Freelance Artist

Chapter 187 My Chuci did not open (5900 votes plus updates)

"Chu Ci will broadcast live at 8 o'clock tomorrow night?"

Lin Hu quickly got the news, and his brows immediately frowned into the word "Chuan".

Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock is the day when the Shinhwa live broadcast platform will be launched, and Lin Hu has been promoting it for a long time.

With the endorsement of the myth, this new live broadcast platform has attracted a lot of attention.

But Chuci wanted to start the live broadcast at the same time. Isn't this clearly competing with the Shinhwa live broadcast platform for viewers?

"Not much."

The attendant next to Lin Hu said: "Chuci's live broadcast will last for a few hours at most, and it will temporarily pull our audience over. When his live broadcast is over, viewers who are interested in our platform will still come back."

"The impact is not big, but Kunpeng sniped me like this..."

Lin Hu was very upset, very upset. He was full of ambitions and wanted to make some achievements on the Shinhwa live broadcast platform.

As a result, Kunpeng sent Chu Ci to attack him as soon as he came up!

"Is there any countermeasure?" he asked the follower.

The attendant said thoughtfully: "Chu Ci's live broadcast is popular because he can compose songs live..."

"I listened to those songs!"

Lin Hu sneered and said: "It can't be created on the spot, it must have used some tricks, don't forget that the Liyu platform has Kunpeng's investment, and Chu Ci is from Kunpeng, barrage screenshots and so on, technically want to do it. It's not difficult!"

"There is indeed such a saying on the Internet." The attendant nodded.

The live creation of Chu Ci's live broadcast is so amazing that many people don't believe it.

Moreover, Kunpeng Investment is the major shareholder of the Liyu live broadcast platform, and Chu Ci is one of the three pillars of Kunpeng.

It is also possible that the carp live broadcast platform cooperated with Chuci to make a play. This kind of conspiracy theory is very popular on the Internet.

"It's just a marketing gimmick."

Lin Hu said lightly: "As long as you prepare the songs in advance and find three nurses, you can complete this set of operations. What kind of shit geniuses are all packaged. I have seen all kinds of fancy tricks in this circle. Carp Live broadcast is Kunpeng’s domain, and Kunpeng’s people can play whatever they want.”

"Then I have an idea."

The attendant had an idea, "I just have to pay a price."

"you say!"

"You can give him some super hot rewards during the live broadcast of Chu Ci."

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Hu said angrily: "He sniped at me, and I went over to reward him with Chaohuo!"


The attendant hurriedly said: "After rewarding Chaohuo, let him create on the spot! Doesn't he like looking for babysitters, we are not babysitters!"

"you mean……"

Lin Hu's eyes lit up, "I exchanged high rewards for the right to speak, and then asked him to create on the spot to expose his true colors!"


The attendant laughed and said, "Chu Ci will definitely be held back by then. If he ignores your request, it means he has a guilty conscience!"

"You're so clever!" Lin Hu patted his servant on the shoulder.

The attendant smiled and said, "Then I'll register an account for you!"

"Need not."

Lin Hu waved his hand, "I have an account, and I live the live broadcast of Liyu Sansao... Cough, in order to know the opponent in advance, I occasionally watch Liyu's live broadcast!"

"I see."

The servant smiled obscenely, "I'll find someone to bring the rhythm!"

"Yes, take his rhythm hard!"

Lin Hu also laughed, it is true that the carp is Kunpeng's territory, but they must have never imagined that they would play such a trick!

As long as Chu Ci's lies are exposed, the carp live broadcast will be hit hard!

Isn't the opportunity for Shinhwa's live broadcast to come?


Of course Lin Zhibai didn't know Lin Hu's thoughts, even if he knew Lin Zhibai didn't care, he would even welcome him warmly, who doesn't like people who give him money?

the next day.

Lin Zhibai went to Shuiyuntian.

Liyu platform Chuci live broadcast room.

Before eight o'clock, the barrage was already buzzing.

"It hasn't started yet."

"I'm in a hurry!"

"I don't know what song Chu Ci will sing today."

"I want to see him continue to play live creation!"

"You guys really believe in creating something on the spot?"

"No problem, random barrage screenshots can't be cheated."

"you are too young."

"Don't forget that Kunpeng is the major shareholder of Carp!"

"It's not difficult for Carp to cooperate with Chuci to find some tricks, right?"

"After all, Chu Ci is one of Kunpeng's three pillars."

"It's nothing more than something a technician can do with a little help."

"is that so?"

"I believe that Chu Ci did not cheat!"

"Last time the live broadcast was too popular, so there were more sunspots."

Fans of Chu Ci certainly believed in idols, but some passers-by were affected by such remarks, wondering if Chu Ci's live creation was true, or did the Liyu platform help him cheat and find a child care provider?

that's all.

in a minute.

Two minutes later.

Three minutes later.

Eight o'clock finally came!

The Chu Ci live broadcast room is officially opened!

Everyone saw the avatar of Chu Ci in the live broadcast room again.

The last time I saw some people, I still felt unaccustomed to it, but this time I saw it again, not only did I get used to it, but I even felt a sense of intimacy.

In everyone's minds, this virtual image was gradually linked more and more closely with Chu Ci himself.

"happy New Year everyone!"

Lin Zhibai started the live broadcast for the second time, and he became more and more used to this state. When he came up, he sent New Year greetings to the audience, "I am Chu Ci who sees flowers and sees flowers when everyone sees flowers and sees cars with flat tires."

"Show face!"


"It's very skinny."

"Everyone loves flowers and it's okay to see flowers bloom. Then I'll stay away from you when I'm driving."

"Chu Ci's talking is really fun."

These words of Lin Zhibai's car wheel were already rotten in the previous life, but people in this world are not familiar with them, so they are still fresh.

Some viewers started tipping.

But most of them are small rewards.

Some people asked how Chu Ci live broadcast was going to be played today.

Lin Zhibai glanced at the number of viewers, it was 8.3 million now, and he felt pretty good, then he looked at the barrage and said: "Today, let's start checking the room first, and everyone will know how to play it soon."


Lin Zhibai clicked on a game anchor first.

This game anchor is called [Sima Zhu], the most popular game anchor on the Liyu platform, and the other party is playing a classic gun battle game.

Lin Zhibai played this game when he was a child.

Didn't realize this game is still on fire.

It can be said to be the hottest gun game at the moment.

It seems a bit like "Cross Fire" in the previous life?

Sima Zhu's skills are very good, one shot a child, playing very fascinated.

"Chu Ci rounds the room!"

"Chu Ci is here!"

"Chu Ci, Chu Ci, Chu Ci!"

In Sima Zhu's live broadcast room, people began to post barrage, and they were all fans of Chu Ci.


When Sima Zhu was playing the game, he would watch the barrage from time to time. Now he has gradually understood the gameplay of the live broadcast.


A large number of barrages of "Chu Ci ward rounds" appeared.

Sima Zhu was taken aback for a moment, and then became excited. Chu Ci is the king of carp live streaming!

Being rounded up by Chu Ci is definitely a great joy for the anchor!

Take mimi, one of the carp three shows, for example.

If Chuci hadn't checked Mimi's room before the end of the first live broadcast and had attracted her a lot of traffic, she might have risen as well, but it would never have risen so fast!

Even the term "ward rounds" was invented by Chuci.


Chu Ci checked his room, he was extremely excited, and immediately shouted: "Teacher Chu Ci, I am your fan!"

The game just ended.

Sima Zhu didn't start the next game directly, he is a very good at making things happen, so he naturally wants to seize the rare opportunity.

"Does Teacher Chu Ci play this game?"

Sima Zhu took the initiative to invite: "We can have a gang together, and I'll be your dog!"

Sima Pig's fans all laughed.

"Depend on!"

"Sima Zhu, you're so moral!"

"Hahahaha, it's okay to be a dog."

"Too licking dog!"

"No, this is obviously pig licking!"


And just after Sima Zhu sent out the invitation, he suddenly received a Lianmai invitation, which is a voice function specially developed by the platform for anchors.

Lianmai: Ci from Chu!

Sima Zhu's heart beat faster, and he quickly connected to the voice-connected mic, and when he came up, he couldn't stop talking: "Mr. Chu Ci, I like you so much! I can sing all your songs, has it ever snowed on the Broken Bridge..."

Sima Zhu actually sang loudly.

Lin Zhibai listened to it for five seconds, and then said in an affirmative tone: "You sang very well, don't sing next time."


"What a loss!"

"Chu Ci's little mouth is quite vicious!"

"I really thought he could boast against his conscience."

"As a result, I said, don't sing next time."

Sima Zhu also laughed.

Lin Zhibai said, "Have you watched my live broadcast?"

Sima Zhu immediately said: "I've seen it! I'm really your fan!"

Speaking of which, Sima Zhu went to Chuci's live broadcast room and tipped five super fires.

Lin Zhibai was silent for a moment, and said: "From the first moment I saw you super hot, I knew I was committed to you as a friend."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Teacher Chu Ci is too funny!"

"You don't have to be moral!"

"I never thought that integrity would disappear."

"Why is Chu Ci talking so amusingly?"

Sima Zhu was excited, and was about to say something more, but he heard Chu Ci say again: "Since you are so enthusiastic, then I have nothing to return, or tell me what song you want to hear."

Sima Zhu was taken aback, "Can I order a song? Teacher Chuci will compose it on the spot?"

Lin Zhibai gave a "hmm", it seems that Sima Zhu was not lying, he really watched his last live broadcast.

Swish Swish Swish!

As soon as this word comes out!

There are barrages!

"Come here! He's started!"

"My favorite part of the live creation of Chuci!"

"This time, let other anchors order songs directly!"

"Sima Zhu quickly come up with a super difficult question!"

The audience booed.

Sima Zhu was shocked. He had indeed watched the live broadcast of Chu Ci, and he really liked Chu Ci's songs.

But he always thought that the last live broadcast of Chu Ci, the so-called on-site creation was to find a babysitter in advance, and it was said on the Internet.

Sima Zhu also felt that this possibility was very high.

But Sima Zhu didn't expect that Chu Ci would connect with him and give him a chance to order a song!

Could it be that the three songs in Chuci in the previous issue were really composed on the spot! ?

After all, I am not a babysitter!

"Are you sure?"

Sima Pig was a little cautious.

Lin Zhibai confirmed: "I will create on the spot according to your request."

Some people on the Internet are skeptical.

Of course Lin Zhibai also saw it, so he wanted to use the mouths of these anchors to prove to himself that he didn't find a babysitter.

This was the reason why he directly chose to connect with Sima Zhu.

The other party is the most popular anchor in the game area.

Sima Zhu can prove it!

I, Chuci, didn't hang up!

Right, system?

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