Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 4054: Support is coming

Crossing a line of fire and exploding on the ground, Freeman seemed to understand something at this moment. The network system that had just been repaired before was once again paralyzed.

Mechanical failures such as electronics, the tank stays in place and cannot start, and even the tank is affected. This phenomenon can only show one result.

"Bomb... graphite fiber bomb!"

Freeman exclaimed. By this time he finally understood that the boxes that were dropped from the plane were not ordinary bombs.

These bombs are special graphite fiber bombs. As the graphite fibers exploded, they were invisible to the naked eye and drifted into the air.

"Damn it! Even this can be calculated, is this God going to kill me Freeman?"

I raised my head and looked at the sky. At this moment, the weather changed. A breeze blew by, and there were lightning bolts to the west.

The storm is coming...

Freeman had already seen his failure at this moment, but he would never give up until the last one.


Even if there were no tanks or tanks, with the current combat power, he would still not lose to Xu Qiang.

Xu Qiang still didn't understand what happened. The six helicopters crashed like this, which saved their efforts and helped a lot.

Seeing Freeman abandon the chariot and tank, the stone that was immediately pressed in his heart was removed at this time, and he was relieved.

"Xu Qiang..."

"hold on."

Lenny was paying attention to Xu Qiang's face, Xu Qiang's face was steady, and he could even see a trace of excitement in his eyes.

Xu Qiang has been looking forward to this moment for a long time, his broken arm and the humiliation he suffered before will eventually be explained, and tonight, all this will be marked in one sentence.


The people in Freiman were less than fifty meters away from him, and Xu Qiang gave the order to attack.

The two mercenary regiments fought together, and soon Frey Mael let his own people expand the line of defense to form an encirclement, Xu Qiang and the others were trapped inside.

It's just like Xu Qiang who dealt with him before, except that it was different. This time it was a decisive battle. The result of the battle was related to the survival of the two mercenary groups. Xu Qiang went forward and killed the enemy bravely. The body flies over.

The flame mercenary group is also the end of the crossbow, but under such a situation, the fighting power they burst out is extremely strong, and they have suffered a lot before, this time they have to find their dignity on Xu Qiang and the others.

Five minutes later...

Freeman's eyes were cold, and Xu Qiang's range of activities was compressed to the extreme.

He admired Xu Qiang's ability very much, but unfortunately it was still too early and he found the wrong opponent. Today is his death date.

"Hehe, do you really think you can beat me Freeman? It's really ridiculous. Now my number is three times more than yours. What do you use to fight?"

Freeman allowed himself to wait for others, constantly compressed and surrounded, seeing the situation on his side getting worse and worse, Xu Qiang was not worried.

"You can rest assured that sooner or later I will cut off your head and honor the previous vow."

"Really? It looks like you are going to die today. If you die, how to fulfill your vow is really ridiculous."

Xu Qiang held a small punch in one hand, and Lenny cooperated with each other to make a way out for his men.

The people who are stepping on the feet don't know how many corpses are there. There are people who have their own and Freeman's. This is how the battle is. The casualties are mutual. Xu Qiang has suppressed his own casualties to a minimum.

Fighting against such a powerful opponent requires huge psychological pressure. Xu Qiang does not want to lose, nor will he lose to Freeman.

"You have no chance!"

Freeman's encirclement has been formed, and he sneered, as if giving Xu Qiang a notice of death.

"Really? I don't think I can die!"

At this time, Xu Qiang saw it, and in the eastern sky, a signal bomb rose.

He knew that it was the master who brought people here. After solving the troubles outside, Duan Zhisheng brought people and came to meet Xu Qiang.

A mercenary team with a number of more than three thousand rushed quickly, and immediately entered Freman's camp, Duan Zhisheng ordered.

"Entering the battle, the combatants split into two parts and attacked Freeman from the side."


A team was divided into two, and soon it went around behind the flame mercenary group and launched an attack behind it.

Before Freeman's subordinates were still worried that someone would launch an attack at this time, Freeman did not take this sentence seriously.

The reminder was immediately fulfilled. As soon as the two mercenary regiments came up, they opened fire, and Xu Qiang and the others, who had already been surrounded, had to give up and fight the attack behind them.

"The rescue is here, our rescue is here!"

"His grandma's old man has been holding back for a long time, kill me!"

"Don't let go of any of them, it's either they or we are dead today!"

The Cold Sword Mercenary Corps, after seeing the rescue at this moment, reported a strong will to fight and raised their guns to fight back.

Fighting the enemy courageously, the encirclement surrounded by them was quickly torn apart by them, and the two should work together inside and out, completely shattering Freeman's intentions.

Xu Qiang smiled slightly. It seems that he was right. The master appeared at the critical moment, and he solved his own dilemma. He also cleaned up Freman. It is estimated that Freman would not have thought that the rescue would arrive so soon. .

Freeman's face was ugly at this moment. The news he had received before was that Xu Qiang's other team was going to deal with those mercenary groups that had joined. At any rate, it was also five mercenary groups.

Even if he is incompetent, he will not solve the battle so quickly, and quickly support Xu Qiang, he calmed his heart.

"Don't panic, we haven't lost yet, give me a hard hit!"

Forcibly calming himself down, Freman once again commanded the battlefield and let his men rearrange their defenses to resist Xu Qiang's attack.


After all, it was in vain. His defenses quickly shattered. From the beginning, Freeman was doomed to fail.

"General, look over there!"

Behind them, two more teams appeared, and these two teams came towards them.

Freeman was overjoyed, and subconsciously thought that this might be his team, which had already solved Rost and was gathering towards him.

"It is our support. I have said this battle. I will not lose."

He laughed happily, but soon his subordinates found out the clues, because the team that rushed over had a flagpole stuck in the front car, and the flag on it was Rost's mercenary group.

"The general is Rost!"


Freeman took the binoculars and saw that the person sitting on the chariot in front was indeed Roster himself, and Roster was not dead.

After getting rid of Freeman's support, Rost brought his own men to kill. How could he not be there in the final battle.

Losing to Le Fremane before became a nightmare in his heart. Today he will witness the failure of this man with his own eyes and the rise of another mercenary group.

"He's alive... Damn knowing that, he should just cut the grass and roots!"

In addition to Rost, there are several other mercenary groups that are coming here. They belong to different teams, but they are all walking together at the moment.

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