Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 4095: It's not your turn to interrupt my business

Xiao Huaizhi only wanted a person to sing a song to relieve his boredom. Such a request was not excessive, and there was no reason to refuse.

Although he was under house arrest here, Xiao Huaizhi was still the Fourth Master here, and the people could not compare with him, and had to agree to the demands made by Xiao Huaizhi at this moment.

The woman was put into Xiao Huaizhi's residence, but the two of them were always around. Xiao Huaizhi's cultivation base was abolished, and it was no different from an ordinary person. Now even the two of them can't beat them.

So there is no need to worry about Xiao Huaizhi's unusual behavior. Soon the woman walked into Xiao Huaizhi's residence and saw the scene in front of her. The room was simply decorated, and her nose was sore.

There are not even a few decent pieces of furniture. The back room only has a bed and a desk. There are a few books on the desk. He is under house arrest here. Xiao Huaizhi sat in a daze on a chair to pass the time by reading a book.

Those identities that were once have now become nothingness. Although these were all he requested, it was a bit too miserable. The woman walked up to Xiao Huaizhi and sobbed a few times.

"Foster father... Hong'er failed to take good care of you and caused you to suffer such a grievance. It is Hong'er's unfilial piety."

Because she likes red clothes and always likes to wear a set of red makeup when singing operas, Xiao Huaizhi named her Hong'er.

Hong'er has no surname, no parents, and she doesn't know who her parents are when she grows up. She has always been raised by Xiao Huaizhi. She treats Xiao Huaizhi as her own father.

Xiao Huaizhi had a lonely heart. After hearing these words, he finally had some warmth. It turned out that in this world, he is not alone, but there is a righteous daughter. Remember to take a look at him at this time.

"Okay, get up, Hong'er. I am a sinner of the Xiao Clan. I deserve to be punished like this. I am very satisfied with my current situation."

"But the foster father is a hero, and he shouldn't be trapped here. Even if he makes a mistake, he just knows to correct the mistake, and he doesn't need to be locked up here for a lifetime."

Hong'er cried and said, she felt heartache when she looked at Xiao Huaizhi's situation. In such a day, it was even worse than a bad guy.

The two people around me treated them as if they hadn't heard these words. They talked about these parents' shortcomings, and they had nothing to do with them, as long as it did not involve sensitive topics.

Xiao Huaizhi helped Hong'er up. Hong'er knew that he couldn't do anything. Even the most basic, begging for his foster father was not qualified.

"Okay, Hong'er, you don't need to blame yourself. Foster father I am very good here. Once people can calm down, they can reflect on their own faults. This is the punishment of others for the foster father, and it is also the foster father himself. ."

Hong'er stood up and personally went to make tea for Xiao Huaizhi. After this time, I don't know when the next time I can serve the master.

After the tea was brewed, it was brought to Xiao Huaizhi. Xiao Huaizhi showed a gratified smile on his face. He grabbed Hong'er's small hand and said earnestly.

"The foster father is very good here. You don't need to worry about it. After you go back this time, you take this jade pendant and go to Xiao Huaili and say that he won't stop you. Leave the Xiao Clan."

Xiao Huaizhi gave his jade pendant to Hong'er. You must know that this jade pendant is only owned by the five of their brothers. The jade pendant has a special meaning.

The two people standing next to Xiao Huaizhi's behavior seemed a bit wrong. How could such a valuable and special meaning be given to such a person casually.

Although she is Xiao Huaizhi's righteous daughter, the real one is just the next one, one step forward.

"Sir, I'm afraid this is not appropriate. This person is not a member of the Xiao Clan. She can't bear such a precious gift as you."

"Yes, Siye, this is against the regulations. Yupei is a symbol of your status. If you give it to outsiders easily, the patriarch knows that he will be angry."

When Xiao Huaizhi listened to this moment, the two of them were trying to persuade him, but they were actually trying to stop him, so he chuckled lightly.

"What I want to do, it's not your turn to teach me, don't forget what your identities are."

A scolding drove the two back to reality. Xiao Huaizhi dared to go against the patriarch at the beginning, indicating that his abilities were extraordinary and he was also a temperamental person.

The repeated patience did not mean that he was really subdued, but that he gave them both a face. If they are still entangled, don't blame him for being rude here.

"I don't have any long items anymore, and give my daughter a valuable item. Does this also require his Xiao Huaili's permission?"


"Even if Xiao Huaili is present today, I don't want to stop me, let alone you two. If you don't want to force me to get angry, just shut up here. I don't like others talking in my ears."

The two were startled. The aura that Xiao Huaizhi had exploded, indeed, what Xiao Huaizhi gave had nothing to do with them, and it was not their turn to intervene.

He had to take a step back and said that he would no longer intervene in this matter. After seeing this result, Xiao Huaizhi snorted coldly, thinking that he had no temper at all.

He personally handed the jade pendant to Hong'er, and asked Hong'er's subordinates. Hong'er originally wanted to resign, but Xiao Huaizhi grabbed her hand and deliberately increased her strength a little bit, she seemed to understand something.

So put away this jade pendant. This will be a very important thing. Xiao Huaizhi is already helpless when he is trapped here. Only she can help and do something.

After seeing Hong'er accepting the jade pendant, Xiao Huaizhi's last thing was done. He leaned back on the chair, as if he had gone back to the past, the vigorous Xiao Huaizhi, the fourth master of the Xiao clan.

"Sing me another tune."

"Hong'er doesn't know what foster father wants to hear."

"Just sing the one I taught you when you were thirteen."

Xiao Huaizhi called the name, and after Hong'er thought for a few seconds, she understood what it meant, and she slightly bent her knees to Xiao Huaizhi.

"Foster father waited a moment, Hong'er went to put on makeup and changed into a costume."

The two saw that there was nothing unusual about the situation, but they did not relax their vigilance and have been paying attention to their actions.

Hong'er went to make-up and changed clothes, and soon returned to Xiao Huaizhi's face. She wore a golden hairpin on her head and red makeup and a pair of satin embroidered shoes on her feet.

Shaking his sleeves and opening his mouth with a crisp voice, he sang very well. Even the two guards, Xiao Huaizhi, listened with great attention.

Ten minutes later, the tune was finished. Xiao Huaizhi put his hands on the table and tapped the table with his fingers. The tune had stopped and he knew Hong'er should go.

This may be the last time he listened to Hong'er sing a tune in his life. The beating fingers stopped and Xiao Huaizhi spoke.

"Okay, let's go. This is a place of right and wrong. My jade pendant can be exchanged for some money to ensure that you have a safe life."

"Foster father..."

Hong'er faced Xiao Huaizhi and cried again. Xiao Huaizhi turned his gaze to other places. He didn't want to see such a scene.

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