Freelance Artist

Chapter 129: Two Gufeng Songs by Baidi!

The company's composer contract will be renewed at the end of the month. It is imminent to become the ace composer of Shinhwa Entertainment and win 50% of the contract. Lin Zhibai must hurry up and customize two new songs with the system. After all, this month One-third of the time has passed, and he has to have enough space to play on the list.

So which two songs will you choose to release?

Lin Zhibai returned to the room and opened the season rankings, glanced at the top ten, and finally fixed his eyes on "Half City Smoke and Sand".


Since Gufeng of Chuci is the number one in this month's season list, then I might as well write two more Gufeng in the name of Baidi!


The quality of these two ancient songs must be guaranteed to break into the top ten of the season rankings, and at the same time not threaten the first place in "Half City Smoke and Sand".

Time is running out.

You can't dismantle your own desk.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai directly summoned the system to customize two ancient songs.

Ding dong.

system hint:

"Congratulations to the host for getting the ancient song "The Beauty"."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ancient song "The World"."

Lin Zhibai quickly received the information of these two songs and gradually understood everything.

This song "Red Face" is Hu Yanbing's early representative work, and it can even be said to be his famous work.

As a very good ancient style song, it has ups and downs in the melody, beautiful and passionate arrangement, and various singing transitions, and the overall sound is very characteristic.

As for "The World" is Zhang Jie's early masterpiece.

In fact, it is also one of Ajie's famous works. The quality is also excellent, majestic and tender.

These two songs are enough.

If the goal is only to break into the top ten of the season standings, it should not be a big problem.

At the same time, these two songs were released this month, and they can't threaten the No. 1 "Half City Smoke and Sand".

Because the song "Half City Smoke and Sand" was released at the beginning of the month, and there was feedback from Gao Xingyue's movie, the accumulated downloads are already very high. In comparison, the two songs of Baidi are of the same quality. It's remarkable, but at least you can't run into the field until the tenth or so. Naturally, you can't catch up with the first place in the season list.

In the case of not much difference in quality and publicity resources.

Whichever song is released earlier will always have an advantage in the charts.

Who will sing these two songs?

Lin Zhibai thought about it and decided to give "The World" to Lin Shouzhuo.

It shouldn't be difficult for Lin Shouzhuo to control, because the difficulty of this song can only be considered moderate, and the most difficult part is actually the rap in the middle.

If it doesn't work, you can find someone else.

And "The Beauty" can only be handed over to Sun Gu.

There are a lot of pitch changes in this song, which is really difficult for ordinary singers to control. The most distinctive feature of Hu Yanbing is his crazy singing style.

Take action!

Lin Zhibai quickly completed the score and distributed it to Lin Shouzhuo and Sun Gu respectively.


Lin Zhibai started to make the accompaniment and arrangement of these two songs, and he wants to release them together on the 10th of this month. If something happens later, it will be embarrassing. Although Lin Zhibai still has a way out, it is to find Zhang Xiyang Emergency rescue.


Lin Shouzhuo was chatting with his mother at home, when he suddenly received news from Lin Zhibai, he instantly became excited.

"Uncle wrote me a song!"

The mother also laughed when she heard the words, "He really likes you. He has already written four songs for you, right? You can't be sorry to him in the future!"

Indeed four.

The first song "Sorrow".

The second song "Someone Like Me".

The third song "Listen".

The fourth song is the current "World".

Lin Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if my uncle asks me to leave Shinhwa, I will never frown!"

"You kid."

The mother scolded, "He asked you to leave Shinhwa for what you did, and Shinhwa was created by his grandfather."

Lin Shouzhuo smiled, then looked at the song and tried to sing.

Just started stumbling.

Later, I gradually became familiar with the melody and sang smoothly.

Mother listened curiously.

"Feng Yan looks for love like waves washing sand, meeting her is like spring water reflecting pear blossoms, slashing the sky with a sword, letting go of love lightly, in my dream I care about it obsessively. The world of mortals is chaotic and never-ending, love is more eternal, love is more gentle like water, who cares who is in charge of the spring and autumn..."

Lin Shouzhuo was a little embarrassed at first.

But seeing his mother listening seriously, he also sang with enthusiasm, and the climax of the chorus of "The World" sounded in the room:

"If you have love in your life, don't be afraid of the wind and sand

Sad white hair can't keep the youth

Throw away the picturesque country and change her smiling face like a flower

Resist the empty worries of this life

If there is no resentment in the heart, love and hate will follow her

There is no end to the road of love between heaven and earth

Just for her to stand in the world..."

finished listening.

Mother nodded and said, "This song is beautiful!"

Lin Shouzhuo smiled and said, "Of course the song written by my uncle has nothing to say. It's still an ancient style song, and rap is incorporated into it. It's a relatively rare treatment in ancient style songs."


The mother suddenly said: "I read on the Internet that there is a person who is the number one person in ancient style. Is that person as powerful as Baidi?"

"that person……"

Lin Shouzhuo's expression became a little weird. He had always suspected that Chu Ci had something to do with his uncle, "It should be about the same..."

He said so.

At this time, Sun Gu suddenly called.

When Lin Shouzhuo connected, he heard Sun Gu's excited voice: "Bracelet Bracelet, Teacher Baidi wrote me a new song. This is a very powerful new song. The style is very similar to "Moonlight", and the quality is not much different. !"

"Wrote to you too?"


"I also received a song called "The World", which is also an ancient style."

"You got it too?"

Sun Gu was stunned for a moment, but Lin Shouzhuo's voice suddenly became serious, "Our mission should be to break into the top ten of the season standings."

"How to say?"

"Because my uncle has already entered the top ten of the season's eight songs. If these two songs can also enter the top ten, then he can get the contract of the ace composer. Don't forget that at the end of this month, the company's composer will change the contract. when."

"Depend on!"

Sun Gu was shocked and said: "You mean that Mr. Baidi wants to challenge the contract of the ace composer!?"


Lin Shouzhuo exclaimed: "For the first time in Shinhwa Entertainment in so many years, a composer has grown directly from a rookie to an ace composer in just one year."

Uncle, that's awesome!

Sun Gu stayed for a long time before speaking again: "Then the two of us can't stretch our hips. As soon as this song is released, we will go out to promote it immediately. We must make sure to win the top ten in the season list. The teacher's new song will also enter the top ten when it is released on the 10th."

"Going to run."

Lin Shouzhuo said seriously: "Make sure everything is safe!"


As Lin Zhibai planned, on the tenth he prepared the accompaniment for the two songs, and then directly pulled Lin Shouzhuo and Sun Gu to record.

don't know why.

Lin Zhibai felt that Bracelet and Sun Gu were a little strangely excited, and their efficiency was also very high, each of them completed the recording work in half a day.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Zhibai greeted the two of them, and took the two recorded songs to his sister Lin Xi's office.

At this moment, Lin Xi was about to leave work.

Seeing Lin Zhibai coming over, he didn't blame him for perfunctoryly saying that he didn't have any new songs in his hand, and he just wanted to listen to the effect.

Listen to "The Beauty" first, and play it directly on the speaker:

"Sword boiled wine is tasteless, drink a cup for whom, you bid farewell to me, you bid farewell to me, the smell of rouge, whether you can love or not, how long is the sky, how far is the earth, you are a hero, you are doomed to have no tears and no regrets, this How dangerous is laughter? How beautiful are these tears? Only you know how ridiculous it is for this heart to live without you..."

Sun Gu's voice is too recognizable.

Especially the climax part is full of his personal characteristics, and people can't help but listen to the wandering mind:

"I don't want a famous name in this life

Just ask for a smile

If this trip can be reincarnated

I am willing to be a cow and horse in the next life

I will also accompany you to the end of the world..."

The last sentence "The End of the World Follows You" has a high and long voice, which is sharp but not harsh, giving people an indescribable feeling.

Did not speak.

Lin Xi then listened to "The World" again.

finished listening.

Lin Xi looked at his younger brother and said four words:

"As expected of you."

Lin Zhibai smiled, "Can you make it into the top ten?"

Lin Xi's eyes flickered, "Although a third of this month has passed, with your current influence, Baidi, and the quality of these two songs, there is no problem in entering the top ten. Sure enough, you said you don't care." , In fact, I still want to touch Chuci in my heart."


Lin Zhibai was puzzled.

Lin Xi smiled and said: "You still pretend to be with me. If you really don't care about Chuci, why would you write two ancient songs?"

Tut tut.

He was not willing to ask Lin Zhibai to write ancient styles before, but now he is willing to write.

I'm afraid that Chuci's rise was too fast, which made my younger brother feel the pressure, and also developed a little competitive spirit?

Lin Zhibai: "..."

In fact, Lin Zhibai really didn't mean that. He just looked at this month's season rankings. Since the first one is his "Half City Smoke and Sand", it means that this month's ancient style has a bonus of popularity. It can be regarded as a little bit of popularity. , to add a little weight to winning the top ten, so I customized two ancient works with the system.

And this kind of behavior fell into the eyes of her sister, and it turned out that she wanted to touch Chu Ci?

If my sister sees it that way, will the outside world also see it that way?

Lin Zhibai couldn't laugh or cry, but there's no need to change the song now, not to mention it's too much trouble, and it will expose the fact that he can produce more songs.

Whatever the outside world thinks.

To put it another way, it would be nice to let Baidi and Chu Ci compete a little bit, which can create a hype effect and make everyone pay more attention to the works published by these two vests...

Think about it.

Lin Zhibai said: "Then can these two ancient songs be published tonight?"

"no problem."

Lin Xi looked at his younger brother dotingly.

"Let's let Chu Ci take a good look at it tonight. Gufeng is also Baidi's best field!"


ps: A small survey, which song do you think is better, "The World" or "The Beauty"? According to your views, I will write the season rankings later.

The guarantee is completed, and you can add more if you eat something.

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