Freelance Artist

Chapter 221 This way I can hold you in the palm of my hand

Lin Zhibai has already made a future plan for the publishing house. According to his plan, if these projects can be successful, it is entirely hopeful that the annual income will reach six times that of last year. After all, it is a business that has already achieved success in his previous life. It is not an exaggeration to say that the model is a "golden idea".

"It can also be regarded as the benefit of Baidi's loss of horse."

Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "The boss's words in the publishing house are more important than before, but this situation will not last, so in the final analysis, we still have to make achievements."

A few words of emotion.

Jiang Cheng chatted about Lin Gong.

"The boss is making future plans for the publishing house, and Lin Gong is not idle. Many of the products he is in charge of are shooting new advertisements recently. It is said that many first-tier or even super-tier-one big-name stars have been invited."


No great ad creative.

Just rely entirely on the star effect?

However, I have to admit that the star effect is indeed a great addition to the advertisement, and the stars under Shinhwa Entertainment, Lin Gong can also get the internal friendship price, which is slightly cheaper than asking celebrities to endorse for ordinary products.

"Will the boss continue to snipe him?"

"Of course, being idle is idle anyway."

The test paper that Lin Zhibai received has basically finished answering the questions, and he just needs to wait for the results. Since Lin Gong is also taking the test, he doesn't mind making the questions more difficult for the other party, "What product is his next advertisement? "

"Aromatic milk tea!"

"Is it a milk tea product?"

Lin Zhibai asked, "Where are your competitors?"

Jiang Cheng immediately replied: "Fragrant and beautiful milk tea."

Lin Zhibai was silent for a moment, and Jiang Cheng didn't speak either. He knew that the boss was thinking.

Generally speaking, every time the boss fell silent on the phone, he would come up with a very powerful idea shortly afterwards, as if those ideas were thought of by him in just a few minutes or even tens of seconds. Before, Jiang Cheng always found it incredible, but now I have gradually gotten used to it, even taken it for granted, my boss cannot look at it with the eyes of a normal person.


This time is no exception.

After a moment of silence.

The voice of the boss came out on the phone, "Let Xiangmei find a young and big-name star to pair up with an actress. The actress's fame is not the point, the point is to be beautiful, to give people a lovable feeling, The commercial scene is like a milk tea shop, the hero and heroine are sitting together, it is snowing outside, and the girl suddenly asks the hero..."

so and so.

so so.

Jiang Cheng listened, his eyes lit up, the advertising ideas that the boss thought of can always make people's eyes shine like this!

"Wait for me to plan the case."

After Lin Zhibai gave a brief explanation, he turned on the computer and began to write the copy. The copy was finished in less than five minutes, and it was sent directly to Jiangcheng's mailbox.


Jiang Cheng suppressed the excitement in his heart, "I'm going to contact Xiangmei Milk Tea, they have asked me to cooperate before, this time I will help them!"


Lin Zhibai is very confident in this advertisement.

Because this is an advertisement for "You Le Mei" milk tea in the previous life.

There are rumors in the world that Jay Chou has become fatter and fatter after shooting this advertisement, and is also called Milk Tea Week by netizens, but the success of this advertisement is beyond doubt!


in a few days.

Lin Gong's "mellow milk tea" advertisement was broadcast on Shinhwa TV. The male and female protagonists were both on the front line, showing a very good star effect.

"This ad will definitely work!"

Lin Gong's attendant said with a flattering face.

This is Lin Gong's new follower, the last follower has already been fired by him, it seems to be because of Kunpeng.

Lin Gong didn't speak. He was thinking about the news he just got recently. After that Lin Zhibai went to the Shinhwa Publishing House, he made a lot of drastic moves. It seemed that he wanted to risk a big fight. Of course, you can't be idle, after all, if you do your job well, the old man is willing to give you shares!


The goal of Lin Zhibai's mission is to increase the annual income of Mythology Publishing House.

Lin Gong's mission goal is to increase the sales of the products he is responsible for.

The two tasks are essentially the same, that's why Lin Gong couldn't wait to get someone to shoot a new advertisement for the product.

Advertising and marketing is the easiest way to increase product sales. His biggest advantage is that his younger brother Lin Jing is in charge of the TV actor department.

That is to say...

Lin Gong finds TV actors from Shinhwa Entertainment to endorse the products he is responsible for, and they can get a huge discount.

Those TV actors would sell his younger brother Lin Jing to save face.

"It's a pity that the publishing house is not easy for me to intervene. I can't make it harder for that brat Lin Zhibai..."

Lin Gong secretly regretted it.

However, I heard from people in the publishing house that Lin Zhibai's projects were very risky.

Maybe there is no need to do it yourself. When those projects fail, Lin Zhibai, the president of the publishing house, will have to leave by himself!

At that time, the old man will definitely distribute the publication to other people in the second or third generation of Shinhwa!

Maybe you have a chance to win it yourself!

Of course, for the same reason, if the sales of these products in Lin Gong's hands do not perform well, the old man will definitely replace himself.

But as soon as his advertising campaign comes out, the sales of these products will definitely increase!

How is it possible to fall?

Lin Gong is very confident about this.

After the ad was aired, the comments from netizens were also good.

"The new ad for Mellow Milk Tea is so generous, it even found two first-line endorsers!"

"The ad was shot beautifully."

"The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is eye-catching."

"It's just not very creative."

"Advertising ideas are so common, just last year's Lanfu chocolate, the creativity looks pretty good."

"It's also good to shake that before drinking."

"I feel normal about that."

"I quite like the taste of mellow milk tea."

"After all, it is the top-selling milk tea brand in Qinzhou."



"There is also a new ad for Fragrance Beauty Milk Tea next door!"


"This ad feels good!"

Lin Gongzheng was looking at the netizens' comments happily, and suddenly saw someone mentioning the scented milk tea, and his face suddenly changed.

"Xiangmei also released a new advertisement?" he asked the attendant.

Fragrance Beauty is currently Qinzhou's second best-selling milk tea product.

The number one sales volume is naturally the mellow milk tea under the Shinhwa Group.

These two brands compete fiercely. Although the sales volume of mellow milk tea is leading, there are not many leading brands.

"I do not know."

The attendant looked dazed, but moved quickly, and quickly turned on the computer to search.


The search results came out.

Lin Gong was sitting on a chair, and his follower Ma Liu was standing behind him, staring at the screen, watching the advertisement of Xiangmei.


The latest commercial of Xiangmei is also shot by two first-line stars, who are familiar with the entertainment circle can recognize it at a glance:

The male star is Lan Shaoyan.

The female star is Su Zichu.

The previous advertisement of Lanfu Chocolate "Enjoy Silky Smoothness" was also shot by these two. Netizens commented that it has a strong sense of CP.

And this time.

The two even collaborated again and starred in the commercial of Xiangmei!

Lin Gong said with an ugly face, "This Lan Shaoyan is Nathan's front line, and this Su Zichu is Tianguang's female star. It's fine for these two to shoot chocolate commercials together. How come they even accept milk tea commercials?"

Lanfu chocolate is still quite high.

The product audience is mainly white-collar petty bourgeoisie.

However, the style of fragrant milk tea is much worse than that of Lanfu.

It stands to reason that first-line stars like Lan Shaoyan and Su Zichu are not very interested in this kind of advertisement, they always have to consider their own style, a box of chocolate is so expensive, it is a relatively luxury food, a box of milk tea is only a few A dollar?

Out of grade!

Lin Gong was able to find first-line celebrities to endorse Chunxiang Milk Tea because of his status and his younger brother Lin Jing's advantage as the head of the TV artist department. Otherwise, those celebrities would easily give in and lower the price to endorse?

"Yeah, that's weird."

The little follower didn't know the reason, but he could see that Lin Gong was in a bad mood, and immediately said: "Since they are all about star effects, our advertisements have good reviews, and the effect will not be worse than theirs!"

Lin Gong didn't speak.

Because he had already clicked on the feature film.

The advertising scene should be a coffee shop.

Su Zichu looked at the snow falling outside the window, holding a cup of fragrant milk tea in his hand, and suddenly said expectantly and slyly:

"What am I to you?"

"You are my fragrance beauty."

Lan Shaoyan turned his head and looked at Su Zichu tenderly, holding a cup of fragrant milk tea in his hand, and said with a doting smile on his face.


Su Zichu pursed his mouth, seemed a little happy, and also a little coquettish, his voice was slightly clamped: "So I am milk tea!"


Lan Shaoyan paused, looked down at the milk tea in his hand, and said with the same smile, "I can hold you in the palm of my hand."

Su Zichu smiled.

The vista is drawn.

The summary of the advertisement appeared: "If you love her, of course you must smell beautiful."

The more Lin Gong watched it, the more panicked he felt. He had an ominous premonition that this advertisement seemed to be better than mellow milk tea. The theme of love between men and women was closely linked with the product.


Lin Gong recalled that the Lan Fu chocolate advertisement shot by these two people seemed to be in the same tone, using the product to connect the emotions of the two actors.


This ad is even a bit like a continuation of the Lan Fu chocolate ad!

In the commercial of Lanfu Chocolate, Su Zichu and Lan Shaoyan fell in love at first sight because of chocolate!

And in this fragrant and beautiful milk tea advertisement, Su Zichu and Lan Shaoyan have become a couple, and they are also dating while drinking milk tea in the snowy winter!

Is this learning from Kunpeng?

This advertisement is too similar to Kunpeng's previous advertisement design method!

At this moment, Lin Gong suddenly heard the little attendant exclaiming: "Brother Gong, look quickly, the advertisement of Xiangmei was designed by Kunpeng, and it is the handwriting of Kunpeng designer Junlin!"

Lin Gong suddenly turned his head.

The little follower has entered the official website at this moment and found relevant information. The advertising design company is indeed Kunpeng, and there are two words clearly written in the column of advertising planning:

King's Landing!

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