Freelance Artist

Chapter 208 Waterloo (8000 votes plus updates)

same moment.

The TV series "Shining Star" is premiering.

"No one has ever dared to speak to me like that!"

"Woman, you are playing with fire."

"You managed to get my attention."

"Five minutes, I want all the information on this woman!"


"That's her!"

When the hero and heroine meet, a conflict arises.

The male protagonist decided to let the female protagonist be his assistant.

Not to give the hostess a chance, but to torture the hostess.

Aurora platform.

Countless people are discussing.

"Ahhhhhhh the male lead is so handsome!"

"The lines are too domineering!"

"Overbearing President Fan Er!"

"The heroine is so miserable!"

"Wife abuse is fun for a while, chasing wife crematorium!"

"Very vulgar plot."

"I'm a dirt dog, and I love watching this!"

"Worthy of being the queen of idol dramas, the acting is amazing!"


"Can there be the dog blood soap opera soil of the Nathan TV station next door?"

It is said that dog-blood soap operas are too offensive, in fact, Qin Zhou's idol dramas are also very offensive, and they are all about domineering presidents.

The audience watched with gusto.


Compared to Shinhwa TV, the viewers who watched the idol drama were happy, but the viewers of Nathan TV were itchy with hatred!

"Depend on!"

"Hong Shixian is too scumbag!"

"The mother-in-law is also so bad that the soles of her feet are bleeding!"

"Poor Pinru."

"I hate Ellie so much!"

"Ellie looks like a vixen!"

"Damn mistress, you are too scheming. Lin Pinru's family treats her so well, but she doesn't know how to be grateful!"

"What kind of broken plot is this, it's so infuriating!"

"Why does the whole world bully the heroine so much, the heroine doesn't have the courage to resist yet!"

"Lin Pinru is nominally the daughter-in-law of the Hong family, but in fact she is a free nanny. She doesn't have a job and spends all day with the housework and the family. She dresses up very ordinary, not only unfashionable but also very rustic. She is not eye-catching at all. Is this the result of becoming a wealthy family!"

"Too humble!"

Lin Pinru married into a rich family, but her marriage was very humble.

Lin Pinru has a submissive personality, and whenever he encounters a problem, he asks Hong Shixian for help.

Sometimes it was obviously Hong Shixian who was at fault first, or her mother-in-law who was unreasonable first, Lin Pinru didn't dare to ask for justice for herself.

The more the audience watched, the angrier they became!

It feels like my lungs are going to explode!

The heroine has an innocent face like a white lotus, which makes people have a desire to protect, so what happened to her made the audience feel sympathetic and full of hatred!

Especially at the end of the first episode.

Under the seduction of Ellie, Hong Shixian had another relationship with her.

But the more annoying second episode.

Hong Shixian actually asked his wife Lin Pinru for money, and wanted to secretly rent a house for Ellie!

The mother-in-law has always resented that her daughter-in-law is not pregnant, but in fact, a few years ago, Pinru was pregnant and recuperated at home, just in time for Hong's mother to lose money in gambling and was forced to find her home.

During a dispute with the debt collector, Pinru accidentally fell and had a miscarriage.

The third episode is even more outrageous. As Lin Pinru's friend, Ellie eats at Hong Shixian's house.

Hong Shixian's family and his wife were all there, and Ellie actually teased him secretly under the table, it was so embarrassing to the bone!

Who can stand this?

The more the audience watched, the more depressed they became!

Lin Pinru can no longer be described as "poor"!

Many viewers have never encountered such a miserable heroine after watching the drama for so many years!


at home.

Mom is so angry that she can't eat!

"This mother-in-law is really bad. Why is she so weird that Pinru can't have a baby? Pinru was pregnant when she was pregnant. It was her mother-in-law who owed gambling debts, and those debt collectors came to her door, which caused Pinru to have a miscarriage!"

Lin Xi was also full of anger.

"Ai Li is really a white-eyed wolf. She is the adopted daughter of the Lin family and Lin Pinru's best friend. In the end, she directly poached her best friend's corner. Hong Shixian has been married for several years, and she came back to grab her husband with Lin Pinru. This is the first time I have seen such a top-notch mistress. !"

Lin Xi hated Xiaosan very much.

But then she scolded Hong Shixian again.

"Ai Li is the best mistress, Hong Shixian is the best scumbag, and Lin Pinru is such a good daughter-in-law. Except for her weak personality, she is almost a perfect woman. In reality, such a woman does not exist at all. It turns out that men just like to show off. of!"

Lin Zhibai didn't speak.

Lin Shengtian was also silent.

Dad Lin Dong is even more submissive.

Mom was upset, "Husband, please say something!"

Lin Dong coughed, "For this script, Buyehou did it on purpose to arouse the audience's sympathy for the heroine Lin Pinru. The more scumbag Hong Shixian is, the more vicious the mother-in-law is, and the more shameless Ellie is, the more dramatic the effect will be." powerful!"

"But I'm so angry!" Mom said.

"It's too hard to breathe!" My sister also said.

Lin Shengtian pondered: "It should be a joyful thing to read the script. "The Temptation of Going Home" made the audience so angry, so it is estimated that this drama will be rushed."

"Trash drama, Tie Bang Street!"

Mom said bitterly, it was the first time she watched a drama and made herself depressed.

Lin Xi nodded vigorously, "It seems that this Nightless Marquis is really at the end of his talents, but that's it, I still think about his dog-blood drama, which is different from ordinary dog-blood dramas. In the end, he is even better than ordinary dog-blood dramas." Dog blood, "Upper Society" is not as good as him, there will never be such a bad mother-in-law, such a disgusting mistress, and such a scumbag Hong Shixian in the world!"

Lin Zhibai thought for a while and said, "Then will you still watch it tomorrow?"

My mother immediately shook her head and said, "What's the point of this drama other than making people angry?"

Lin Xi also agreed: "Don't look at it! Dogs don't even look at it!"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Is this show really going to hit the street?

I haven't watched the show completely in my previous life, but I know the plot roughly, so when I wrote the script, I was mentally prepared in advance.

I didn't feel so angry.

But my mother's age group should be the main audience of "The Temptation of Going Home".

Even my mother was so angry that her stomach hurt and threatened that she would not follow this drama, so this drama might be really dangerous.

Evernight Hou's first Waterloo?

Lin Zhibai scratched his head, it seemed that this drama wasn't scolded so badly in his previous life.

Maybe it's because the audience in this world couldn't bear to watch this kind of bloody TV series for the first time?

never mind.

I choose to believe in myself (system)!


In fact, the reaction of Lin Zhibai's family is just a microcosm.


There was also a lot of scolding!

"Have you all watched The Temptation of Going Home?"

"Look! I'm so angry that I want to smash my phone!"

"I saw Ellie's face and wanted to rush in and hit her!"

"If I were Lin Pinru, I would just tear up my mother-in-law. This old gambler is too disgusting!"

"I've never seen such a bad mother-in-law!"

"Hong Shixian is scum to a certain level!"

"Lin Pinru's elder brother is actually Ellie's licking dog!"

"It makes me depressed!"

"Is this a script written by Bu Yehou?"

"The script written by Bu Yehou before has always been very cool. Gao Qiqiang is so good, and Liu Huaqiang is so fierce. How come Lin Pinru is so miserable?"

"Maybe it's because this is a leading female lead drama?"

"Buyehou is a man after all, writing a script from a female perspective doesn't have that vigor at all, it just makes people feel aggrieved!"


Watching "The Temptation of Going Home", the biggest feeling for the audience is aggrieved, unprecedented aggrieved!

In fact.

All dog blood dramas have some similar elements, such as bad mother-in-law, scumbag cheating on mistress, etc., etc., but this drama directly magnifies these emotions to the extreme, as if how to stimulate the audience!

As a result, the audience was really stimulated.

However, the effect seems to be somewhat negative.



"After reading the reviews of "The Temptation of Going Home" online, the situation is not very good."

"But the degree of discussion seems to have crushed "Shining Star"?"

"The degree of discussion is high, but they are all scolding, saying that the plot of this drama is too aggrieved."

"I watched it too. To be honest, I was really frustrated. It made me want to rush into the TV series and beat all the villains."

"Just now a netizen went to the comment section of that actor, Ellie, and yelled at her!"

"Grandma's actor didn't open the Aurora account, otherwise she would probably be scolded to be autistic."

"Actually, it's okay for the villain to be bad, but the heroine's character is too cowardly, so cowardly, it's unbearable. This is also the source of aggrieved."

"I reckon this drama is going to hit the market."

"Bu Yehou still hasn't grasped the essence of the dog-blood drama, it's too cruel, I can't bear it."

The audience was extremely angry.

Almost lost my mind.

Usually people only scold actors when they hate a character so much.

Although most people resist this kind of behavior, actors and roles should be treated separately, but there are always some people who don't have this kind of reason.


And on the second day.

The Shinhwa TV Department burst into laughter.

"You've seen what happened last night. The whole internet is criticizing the plot of "The Temptation of Going Home" for being too aggrieved."

"The heroine is so miserable that people can't bear to look directly at her."

"Hahaha, I also watched that drama. I was so angry that I couldn't sleep at night, but when I thought of everyone scolding, I suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with it. This drama hit the street, which is good for our ratings!"


"But judging by the degree of discussion, that drama crushed our "Shining Star"."

"The degree of discussion is useless. It's not boasting, it's all scolding. The audience's scolding is even worse than the previous criticism of "High Society"!"

"Are the ratings coming soon?"

"It is estimated that the ratings for the premiere of "The Temptation of Going Home" will not be too bad. After all, there is a lot of discussion there, but the ratings for the first broadcast should be the peak of that drama. No one wants to continue watching this drama."

keep watching?

Are you looking for abuse?

This drama is really too cruel!

The audience felt very cruel!

Audience gentlemen continue to watch if they don't enjoy watching it, isn't that sick?

The second and third leaders of the TV department kept staring at Lin Dong with complacent expressions.


This show was forced by them to compete with Nathan, which violated the intention of Minister Lin Dong.


If the sniping of this show is successful, then they are the heroes!

And Lin Dong, the minister who didn't intend to attack Nathan before, greatly reduced his prestige!

Now it seems that the second in command and the third in command are betting right, and the bloody drama of Buyehou is full of shame!

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