Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 4056: Final thoughts

How could Freeman accept the fact that he was defeated, even if he had already lost, he still wanted to maintain his arrogance.

The entire mercenary group regards Freman as a spiritual pillar. If Freman dies, the mercenary group will completely collapse and be removed from the battlefield.

So no matter what happened, these people would not do anything to Freman, nor would they have the intention of going against him. The dead body on the ground was just a very common thing.

At this moment Freman slowly walked forward, every step seemed to make a dull sound, making the people alive present more and more heavy, like a heavy mountain, pressing on them.

Freeman stopped in front of a man. The guns in his hands were trembling, his face was bloody, his eyes were full of fear and panic, and he dared not look at their general.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"General... General, I'm not... I'm not afraid..."

"Hehe, of course you won't be afraid."

Freeman let out a sneer that was unthinkable, and suddenly he pulled out the dagger pinned to the man's waist and pierced it into his chest.

The dagger went through the ribs and through the heart. This member of the mercenary group's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that something like this would happen. He obviously didn't betray the general, so why did the general kill him.

The most basic way to survive is not left to them. They have always treated Freeman as their commander in command, and followed Freeman to death, but ended up like this in the end.

The dagger pulled out blood and spewed from the wound. Freman's face was stained with blood, and the expression on his face became more vicious under the night. He patted the person on the shoulder, and the body fell to the ground weakly.

"You didn't surrender, but I have seen it just now. You plan to put down the gun, so don't blame me for being cruel, you chose the road yourself."

It doesn't work if you have the idea of ​​surrendering, but Freman killed his own people very simply, without procrastinating.

"Listen to me. My mercenary group wants people who would rather die than surrender. Even in this case, your choice is to die in battle, not to surrender with the enemy in exchange for survival."

This is a warning to everyone, if they dare to surrender, the people before that are their fate, and Freman will solve it by himself and send them on the road.

"Who wants to surrender, let me pass the test first, as the general of the mercenary group, I will deal with you traitors."

With such a move by Freeman, who would dare to surrender, even though they are mercenaries who have experienced many battles, they have already forgotten their instincts under this institutionalized management model.

There is only one idea in their minds, and that is to obey orders. What the general is right is right. Wrong decisions and orders are also right at this moment. There is no difference.

More than two hundred people have been deeply surrounded, and Xu Qiang Yi Nianzhiren did not order to shoot. Around these two hundred people, there are thousands of mercenaries, one bullet per person, enough to shoot all the members.

He had seen what Freeman did, and wanted to give these last people a way to survive. Freeman's insistence on going his own way ruined their last chance of survival.

Time is in the past every minute.

The smell of blood on the scene is getting stronger and stronger. Everyone is standing here, waiting for Xu Qiang's order. Whether to kill or keep it is all Xu Qiang's word.

However, such a decision carries a heavy burden for Xu Qiang. He really does not want this battle to increase too many killings. Enough people have died tonight.

Rost came to Xu Qiang's side. He was already single-minded with Xu Qiang and would not have two-mindedness, so after bringing people together, everything obeyed Xu Qiang's command.

"Boss Xu Qiang, don't hesitate, just shoot. You should have seen what Freman did just now."

Obviously, people don't care about their lives or life. Xu Qiang doesn't need to wait here any longer. It's not worth it for these two hundred people.

He hated Freman deeply, so these people must die tonight. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be calmed and revenge for his mercenary group.

"Rost, I know what you think. You are happy to kill them, but tonight, there are more than a thousand dead people. I really don't want to watch this number continue to increase."

Xu Qiang understood Rost's meaning and decided to resolve the final battle quickly so as not to change in the middle.

Rost did not speak. This was indeed his personal thought. Only by killing all these people could he calm down.

"Rost is right. Xu Qiang, you can't hesitate anymore. Don't forget that there is another Sauron. He has been staring secretly, sending out his own eyeliner and paying attention to our movements."

Lenny reminded Xu Qiang that the news came back before. Just when the Lengjian Mercenary Group started to take action, Sauron took a step ahead and had already arranged someone to stay here waiting for Xu Qiang and the others to appear.

Obviously, the news of the previous retreat, although it was scattered through Bart, did not deceive Sauron. Sauron knew exactly what Xu Qiang's intention was. This kind of talent is the most dangerous.

If Sauron suddenly joined the battlefield with his mercenaries at this time, then the situation of the battle would change instantly, and Sauron could spend a very small price to solve two powerful mercenary groups.

"If Sauron does it, our current situation is simply not capable of fighting. I think you should understand this."

Xu Qiang squeezed his fist. Of course he knew this, and wanted to grit his teeth and ordered a direct shot, leaving none of Freman's people behind.

But considering the future impact and the purpose he wanted to achieve, he had to change this approach. After considering it for a long time, Xu Qiang came up with a solution.

He stepped into a chariot, and the others wanted to stop Xu Qiang. Doing so would only make him more visible and become the target of the opponent's kill.

"Don't worry, it's okay, those people in Freeman, the guns are all unstable, not to mention that there are few bullets left in their magazines."

Xu Qiang comforted everyone that he was naturally measured. While he was standing on a high place, Freeman noticed Xu Qiang's actions.

He raised the gun and pointed it at Xu Qiang's chest, and did not shoot directly. He wanted to find out what the **** Xu Qiang was doing this way, or what he had to say.

"Freman, I know your gun is pointed at me, but I have a few words I want to tell you."

"Okay, just tell me if you have anything, I want to hear too, what else can you say."

Freeman's tone is arrogant, completely unlike the tone that a loser should have, this is the real Freeman.

Neither side fired. It is now a truce. The remaining mercenaries on Freeman's side are also pricking their ears, listening to what Xu Qiang wants to say.

"Actually, the battle that broke out between the two mercenary groups today, if you trace the source, it is the grievances between you and me. It has nothing to do with the mercenary group. You should know this better than me."

"Yes, you are right. I knew that you could develop the mercenary group to this level. I should have killed you directly, and there would be no trouble now."

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