Freelance Artist

Chapter 183 The Divine Comedy of the Spring Festival Gala

on the stage.

The backup dancers turned out to be a group of people dancing lions!

Today, Zhang Xiyang was wearing a stylish silver-white gown, standing in front of the lion dance team, humming along with the melody:

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah~"

With a smile on his face, he held the microphone in one hand and rested his other hand on it in a gesture of blessing.

"I congratulate you on getting rich

I congratulate you wonderful

best please come

bad please go away

It’s not surprising that there are so many people~~~~~”

The high-pitched voice, cheerful melody and catchy singing voice made everyone feel a strong Spring Festival atmosphere in an instant. This song does not require any superb singing skills. Every line of the lyrics is so simple. After all, who celebrates the Spring Festival Sometimes I don’t talk about the blessings of the four words "Gong Xi Fa Cai". Everyone likes the meaning of this good fortune, and I feel that this song has an indescribable atmosphere!

But Zhang Xiyang didn't seem to be affected by public opinion.

When he sang songs, there was a smile on his face, full of sincerity and blessings!

Hand over ceremony.

Bend slightly.

There was applause at the scene.

Zhang Xiyang looked at the girls in the auditorium.

"I wish girls all over the world to marry a good boy and they will be together forever!"

under the lens.

A few girls blushed and clapped desperately. The lyrics are talking about them, marrying a good boy or something, which girl doesn't want to!


Zhang Xiyang looked at the children below the stage.

"I wish the children all over the world are smarter than talented, and your IQ fills your head!"


In the camera, the child is smiling innocently, and the elders next to him are stroking the child's forehead, which is very helpful. If you want to please these elders and praise their sons and grandchildren, it is definitely the most effective!

And then.

Zhang Xiyang looked at the older audience in front of him.

"I wish my respected aunt won't lose her breath in the thirty-six laps of the race!"

Ha ha.

The audience of these aunts' age couldn't stop smiling. Zhang Xiyang's age, matched with this song, is quite a bit like a master's killer!

It's not just the teacher.

Zhang Xiyang looked at several middle-aged and elderly male audiences who were farther in front.

"I wish my third uncle's business will be famous all over the world, with good fortune and prosperity, and live in a luxury house!"

The middle-aged and elderly audience who are really old enough to be Zhang Xiyang’s uncle also laughed. Who doesn’t like to hear these auspicious words during the Chinese New Year? Besides, they still call themselves the third uncle. It doesn’t matter whether he is the third eldest in the family, and the fun is over. !

"Big swing ~ big swing ~"

"Letian will help you eliminate disasters~"

"Congratulations on getting rich~You have to shout boldly~"

"May you be happy and prosperous!!!"

Zhang Xiyang shouted loudly, and the audience immediately applauded like thunder. This shout is indeed heroic enough. The audience loves this song to death. This is the song with the strongest atmosphere during the Spring Festival. The "New Year's Taste"!


Sioux City.

a certain family.

"Wow! This song is great! Zhang Xiyang is so handsome!"

"Ah, Zhang Xiyang seems to have the aura of a superstar, and I'm in love with him!"

"No wonder he beat Zhang Yunshang!"

"It doesn't matter whether the singer is the king or not, anyway, I like this song!"

"Seeing the Spring Festival Gala now, this show is the best!"

"It's really old-fashioned."



a certain family.

"This is the quality of songs that the Spring Festival Gala should have!"

"My wife!"

"Come and listen!"

"You must like this song!"

"Third uncle, hahaha, I wish you a prosperous business!"

"It's a coincidence, I'm really your third uncle."



"This is Baidi's new song!"

"I wipe!"

"Bai Di is so awesome!"

"This song is really invincible!"

"No wonder Zhang Yunshang didn't grab a solo!"

"Zhang Xiyang has this song, why should Zhang Yunshang grab it!"


on TV.

The singing continued.

"I wish everyone smiles often and pours love into tomorrow, we are even better!"

This is the Qinzhou Spring Festival Gala!

Naturally, it is necessary to step on other continents!

Our Qinzhou is even stronger!

"I wish you can run faster than that trapeze man on the world stage and produce talents every year!"

Nothing wrong!

This time, even the relevant leaders at the Spring Festival Gala were all smiling!

Everyone likes this kind of lyrics. The various competitions in Blue Star's continents are very fierce. Qin Zhou just wants to run faster than anyone else on the world stage!


Lin Zhibai's family.

Listening to the "Congratulations on getting rich" that kept ringing on the TV, my mother smiled from ear to ear, and directly took out the red envelope.

"One per person!"

Lin Xi received a red envelope.

Lin Zhibai received a red envelope.

Lin Shengtian received a red envelope.

Lin Dong looked at his wife, "Where's mine?"

The TV sings, 'Best ones come here, bad ones go away...'

"go away."

When the lyrics sounded, my mother smiled and said: "Being my own child too!"


The same scene played out in every household.


"Gong Xi Fa Cai, bring the red envelope!"

"Hahahaha, this song is to remind us that the elders will give red envelopes to the younger generation!"

"Grandpa, let me kowtow to you!"



"Receive the red envelope!"

The singing on the TV, "Gong Xi Fa Cai must be loud enough to shout".


on the phone.

"Second Uncle, I'll see you tomorrow!"


"I bought you a case of wine."

"It's fine if people come."

"Haha, haven't you watched the Spring Festival Gala? This song is well sung. No wonder there are so many people there!"


The singing on the TV was very loud, 'I congratulate you on getting rich, I congratulate you on being wonderful, please come here for the best ones, please go away for the bad ones, come back again if you are so polite! '


Twice the chorus.

Three times the chorus.

Finally this song is over!

Zhang Xiyang finally yelled "Gong Xi Fa Cai" before he walked off the stage. Huge applause erupted from the audience!

"This song is exciting!"

"Congratulations on getting rich, I can sing!"

"Hahaha, I said earlier that Baidi's "Song of Shaking Onions" is a divine comedy, but I think this is the real divine comedy!"

"Spring Festival Gala Divine Comedy."

"I will listen to this song every year from now on!"

"Go back and download it."

"This song should not be released publicly until twelve o'clock, right?"

"It's okay."

"Watch the New Year's Eve tonight, wait until twelve o'clock!"


The song is over, but the heat is not over!

On hot search.

The topic about # Gong Xi Fa Cai # suddenly came up!

top ten!

top five!

Top three!

Finally rushed to the first place!

The Spring Festival Gala is a perverted audience with too many ratings. As long as you perform well on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the trending searches will be arranged clearly!


Because there are a lot of programs in the Spring Festival Gala, the number one most searched tonight keeps changing. It is estimated that this hot search will be suppressed when there are some exciting programs later.


There was a lot of discussion.

"This is a good song for the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Bai Di is really all-powerful!"

"I used to feel that Baidi was very strong, even more powerful than Chuci, but after watching Chuci's live broadcast some time ago, I felt that Chuci was stronger than Baidi, but tonight's song, I began to feel that Baidi... "


"Repeatedly jump!"

"These two are actually pretty similar!"


Zhang Xiyang fan group.

"I can't help crying, Teacher Baidi yyds!"


"Where is the shady scene!"

"Isn't it normal to kill Zhang Yunshang with this song!"

"I'm so grateful to Teacher Baidi, without his song, maybe we Zhang Xiyang would have no hope of singing solo!"

"It's comfortable now!"

"Are the fans on Zhang Yunshang still shouting!"

Zhang Xiyang's fans are overwhelmingly fond of Baidi!


Zhang Yunshang's fans stopped screaming, and the singer's fan group was a little silent.

It took a long time before anyone spoke.

"What the hell, isn't it just relying on Baidi?"

"Without the song Baidi, how could he perform so well?"

"that is."

"Without Baidi, Zhang Xiyang still doesn't know where he's going in the street. He's confused."

"That what."

"Don't be sour, don't singers rely half on themselves and half on composers, otherwise why is Father Qu's status so high?"

"Where are you from!"

No matter how unwilling to admit it, I must admit that this song is really good.

Usually it takes time for new songs to be accepted by the audience, but "Gong Xi Fa Cai" is not the kind of song that needs to be listened to many times before people can get it.

Especially during the Spring Festival.

Such a song, as long as it is sung, will be accepted by everyone immediately!



"Now the truth is out."

"Zhang Xiyang won against Zhang Yunshang by himself."

"White Emperor!"

"This song almost crushes other songs in this Spring Festival Gala."

"It is estimated that when Zhang Yunshang competed, he was directly crushed by this song."

"This is the Divine Comedy of the Spring Festival Gala."

"Wait, you said this song is on the season chart, will it kill Qu Daddy..."


Everyone was stunned.

Almost forgot about this big thing!

That's right, this song was released on the Spring Festival Gala, so it was to join the rhythm of the January season list, and the January season list is recognized as the group of death!

Battle of the gods!

In the battle of the gods in previous years, it was those fathers of songs and queens of songs who fought against each other!

But this year's "Gong Xi Fa Cai" can be called the Divine Comedy of the Spring Festival Gala. Although Zhang Xiyang is not the king of singers, he is infinitely close to that position. This time he and Bai Di joined forces, will they be able to reach the top in the battle of the gods? ?



Netizens also reacted.

"Why do I feel that this song is about to explode?"

"This song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" is invincible in line with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival!"

"But this Spring Festival Gala, there are still three songs by Father Qu..."

"The songs of those three song daddies are very good, but they can't stand the universality of this song!"

"Didn't you find it?"

"This song is like a family movie. I like it, my mother likes it, and even my grandparents like it. What kind of concept is this? The audience includes all age groups!"

This is the scary thing about "Gong Xi Fa Cai"!

Because on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there are very few programs that can be liked by everyone!

Especially the songs.

If the style is too young, the young people like it and the old people don't; if the style is too old-fashioned, the old people like the young people but don't feel it.

The degree of this is difficult to grasp.

However, the songs composed by the other three song daddies are excellent, and the singers are all singers and singers, but they are not this kind of family carnival works for all ages, unlike "Gong Xi Fa Cai", which can be enjoyed by both refined and popular.

With the blessing of the Spring Festival Gala...

Baidi wants to reach the top in the battle of the gods! ?

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