Freelance Artist

Chapter 176 Lin Zhaomu

"It's winter vacation, why don't you come back?"

On November 20th, Lin Zhibai received a call from his mother, who seemed a little upset because Lin Zhibai was already on winter vacation, but still lived in Shuiyuntian.

"I'll be back now."

Lin Zhibai did not dare to confront his mother.

Living in Shuiyuntian Villa is mainly for the convenience of live broadcasting.

However, Chu Ci does not need to broadcast live for the time being. After all, Lin Zhibai is different from those real anchors. He does not rely on live broadcasts for a living, and it is impossible for Liyu Live to require him to broadcast a full number of hours every month. Li said yes, at worst, he will come over when Chuci needs to be broadcast live again.

"Nah, because at the end of this month..."

My mother's voice gradually became softer, "I have to go to Xicheng Manor at the end of the month, the old man celebrates his birthday, and our family will have to go there then."

The old man is celebrating his birthday?

Lin Zhibai is silent, every time he hears "Xicheng Manor", it can bring back bad memories for him.

"Xiao Hei..." Mom's voice was a little weak.

Lin Zhibai didn't want to worry his mother, so he asked, "The 30th day of the month?"

Mom hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, the birthday banquet starts at 9:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm, and there will be a family banquet in the evening..."

Mom said carefully.

"Then let's go." Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "After all, you said this last year."

Mom laughed dryly.

Lin Zhibai returned to the East Lake Villa that night.

Unexpectedly, it was also this night that Jiang Cheng suddenly called, "Boss, I have received an invitation letter from Shinhwa Group."


Lin Zhibai asked: "Invitation for the birthday banquet of the chairman of Shinhwa Group?"


"Then you come, I will go when the time comes."

Lin Zhibai was not too surprised. Kunpeng is now in full swing. It has successfully continued to take over the video website, and recently invested in the live broadcast field with great success.

As the representative of Kunpeng.

Jiang Cheng is already qualified to enter the highest-level birthday banquet in Qinzhou's entertainment industry.

"Okay, what do I need to do then?"

"No, you can do whatever you want, it should be quite lively then."

Jiang Cheng still knew his boss better now, and he clearly heard that the boss was not very interested.

Maybe it's not just a lack of interest.

There seemed to be some mockery in the boss's voice, as well as some inexplicable emotions.

This situation is rare.

The boss in Jiangcheng's impression had never shown such emotions.

It seems that the rumors are true. It is said that the boss was bullied by a group of cousins ​​a few years ago, causing serious head injuries. The actions of Lin Gong, Lin Liu and others...

Take a deep breath.

Jiang Cheng said, "Boss, I heard some rumors about you."

"It's not bad." Lin Zhibai seemed to know what Jiang Cheng wanted to say. The other party had contacted many people in the circle, so it was normal to hear this gossip.

"I see."

The king worries about the labor of his ministers, and the king humiliates his ministers to death.

Jiang Cheng knew who gave him everything he had.

His eyes danced slightly, Kunpeng would make those people pay the price.


The news that Lin Zhaomu, chairman of Shinhwa Group, will hold a birthday banquet is limited to the industry, and not much is known to the outside world.

In the entire Qinzhou entertainment circle, those who are qualified to participate in this birthday banquet must be the most powerful people in Qinzhou's capital circle.

At this time, the West City Manor.

In an antique study room.

An old man was splashing ink.

After a while, eight curving and vigorous characters appeared on the white paper placed on the table:

"Chen Li is on the list, and those who can't be stopped."

The old man was calm and majestic, not tall but yue zhiyuan, with deep nasolabial folds on his face, and a pair of old and deep eyes behind the lens.

"Secretary Jin."

After writing this line, the old man's deep and powerful voice sounded: "This picture is framed and hung in front of the family banquet hall."

"I see."

Secretary Jin is 50 years old this year and has been working with the elderly for more than 20 years.

And the old man who can order Secretary Jin to do things is naturally the owner of Xicheng Manor and even the entire Shinhwa Group.

Lin Zhaomu.

Not long after, a servant entered the door, and the calligraphy was taken away.

Secretary Jin looked at those words and roughly felt some of the chairman's psychology.

Lin Zhaomu took off his glasses and placed them neatly on the table, even the cloth of the glasses was folded meticulously, and he spoke again between movements:

"Tell me, what's new recently."

"There is a problem with a certain fruit drink brand that Lin Gong is in charge of, but the impact is not too big, but Lin Liu's side has a serious problem."

Secretary Jin reported Lin Liu's situation in detail.

Lin Zhaomu listened to Secretary Jin's report with no expression of joy or anger. Most of the time, the old man had a serious expression.

"A few days ago, she asked the singer under the department to compete with Zhang Xiyang for the Spring Festival Gala..."

"Zhang Xiyang, I remember, my little grandson wrote several songs for him, right?"

"That's right, Young Master Bai seems to appreciate this singer very much, and the company's evaluation also believes that Zhang Xiyang is expected to become the king of singers next year."

"That kid...does he still hate me?"

When Lin Zhaomu spoke, the emotion in his voice was strange for the first time.

Secretary Jin sighed inwardly, and said with a smile: "How could Young Master Bai hate you? He has been smart since he was a child, and knows your difficulties."

"I know."

Lin Zhaomu said: "He has resentment in his heart, otherwise he would not have come to see me for so many years. From the second generation to the third generation of the Lin family, everyone is trying to please me, but their father and son. He didn't even step into the gate of this manor."

"Young Master Bai is hurt..."

"Isn't it better? I haven't seen him come to see me anymore. He's just like his dad, he's full of heart, but he's much better than his dad..."

Secretary Jin was silent.

Lin Zhaomu walked slowly to the window, picked up a pair of scissors beside him, and carefully trimmed the branches and leaves.

"This potted plant grows well, but these branches and leaves should be trimmed, and they must be trimmed, otherwise it will destroy the overall beauty."

Secretary Jin seemed to understand Lin Zhaomu's implication.

"There are a few vacancies within the group, look..."

"Give her another chance."

When he cut a certain branch, Lin Zhaomu paused slightly, "If you can't win the Spring Festival Gala, let her be the supervisor."


Secretary Jin nodded respectfully, and then said with a smile: "However, before I have time to tell you, Zhang Xiyang got another new song from Young Master Bai."


Lin Zhaomu actually smiled, although the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, "My little grandson is very productive."

"Young Master Bai is a genius." Secretary Jin praised him.

When Secretary Jin first entered the West City Manor, he watched the chairman's grandchildren grow up little by little.

The most mischievous and sensible third generation of the Lin family may be the only child who treats himself as an elder rather than a servant.

"This child, the left brain was injured at the beginning."


"His musical talent was not bad as a child, but only a general talent."

Lin Zhaomu said thoughtfully: "I heard a friend in the medical field say such a theory that geniuses have super memory, imagination and innovation, as well as inspiration and intuition. Most of these abilities come from the right brain. So the right brain is also known as the genius brain, and there is a possibility that an injury to the left brain will stimulate the development of the right brain..."

Secretary Jin was stunned, "Does the chairman think so?"

Lin Zhaomu said: "This should be the most reasonable explanation. A kid who is still in his sophomore year, who doesn't know much about music, has the potential of Qu Dad."


Secretary Jin was also very surprised when he found out about the young master's achievements in the music industry, but he was just an accident, and the chairman tried to find out the reason and the causal relationship.

"Probably not."

Lin Zhaomu put down the scissors and sat down on the chair. He was a bit old, and his legs and feet would feel uncomfortable after standing for a long time. "After all, this child has been much better than his peers since he was a child, just like that little girl named Su Chan in Tianguang."

Mention Su Chan.

Lin Zhaomu seemed to think of something, "She doesn't like Xiao Gong, so she rejected the marriage, right?"

Secretary Jin said: "Well, but if the chairman insists, of course this marriage can be made..."

"Secretary Jin."

Lin Zhaomu waved his hand, and his voice seemed a little tired, "Press the junior's head and let him marry someone. My father did it to me once, and I did it to Lin Dong once. The results were not very good, or let it go."


Secretary Jin was tactful and didn't say much.

But maybe it's really because he's getting older, and his personality is not so cold and hard.

At the beginning, the chairman was furious when he disobeyed Lin Dong's youngest son——


Lin Dong has reached the age of marriage, the son of a wealthy family, and a female star who debuted in an idol drama and fell in love.

It doesn't matter.

When he was young, the son of a wealthy family had a bit of a flirtatious spirit in the world, and it was no problem to fall in love with a female star.

But who knows.

When Lin Zhaomu asked Lin Dong to marry a well-matched lady, Lin Dong actually refused, and he insisted on marrying that female star.

Don't miss you, do you have to marry an actor?

Lin Zhaomu was naturally extremely annoyed, and directly removed Lin Dong from his position in the company.

Lin Dong didn't care, and just froze with Lin Zhaomu.

In the end, Lin Dong succeeded, and he married the female star.

And that female star is Lin Zhibai's mother.

It's just that this confrontation also made Lin Zhaomu very disappointed in Lin Dong, so he didn't care about him anymore.

It wasn't until the female star gave birth to two sons that the relationship between the father and son eased slightly.

But then Lin Zhibai was injured, Lin Dong went crazy in Xicheng Manor, and the relationship between father and son fell to freezing point again. Even the little grandson that Lin Zhaomu liked very much had opinions on him.

And this time.

The chairman held a birthday banquet.

Since Lin Dong's family is willing to come over, the chairman seems to have turned his back on those past events. Maybe it will be a turning point in some relationships?

Secretary Jin couldn't help thinking.


ps: The 70th birthday is changed to the 80th birthday, because if the old man is 70 years old, many people's ages are a little bit wrong, and 80 years old will be more reasonable.

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