Freelance Artist

Chapter 198: Kunpeng's Explosive Style

"Did you watch "Conquer" last night?"

"Looked at it!"


"Liu Huaqiang is so ruthless!"

"I'll eat the whole watermelon tonight, and we'll eat it together in the dormitory."

"I have shades of watermelon now..."

"Depend on!"


"Give you a chance, you are useless!"

"What if you want to feed me raw melon seeds?"

The above conversation took place on campus. Lin Zhibai sat in the classroom and heard a lot of discussions about "Conquer". The students seemed to be very enthusiastic about the plot last night.

It seems that this show is really popular.

Of course, the ratings of this drama have not been bad since it aired.

While the students were playing around with each other, a student suddenly said, "Have you seen the trending topic this morning? I laughed so hard!"

"What hot search?"

"Just Gao Qiqiang and Liu Huaqiang."

"Isn't Liu Huaqiang buying melons, Gao Qiqiang is selling fish, and then netizens said that the two of them got together and made an idiom called strong buying and strong selling."


"God is so strong in buying and selling!"

"And this still photo is really fun!"

The talking buddy went online and found a photo that was very popular today for comparison.

The picture on the left is Gao Qiqiang riding a broken electric car, and the picture on the right is Liu Huaqiang riding a broken electric car.

Same electric car.

The laughter of the students suddenly became louder.

As for the students who haven't watched the show, they couldn't help being curious. After asking a few questions, they thought about taking time to watch "Conquer" at night.

Liu Huaqiang has formed a topic effect.

Once the topic effect is formed, it can affect more and more people.


the next day.

The ratings of the TV series "Conquer" officially broke the fourth without any surprise, and it has entered the ranks of popular dramas!

Also this day.

Skylight TV has a meeting.

Many people in the meeting room are excited!

"Broken four!"

"Our Tianguang hasn't produced such a blockbuster drama for several years!"

"The ratings of Shinhwa's idol drama were affected by us, and it almost didn't drop by 2% last night!"

"Hahahaha, tell them to snipe us, who will snipe whom?"

"Last year's revenge is finally avenged this year!"

"Hehehe, because Buyehou is on our Tianguang side this time!"

"That saying in the industry still makes sense."

"What words?"

"Whoever wins the Kunpeng wins the world!"

"Kunpeng's Nightless Marquis has made a lot of contributions, but the success of our drama is also inseparable from Minister Su's wise and powerful leadership!"

Somebody started sycophating.

Su Chan was also in a very good mood. She was already optimistic about this drama and knew that it might be a hit, but she didn't expect this drama to be such a big hit, and it could really compete with "Hurricane"!

And bring the power of this great victory.

Su Chan has gained a firm foothold in the TV department.

Looking at some of the silent executives in the meeting room, Su Chan suddenly knocked on the table and said, "The success of "Conquer" is inseparable from everyone's cooperation, but I am very dissatisfied with some people's recent work. Several personnel changes will be announced..."

Someone in the TV department dissatisfied with Su Chan.

After all, Su Chan is young and has not been in office for long.

There are still some nails left by the former minister in the department.

Su Chan didn't want to touch them before, but now that she has enough prestige, she will naturally pull out all these nails and completely eliminate the former minister's influence on the TV department!

After several personnel changes in succession.

Some people cheered, some turned pale, but no one resisted. Su Chan led the production of the show "Conquer", and now the ratings are a big success again. The company will not say anything about making some adjustments in personnel.

Performance is Su Chan's greatest confidence!

After the meeting, Su Chan breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile. Thanks to the popularity of the show "Conquer", she finally completely controlled the Tianguang TV department!

This made Su Chan more and more sure:

Going on the Kunpeng ship is an extremely correct choice!


the other side.

Nathan Entertainment.

The same is the TV department.

Yin Dongnuan obviously felt that the attitude of his colleagues in the department had changed.

It seems that he is pleasing himself.

Even the Minister of TV talked to Yin Dongnuan.

"Dong Nuan, you still have "The Temptation of Going Home" created by Kunpeng Buyehou, right?"

Last year, "Hurricane" was a huge success.

This year "Conquer" has become a hit again.

Under such circumstances, the industry has become more and more aware of the horror of Kunpeng Everlasting Hou, and Nathan has therefore increased his emphasis on the drama "The Temptation of Going Home".

Because this is also the script of Bu Yehou!

Yin Dongnuan said: "This show was signed by Kunpeng and I on behalf of Jiangcheng. It took me a lot of energy including filming and production..."

"I know."

The minister smiled and said, "I plan to make an exception and promote you as a supervisor, but when this show will be broadcast, how about I decide?"

"Thank you Minister!"

Yin Dongnuan immediately became excited, but then said: "As far as I know, Bu Yehou still has a script in Shinhwa's hands, we don't want to fight with that play, otherwise Kunpeng will be unhappy..."


The Minister of Television said: "I've done some research, and the drama that Shinhwa and Kunpeng collaborated on is called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and it's about martial arts."


The Minister of Television assured: "I won't let "The Temptation of Going Home" compete with that show, but after you are promoted to supervisor, you have to continue to build a good relationship with Kunpeng. I'm talking about a long-term cooperative relationship..."

"I will."

That's the impact of Conquer's success.

The performance of this drama made Minister Nathan's jealous eyes turn green!

Fortunately, Yin Dongnuan of Nathan's TV department holds "The Temptation of Going Home", which is also the work of Kunpeng Buyehou.

In the past, the TV minister didn't pay enough attention to this drama, but seeing the brilliant ratings of "Conquer", Nathan, the chief minister, became more active.


at the same time.

Myth Productions.

Lin Xia was a little upset.

The ratings of Shinhwa's "My Lady Queen" started off okay.

But with the popularity of "Conquer", the viewership share of this drama has obviously declined, and many viewers have been attracted by that drama.

God knows how the gangster drama can grab the handicap of the idol drama!

But this is the characteristic of blockbusters. No matter what the subject matter is, as long as it becomes a blockbuster, it will be greatly affected at the same time.

In other words:

Lin Xia made a very wrong decision, which affected his prestige in the production department.

What makes Lin Xia's face even more ugly is that half of the people in the production department are now licking Zhao Lei's ass!

Because Zhao Lei has "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by Kunpeng Buyehou!

The most unacceptable thing for Lin Xia is that the group headquarters has ordered Zhao Lei to be promoted to the deputy director of the production department!

Because everyone in the circle knew that the relationship between Zhao Lei and Kunpeng representing Jiangcheng was very good.

The group hopes that Zhao Lei can represent Shinhwa, and continue to step up cooperation with Kunpeng in TV dramas.

After all, Kunpeng Buyehou has created two hit dramas!


"Congratulations to Minister Zhao for his promotion!"

"Minister Zhao can take more care of me in the future!"

"Minister Zhao, "Legend of the Condor Heroes" is still being filmed, there should be some characters that haven't been finalized yet, right?"

"I have someone here to recommend..."

After becoming the deputy director of the production department, Zhao Lei was proud of himself, and many people in the company came to flatter him.

Face flattery.

Zhao Lei waved his hands modestly and said, "What is Minister Zhao? I am the deputy, and Minister Lin Xia is the boss of our production department."

Everyone laughed secretly, who doesn't know that you are eyeing Lin Xia's position.

But who would have thought that Zhao Lei was only the third in command of the production department two years ago, and now he has become the second in command, and has a certain amount of real power, and there is already a point in the production department that can fight against Lin Xia capital……

Everything comes from Kunpeng.

I don't know what's going on.

When others in the production department approached that Jiang Cheng to cooperate, Jiang Cheng simply ignored him.

Only Zhao Lei from the production department, who had an inseparable relationship with Jiang Cheng, got "Hurricane" back then and successfully produced a drama king for Shinhwa!

And this year, Zhao Lei got another martial arts script called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" from Jiang Cheng.

At first, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The success of Bu Yehou's "Hurricane" does not mean that his other scripts will also be successful!

But who knew that "Conquer" had also become a hit!

Looking at the posture, it seems that there is hope to become this year's drama king!

Now everyone's attitude towards Bu Yehou has completely changed, and even Zhao Lei, who is holding "Legend of the Condor Heroes" with his opponent, has become more and more flattering.

It is also a script written by Kunpeng Buyehou.

Maybe this "Legend of the Condor Heroes" can also become a hit?

Zhao Lei naturally knew what the people in the company thought, and he was very excited about the success of "Conquer".

Although this excitement can not be expressed.

After all, the Shinhwa production department was defeated by "Conquer" this time.

But after dismissing this group of people and calling Jiang Cheng, his excitement finally stopped hiding.

"Congratulations to Brother Cheng's new drama, I watched "Conquer". Teacher Bu Yehou is indeed one of Kunpeng's faces!"

"you are welcome."

Jiang Cheng felt weird after hearing this.

This Zhao Lei definitely has a bone in the back of his head, a born 25-year-old boy.

Kunpeng and Tianguang's "Conquer" has beaten your mythology so badly, how can you be so successful?

But he was naturally polite, "Then I also congratulate Minister Zhao for his promotion!"

Jiang Cheng had already learned about Zhao Lei's promotion.

This person's role in Kunpeng is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Lei laughed loudly: "Isn't that because I have "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in my hand? I will have to rely on Brother Cheng even more in the future. If there is anything I need to do, just tell me!"

"It's really something."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Kunpeng's willingness to cooperate with Shinhwa is purely for Zhao Lei's face, otherwise, based on your Shinhwa's previous media influence, all kinds of suppression and smearing of "Conquer" that we cooperated with Tianguang, I will I will not cooperate with Shinhwa again."

"Brother Cheng, don't get me wrong. I didn't suppress it. This is an order from our minister."

Zhao Lei quickly explained.

Jiang Cheng snorted, "Anyway, Teacher Buyehou is very upset, Minister Zhao, you have to find a way to remove the adverb on your head as soon as possible, so that I can work with your mythology with more confidence."

"Do not worry!"

Zhao Lei stared hard, "As long as "Legend of the Condor Heroes" can succeed, I can find a way to find someone to get Lin Xia away..."

Lin Xia is the chairman's own son.

Wear several hats.

The director of production is just one of the positions of the other party.

Some people at the group headquarters also think that Lin Xia holds too many positions, but they have not yet found a suitable candidate to replace him.

And Zhao Lei's sudden emergence, faintly has the qualifications to replace the opponent.

"Then Minister Zhao is going to work hard."

Jiang Cheng said with a smile, Kunpeng's second blockbuster drama was born, and its influence was even greater.

Zhao Lei's attitude towards Kunpeng was even more respectful, and he even dared to promise himself that he would kill Lin Xia, the head of production...

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