Freelance Artist

Chapter 215: Sleepless Marquis Fourth Line

In fact, the plot of "Maliciousness" is not complicated.

The novel is narrated in the form of notes, from the perspectives of novelist Nonoguchi Osamu and police officer Kaga Kyoichiro, and tells about the accidental death of writer Hidaka Kunihiko the night before going abroad.

The police officer in charge of investigating the case is called Kaga Kyoichiro.

During the investigation, the police officer gradually determined that Nonoguchi Osamu was the murderer.

Nonoguchi admitted that he was the murderer, but he was still unwilling to explain his motive for committing the crime.


Kaga finally discovered Osamu Nonoguchi's difficulties during the investigation process——

It turns out that Nonoguchi Osamu had an affair with Hatsumi, the first wife who died in a car accident in Hidaka. Hidaka caught the evidence and was forced to be Hidaka's shadow writer for seven years.

That is to say:

Hidaka, the so-called famous novelist, has actually been looking for a ghostwriter, and this ghostwriter is Nonoguchi Osamu.

In other words.

The murderer, Nonoguchi Osamu, is the real victim.

He was reluctant to tell the truth in order to protect Hatsumi's reputation.

The editor-in-chief of the reasoning department of Nathan Publishing House commented that "Maliciousness" is a second-rate mystery novel.

In fact.

If you don't watch the follow-up plot reversal, "Maliciousness" is really not very exciting.


most of the time.

People are easily misled by preconceived psychological effects.

At the beginning of the story, the story about Hidaka's life was told through the mouth of Nonoguchi Osamu.

In order to successfully rent out the house, Hidaka killed the cat of the neighbor's house, thus portraying Hidaka's cruel side to the readers preconceivedly.

After Nonoguchi's homicide was discovered by the police, the motive for the murder was elicited——

Nonoguchi once had a private meeting with Hidaka’s ex-wife Hatsumi, who was discovered by Hidaka and recorded a video. In order to protect Hatsumi, Nonoguchi was forced to be Hidaka’s shadow writer for seven years. Most of the books published by Hidaka today are Nonoguchi made.

Hidaka Kunihiko's hypocritical and terrifying image was thus created.

After preconceived cognition, readers have their own cognition of the characters.

However the last paragraph.

The perspective of the story suddenly shifts from Nonoguchi's notes to Kaga's case records:

In fact, Nonoguchi's diary was deliberately written for the police to read!

The criminal certificate left behind was also previously forged!

It's a lie to have an affair with Hatsumi!

The books published by Hidaka were not written by Nonoguchi!

Not even the cats were killed by Hidaka!

Nonoguchi lied from beginning to end!

Because of Nonoguchi's diary, the text is full of warmth, and the brush strokes touch people's hearts. Nonoguchi successfully deceived the police in the early stage.

The author has thus deceived the reader.

"This novel was created in the first person, that is, the life of the protagonist Osamu Nonoguchi was used to describe the case, but if it hadn't been switched to the police officer's perspective at the end, who would have thought that the 'I' in the story would actually be talking about a Big lie!"

The deputy editor-in-chief of Nathan Press was a little excited.

It has nothing to do with the camp of the publishing house, this is an editor who has studied mystery novels for many years, surrendering to the creative talent of Bu Ye Hou!


The reasoning editor-in-chief who was flipping through the final plot was also a little dazed, and murmured:

"Yeah, who would have thought that I, in the story, would be lying all the time? Fuyehou adopted a flip-flop style of writing, and at the end, he completely subversively described the characters of Nonoguchi Osamu and Hidaka..."

In fact, Hidaka is an upright, kind and even a great writer.

On the other hand, Nonoguchi Shumi is a guy who is full of lies and malicious in his heart. He is indeed a murderer, but his motives for killing are fabricated.

Human malice!

You must know that Nonoguchi and Hidaka have known each other for a long time.

The two have had a constant relationship since middle school.

Nonoguchi succumbed to school violence and bullied others with delinquent boys.

However, the honest and kind Rigao never gave in, but worked hard to fight against campus violence.

The two also dreamed of writing, but the gap became more obvious when they became adults. Hidaka became a well-known excellent writer, but Nonoguchi's works were still difficult to publish.

Not just a capability gap.

It is even more of a difference in being a human being.

The flame of jealousy burned Nonoguchi's heart, so that after he brutally killed Hidaka, he only pretended to cover up his crime, but in fact secretly provided clues to the police, misleading the police step by step, because Nonoguchi wanted to kill, never It's not just Hidaka.

It's Hidaka's personality and reputation!

Because I was suffering from cancer and was about to die, I couldn't tolerate Hidaka's glamorous life, so I desperately wanted to destroy Hidaka. This malice is really frightening!

"We don't want to know that!"

The big leaders of Nathan Publishing House became more and more irritable the more they heard it, "We just want to know, is this novel going to be popular?"


The reasoning editor and deputy editor looked at each other, then nodded affirmatively.

Some of the big leaders of Nathan Publishing House wiped their eyes, some slapped their heads, looking annoyed and helpless.

A good cash cow printing machine, why did it go to the Myth Publishing House?


The judgment of professionals is probably not much worse. "Maliciousness" is indeed popular, and it sold very well on the first day.

It sold even better the next day.

Because word of mouth from the academy came out.

"This is the first time I've read Buyehou's novels. I've only watched his TV dramas before. I didn't expect Buyehou's novels to be more exciting than TV dramas. The reversal at the end made me call shit the whole time!"

"The ending is really awesome!"

"I don't want to spoil it, but I recommend that all reasoning lovers must read this book. Bu Yehou's writing skills are amazing!"

"This is the novel with the highest technical content!"

"This book gives me the feeling that it's a bit darker, and the point of malicious killing is not the most exciting thing for me, but the shocking reversal at the end!"

"Maliciousness without reason is the greatest malice!"

"The scariest mystery novel I've ever read. There are no horrifying plots, no cruel modus operandi, and the thing that makes people's backs shudder the most is the human heart!"

"The way to destroy a person is not the end of life, but the complete destruction of his reputation and future."

"The angle of the group interview at the end of the novel is really spicy. From all the people, I heard two Nonoguchi and Hidaka who are completely opposite to the previous readers' perceptions!"

"He never thought that there would be such maliciousness in this world!"

Many passer-by readers actually consider whether to buy the work based on the word-of-mouth of some works.

Now word of mouth is out.

It can be said that "Maliciousness" has received rave reviews.

Now everyone stopped hesitating and donated generously.


the other side.

Professional book reviews are also out.

"To completely destroy a person is to ruin his reputation. Only after reading "Maliciousness" can he truly know the Marquis of the Night."

—— "Qinzhou Literature"

"Compared to the dazzling screenwriter status, we have almost forgotten what an excellent writer Bu Yehou is. Fortunately, the book "Maliciousness" makes Bu Yehou's label of a writer shine again."

—— "The Voice of Literature"

"The rhythm is weird, the reading experience is not good, the text is cumbersome, and the three turning points are amazing, but when you touch the thickness of the book in your hand, you know that things are not as simple as the surface. Use campus violence to explain the original sin and malice that people come from. , although it makes sense logically, but from the depth point of view, it is true to avoid the important and ignore the less important, and the tricks that are successful in the night are clever but not clever."

——The Nathan News

"Buyehou's new book "Maliciousness" has an innovative writing technique at the end, which is named narrative tricks by him. It uses perspective switching to confuse readers, and finally achieves a stunning reversal effect. The words narrative tricks are very appropriate. !"


"Buyehou is not good at reasoning, he is only good at writing about human nature, so Buyehou is undoubtedly a first-rate writer, but if it is limited to the field of reasoning, he can only be regarded as a second-rate writer."

—— "The Reasoning Society"

The vast majority of media newspapers gave favorable comments.

Among them, the ones who don't speak very well are basically Nathan's media.

Of course, this is a very normal thing, after all, Bu Yehou has now broken up with Nathan Publishing House.

Lin Zhibai recruited a female secretary at the Shinhwa Publishing House, and asked the other party to collect all the media's comments on "Maliciousness" and read it around.

After reading it, Lin Zhibai smiled.

It is estimated that the 10 million sales target of this book is stable.


As Lin Zhibai expected.

In the next few days, Myth Publishing House kept receiving calls from major booksellers asking for replenishment.

The greater the commercial value Bu Yehou brings to Myth Publishing House, the higher the prestige of Lin Zhibai, the new president.

The third day of the novel's release.

Someone noticed that Bu Yehou officially entered the fourth-tier ranking on the Qinzhou Star Rating Ranking!

at the same time.

The number of followers of Buyehou's Aurora platform also exceeded 10 million.

The comment section is buzzing.

"Four lines, it's so cool!"

"The number of fans has exceeded 10 million!"

"Congratulations! During the live broadcast of Chuci, he said that Kunpeng was in c. No matter how I look at it, Teacher Buyehou is in c!"

"King's Landing: What about me?"

"Hahaha, Chu Ci is inferior!"

"Recently, Buyehou is very popular. Before, the whole network was discussing his bloody drama, and now it is all about "Maliciousness"."

"The plate of the novel is not that big, and the degree of discussion is still higher than that of the bloody drama."

"That's true, but to be honest, "Maliciousness" really crushed that bloody drama, and it's scary to be serious!"

"Write more novels! Don't focus on writing scripts!"

Lin Zhibai's three vests.

Chuci and Baidi have entered the fourth line.

Now Buyehou has finally entered the fourth-line sequence.

A glimmer of expectation flashed in Lin Zhibai's eyes, it seemed that it was time to arrange these three vests to hit the third line.

This time, let Buyehou make a fuss first, Lin Zhibai plans to write a few more novels, so that the Buyehou brand money printing machine can be fully activated!

With that in mind.

Lin Zhibai called out the system and began to customize a new book.

"Ding dong."

The new book reminder sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the novel "Tomb Raiders Notes"!"

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