Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3934: Defeated

Xiao Yi had long learned that Mei Huizi's identity was abnormal, and he would definitely not miss such an opportunity, and before that, Xiao Yi knew that Mei Huizi was a cultivator.

To deal with such an opponent, you have to make a good move. So Xiao Yi uses a new medicine. This new medicine will paralyze the muscles and nerves throughout the body and make you lose the ability to control. one day.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Mei Huizi glared at Xiao Yi, thinking for a long time and uttering these four words. Apart from these four words, she could not think of other words to describe Xiao Yi.

"Thank you for the compliment. We should also be with each other. As early as the first time we met, I reminded you to accept everything as you see it. Unfortunately, you didn't take my words to heart."

Xiao Yi sighed and said that Mieko's abilities were like being blocked, and she became an ordinary person. Only a pair of handcuffs could restrain her, and the painstakingly set plan ended in such a failure.

"Xiao Yi, don't be proud, don't forget that the sea police have already arrived. What if you arrest me now? Are you going to treat me as a hostage to ensure your safety?"

"No! Don't look up to yourself, I haven't gotten to this point. Using you as a hostage is totally unnecessary."

While talking, the marine police had already arrived near Xiao Yi, but the marine police did not encircle Xiao Yi, but stopped by Xiao Yi's side.

Mieko finally realized that there was something abnormal in the situation. She looked up and saw that on the speedboats driven by the maritime police, the word Huaxia was written, which was not the language of their country.

The Coast Guard was wearing a Huaxia uniform, and it was completely different from what Mieko said. What happened and where did the support he requested? Is this still Xiao Yi playing tricks?

"I forgot to tell you, your phone is already before, and my hands and feet were implanted with a virus. The message for help released is indeed correct, but this message has changed the latitude and longitude, so the application for support is estimated at this time. Thousands of miles away."

Xue Yaoyue solved Mieko's doubts and implanted a virus on her mobile phone, which was a piece of cake for her. Mieko thought that she had made a perfect match, but she didn't know she had been exposed to others.


Mieko couldn't believe it. She took out her mobile phone to make a call, only to find that the mobile phone could not be used at all. The call was already restricted.

I looked around again and saw the China Coast Guard in front of me. So where I am now, what I have experienced, what is true and what is false, foolishly not clear.

"You must be very curious about why Huaxia's maritime police appeared here. I will tell you now because this is already Huaxia's sea area."

"I already guessed it."

"I modified the positioning of your mobile phone. In fact, when the ship stopped, we were already in the waters of Huaxia. Even if your rescue arrived, there was nothing we could do."

The maritime police cannot cross the border. This is a set rule, and no country can offend. At this moment, Mieko's face is ashamed. She knows that she is dead.

"Well, don't struggle in vain. The effective time of this medicine is twenty-four hours. With what you did before, you will be imprisoned in Huaxia's prison next."

Xue Yaoyue kindly reminded that as for how many years Mieko will be detained, it is impossible to say that. The charge for Mieko was a spy for stealing information. Usually such a prisoner should never want to get out of the cell for a lifetime.

All-rounders assisted the maritime police, escorted Mieko to board the ship, and followed the maritime police to take Mieko back to prevent her from escaping. At the last moment, Mieko stared at Xiao Yi with cold eyes.

"Xiao Yi, I won't let you go."

Xiao Yi let out a sneer. I heard too many words like this. Many opponents have said so, but in the end Xiao Yi lived well, and grass grew on the graves of those people.

"Don't worry, I will wait for you outside, but your cell is specially built. The reinforced concrete of more than 150 cm is monitored 24 hours a day. There is a fist-sized food delivery opening in the cell. "

Such a cell was built for people with such special abilities. Even if Mieko had the ability to reach the sky, she would never want to escape from the cell, waiting to die in it all her life.

He walked up to Miezi's side in a few steps and put his hand on the position of Miezi's lower abdomen. He didn't know what Xiao Yi was going to do, and the next second a mighty force poured into her body.

This extremely overbearing force continuously eroded the meridians in her body. At this moment, Mei Huizi's face became horrified. She seemed to understand what Xiao Yi was going to do. This was going to be forced on the road to absolutes, leaving no chance at all.

Xiao Yi shot a blood qi in his palm. Not to mention that the blood qi destroyed Meihuizi's meridians, but also directly destroyed her dantian. No matter what method the woman used to cultivate, he was not interested.

At this moment, Mieko was a waste person, so Xiao Yi was not worried about the cruel words Mieko said, and could find him to take revenge, provided that she could get out of it alive.

Mieko was taken away by the maritime police, skipped the trial process, and was put in special detention. However, considering the special status of this woman, it is estimated that the island country will also rush to deal with Mieko.

"it is finally over."

Seeing Mieko being taken away, Thor breathed a sigh of relief. The battle was over, and the final result was their victory.

Before the change, I couldn't imagine such a difficult task. The three of them completed it. In this task, most of them were opponents that Xiao Yi solved, and he was at best a soy saucer.

"Yeah, it's over."

Xiao Yi and the others boarded a speedboat, the matter was successfully concluded, and they were about to go back next.

A woman like Poor Mieko, who didn't do anything well, honestly became her own star, she insisted on blending in the struggle of this kind of force, and finally ruined her own future.

"But this battle seems to have taught me another thing. It seems that there will be many more battles in the future."

"whats the matter?"

Through a conversation with Mieko, Xiao Yi learned that Mieko's true identity was actually a ninja from a ninja group.

The Ninja Mission is like China's Breaking Dawn Villa. There are many strange people and strangers inside. They are outstanding, just like Mieko, but they are just the most ordinary members.

The higher the level, the stronger the strength. Xiao Yi is very curious about how strong this ninja group is, and why, before, I have never heard of this ninja group. Is it just recently? It doesn't come out.

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