Freelance Artist

Chapter 235 That Strange Internet Book Title!

Nathan Press.

"The efficiency is quite high. The Blue Star Chinese website of the Myth Publishing House has already been created?"

"I heard that there are quite a lot of interested writers."

"They're all small writers, and famous writers don't care about this stuff at all."


"Bu Yehou will also go to this website to serialize new books?"

"It's not long since Bu Yehou finished writing "Maliciousness", so there is a new book so soon?"

"This guy has been relatively productive."

"It is estimated that Baidi also knows that this website is difficult to build, so I want to make Buyehou popular, but this kind of website cannot be supported by a writer!"

"Pay to read?"

"Apart from Bu Yehou's novels, do other writers have the ability to make readers pay for it obediently?"

"Inexplicably, online novels can make me wash my hair upside down!"


Tianguang Publishing House.

"It is said that in order to start this website, Baidi invited the editor-in-chief Bu Yehou to give lectures to the writers of the website!"

"Lectures are okay."

"How do you teach novels?"

"There are so many great writers, and their descendants also want to write novels. As a result, the great writers teach by precepts and deeds, and they cannot teach the second great writer!"

"Because fiction is hard to teach."

"It's like a Qu dad, no matter how good he is, how can he teach a second Qu dad?"

"Thought it was a martial arts novel, internal strength or something, can be directly passed on to others?"

"It's just a little pointer at most."

"But how effective is this kind of advice?"

"Also let Bu Yehou be the editor-in-chief of the website. This kind of great writer gives pointers to authors, and the effect may not even be better than if we randomly find a professional editor!"



All major publishing houses are talking about it.

The news that Bu Yehou, who is the editor-in-chief of Blue Star Chinese Network, specially gave lectures to the website writers, did not know where it came from.

After all, there were three hundred authors attending the lecture.

Although Lemon wants to keep it secret, there are always people who can't control their mouths.

However, the specific lecture content of Bu Yehou has not been circulated outside.

Probably everyone wants to drink their own soup. In terms of safeguarding their own interests, people are willing to cooperate with each other.

Not everyone is willing to share ideas openly like Bu Yehou.

And inside the Myth Publishing House.

All kinds of discussions are naturally indispensable.

"Now the major publishing houses are waiting to see our jokes, can this website really work?"

"If you don't do good publishing, what kind of online novels are you doing?"

"If this project fails, will Baidi not be the president of this publishing house?"

"Not at all."

"I guess it's okay for a project to fail. Baidi has opened several new projects. Isn't there a listening book?"

"What's all this fussing about..."

"When these projects fail, he has to leave if he doesn't want to."

"Although I like Baidi's songs very much, it's hard for him to be our boss."

"Idols should be worshiped from afar."

"When it comes to novels, Baidi is just a layman who doesn't understand anything."


Compared with the industry, the readers' response is good, but the topic of discussion revolves around "Never Night".

"Buyehou's new book is about to be released!"


"I heard that this time it will be released on a new website established by Shinhwa Publishing House, and it will be serialized!"

"It seems to be called Bluestar Chinese Website, right?"

"It's time to go and have a look."

"In addition to Bu Yehou, there are many new writers who will also serialize new works on the website."

"not interested."

"Anyway, I only read novels by Bu Yehou."

"However, the form of online serial novels is quite new."

"Fortunately, there will be serialized novels in some forums, but they are all free. I heard that the serialized novels on Bluestar Chinese Network will charge later."

"That's boring."

"What kind of money do you charge for serializing novels on the Internet? Only the novels of Bu Yehou can make me willing to spend money to read them online."


Lin Zhibai didn't care about these voices, he was writing the manuscript of "Zhu Xian", and he could post as much content as possible on the day the website went live.

After reading those manuscripts.

Lin Zhibai knew that he was invincible.

Although during the recent meeting, the high-level executives were a little restless, and sometimes even stabbed themselves a few words.

Especially Rhoda and Bailey.

These two love to lead the beat.

On the other hand, "Sanbo's man" Ren Jiachun is quite honest and responsible, and seems to think that this web site has hope to succeed, so he has been relatively silent recently.

And in all kinds of voices.

Time passed little by little.

May 7th.

May eighth.

May ninth.

Bluestar Chinese website is finally online!

It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the website quickly welcomed a large number of readers.

The goals of these readers are very clear, as soon as they enter the website, they start looking for new works of the night!


You don't need to look for it.

The first time many people entered the website, they saw a novel called "Zhu Xian" on the largest banner page!

"Zhu Xian?"

"The name of Bu Yehou's new work is so domineering!"

"It's very interesting. I'm a little interested in reading the title of the book."


"The beginning of this book is a bit arrogant!"

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat everything as a straw dog?"

"Is this sentence original by Bu Yehou?"

"Read more books, buddy, this sentence comes from Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching", but this sentence is quite domineering at the beginning of the novel."

between discussions.

Everyone has clicked in to read.

When the website was launched, Lin Zhibai's "Zhu Xian" uploaded forty chapters in one go, and the plot just progressed to the plot where the protagonist Zhang Xiaofan ended the Qingyunmen's martial arts competition.

in other words:

From the beginning to the end of the first climax of this book, Lin Zhibai wrote it completely.

Zhang Xiaofan shined in the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, ranking very high, this is the biggest cool point in the early stage of the novel "Zhu Xian"!

Definitely keep your readers satisfied!

However, you have just started reading, and you have not seen this far. In addition, this chapter says that the function has not yet been officially launched, and the technical staff is still developing it. It is estimated that it will be done after a while.

And when readers are busy reading.

Lin Zhibai also observed the website interface design.

The very classic "starting point" page, Lin Zhibai personally participated in the design effect, there are several quite classic lists.

Click on the list.

bestseller list.

Monthly list.

Recommended list.

new book list.

However, these lists are empty at the moment, and it will take a while for some books to appear, and everyone hasn't started voting yet.

However, the recommended places are full.

There are different titles of works written on the various recommendation slots, as well as the covers of novels with different styles of painting.



Although the major publishing houses are not optimistic about the Blue Star Chinese website of Shinhwa, everyone still clicked into this website out of curiosity.

After entering the website.

All kinds of strange and wonderful book titles appear in everyone's field of vision on the dazzling list of recommended positions.

""The Son-in-Law of the Dragon King""

""Need Master""

""Super Homeboy""

""The Strongest Urban Flower""

""Back to Ancient Times to Be a Prince""

""Rebirth of Official Lust, Caution""

""Martial Arts Masters in the City""

""Rebirth: Super Nirvana""

"I Invented Gunpowder in Ancient Times"

""Rebirth to buy 100 million lottery tickets""

""I am a faint king""

"My Superpower"

""I have an upgrade system""

All the colleagues were dumbfounded looking at these titles!

These book titles are completely different from the naming style of traditional novels. Some of them can be understood at a glance, and some of them have been reading for a long time, but they don’t know what it is, or they half understand it.

Upgrading the system?

The son-in-law of the Dragon King?

Reborn as an official?

Rebirth to buy lottery tickets?

Time travel to ancient times and become a prince?

Why are martial arts masters still in the city?

Forget about these things, what the hell is there are few urban flowers, playboys or flower pickers, why do these titles sound so exaggerated?

That's right.

It's pompous!

Full of obscenity!

But while complaining about it, an inexplicable impulse emerged in everyone's heart. I really want to click in and have a look. It should be cool to buy a lottery ticket for 100 million after rebirth, right?

Once this impulse comes out.

In an instant, everyone is not calm!

Especially some editors with rich experience in the industry are inexplicably a little frightened!

The deceptive power of these titles is so strong, even after seeing these exaggerated and even gaudy names, they want to click in and see what the author wrote, let alone ordinary readers!

"It's not right!"

"Although the titles of these novels are very gaudy, you can also say kitsch, but they seem to be attractive!"

"For example, traveling to ancient times to become a prince or something, sounds very interesting!"

"Inventing gunpowder in ancient times? Could it be done?"

"Yes, but it depends on which dynasty you can travel to..."

"The idea of ​​being reborn as an official seems to be very good."


"Why do the novels on this website feel very creative?"

"Hehe, I don't think so. The creativity is okay, but the name is third-rate."

"You can click in and have a look."

"I read the book "Rebirth: Super Nirvana". It's so fucking obscene. Some girl who had a crush on her in the previous life got married, but she didn't live happily ever after, so the protagonist in this life wants to chase her down. Isn't it prying someone's wife? It's simply wrong!"

"But I think it's cool, right?"

"It's okay for novels to be cool, but most of these books are not literary, and the writing is also poor. I have read several books, and the writing is too white. It is impossible for readers to like it!"

"A load of rubbish!"

Perhaps it is the works of this website, the titles of the books are too amazing, so the opinions of the editors from major publishing houses who came to visit are rare!

Some people think that the creativity displayed by these titles is very good!

Some people think that readers of novels without literary connotation will not buy it!

Both sides insist on their own words.

But the reader's feelings are the most important.

Everyone couldn't stop arguing, and their eyes widened, wanting to know how real readers felt after reading these books!

The names of these online articles are actually somewhat prototypes, and old readers who have read books for many years should have some impressions~

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