Freelance Artist

Chapter 163 Baidi Creates Linliu (3900 votes plus update)

Lin Zhibai listened to the system introduction and said that "Song of Shaking Onions" seemed to be sung in Finnish.

Blue Star is divided into eight continents, with English, Japanese, Korean and other dialects, but absolutely no Finnish!

However, Lin Zhibai thinks it doesn’t matter whether there is Finnish here, because when this song was popular in our country, everyone couldn’t understand what she was singing at all, but felt that the melody and rhythm were too right, it was just magic and brainwashing , Excellent music is like this, like or dislike sometimes has nothing to do with whether you understand or not.

Divine Comedy!

These two words are the most intuitive evaluation of this song by Chinese netizens. Isn’t this kind of song that is completely incomprehensible but magically brainwashed and even makes people laugh is a divine comedy, so Lin Zhibai didn’t expect the Blue Star people to understand it. , anyway, the demonic brainwashing will be over after following the hi.

All right.

Not to mention the Blue Stars, Lin Zhibai himself can't understand it, but it's true that he really likes this song. As for whether this song can be selected, Lin Zhibai is not sure. After all, the opponent is Father Qu. If this didn't squeeze out the father Qu behind Lin Liu, Chu Ci would really roll up his sleeves and go up to the front of the person. At worst, he would go straight to the Chinese style. Can Xiaolin Liuqi poop on his head?

the other side.

Myth entertainment.

Virtual idol department.

After a heated discussion, the director of the virtual idol department waved his hand, "Then it's decided, let's use this song and immediately notify the third and tenth departments of the results!"


Myth entertainment music ten.

Lin Xi was walking back and forth in the office.

She has already posted Lin Zhibai's song. Before listening to "Song of Scallions", she didn't have any expectations, but after listening to it, she felt...

Maybe it will work?

It's just because the song "Song of Shaking Onions" is so weird that Lin Xi, a professional music department director, doesn't know how to evaluate it.


the phone is ringing.

Lin Xi connected.

"Thank you, Minister Lin Xi, and teacher Baidi for writing this song. We decided to make it as soon as possible and release this song in November!"

Lin Xi was taken aback.

Immediately ecstasy!

The song is done!

My younger brother actually defeated Qu Dad Wei Qianxiang in this internal competition! !


Three parts of music.

Lin Liu is also waiting for the result. Wei Qianxiang's song was sent to the virtual idol department by herself, but compared to Lin Xi, Lin Liu is very calm at the moment, drinking champagne leisurely.

The deputy director asked: "Aren't you worried?"

Lin Liu smiled, "What are you worried about? Baidi defeated Qu Dawei and Wei Qianxiang? If Baidi has the ability, I'll drink the water to wash his feet!"

The deputy director laughed.

At this time, the deputy director's cell phone rang.

The deputy director answered the phone, then his hand suddenly shook, and the phone dropped directly.


The phone screen is broken.

Lin Liu was taken aback, "You..."

The deputy director couldn't care less about the phone, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "They used Baidi's song."

Lin Liu froze for a moment.

As if he had just drank a stomach full of footwashing water, his face turned extremely ugly, "Are you sure you heard it right!?"


The deputy director wanted to bend down to pick up the phone.

Lin Liu kicked away the phone with the broken screen, "Call Wei Qianxiang immediately and tell him what happened!"


The deputy director looked at the mobile phone that was kicked to the corner and almost shattered into two pieces, how do I make this call?


In fact, Lin Liu didn't have to worry about it.

After all, it was Qu Daddy's song that was rejected, and the head of the Virtual Idol Department personally called Wei Qianxiang.

"Sorry, Teacher Wei Qianxiang, your songs are very good, but in terms of the style of the works, Baidi's works are more suitable."


The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "I know Bai Di, let me listen to his song."


The head of the virtual idol department hesitated for a moment, but agreed: "Okay."

After all, the other party is Qu's father, or the mythical Qu's father, so there is no need to worry about the leak of the sound source. He sent "Song of Shaking Onion" to the other party.

And the other party played it directly in the room.

A few minutes later.

Wei Qianxiang said: "Is this the real two-dimensional?"

The director of the virtual idol department said seriously: "There is no standard definition of the second dimension, but it is correct for this style."

"Not to mention, this song is really good."

Wei Qianxiang suddenly laughed, "Huan Te Niang is very energetic."

The director of the Virtual Idol Department was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. It is said that Wei Qianxiang has a bad temper, so he was worried that his refusal would anger the other party, but he did not expect the other party to be angry.

"Baidi, right?

"This kid is more open than me."

Wei Qianxiang commented before hanging up the phone.


Myth various company groups.

Everyone is talking about company gossip.

"I heard that the virtual idol department has made a decision."

"Whose song was chosen?"

"of course!"

"It must be Wei Qianxiang."

"Although I admire Baidi's courage, courage can't be eaten as food. The other party is Qu's father after all. Besides, Baidi doesn't seem to be very familiar with the two-dimensional music style. Maybe he has some unique skills in this area. I can barely touch Father Qu."

"Teacher Baidi is already very powerful."

"Bai Di is young after all, maybe he can meet Father Qu in the future, after all, his current grades are also very scary."

"I rely on it!"

"Just received the news, a buddy from the virtual department said that Baidi's song was selected, and Teacher Wei Qianxiang's song was not used!"



"Baidi defeated Wei Qianxiang?"

Everyone in the company who saw this gossip was shocked, and everyone felt deeply incredible!


at home.

Lin Zhibai received the message.

The elder sister's voice was extremely excited: "You shocked the whole company today! No one expected that you would win against Wei Qianxiang in this internal competition! That is a Qu Dae, a genuine Qu Dae, the master of Qinzhou Symphony Orchestra One of them! Hahahaha, you didn't see Lin Liu's face, I went to her department for a while, and this woman's face turned green!"


Lin Zhibai breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Liu, right? It's the same for you when I put on the white emperor's little vest to create death.

If Baidi doesn't push Wei Qianxiang out in this wave, then Chu Ci will have to fight against the combination of Father Qu and Lin Yiyi, and the odds are really slim.

Father Qu rarely made a move.

Because my father no longer likes the songs on the season charts, and the occasional song is just out of interest, or every year during the Spring Festival Gala, I write songs to improve my sense of existence, so after this time, for a long time, Lin Zhibai There should be no need to worry about Chu Ci running into Wei Qianxiang.

Meet again later?

When Chu Ci has enough popularity bonus, with Wang Zha's songs, even if he encounters a combination of Qu Dad and Song Wang or Song Queen, he should be able to play.


The outside world does not know about the internal affairs of the myth. The fact that Baidi defeated Wei Qianxiang should be spread in a small circle as gossip in the future, but Lin Zhibai feels that it is actually the case. He doesn't think he is powerful. He was bragging about "I am the White Emperor", but he knew in his heart that he was cheating, and one had to be self-aware.

Father Qu is the real thing.

Besides, Wei Qianxiang is not familiar with the second dimension, and it is rare to end up writing a song, probably because of the entertainment mentality of playing tickets.

It can only be said that Wei Qianxiang may have a little understanding of the second dimension.

Professional players often overturn their cars in the hands of passers-by.

Then when it comes to the arena, don't those anchors who broadcast all kinds of random killings be beaten by professional players and can only double row with the defense tower?

But Lin Yiyi's incident inspired Lin Zhibai a bit.

"Virtual idol..."

Or make yourself a virtual idol?


Virtual idols are not that simple, not only good songs, but also derivative works such as animation and games.

Although Lin Zhibai can do it, he feels that it is too troublesome. Now he is very busy, and he has no energy to do too troublesome things.

"Another way of thinking, Chuci can show people with a virtual image!"

This is much simpler.

Just like Jiaran in the previous life.


Who is Jiaran?

Forget it doesn't matter, anyway, the general idea is that it is not convenient for Lin Zhibai to show Chu Ci's face, so he can make an avatar for Chu Ci.

Technically no problem.

Lin Zhibai can use Chuci's avatar to create commercial value.

For example, live broadcast?

As long as the voice is changed during the live broadcast, and the face of the real person is replaced by an avatar, is it feasible?

But the live broadcast in this world doesn't seem to be popular.

In the previous life, it was only when Douyu and the like appeared that the live broadcast platform became popular.

Or open a live broadcast section on Kunpeng Video, and then use the vest of Chu Ci to go on stage, and personally detonate the live broadcast fever?

The content of the live broadcast is just singing, chatting and making up a little gossip about Kunpeng.

Seemingly a feasible solution, Lin Zhibai made a rough plan in his mind.

Don't the Big Three monopolize the entertainment industry?

Then let the live broadcast become popular by yourself, provide the grassroots with a channel to become an Internet celebrity, and break into the encirclement of the three major monopolies!


After Shinhwa Entertainment confirmed that Lin Yiyi had adopted Baidi's "Song of Shaking Onions", they released the news that night.

"Teacher Baidi's new song for Yiyi will be released in November!"

As soon as the news came out.

Immediately aroused great attention!

Lin Yiyi's fans were even more excited:

"It's finally here!"

"Lin Yiyi's annual new song!"

"I am Miss Yiyi's dog."

"What's Yiyi eating today?"

"Yiyi, my Yiyi!"

"Holding Yiyi's pillow is beautiful."

"Is Baidi the one who wrote the song for Yiyi this time?"

"Isn't there a rumor that Wei Qianxiang will write a new song for Yiyi?"

"How did you become the White Emperor?"

"Bai Di is not bad, I like it."

"But Wei Qianxiang is Father Qu. Father Qu must be stronger than Emperor Bai. Does Shinhwa want to abuse us Yiyi!"

"We Yiyi fans are very strict!"

"Whether Baidi or Qu Dae Wei Qianxiang, do they understand the second dimension?"

The song Baidi wrote before has nothing to do with the second dimension. Lin Yiyi's fans are all beating in their hearts. Can this person really write a song suitable for Lin Yiyi?

If it wasn't for the addition of the leader to delay my progress, it is estimated that the addition of the monthly ticket has been tied at this moment. You understand what I mean.

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