Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 995: Dispatch troops

Xiao Yi said, Zhang Bing waved his hand quickly, and such credit cannot be added to him casually, and said to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, what you said is to praise me. If you didn't develop your own business in the village, even I wouldn't have settled now. Let alone now get ten thousand yuan in wages a month, you are the one who counts. Our greatest benefactor."

"Everyone works hard and uses their own hard work in exchange for rewards. There is no such thing as kindness. Zhang Bing, come over, and I have something to tell you."

Xiao Yi said that Zhang Bing handed over the work on site to others to manage. Together with Xiao Yi, he walked towards the field ridge. There was no one else there, and the conversation was easier. ,

After rubbing his hands on his clothes, Zhang Bing is now half a farm name and half a leader. He is also used to this kind of life and never cares about his own image.

In the words of Zhang Bing’s wife, can I just wear it as a meal? In today's society, capable people don't know what they do, even if they are Zhang Bing farming, as long as they can get money, they are good.

"Xiao Yi, do you have anything to tell me?"

Xiao Yi stopped, plucked a blade of grass, and held it in his mouth. What Xiao Yi wanted to talk to Zhang Bing was a more important thing.

"Zhang Bing, I have a more important thing in my hands. I need someone I can trust to help me do it. After all my thoughts, I can think of people. Only you Zhang Bing is the most suitable."

"Xiao Yi, can you say that, this is worthy of me, you can tell me what it is, I will definitely share it for you."

"Remember our last conversation?"

Zhang Bing recalled it in his mind. When Xiao Yi reminded him like this, Zhang Bing immediately remembered and knew what Xiao Yi wanted to say.

"Xiao Yi, don't you talk about planting tea?"

"Yes, it seems you have always taken it to heart."

Xiao Yi said that what Zhang Bing was about to talk about was indeed about growing vegetables. Now that the tea garden has been contracted, the next step is to realize the cause of growing tea.

But in front of Xiao Yi, there are two more important issues. The first is the technical aspect. Xiao Yi will try to solve this. The second is that the tea garden is in a foreign country, not by his side, a completely strange place. , It is a little troublesome to manage.

If you talk about using local people, some problems will inevitably arise. What Xiao Yi thinks of is to find a few reliable people to manage the tea garden, and learn the techniques of growing tea by the way. The only suitable candidate is Zhang Bing. , Xiao Yi did not expect other people.

"Of course I have always remembered this matter. I thought you had forgotten the tea planting matter. Xiao Yi, did you contract your tea garden?"

Zhang Bing said that Zhang Bing was the one who proposed to grow tea, so Zhang Bing has been paying attention to this matter. The profit of growing tea is too great. If it is done well, it can completely surpass growing vegetables.

"Yes, it has been contracted. It is on the boundary of City S. I am not at ease because I am in a different place. I want to let someone of my own go over and make things happen in the tea garden. Zhang Bing, if you think you If I don’t want to go, I can find someone else."

Xiao Yi said that Zhang Bing worked well locally, and if he was transferred to another place, Xiao Yi worried that Zhang Bing would have complaints in his heart, so he put the words first.

He always followed his personal wishes. If Zhang Bing didn't want to go, Xiao Yi would not force Zhang Bing, and just change someone else. Of course, in Xiao Yi's heart, Zhang Bing was the most suitable.

"Xiao Yi, what are you talking about? Since you have already decided so, then I can just do what you said. City S is not far from here, and I do need a few acquaintances outside to manage the tea garden. "

"Yes, there is still a big trouble in the work in the tea garden. I will tell you in advance that there is a relatively large force in the local area. They also grow tea. This is equivalent to giving their eyelids underground Like an opponent, the opponent will never allow it, and the tea garden will continue to develop like this."

Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing said that Xiao Yi remembered the events of the day clearly. The power of that family was deeply rooted in the local area, that is, Xiao Yi and Han Bing. They could be suppressed at that time. Once the two of them leave, they will definitely come. make trouble.

At this point, Xiao Yi had already determined in his heart, so if Zhang Bing brought people there, he would encounter some troubles, and those people would not be good.

"You mean, someone is going to fight the tea garden?"

"This is just my guess now. Of course, I also hope in my heart that nothing will go wrong, so this time I want to send a few people over with you."


Zhang Bing asked, Xiao Yi had already had a conclusion in his mind about who to let over, and no one was appropriate except this person.

"Wang Sheng from Sihai Bar."

Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing said that the local forces were nothing more than finding some mobs, and Wang Sheng was different.

Having contacted Wang Sheng, Xiao Yi knew very well that Wang Sheng still had a bit of skill in his hand. Let Wang Sheng help Zhang Bing. Wang Sheng would definitely be happy to go."

Zhang Bing heard Wang Sheng's name and knew who Xiao Yi was talking about. Because of Xiao Yi, Zhang Bing also came into contact with Wang Sheng and paused.

"If this person goes with him, it is indeed very suitable, but the premise is that this person is willing to go, I know this Wang Sheng is not an easy person to invite."

Xiao Yi laughed, thinking that Zhang Bing was worried about this. Now Wang Sheng, if he tells him about this, Wang Sheng must be very happy to go, because in Wang Sheng's heart, Xiao Yi is completely Become a big brother.

"I'll do Wang Sheng's work. You can go back to find a few more capable workers and take them to the tea garden. When the work in the tea garden stabilizes, you can come back from the tea garden at that time."

"Then it's settled, I'll go back and prepare, and I will contact you when I am ready."

Zhang Bingdao, if Wang Sheng followed with him, Zhang Bing had a certain amount of confidence in his heart. Wang Sheng was still very famous in the local area and could hold the ground.

After the tea garden was settled down, that was to solve a problem, it was enough for Xiao Yi to find time to find Wang Sheng. At this time, street light poles were erected around the vegetable field.

"Oh, you also got high technology."

Xiao Yi saw that there was a black board hanging on the street lamp. This should be a solar panel. Now this kind of thing has been widely used in society.

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