Freelance Artist

Chapter 223 It's Your Yida!

"Lin Gong's next commercial is chewing gum?"

Jiang Cheng was well informed, and soon got information about Lin Gong's movements.


Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Xuanmai chewing gum, I used to eat it when I was young."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Is Xuan Mike okay?

It seems that there was a brand of chewing gum in the previous life called Mai, how did you pronounce the advertisement?

Hemp eggs.

Can't remember at all!

But it seems quite classic.

It's a pity that I don't remember the content, it depends on the system.


This is the brand that Lin Gong is in charge of. Why should I help him think of the advertisement?

When I have the opportunity to win this piece of property in the future, it seems that Lin Gong's part is more suitable for me than the publishing house!


Jiang Chengdao: "Xuanmai chewing gum has two competitors, one is called Aisi chewing gum, and the other is called Yida chewing gum."

Lin Zhibai:?

The name Yida seems to be predestined for me, but Aisi Gum is sorry, the name is not as easy as Yida.

"Just Yida."

Lin Zhibai quickly made a decision.

the other side.

Lin Gong received a call.

Father's voice was a little cold.

"What on earth are you eating? The Qile Juice you were in charge of was very good before. It's okay to have a sudden drop in sales. No matter how mellow milk tea can't be sold anymore, the market share has been taken away by Xiangmei. Although the old man is not Say, but he's been watching!"

"It's not my fault!"

Lin Gong gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know why, Kunpeng has been targeting me. The sales of Qile Juice fell sharply before because Kunpeng made an advertisement for our competitors. This time the milk tea is also the same. Kunpeng seems I just like to help my competitors get me!"

"You don't know why?"

Father Lin Chun said angrily: "Before the sales of Qile Juice plummeted, you found a photographer to secretly shoot Kunpeng's "Never Expected" and thought I didn't know!"

"They made the first move!"

"Qi Le Juice should have been just a coincidence. You shouldn't have retaliated. If you didn't retaliate that time, they wouldn't have retaliated back. This Kunpeng belongs to the hedgehog family. Whoever offends them will kill them. I think Lin Liu was killed by them!"


Lin Gong was speechless. It might be a coincidence that Kunpeng helped his competitor that time with Qile Juice. After all, that company was so good that it wouldn't deliberately target him.

And after his revenge.

The nature of the matter changes.

The two sides have begun to feud.

He took a deep breath and said, "It's just an accidental failure. I will continue to advertise in the future. No matter how good Kunpeng is, he won't have such a good advertisement copy every time..."


Lin Chun reminded: "You were pressed and hammered twice by them!"

Lin Gong spit out that turbid breath. He knew that he had been double-killed, but as the saying goes, there are only three things. The next chewing gum commercial will not fail, right?


After a few days.

Myth Live.

This is Lin Hu's territory.

Today my younger brother Lin Bao came to Shinhwa’s live broadcast as a guest. When he saw his elder brother, he burst out laughing: “Have you heard, Hu Zi? Quite a lot, the market share has been robbed by competitors, and he just started to do this test paper, so he lost a lot of points!"

For the direct descendants of Mythology:

These positions arranged by the old man are the examination papers that everyone receives, and the quality of work performance directly affects the final score of the examination.


Seeing Lin Gong's misfortune, Lin Bao was in a good mood. He didn't forget that he helped the big brother speak before, but the other party beat him up!


Even without this reason, Lin Bao would still be happy, because the current third generation of Mythology has become competitors with each other!

who performed better.

Who will get more benefits in the future.

As for the benefits of mythology, whichever family gets more, the other family will naturally get less. This is like dividing a cake. If you eat more, I will eat less?

Lin Hu is also in a good mood.

"Don't talk about Lin Gong's nonsense, I guess the old man is very disappointed with him now, but what about the comic industry you are in charge of?"


Lin Bao said happily: "After I took over the comics industry, the sales of comics produced by Shinhwa have obviously increased. You always say that I am melon, but in fact I am not melon at all. Most of the time, I am witty and forced!"


Lin Hu was really surprised, "How did you do it?"

Lin Bao raised his legs and shook, "Isn't it very simple, lock my favorite cartoon authors in a small black room, let them update crazily, and I won't give them food if they dare to be lazy, the paintings are not good-looking No way, I just let them draw whatever I want to see, and the sales will naturally go up.”

"They don't rebel?"

"How could they rebel? After they finished painting, I took them to the best place for health care, treated them to a big meal, and obeyed each and every one of them!"

Lin Hu: "..."

Maybe this is the blessing of fools?

In fact, Lin Hu thinks the same way, the main reason is that Lin Bao likes to read comics since he was a child, and his taste also represents the taste of most readers.

Those cartoonists are now drawing according to Lin Bao's taste.

It turned out to be the right thing to do, and comic readers really liked the plots that Lin Bao asked the cartoonists to draw.

"A few days ago, there was a cartoonist who let the protagonist's sister be taken away by the villain, and her clothes were ripped apart. Fuck, I was so angry. I absolutely don't allow this kind of plot! And that female villain, Just because the main character is pretty, I plan to let it go? What the hell, I asked him to kill the female villain directly, and his intestines exploded, it was so cool! If I knew that being the president of a comic publishing house would be so cool, why would I do a variety show? !Although I am very good at doing variety shows..."

Lin Bao chattered endlessly.

Lin Hu was taken aback when he heard that.

After talking for a long time, Lin Bao asked his brother:

"Huzi, is your live streaming website okay? If not, leave it to me to take care of it. Let me tell you that I know the live streaming thing well. I have rewarded more than 600,000 yuan on Carp Live. You are definitely not as willing as I am." Spend money to reward..."

Lin Hu's mouth twitched.

You only tipped more than 600,000 yuan?

My mother has tipped more than one million yuan!

But I can't say this, I love Sansao's carp account, he will never log in again in his life.

He coughed and said: "The carp live broadcast is too successful, accounting for 80% of the market share. The Shinhwa live broadcast has not yet started, but I already have a plan. I will go to Shinhwa Entertainment to find some stars later. Live broadcast, hehe, can the live broadcast effect of celebrities be comparable to those of ordinary small anchors? By then, we will definitely be able to kill Carp Live and seize their market share!"

"Would the star be willing?"

"It doesn't matter if they say it or not. I've made an agreement with Lin Jing. He will send a celebrity to live broadcast, and I will share some of his benefits. After all, Lin Jing is in charge of the TV actor of our mythology."


Lin Bao smiled and said: "Although I feel that those anchors are more interesting than celebrities, Hu Zi, since you think that celebrities can attract viewers, you should give it a try. Speaking of Lin Zhibai, do you know that he has a lot of news recently, As soon as Baidi's identity was exposed, many girls shouted on the Internet that they wanted to give birth to him a monkey, and I was so envious!"

"Lin Zhibai."

When Lin Hu heard this name, he felt a dull pain in his head. On the day of the old man's birthday party, Lin Zhibai's wine bottle really hurt him.

His eyes were cold.

Lin Hu paused every word: "He's just a bad brother!"


Lin Hu looked at Lin Bao who was suddenly silent, and asked with concern: "Brother, why don't you talk?"

Lin Bao didn't explain. He was unhappy anyway, so he took out his phone and swiped it, only to see an advertisement for Xuanmai chewing gum.

"Hey, Xuanmai chewing gum? New ad?"

Lin Hu leaned over to take a look, and curled his lips and said, "This is Lin Gong, taking advantage of Lin Jing's convenience, to frantically find first-line stars to endorse the products he is in charge of."


Lin Hu commented: "This commercial is better than the previous milk tea commercial, with a little creativity."

During the conversation.

Lin Bao came across a piece of news: "Kunpeng has launched a new advertisement, this time it's chewing gum!"


A link to the feature film of the ad appeared, which should be promoted by the advertiser, so Lin Bao clicked in.

The advertising scene is a clean supermarket.

A handsome cashier is eating bread.

Next to it is a sign that reads "Dining in progress".

A beautiful woman with fluttering hair appeared outside the door.

The handsome cashier quickly stuffed the bread into his mouth, removed the "Dining" sign and stood up.


He greeted vaguely, a little nervously.


The girl smiled lightly, with bright eyes and white teeth, giving people a feeling like first love.

Then the girl started shopping.

The eyes of the two occasionally collided with each other shyly, with a vague sense of ambiguity, as if they had a crush on each other.

"Are you leaving get off work so late?"

When the girl checks out, the handsome guy at the cashier accosts.


"I'll heat it up for you."

"Thank you... and this!"

The girl picks up a box of chewing gum, and the close-up of the camera is "Yida Chewing Gum".

"It's good for your teeth."

After the cashier finished speaking, the girl thought for a while, and took another bottle and put it beside her.

"Okay, take care of yourself."

The cashier finally checked out and expressed concern.

Girl: "You too!"

She left with the merchandise, and the cashier suddenly found a bottle of Yida chewing gum on the table.

"Hey! Your Yida!" the handsome cashier shouted.

"It's your Yida!" The girl laughed Qiaoqiao and Qianxi was dazzling.

The slogan appeared in the background: "Yida chewing gum, care for teeth and care about you more!"

at last.

The cashier ate Yida, as if suffering from lovesickness, and said to himself: "She will come tomorrow...she won't come tomorrow..."

Laugh sometimes.

Sometimes worry.

Lin Bao patted his thigh: "Who is this girl! I like it!"

This stinky brother only pays attention to beautiful women, while Lin Hu has a higher IQ. He immediately thought that this Yida chewing gum was in competition with Xuanmai chewing gum from Shinhwa Holdings.


Lin Gong is going to die again?

It is also a chewing gum advertisement. Xuanmai, who is in charge of Lin Gong, can only say that it is not bad, but Yida’s advertisement has too deep memories, especially the advertisement that the girl said when she looked back and smiled:

"It's your Yida!"

If the benefits of my live broadcast platform increase, and the products that Lin Gong is in charge of fail one after another, then is there any hope for me to take over his position! ?

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