Freelance Artist

Chapter 217: Exposing the Internet! Baidi is Lin Zhibai!

Under the topic of Jiguang hot search, there are a lot of discussions about Lin Zhibai.


"This face value is too good to fight!"

"My husband is so handsome!"

"Lin Zhibai? Wait... lzb? Lin pretending to be aggressive?"

"This world is too unfair. You are already a chaebol son, why do you still look so handsome!"

"I became the president of Shinhwa Publishing House in my sophomore year. It feels like the domineering president in the novel has come into reality!"

"The descendants of these capital chaebols basically don't look bad, because the wives they find are all beautiful, so their genes have been optimized from generation to generation, but this guy's appearance is still a bit too much, compared with so many male stars in the entertainment industry who rely on their faces for food. Get up, and it's not inferior!"

"Tear man!"

"Aren't you exaggerating too much?"

"This photo must have been photoshopped."

"I don't believe he has such good looks."

Some people disagree.

Especially when I saw a group of young girls calling Lin Zhibai her husband on the Internet, I felt even more sour.

But then.

Then someone commented under the topic: "Lin Zhibai and I are from the same school, I can prove that this buddy doesn't have PS!"

Lin Zhibai is from Qinzhou Academy of Arts.

Although Lin Zhibai didn't know a few people in school, there were quite a few who knew him.

That's what college is all about.

Good-looking boys and girls are always famous.

So after Lin Zhibai's news came out, many students from Qinzhou Academy of Art enthusiastically participated in the discussion on this topic.

"I met Lin Zhibai in school."

"I even think this photo is not as good-looking as Lin Zhibai himself!"

"What the hell!"

"I didn't expect him to be the third generation of Mythology?"

"I've seen it a few times in school, and I can't tell it's a chaebol family. He said it very low-key!"

"Those who doubt Lin Zhibai's beauty can shut up."

"Even in Qinzhou Academy of Art, where we are full of handsome men and beautiful women, he is definitely at the school level."

"There have been a lot of his posts on the school forum before."

"However, we didn't know before that he was actually the third generation of Mythology."

As more and more students from Qinzhou Academy of Arts participated in the discussion on this topic, someone released Lin Zhibai's private photos.

You can tell from the angle.

It's all sneak shots at school.

But even though it was a sneak shot, Lin Zhibai's 365-degree face with no dead angles is enough to break any doubts about his appearance!

It's just that Lin Zhibai was somewhat speechless after seeing these candid photos.

Because Lin Zhibai didn't know it himself, it turned out that many people in the school secretly took pictures of himself.

Also because of the photos.

The ranking of this hot search topic went from tenth to fifth.

Now there are more netizens flooding into the topic discussion.

"It's true at first glance: the bird eats the cricket!"

"The appearance that can be debuted directly."

"He still needs to debut, those celebrities are working for their families!"

"There are so many people in the third generation of Shinhwa Group, and his appearance is the highest. He is worthy of his name. Lin pretends to be aggressive."

"He's called Lin Zhibai! Lin pretending to be forceful is too ugly!"

"Hehe, this kind of chaebol's children are nothing without the family, and you fellows from the Appearance Association like to praise stinky feet."

"that is."

"If he is not the grandson of the chairman of Shinhwa Group, can he be on the hot search?"

"Isn't it just a good fate, born in a good family?"

There are many topics.

All kinds of unpleasant sounds came out.

After all, there are a large number of people who hate the rich in this world.

These people don't like capital at all, and they are even more angry when they see that Lin Zhibai, the descendant of the chaebol family, is still handsome!

How unfair is God?

"Being able to serve as the president of Shinhwa Publishing House at this age has nothing to do with age, qualifications, or even talent. It's just a matter of birth."

"About whether a person is good or not, one should not look at one's family background."

"Let's not look at the appearance, these are all random by God."

"The real measure of a person's excellence should be his talent."

"This Lin Zhibai put aside his natural aura, what is left of him?"


"It's nothing!"

"A nineteen-year-old sophomore, isn't he nothing?"

Jealousy is also good.

Facts worth mentioning.

Anyway, Lin Zhibai's current wave has quickly become popular with the hot search topics, although everyone's evaluation of this chaebol son is somewhat mixed.


In the afternoon of the day.

Just when a large number of private photos of Lin Zhibai were exposed by his classmates.

Suddenly someone said on the Internet: "Do you think this photo of Lin Zhibai looks a bit familiar?"

This man was just talking casually.

But no one expected that this sentence would trigger a lot of likes from netizens, and many people would feel the same——


"Don't say it yet."

"When you say that, it seems a little familiar?"

"I always feel like I've seen this person somewhere."

"It shouldn't be, is it like a certain star?"

"Or just look like the chairman of Shinhwa Group, that is, his grandfather?"


"I must have seen a picture of him somewhere!"

"Otherwise there won't be such an unreasonable sense of familiarity!"

It would be fine if only a few people think so, but if countless people think so, then something seems wrong.

this moment.

Netizens turned into great detectives one after another.

Finally, someone released a blurry photo of the party: "Look, Lin Zhibai looks a bit like this person!?"


"This photo seems to be taken on the night Zhang Xiyang's "I Am a Singer" won the championship. I remember it was on the news at that time!"

"There are Zhang Xiyang, Lin Shouzhuo, Sun Gu, and a stranger inside."

"It is rumored on the Internet that this stranger is Baidi."


"Damn! No wonder I feel familiar!"

"Lin Zhibai's photo looks too similar to the person who is rumored to be Baidi on the Internet. Although the photo is a bit blurry, the charm is exactly the same!"

"I magnified the effect ten times, and you can compare and see."

Someone magnified the photo of the man who was rumored to be Baidi several times on the Internet, and then found a private photo of Lin Zhibai who was secretly taken for comparison.

Both photos were taken from similar angles.

Such a comparison, the visual effect is very intuitive!

"so similar!"

"It's not like!"

"It's exactly the same!"

"It turns out that Lin Zhibai was the one who had dinner with Zhang Xiyang and others the night Zhang Xiyang won the championship in "I Am a Singer"?"

"At that time, it was said on the Internet that there is a probability of more than 90% that this person is Baidi!"


After comparing layers of photos, netizens gradually discovered this shocking conclusion:

If the person in the photo of Zhang Xiyang having dinner with his friends is really Baidi himself, then Baidi is very likely to be Lin Zhibai, the third-generation son of the mythical conglomerate chaebol! ?

White Emperor...

Lin Zhibai...

It just so happens that both of their names have the word "white", is it a coincidence?

No! Everyone can't believe it's a coincidence!

this moment!

Netizens are all blown up!

Then a new hot search topic appeared. # Lin Zhibai is the White Emperor # Although it was just a guess, as soon as this topic came out, it rushed into the top ten hot searches in a very short period of time!

Just below the trending search for # the most handsome chaebol young master in history # .

However, the netizens who clicked on this topic were all confused at first, until everyone saw the comparison chart of those photos——


"It seems that Lin Zhibai was the one who had dinner with Zhang Xiyang that day!"

"So Lin Zhibai is Baidi!? Didn't everyone say that this person is Baidi before?"

"The word white is the key point. Circle it and test it."

"It's definitely him!"


"Baidi himself, is this Lin Zhibai who was just on the hot search today!?"

Believe it!

Someone is not sure!

Someone ran to Zhang Xiyang and asked.

Someone ran to Sun Gu's comment area to ask.

Some people ran to Lin Shouzhuo to ask.

Of course, the most common one is Baidi's Aurora comment area, countless netizens are asking for confirmation:

"Lin Zhibai?"

"is it you?"

"Admit it!"

"The photos have been compared by netizens!"

"Bai Di, you've lost your horse!"

"The little vest was ripped apart by us!"

At that time, Lin Zhibai was preparing to leave school when he suddenly found that the whole class was looking at him with strange eyes.

It shouldn't be.

I just chatted with you a few words, and the eyes of the students looking at me have become normal. Why did the eyes of each of them change again after school?

"What's wrong?"

Lin Zhibai subconsciously asked a girl next to her.

The girl looked at Lin Zhibai, then looked down at the phone. After going back and forth several times, she finally said:

"Bai...Teacher Baidi?"

It seems that the window paper was pierced in an instant.

The whole class gathered around, each with an extremely excited expression.

This is completely different from everyone's reaction when they learned that Lin Zhibai was the third generation of Shinhwa Group.

They seem a little too crazy——

"Is that you?"

"Is everything on the Internet true!?"

"Lin Zhibai, you are the White Emperor!"

"It must be!"

"Tell us secretly!"

"Sign it for me!"

"I like you so much!"

"I love you!"

"I'm your hardcore fan!"

"I even sprayed Chu Ci on the Internet for you!"

Lin Zhibai opened his mouth wide. He didn't continue to surf the Internet after seeing the trending search of the chaebol young master.

What happened?

Who exposed me, why does it feel like after a long time, it seems that the whole world suddenly knows that I am the White Emperor?


The peaceful life is really broken.

But what Lin Zhibai didn't know was that at this moment, the gate of the Qinzhou Academy of Arts was completely surrounded!

Countless reporters arrived!

Long guns and short guns blocked the door!

All the school security guards were dispatched to maintain order, for fear that the reporters would break in. Although everyone looked equally confused, after all, not everyone spends their time on the Internet every day.

at the same time.

The senior management of the school was also alarmed one after another, and everyone jumped!

"It's full of reporters outside!"

"Our school is surrounded!"

"There are still many big media on the way, and they want to apply for interviews on campus!"

"What is the interview?"

"What happened to school!?"

The headmaster panicked, subconsciously thinking that something happened in the school.

The vice-principal smiled wryly: "No, the identity of Baidi was exposed. He is Lin Zhibai, a sophomore in our school, and he is the third generation of the chaebol of the Shinhwa Group in Caijing News..."

"White Emperor!"

The principal's eyes widened.

As an art school, the senior management of this school has of course heard of Baidi's name, and the other party is actually a sophomore in his own school, Lin Zhibai, the grandson of Lin Zhaomu's chairman Lin Zhibai! ?

"Block the reporter!"

The headmaster was about to leave in a hurry.

"Why are you going?"

"Give my daughter an autograph!" The headmaster didn't turn his head and said, do you know the gold content of Xiao Qu's father!

Although this Xiaoqu daddy is indeed small enough.

Everyone: "..."

Then everyone followed the principal and rushed to the art department where Lin Zhibai was located like crazy.

In Qin Yi.

The young master and princess of the chaebol, there is more than one Lin Zhibai, it must be rare, but there is nothing to make a fuss about.

But there is only one Xiaoqu's father, Baidi!

The key is that Bai Di is still a sophomore in Qin Yi! ?

Treasure class!

No, it's "zhou" treasure class! ——

ps: 3/29, the first layer of vest was stripped, will the second layer be far behind?

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