Freelance Artist

Chapter 107 Continuous lottery draw and novel release

"Considering the dark writing style of Buyehou, I am more inclined to this Jieyou grocery store. It is a mysterious killer organization. They can't solve problems in the conventional sense, but they can solve some people."


"What a big brain hole."

"The so-called Jieyou grocery store is a killer organization?"

"Then the name of this killer organization is quite literary."

"After the killer kills the mission target, the employer's worries will be relieved, so Bu Yehou deliberately named the new book "The Grocery Store for Relief of Worry" to create such a strong sense of contrast. The title is confusing!"

Someone in the academy speculated.

Bu Yehou's dark, repressed and perverted style of writing has been deeply ingrained in everyone's impressions, and it won't be easily changed just because this guy once wrote such a story that doesn't seem so dark.

And in the promotion of Nathan Bookstore.

Except for the introduction of the name of Buyehou's new work, there is not a few words about the specific content of the novel. Everyone can only diverge their imaginations based on the title, but no matter how they imagine, no one will really regard "Jieyou Grocery Store" as that kind of peaceful novel. The title is as warm as a healing novel.



This time, those who like Buyehou and the readers who don't like Buyehou reached a consensus very rarely.

at the same time.

Everyone is indeed a little curious about Buyehou's new book. What does the title "Jieyou Grocery Store" mean?

for a while.

The discussion was quite lively.

And Lin Zhibai's home.

At this moment, Lin Zhibai was taking a bath and changing clothes.

It is so grand during the day, with a very ceremonial look, but the reason is actually very simple. Lin Zhibai is about to start a new round of lottery draws. The works drawn before are basically used up, and the ammunition depot must be replenished. .


Lin Zhibai is very heroic in summoning the system. As he gains more and more prestige now, his style of lottery drawing becomes more and more courageous:

"I want five consecutive draws!"

The moment the voice fell, a virtual big turntable appeared in front of Lin Zhibai's eyes. The big turntable was moving, and the pointer stopped again and again. Lin Zhibai also heard five consecutive system prompts!

Ding dong!

[Congratulations to the host for getting the novel "Maliciousness\

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