Freelance Artist

Chapter 166 The Divine Comedy Patriarch

In the music department of Nathan Entertainment, many people in the work group are still awake at this point, waiting for Shinhwa Entertainment to create a new song for virtual idol Lin Yiyi.

Nathan also has a virtual idol, but what he did was not as successful as 011.

This made Nathan's music department look forward to something wrong with 011 every day.


"Lin Yiyi's new song!"

"I'm listening."

"It doesn't seem to be a problem, the prelude melody is quite cheerful."

"It's just that the title of the song is a bit wrong."

"Swing the onion song?"

"What the hell are you throwing onions?"

As soon as the song came out, many people on Nathan's side clicked on it and chatted while listening.


After a few seconds.

With the main song sounded.

The group chat suddenly exploded!

Everyone who heard the verse had weird expressions.


At the same time, Daqun from the Tianguang Music Department was also dumbfounded!


"What is this?"

"What lyrics are these?"

"Why can't I understand a word?"

"Damn it, this song was written by Baidi!?"

"This is……"

"This shit is a divine comedy!"

Originally, I was wondering if Baidi understood the second dimension, but after listening to this new song, Baidi knew more than the second dimension, maybe this guy is a senior nerd, the kind who can't get out of the second dimension world every day!


Lin Liu's home.


Lin Liu's expression changed as a notification sounded. She followed Baidi on the player platform. This was the notification that the other party released a new song.

Turn on the phone.

Following the prompt link and clicking on it, Lin Liu saw the name of the new song written by Bai Di for Lin Yiyi.

"Swing the onion song?"

It was twelve o'clock in the morning.

Lin Liu's heart tightened slightly, took a deep breath, and clicked on the song.

Song Name: Shake Onion Song

Lyricist: Baidi

Composer: Bai Di

The song information was displayed in front of Lin Liu's eyes, and the music played at the same time.

A few minutes later.

Lin Liu was stunned.

There was only magical brainwashing music playing in her ears one after another, as if laughing at how stupid her certain expectations were.

Is this the song that defeated Wei Qianxiang?

Kawaii...two-dimensional...a push from above...

Lin Liu is unwilling to admit how clever the composition of this song is. Anyway, she is also one of the directors of the music department, and she still has some unique insights into music, but there is one thing Lin Liu must admit:

This song matches Lin Yiyi really well!

There seems to be a terrible chemical reaction between this pairing!

"Trash song!"

Lin Liu cursed angrily, and immediately turned off the music.

Holding on to this point with certain expectations, it turned out to be the result of such a chicken thief. Lin Liu's mood was extremely bad, and she lay on the bed and closed her eyes and began to sleep.


I tossed and turned tonight and couldn’t fall asleep. It was obvious that Lin Liu was too sleepy before. It seemed that a switch of a music player was installed in his mind, and a singing voice was looping: “Ala Cha Cha La Li La Li La Ba Li Gang Ding Gondine Gondoba Baal Baal Baal Baal Baali Lili..."

cycle all night.

Can't sleep all night.

This song will become one of Lin Liu's most hated songs.


University dormitory.

A certain college student hunches under the quilt, wears earphones, listens to music, and chats with his ambiguous partner on Fetion.

chatting chatting.

He gave a big yawn.

Look at the time is already twelve thirty-five.

The music around my ears is still around, and they are all songs that are recommended by the music player and played randomly. This is a good way to listen to songs. If you find a good song, you can download it and save it. If you don’t like it, just skip to the next one. Of course, most of the songs are relatively mediocre, neither good nor bad, even if occasionally some songs are good, it seems that they are not enough to make him willing to download, after all, it costs one yuan to download a song. .

And at this moment.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong with the singing in his ear: "...Sting Ding Gang Ding ah Baling Gang Ding Gang Ding Ah Luo Wa Ba Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Falling Ah Lu Wa Ling Gang Ling Gang Ding Gang Do Da Da Da da da da toot toot toot toot..."

What's the situation?

He was stunned, almost thinking that there was something wrong with the player.

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses. There was nothing wrong with the player, and this song was like this.

Click on the title of the song, "Song of Shaking Onions"?

What an amazing song, he downloaded the song while complaining in his heart, and shared it with the ambiguous partner who was chatting:

"Hahaha, this song is dying of laughter!"



"Lin Yiyi, I like her so much!"

"Oh, I know, the virtual idol of myth..."

He is not a two-dimensional person, and he doesn't pay much attention to virtual idols, but he has heard of Lin Yiyi's name, but Lin Yiyi's previous songs, he thinks, are not so magical.

It sounds pretty good.

So why is the second dimension so interesting?


Lin Yiyi fan group.

"...Ala Cha Cha Rally Rally Rally La Ba Li Gang Ding Gang Din Gondo Ba Li Ba Li Ba Li Ba Li Ba Li Li Li Li Li..."

Song is playing.

All Lin Yiyi's fans were watching the lyrics beating with dull eyes.


The eyes were fixed on the column of the songwriter "Bai Di".


"What? The composer Baidi's lyrics are also Baidi?"

"Is something wrong with Baidi, or something wrong with our princess?"

"Is this a song that can be written by a human being? Is this a word that can be sung by a human?"

"It's really too special..."

"It's so cute!!!!!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I want to give birth to monkeys for Yiyi!"

"Yiyi sang a feeling that my mother didn't take medicine today, but she still feels cute!"

"Quick, write Baidi into the family tree!"

"This song even feels like a two-dimensional ape to me."

"I've been brainwashed. During the loop, I tried to learn the lyrics, but only Ada Ada was left to speak."



Many people also paid attention to "Song of Shaking Onions". After all, Baidi is already very famous now, and Lin Yiyi is the number one superstar in the second dimension. The popularity is not weaker than that of the queen of singers. Of course, everyone pays attention to the new song of these two collaborations.

"I sprayed!"

"Have you listened to Baidi's new song?"

"After listening to it, I laughed so hard. I suspect that Bai Di is ill. If he is ill, he can write this kind of song?"

"Hahahaha, Baidi has let himself go!"

"Divine Comedy, this is so special!"

"Laughing pee, the more I listen, the more confused I am!"

"Playing and playing and playing and playing, I actually feel that although I can't understand this song, the melody is really magical, and it feels good. Before, I couldn't understand where Lin Yiyi's charm is. Today, I can feel it and embrace the second dimension. , virtual idols will never roll over!"

"Teacher Baidi, it's time to take medicine!"

"It's amazing, and the two-dimensional songs are also played so well. Bai Di has really implemented the four characters of changing styles to the extreme!"

With the support of fans.

Netizens laughed.

The number of downloads of Lin Yiyi's new songs has been rising steadily, and "Song of Shaking Onion" officially ranked first in the season chart.



The news came out.

"Bai Di's first attempt at two-dimensional song creation! "

"Swinging onion song is on fire! "

"Lin Yiyi won the first place in the season list! "

"Two Dimensional Victory! "

"Netizens shouted: Teacher Baidi should take medicine! "

"Lin Yiyi fans collectively thank Baidi! "

"Song of Shaking Onion: The most magical and brainwashing song in history is born!" "

"Divine Comedy: Song of Shaking Onions!" "

The media directly gave "Song of Shaking Onion" the title of Divine Comedy. This is what netizens meant. No one thought there was anything wrong with it.

There is no doubt that.

This song is already on fire!


Regarding the popularity of this song, the most intuitive expression is that Lin Zhibai has gained countless fans on the Aurora platform.

Three hundred and forty million!

Three and a half million!

3.6 million!

At night, Lin Zhibai's fan attention had broken through to four million!

The comment area is very lively:

"Lin Yiyi fans come to report!"

"Add one upstairs!"

"Thanks to Teacher Baidi for writing "Song of Shaking Onions" for Yiyi!"

"Welcome Teacher Baidi to write new songs for Yiyi in the future!"

"I'm a fan, I like this kind of musician who is good at creating two-dimensional songs!"

"After listening to "Song of Shaking Onion", I realized that Teacher Baidi also has such a spoof side."

"I've been completely brainwashed by "Song of Shaking Onion"!"

"Bai Di is so skinny."

The benefits of successfully cooperating with Lin Yiyi were reflected. Seeing the breakthrough of four million followers, Lin Zhibai smiled.


This song is indeed too magical, so magical that everyone is no longer satisfied with just listening to the song.

The same night at the beginning of this month.

There are fans of Lin Yiyi on the Internet who used "Song of Scallions" as the background music to make a magical video.

The content of the video is actually very simple.

It is Lin Yiyi's cartoon image, shaking a green onion in his hand, and then matched with the background music of "Song of Shaking Onion", the picture and sound have a very high repetition rate and a strong sense of rhythm.

Don't worry about copyright.

Because this video is free to watch, it does not involve copyright issues. Shinhwa just forbids the outside world to use Lin Yiyi's image for commercial purposes without authorization. Besides, netizens are just doing it. It is not close for Shinhwa to send a lawyer's letter for this matter Favor.

The result was absolutely unexpected.

This video went viral!

Lin Zhibai couldn't help but laugh after watching the video. Unexpectedly, "Song of Shaking Onion" not only became the first generation of divine comedy, but even ghost and animal videos appeared. People in the second dimension fell in love with Baidi because of this.


Lin Zhibai suddenly felt that something was wrong. Bai Di had already become the originator of Blue Star's Divine Comedy, so wouldn't he also become Blue Star's originator of ghosts and animals?


Is my Baidi's compulsion going to be ruined by divine comedy and ghosts?

never mind.

The bluestar 2D market is quite huge, and the popularity is the most important thing compared to the competition. There is no need for me to have any burdens, as long as everyone is happy.

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