Freelance Artist

Chapter 111 Emergency Meeting

Time flows through the fingers.

In a blink of an eye, April is over.

When the season chart was locked this month, the song "Huahuo" firmly occupied the first place. This is Baidi's third season chart champion. This achievement is worthy of a few words for any composer. , if Baidi's debut time is included, this result can be blown up directly. Of course, in fact, there are indeed many people who are blowing it up. Some people say that this song took away from the popularity of the finals of "I Am a Singer", because the quality of the song itself lies there.

This is the best rock music in recent years!

And with the end of April, May is finally here. Lin Zhibai has no new song plans this month. As a coward, he should keep a low profile. Besides, it's not like he doesn't have no works this month——

The TV series "Hurricane"!

The promotion of this show started at the end of April, which aroused the curiosity of many people inside and outside the industry. Now that May is coming, Shinhwa Entertainment will soon have a new move, directly announcing the schedule to external officials!

[The TV series "Hurricane" will be aired on May 15th on Shinhwa TV in prime time! 】


There was an uproar in the industry!

It turned out to be Shinhwa TV Station!

It turned out to be a prime time broadcast!

Even some old people in the TV circle exclaimed: "Myth Entertainment is so optimistic about this new drama, is it so important?"


Too strange!

As mentioned earlier, Shinhwa Entertainment produces or produces a large number of TV dramas each year, and even participates in investment.


Often only the works with the highest investment and the most powerful production lineup can be selected by the Shinhwa Group and broadcast on the prime TV station!

But what about the show "Hurricane"?

It is said that the investment cost is 80 million yuan. Of course, this figure is not low for the industry, but this is for companies other than Qinzhou's three major companies. As often happens, 80 million is really nothing.

As for the production lineup?

Director Lin Dong's previous works were all well-received, but the ratings were mediocre.

Needless to say, the screenwriter is Bu Ye Hou, a pure newcomer screenwriter, who wrote novels before, turned into a screenwriter for the first time, and a monk who became a monk halfway.

It is also reliable as the male number one.

The number one male is Qinzhou's first-line star actor, named Yu Ming. This person is very good at playing roles like police officers. There must be no problem with his acting skills. Among Qinzhou's first-line actors, there are not many poor acting skills.

The other actors in the play are very famous.

For example, the name of the other male lead is He Shuwen, he might be the leading villain, the coffee position and Yu Ming are far apart, and he is only a fourth-tier actor, although everyone who knows He Shuwen knows that this guy’s The acting skills are very good, definitely not weaker than the first-line. He is the queen actor of director Lin Dong's previous dramas. It is estimated that he joined the crew with this relationship, but good acting skills must be watched by the audience. This one really can't handle it. Move the ratings!

May I ask why such a drama can be broadcast on the prime time of Shinhwa TV?

"I guess the quality is high enough."

"Just like before, everyone was not optimistic about Nathan's variety show "I Love to Remember the Lyrics", but Nathan insisted on putting it on the prime time of the TV station, because he believed that the variety show can win by quality."

"That's the only reason."

"I'm not very optimistic about this drama, but considering that Kunpeng's previous "I Love to Remember Lyrics" slapped so many people in the face, let's put this aside for now."

"Hahahahahahahaha nothing wrong."

"I think there should be many reasons. One is that the quality of this drama may not be bad, and the other is that Shinhwa Entertainment doesn't have any suitable dramas to be broadcast recently, so we can only choose the bigger one from the dwarfs."

"That's right on point."

"Shihwa Entertainment does have some TV dramas with higher investment and stronger lineup, but they are either being filmed or edited in post-production. This drama is just in time. After all, Shinhwa TV is broadcasting The drama will come to an end on the 14th, there must be a new drama on top, it must be the big one out of the dwarfs, and find a better quality drama from the pending dramas."


"Although Lin Dong is not a big-name TV director, and the popularity of the dramas he shoots is average, there is no problem with word-of-mouth. You don't expect his dramas to be very popular, and at least there will be no problems. Besides, don't forget about Lin Dong. With Dong's identity, his father is the boss of the group, so it's normal to go through the back door occasionally."

There are no secrets in the circle.

Lin Dong is the youngest son of Lin Zhaomu, the chairman of Shinhwa Group. Many people in the circle know about this. Otherwise, everyone would not know so much about the situation of a small director. It’s just that the insiders don’t have a thorough grasp of the information, so it’s taken for granted. He thinks that Lin Zhaomu's youngest son will definitely let the group help open the back door.

all in all.

After such an analysis, everyone felt that it was normal. A little bit of timing and luck, plus a little back door opened by the group, led to this result.

have nothing to say.

This is Shinhwa Group's own business.

There are a lot of big movements in the three majors every year, and the industry just watches the excitement, eats melons, and chats and gossips.


Some people are not only satisfied with eating melons!


One of the three!

Skylight Entertainment!

On this day, the Tianguang TV Department suddenly held a high-level meeting.

The Minister of Television knocked on the table: "I believe everyone already understands the specific situation. Myth TV will broadcast a new drama on the 15th of this month. This drama can only be regarded as a medium level in terms of production lineup and cost investment. , and the ratings of our Tianguang TV station have been suppressed by the Shinhwa TV station this year, maybe the 15th of this month will be our chance to overtake the Shinhwa TV station!"

"I agree."

A senior executive said: "Currently, Shinhwa TV ranks first in the ratings of TV stations in the state, Nathan TV is second, and our Tianguang TV is third. Since Shinhwa TV will broadcast a new drama on the 15th, it has been evaluated by all aspects. The potential threat is not big, so we can seize this opportunity, maybe the average ratings can reach the second or even the first!"

"I agree."

Another senior also spoke.

"Compared with Shinhwa's drama, our new drama "Fuse" has a higher investment cost, the actors are more guaranteed ratings, the director has better performance in the past, and the most important thing is that the screenwriter is better. The other screenwriter is called Buyehou. I've checked, but it's just a new screenwriter, and our screenwriter is Teacher Yanchang, one of Qinzhou's top TV screenwriters!"

"Flying dragon riding on the face."

"Rolling in all directions."

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

The senior executives of the TV department were all smiles. The three major parties have been fighting openly and secretly for many years. As long as one party shows a flaw, the other two will open their mouths and bite without hesitation!

Usually, everyone dare not easily fight with Shinhwa.

The ratings of the TV dramas broadcast at the same time are that if you have more ratings, I will get less. These things ebb and flow. If you don’t have enough confidence, you should keep a low profile, but the new drama that Shinhwa will broadcast this month obviously doesn’t pose much threat Of course, Tianguang made a move when he wanted to.

In a burst of laughter.

The Minister of Television also nodded with a smile and said, "Let's settle the matter like this. If you have any opinions, you can also raise them."

"I have."

The TV minister's side.

A woman spoke softly.

She is about twenty years old, and she seems to be a bit out of place sitting with the group of senior executives in the conference room who are already aged and potbellied, but no one in the conference room dares to underestimate this beauty, who is better than them. The female secretary next to her is even more beautiful.

Su Chan!

Vice Minister of Tianguang TV Department.

Chairman Tianguang's favorite granddaughter.

At the same time, she is also the "eldest princess" of Tianguang who is ridiculed by the outside world.

Became the deputy director of Tianguang TV Department at a young age. Su Chan relied not only on the love of her grandfather and the support of her father who was the general manager of Tianguang, but also on her own ability. She achieved great success in each project, time after time. The wise decision of the crisis...

Facing Su Chan's objection.

The Minister of Television's complexion was not very good-looking, his expression changed slightly, and then he said, "Vice Minister Su has an idea?"

"Everyone is too optimistic."

Su Chan's voice was very cold: "Don't take it for granted that the other party's screenwriter must be incompetent because he is a newcomer. I have read this novel by Bu Ye Hou, and strictly speaking, I am half a fan of him. He is actually a fan in the writer circle. He is also a newcomer, but he is a newcomer who has amazed many readers since his debut, and if you think his script is not good, is Shinhwa willing to invest 80 million yuan to shoot his work?"

"I see."

The Minister of Television narrowed his eyes, "Then let's regard Shinhwa as a strong enough opponent and increase our efforts to promote it. We can't give up this opportunity because of this level of worry, right?"

"I suggest giving up."

Su Chan frowned and said: ""The Fuse" is the most successful drama of Tianguang this year. It shouldn't be studded at this time. This drama will be more effective when it is aired during the Spring Festival. What kind of competitiveness is it, then we can take out the main upcoming drama, and we can also steal their ratings."

Su Chan's meaning is very simple.

This "Fuse" is Tianguang's king bomb. In order to suppress Shinhwa TV, it will be released now, and it will not be able to maximize the benefits.

"Is that so?"

The Minister of Television took a deep breath. The deputy minister had different opinions from the chief minister, and he could not forcibly suppress the other party's opinions.

"Old rules."

He glanced at Su Chan, "Let's vote to decide. Those who agree with Vice Minister Su's opinion will raise their hands first."

The scene is quiet.

After a while.

High-level people raised their hands one after another.

Among the high-level executives who raised their hands, there were even guys who were still talking about using "Fuse" to trip up Shinhwa TV. They were obviously Su Chan's people. head.

"Raise your hand if you agree with me."

The Minister of Television opened his mouth, and as a result, many high-level executives also raised their hands. The Minister of Television counted them, and immediately showed a smile, looked at Su Chan and said:

"Vice Minister Su, I am eight, you are six."

"you win."

Su Chan raised her eyebrows, looked at a secretary and said, "The minutes of the meeting, who agrees and who opposes, must be clearly written."


The secretary nodded quickly.

A look of sullenness flashed across the TV minister's eyes.

But it didn't happen, instead he laughed even louder.

"Vice Minister Su, there is nothing wrong with being cautious, but I think Stud's courage is indispensable at the three major gambling tables."

Su Chan returned silent.

In fact, Su Chan also felt that Tianguang could win, and the Shinhwa drama might be really good, but there was still no chance.

It's just that she thinks:

The cards in Tianguang's hand obviously have a better way of playing, or a more secure way of playing, and aggressiveness is too easy to cause problems.

Added what was missed before.

Considering that this is Wubai's own mistake, I will continue to add updates tomorrow. Thank you again for Shan Jing Hai Juan.

Thanks boss!

By the way, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month, we will start playing monthly pass plus updates next month!

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