Freelance Artist

Chapter 143 If You Are the One Broadcasts

Perhaps it was Lin Bao's act of assuming that "If You Are the One" would hit the street, which made Lin Liu also look forward to the early broadcast of this program. Of course, the main point of expectation was that Lin Liu wanted to see Kunpeng hit the street as soon as possible, and this Kunpeng's The airing day of the new program was approaching a little bit in her weird anticipation.


Number eleven!

number twelve!

Number thirteen!

Number fourteen!

The day finally came. At 8:20 in the evening, at Lin Zhibai's home, his sister Lin Xi suddenly said, "I remember that Kunpeng's new program seems to be broadcast tonight?"

Lin Shengtian nodded: "Yes."

Lin Xi asked curiously: "The publicity says it's a dating show. You are a variety show professional. Can you tell me if this show can be successful?"

Lin Shengtian smiled and said: "I'm not a god, I haven't seen the specific plan, how do I know if this program can be successful, I can only say that the element of blind date does not mean that it will definitely hit the street, mainly depends on the design of Kunpeng What kind of form does the teacher want to show the specific content of the blind date, and whether it can capture a certain psychology of the audience is the key to the success of the program."

Lin Zhibai interrupted: "If you don't see it, you will know."

Lin Shengtian agreed: "It seems to be aired on Qin Zhou No. 5."

While speaking, Lin Xi had already turned on Qin Zhou's five sets, and just saw the TV station's announcement that the new program "If You Are the One" will be broadcast in five minutes.

at this time.


There are also discussions.

"Kunpeng's new program is about to air!"

"You pay so much attention?"

"I'm just curious about how to make a blind date into a show."

"The Kunpeng planner is very powerful."

"I want to see if this Kunpeng planner is so amazing every time."


"It's started, it's started!"

"The host is Meng Fan!"

"Hahaha, Lao Meng's bald head is really bright!"


In conversation.

The show airs.

It is different from the host of general programs on stage.

The host of this show came down through an elevator, and he greeted the audience at the scene and in front of the TV: "Welcome everyone to watch the large-scale blind date broadcast by Qin Zhou five episodes produced by Blast Media, named after Lanfu Chocolate The show "If You Are the One", I am the host Meng Fan, we will introduce the rules of the show later, first let us give a grand round of applause, and invite twenty-four female guests to come on stage tonight..."

Dynamic music sounded.

The backstage entrance was flickering with lights, and twenty-four young and beautiful female guests came out with smiles on their faces, and finally stood in front of each platform, each with a speaking microphone pinned to it.


"There are so many beauties!"

"Great figure!"

"So these female guests are all here for a blind date. They are all so beautiful, and they still need to go on a blind date show?"

"That's not what it says."

"This is to go on the show to experience the novelty, and secondly, many people's social circles are so big, it doesn't mean that good-looking girls are easy to get out of the singles."


"It was more fun than I thought."

Whether you admit it or not, the twenty-four good-looking female guests are still very attractive to male audiences, especially these female guests have different styles, some are cute, some are sexy, some are cold and some are enthusiastic Some have black silk, some white silk, some have long legs, and some have big...

"Welcome to our twenty-four beautiful girls, please turn on the lights!"

Swish Swish Swish.

In front of the twenty-four female guests, the lights came on.

The host Meng Fan began to introduce the rules: "Our program is divided into several segments, and each segment will allow the male guests to show themselves, and the female guests can turn off the lights if they are not satisfied with the male guests' presentation..."

at home.

Listen to the rules.

Lin Shengtian's eyes brightened, "This design is amazing!"

Lin Xi agreed, "It's fun, no wonder everyone has a button on their desk."

Lin Zhibai didn't speak.

He is already very familiar with these rules.

After the introduction of the rules, the male guest first chooses the girl he likes, and then starts to play.

"Can you feel it..."

The soundtrack of the male guest is very grand, it is an English segment, Blue Star is divided into eight continents, and the local dialect is English, so the audience in Qinzhou did not make a fuss, but it is true that everyone can’t understand English.

"Are you bragging?"

"Hahahahaha sounds like it."

"This seems to be the dialect of Weizhou."

"It sounds pretty good."

"The first male guest is out!"

"It looks very ordinary."


"A female guest turned off the lights!"

"Depend on!"

"Appearance Association, this is it!"

"The male guest hasn't introduced himself yet!"

Just as the male guest showed his face after turning it on, a female guest turned off the light directly.

The host was stunned, "Ma Yu, the female guest on the 11th, what is your reason for turning off the lights?"

Ma Yu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, because the male guest looks so much like a former colleague of mine, I feel weird..."

Everyone laughed.

There is nothing wrong with this reason.

Then comes the normal part.

The program introduces his identity through the VCR filmed in advance by the male guest.

"I'm a programmer. The year before last, I felt that the work was too boring, so I came out to start a business, but this year's business failed... Now I find a relaxed job, and I feel happy every day, without so much pressure..."




Many female guests turned off the lights.

The reason for turning off the lights is naturally related to the failure of the male guest to start a business.

Number three: "I think two people need to have some financial foundation to be together."

No. 8: "My monthly salary is about 10,000 yuan. I don't expect the man to be better than me, but at least he can't be worse than me."


Everyone has their own reasons, some people simply say that it is material reasons, and some people think that the male guest lacks the perseverance to struggle.


The audience watched and discussed.

"Are some female guests too materialistic?"

"I don't think there's any problem. The female guest earns more than 10,000 yuan a month, and you only earn 3,000 yuan a month. It's really hard for those two to get along together."


"I probably understand that some female guests are looking for a rich man, some female guests are looking for someone of a similar level, and some female guests are purely looking for appearance associations."


"Look at the second introduction!"

Just when everyone was discussing heatedly, the second vcr came out.

The male guest smiled in the video: "Our family is lucky. Five houses have been demolished this year..."


"You still play like this?"

"Is it okay to demolish five houses?"

"Brother is hiding it!"

"I looked at the male guest's face again, and I still think he's quite handsome."

This wave is reversed.

Everyone thought that the male guest's financial conditions were not good. As a result, although this man had no ambition, he still had a good life.

The facial expressions of the female guests are also wonderful.

But this is a blind date, and everyone didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Material things don’t mean worshiping money. Isn’t a blind date a matter of looking at each other’s conditions? You are choosing others, and others are also choosing you.

at home.

Lin Xi was also laughing.

Lin Shengtian didn't laugh, he said in admiration: "There are more hot spots in this show than I imagined. Social topics like demolition will be involved. As long as the show team finds male guests with different styles, it will make the audience more happy." Understand the characteristics of men in different occupations..."

that's all.

After a few rounds of pulling.

The male guests hold hands successfully.

When the music started, the girl turned out to be his heartbeat girl. When the two held hands, the music started: "Even if the heavy rain makes this city fall, I will hug you..."

"It's a little love song!"

"Chu Ci!"

"It's so sweet to play this song here!"

"This program is much more interesting than I expected!"

"Blind dates were boring at first, but when a male guest went on blind dates with so many female guests at the same time, it instantly became interesting."

"It's a bit like fighting monsters and breaking through levels?"

"When I saw that the male guest still had three lamps at the end, I actually felt a sense of accomplishment. Think carefully about what it has to do with me."

"Kunpeng planner has something!"

"The bald-headed emotional expert is also very funny to talk to. He is quite intelligent and has studied psychology."

There is an emotional expert on the show.

The host will consult the emotional expert based on the interaction between the male and female guests on the field, and the other party can always give some insightful insights.



There are also many people watching the show at this time.

"I go!"

"It turns out that this is a form of blind date. This mode is very well designed. Let the host bring male guests, and use several video clips to introduce themselves one after another, including the general situation of personality, occupation, and economy. During this process, the female guests You can get to know the male guest more and more, and if you feel dissatisfied at any point in the middle, just turn off the light."

"The designer of Kunpeng is too good at grasping the psychology of the audience!"

"In the blind date process, women often pay the most attention to men's points: appearance, financial strength, and conversation, but in "If You Are the One", the female guests are more direct and decisive. The appearance of the male guest is the first hurdle for judging, which is very real , authenticity means down-to-earth.”

"Maybe this show can become popular?"

"It's not good to say now, but it seems to be pretty good after looking at it."

"This is the kind of program that I probably wouldn't specifically pursue, but I can enjoy watching it once in a while."

"Is that similar to "I Love to Remember the Lyrics"?"

"It's kind of like that."

"I feel that it is not as lively as "I Love to Remember the Lyrics", and the popularity is definitely not as high as that of Memorizing the Lyrics."

"Lets see."

With the success of the first guest holding hands.

The second male guest appeared.

The second male guest exclaimed as soon as he appeared on the scene.

Because this male guest is very handsome!

A bit like the handsome starlet of fresh meat!

The female guests have different styles?

The same seems to be true of the male guests!

As for the fact that the male guest is so handsome, do we still need a blind date?

Most people who watch "If You Are the One" don't think about this kind of question, they are more concerned about the reactions of the female guests than thinking about everyone...



There were two female guests whose lights went out.

All the audience was full of question marks.

No updates were added yesterday, this is the second guaranteed update

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