Freelance Artist

Chapter 231 Chu Ci enters the third line!

Only calling the wrong name.

There is no wrong nickname.

In the next few days, as these songs related to weddings were successively bought by major music companies with huge sums of money, several first-line singers recorded and released them, and Chu Ci completely established the title of the wedding master...

Sioux City.



port city.

Etc., etc.

In the major cities of Qinzhou, as long as there are new couples' weddings being held these days, the scene will inevitably be unable to escape the three songs of Chuci, and the result is nothing more than the result of choosing one of three, two of three, or even three of three.

Here is "For You".

Over there is "Let's Get Married".

There are also newcomers who will sing "You Will Marry Me Today" affectionately on the stage, which can even cause the whole audience to sing, because the difficulty of these three songs is not high, and the melody and lyrics are all catchy. Participate in several wedding packages you learn!


Aurora platform.

As the topic of "Wedding Patriarch", Chu Ci rushed to the top of the hot search topic several times. Everyone is not so much complaining, it is better to say it is teasing!

"Have you attended a wedding recently?"

"I've been to several weddings recently."

"It feels like the whole world is playing Chuci's song!"

"I'm a master of ceremonies. I presided over three weddings this week. The three young couples all chose Chu Ci's song without hesitation. "Today You Will Marry Me" is the most popular!"

"There are also many candidates for "Let's Get Married."

"The most important thing is that all the wedding hosts have recently started to learn "For You", which will be sung live at the wedding and given to the newlyweds."

"Wedding Patriarch really lives up to his reputation!"

"Recently married couples should give Chu Ci candies!"

"Now almost everyone in the wedding industry can sing the three songs of Chuci!"

"I went to my friend's wedding yesterday, but I didn't hear the three songs you mentioned."

"That's odd."

"Actually, it's not unusual, because my friend played "Little Love Song"."


"Hahahaha I died laughing."

Isn't that the song of the wedding celebration patriarch?

Ganqing, as long as you get married now, you can't get around this patriarch, right?


And at home at this time.

Lin Zhibai felt that he was becoming more and more grounded.

It doesn't matter if he had the title of "Father of Square Dance" before.

Why is it now somehow become the so-called "Wedding Patriarch"?

But that's fine too, the more down-to-earth you are, the more you can walk into thousands of households and become a popular idol, and your prestige value will rise steadily!

Even Jiang Cheng started playing tricks when he called Lin Zhibai.

"The patriarch of the wedding celebration is here, please accept my obeisance!"

"It's okay to charge you one hundred." Lin Zhibai complained.

Only then did Jiang Cheng get down to business: "Our investment in MG Games has already been in place, and they have also accepted our suggestion on the name of the game. This game should be named "Glory of Heroes."

The main reason is that MG Game Company has a game called "Reverse War Glory".

The new game continues to use the form of XX Glory, which is in line with the company's aesthetics.

In particular, the representative of MG Games agreed even more after knowing that the idea came from Kunpeng planner Junlin.


Lin Zhibai smiled. He is very optimistic about "Glory of Heroes" and thinks this game should be popular.

If this game can reach the height of the previous "League of Legends", then Kunpeng will have an extra "money printing machine" to work in the future!

In fact, Carp Live is now a small money printing machine.

This platform has completely secured its position as the leader in the live broadcast market!

Because the carp live broadcast is once again ahead of all peers, after all, so many strange new live broadcast forms appear at the same time.

Many people who didn't like to watch the live broadcast originally found something they were interested in. Even if other platforms want to follow suit, it will take time, unlike Lin Zhibai who has been preparing early.


Maybe it's because Chuci's three wedding songs are too popular recently.

Here comes the day of May.

Qinzhou star rating update!

Chu Ci has officially entered the third-line sequence!

Lin Zhibai didn't know about it until he saw the news.

"Chu Ci breaks into the third line!" "

"Chu Ci presses on Baidi every step of the way! "

"After Baidi, Chu Ci also entered the third line! "

"The Battle of the Gemini Stars in the Music World Is Still Going On!" "

"Songs of Chu" has become the "grandfather of wedding celebrations" and is known by more common people! "

"Chu Ci Aurora platform fans exceeded 20 million! "

Baidi has all the Chu Ci.

If you enter the third line, I will also enter the third line.

If you break 20 million fans, so will I.

No wonder the fans on both sides have been at loggerheads.

Even the host of the latest issue of "Entertainment No Circle" ridiculed the "Music Twin Stars" dispute.

Hostess: "Chu Ci has been following in Baidi's footsteps."

Male host: "I don't think it can be regarded as catching up, because Bai Di made his debut earlier than Chu Ci, so he is slightly ahead."

Hostess: "So you think Chu Ci is stronger?"

The male host: "The two are evenly divided, but I am more inclined towards Chu Ci. Baidi is very young, yes, compared to his age, he can be called a peerless genius, but you have watched Chu Ci's live broadcast, right? Even though he didn't show his face, he sounded very young in his voice."

"That's true."

Today's guest said: "I have been watching Chuci's live broadcast. From the style of his speech to the style of his works, I can feel that his age should not be too old. As for the voice, I feel that it has been processed by some software. But overall it's pretty young."

"I don't know how old Chu Ci is."

"Should be older than Baidi."

"But it shouldn't be much."

"Besides, Chuci's writing speed is really fast!"

Baidi's identity has been exposed, and Chu Ci's identity is still a mystery, but this person's live broadcast style is indeed young, and his singing voice can be heard to be the younger one.

"Everyone says that Baidi is Xiaoqu's father."

"Isn't Chuci the father of Xiaoqu?"

Both of these two have entered the third-tier series now, and it feels like it is only a matter of time before they enter the second-tier in the future, because neither of these two seems to have reached the point where their talents are exhausted. Maybe the twin stars in the music industry will become song daddies in the future?

This episode is actually quite interesting.

The male host obviously appreciates Chuci more.

The hostess is a fan of Baidi.

Therefore, the speeches of the two were obviously tendentious, and even a little bit of a rivalry, which made the audience very happy.


The mutual hatred between these two people is very similar to the relationship between the two fans of Baidi and Chu Ci, they restrain each other but refuse to accept each other!

And there is no doubt that:

As Chuci also entered the ranks of third-tier stars, the psychological advantage of Baidi fans was gone again, and it was a 50-50 split in the true sense.


Also these days.

The project of Shinhwa Publishing House is also under continuous development.

Among them, the software for listening to books has been developed halfway. When this software is successfully developed, Lin Zhibai will officially release the new book "Tomb Raiders Notes" by Bu Yehou. This novel is very suitable for listening to books.

After the live broadcast of Chu Ci ended.

Lin Zhibai has been writing this novel.

On May 1st, Lin Zhibai clattered on the keyboard, then stretched, and finally finished writing "Tomb Raiders Notes".

The book is close to four million words.

It's a veritable long story.

There are some gaps in the original book that have not been filled, but the system has always been thoughtful in doing things, and has basically filled in the gaps, which is very reasonable.

the other side.

The website of Myth Publishing House is almost ready.

Lin Zhibai named it "Qinzhou Chinese Website" before.

Recently, he suddenly felt that the layout seemed to be small, so he decided to change its name to "Blue Star Chinese Network", which sounds a lot more domineering.

This project is in progress.

Lin Zhibai often directs in person.

For example, the types of novels on the website are roughly divided into urban fantasy, fairy tales, history, fantasy, sci-fi, suspense, etc. In short, it is similar to the previous life starting point Chinese website. Each category must have several editors corresponding to it, and the editor-in-chief of the category will conduct unified management. After tossing back and forth for a period of time, the website is basically built.


Lin Zhibai released the news of the establishment of the Bluestar Chinese website in advance. For those writers who have been famous for a long time in the publishing industry, this website is naturally nothing. They have stable cooperation with publishing houses and do not worry about channels for publishing their works. question.


For those small authors who submit manuscripts to publishing houses but are often rejected, this website has a good appeal.

Swish Swish Swish!

Lots of people started contributing!

In the previous life of the Celestial Dynasty, before the Qidian Chinese website appeared, many people would write novels in places like Tianya Forum and Tieba. In the previous life, Qidian’s Chinese website was not favored by the industry to engage in vip, and everyone felt that once online novels were charged, no one would read them...

In fact, Qin Zhou is the same.

There are a small number of Internet writers who generate electricity for love. Their works are not up to the standard of physical publication due to various reasons, so they post them online for free to share. The emergence of Blue Star Chinese Network will definitely attract these people .

"Then who is the editor-in-chief?"

The person in charge of the project was selected by Lin Zhibai from the publishing house. The editor-in-chief of the website and the list of responsible editors were confirmed by the president, but the choice of the editor-in-chief was still pending. This position is very important.

"Don't sleep at night."

After thinking about it, Lin Zhibai decided to let "Bu Yehou" temporarily serve as the editor-in-chief. As for why he did this, it was mainly because Internet writers in this world may not understand anything, and Lin Zhibai needed to give some advice in person!

No night?

The person in charge of the Bluestar Chinese website project looked confused.

"Although Buyehou is good at writing books, it doesn't mean he can be a good editor, and besides, will he agree to be the editor-in-chief?"

"He will. As for whether he can be the editor-in-chief, you don't have to worry about it, and it's only a temporary job."

Lin Zhibai didn't bother to explain too much to the other party. He knew that many senior executives in the company were not optimistic about the Bluestar Chinese website, and even many people in charge of the website project didn't know whether the website had a future. It's playing drums.

no way.

These people can only understand with facts.

As a result, the name of "Bu Yehou" soon appeared in the column of the editor-in-chief of the website.

But after the news was released to the outside world, it made the publishing industry peers give Lei a hard time!

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