black Dragon Club met you to be your opponent, and it was really bad luck for a few lifetimes."

Fortunately, the fire caused by the explosion did not cause a greater disaster because the fire was controlled in time.

The people of the Black Dragon Club cleaned up the scene, dragged the body away, and left in a hurry, not wanting to be exposed to others. The first action plan ordered by Kameda ended in failure.

After such a big incident, the captain intends to report it and asks the maritime police for assistance to investigate the conspiracy behind the incident. The ship is no longer able to continue sailing at sea. It will definitely happen if this continues.

But before that, Kameda found the captain and told him clearly that he could not call the police or do any treatment. The captain must use the greatest ability to suppress the incident and described it as an accident.

Now Mieko is still on the ship, as long as there is this bait, Xiao Yi and others will still show up, but once the police call the police and the maritime police are attracted, with the capabilities of the Black Dragon Society, they have to retreat early. The plan can be said to be thorough. Failed.

"Mr. Kameda, do you think it's okay to do this? This time there was an explosion accident, and there were deaths in it. If my captain does not deal with it, I am afraid I will not be able to keep my position."

The captain worried, Kameda sneered. This kind of person already knows how to deal with it, he said with a playful smile.

"You think that after you called the police, you offended the forces of the Black Dragon Society. It's hard to say whether this captain can continue, and your life has been on our kill list. With your ability, you think you can escape. Come on?"

This is a very direct question. If the captain does not report the incident, he will lose his job and go to prison for a few years.

But if the Black Dragon Society is offended, the nature of the incident will change. In the current situation, whether or not he can get off the ship alive is a major issue, let alone future work.

Seeing that the captain looked very worried, Kameda at this time put out a condition appropriately to use it as a deal with the captain.

"If you suppress things, turning back to the black dragon will inevitably benefit you. Let alone the position of a captain, a higher position can satisfy you. Whether you choose to offend us or promise me, I will give you three seconds. ."

"I promise!"

The captain hurriedly said, Kameda has made a statement before counting. In comparison, living is the most important thing. He just wants to feed his family well and doesn't want to be killed just like that.

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