Freelance Artist

Chapter 243 Sister Riding the Wind and Waves

Zhang Xiyang's rise to popularity made everyone in the circle realize that there is no solution to passing away, as long as the audience recalls the singer's past memories...

But here's the solution.

But Zhang Xiyang only had one.

This is not an easy case to replicate.

Because although Zhang Xiyang has passed away, he didn't naturally pass away, but faded out of the circle on his own initiative. In addition, although he was passed away, his singing skills have been improving. During the few years of silence, his singing skills have been promoted to the king level!

Someone is trying to copy it.

It's a pity that there was no splash at all.

Lin Shengtian recruited so many outdated female artists to participate in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", with this idea in mind, but the professional level of those outdated female artists is reckoned to have regressed considerably.

Not to mention.

The female artists Lin Shengtian is looking for are not only singers, but also actors and the like, not to mention the slightest singing skills, and there may even be many who can't dance, so what will the audience see then?

It's also because this variety show was planned by Kunpeng's Junlin.

The other party's variety shows have indeed always been good at grasping the psychology of the audience.

Even so, Lin Xi was also full of worries about this inexplicable variety show.

"I find it quite interesting." Lin Zhibai said.

"It must be interesting!"

Lin Shengtian's eyes lit up and he said: "I invited the actress who played the heroine Pin Ru and the supporting actress Ellie in "The Temptation of Going Home" to join our show, and Pin Ru's first stage song is to sing the classic battle song! "

The so-called battle song naturally refers to "Unforgiven".

Because "The Temptation of Going Home" is the TV series with the highest ratings so far this year!

And "Unforgivable" as the theme song of the show is also very popular. If the singer is Pinru, it must be very topical.

Not to mention "Pinru and Ellie" competing on the same stage or something.

It can also bring everyone back to the stalk of "how do you wear Pinru's clothes".


Lin Shengtian said again: "I also invite Lin Xiujing, the song master of the Sweetheart School, to join our program!"

"She's forty."

Lin Xi next to him reminded me.

"it does not matter."

Lin Shengtian smiled and said: "I have already met Lin Xiujing, she is in very good condition, she should also sing an old song from that year on the first stage, the audience will probably like it, after all, it is a work that everyone is familiar with."

Lin Zhibai understood.

Lin Zhibai remembers listening to Lin Xiujing's songs when he was very young. She used to be a first-line female singer. She was very popular and followed the style of a girly sweetheart. Unfortunately, as she got older, she couldn't continue to follow the cute route. Otherwise, she would be suspected of being tender, so she gradually faded out of this circle.


Lin Shengtian said: "I also found a singer named Shuiqiao Wu from Chuzhou. She is 32 years old this year. She sings and dances very well. She is also very cute. Her early music is a bit like Lin Yiyi's. Two-dimensional style..."

This is the inspiration provided by "I Am a Singer".

At that time, Han Yueshuang was very popular in Qinzhou as a Qizhou singer!

It shows that singers from other continents are also liked by many people in Qinzhou.

So this time Lin Shengtian found a very capable singing and dancing female singer from Chuzhou.

"Water Bridge Dance had a song back then, which was covered by Lin Yiyi, so the audience should not be too unfamiliar." Lin Shengtian said.

"So she can sing Chu language songs?"

Lin Xi thought for a while and said, "This sounds quite interesting, but I don't know how well the audience will accept Chu Yuge..."

Chu language is the dialect of Chuzhou.

But Lin Zhibai knew it.

In fact, the Chu language is the Japanese of the previous life.

It is reasonable for such a situation to occur in the parallel world, just like the dialect of Qi Zhou, also known as Qi language, is actually the Cantonese of the previous life.

"It's okay, it's not necessary to sing Chu language songs."

Lin Shengtian is not worried about this, because although Blue Star has dialects everywhere, Mandarin is the official language of each continent, and singing with the lyrics of a certain song means "the whole world is speaking Chinese".

Lin Zhibai's heart moved slightly.

Because of the live broadcast, Lin Zhibai exchanged a lot of songs with the system, and would even get a prize from time to time, so now there are a lot of songs in stock. If a Chuzhou singer participates, it means that he may be able to let this Chuzhou singer Sing Chu language songs?

"Or take out "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"?"

This song was accidentally drawn by Lin Zhibai in a lottery, and he never had a chance to use it. Now that he met the Chuzhou singer, who happened to be able to sing and dance rap baskets...

It is enough to sing and dance.

And also understand the two-dimensional.

That should be quite compatible with "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"?

This song was also considered a divine comedy in the previous life, and once bloodbathed Station B!

It is the dance of the song that cannot be explained, but without the dance, singing alone would lose the soul of "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

Then take it out together.

Lin Zhibai thought about it.

"It's not just Chuzhou!"

Lin Shengtian said: "I also found a Korean female singer to come over."

"Korean singer?"

"I don't know if you guys recognize him or not. This Korean singer is called Shin Hyun-ah. She is from a girl group. As you all know, the girl group form in Hanzhou is very popular, and the level is also the first echelon of Blue Star, which is better than our girl group in Qinzhou. The group is more professional, regardless of dancing or singing skills...the most important thing is that Shen Xuanya's mother is from Qinzhou, so she developed in Qinzhou for a few years in the early days, and she also has a lot of fans."


Lin Zhibai nodded repeatedly.

How to choose people, I didn't make specific arrangements in the planning case, these are all my brother's plan, Lin Shengtian's thinking is very clear, even a bit like the mango TV in the previous life, intentionally invite some people who are famous in other continents, even The Qinzhou audience is also relatively familiar with female artists participating in the competition...


I can customize a few Korean songs with the system. Anyway, this show is also a "girl group" gimmick, and there will be a lot of performances in the form of girl groups.

If I remember correctly...

In the previous life, there were many classic girl group songs that were once popular all over the world. If you come up with it yourself, it will definitely add a lot of color to this show!

"Then who will carry the tripod?"

Lin Xi has gradually felt the charm of this show, and she thinks that in this show, one or two big sisters are needed to support the show.

"Huo Mei and Zhao Lanying."

Lin Shengtian uttered two names that Lin Zhibai was very familiar with, both of whom were mythical entertainers.

Huo Mei is a first-line actor, she was shortlisted for Best Actress, and almost entered the top-line at her peak, but it's a pity that she is getting older now.

Zhao Lanying is a singer who debuted before Lin Zhibai was born.

At the peak, it was close to the super first line, but now it has fallen to the first line, and it is estimated that it may fall to the second line.

Time is not forgiving.

Lin Xi analyzed: "I remember that Huo Mei's mouth is very sharp, like a knife, Zhao Lanying's personality is also very bold, but her EQ is a bit low, but they can indeed be big sisters, after all, their status in the world is high enough, but Huo Mei is an actress, if she wants to participate in this show, she needs Lin Jing's nod..."

Lin Jing is the head of the TV artist department.

Lin Shengtian said: "The TV talent department has a lot of opinions on Lin Jing recently. He arranged many errands for the actors that went against the actor's will. Huo Mei has a rather pungent personality, so she is not an obedient master... ..."


Lin Shengtian curled his lips and said, "However, Lin Jing did give me a few blows. I wanted to bring over some actors from the company, but he didn't agree. After all, not every actor is as qualified as Huo Mei, and has the courage to confront Lin Jing." Yes, fortunately those few actors who rejected me were good, but I found a suitable replacement from Tianguang."

It's interesting to say.

It is very difficult for Lin Shengtian to cooperate with Nathan's artists. After all, the three majors are old rivals, but when he cooperates with Tianguang, who is also the top three, the degree of cooperation is quite high, especially Su Chan, the head of Tianguang TV, the other party even personally He contacted Lin Shengtian and said that he could choose any Tianguang actor he likes, and she, Su Chan, personally facilitated the cooperation!

Su Chan escorted him.

Everything went very well.

Lin Shengtian felt that there was his younger brother's face in it, wasn't it rumored that Lin Zhibai had cheated on Lin Gong and pried Su Chan, even though Lin Shengtian asked his younger brother, he never admitted it.

"In that case."

Lin Zhibai asked, "Then what do I need to do?"

Lin Shengtian said: "I need you to participate in the show, preferably as our music director, but if you don't want to show your face, you can give me some advice."

"Let me think about it."

Lin Zhibai promised: "Whether I participate or not, I promise to write a few songs for your show..."

Baidi hadn't released a song for a long time, but the Chu Ci live broadcast room had one song after another, and he could take advantage of the popularity of this show to post a few more songs.

"Give me the detailed list later."

Lin Zhibai wants to see what songs these sisters are suitable for.

First of all, it can be roughly confirmed that the song "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" will be released in the first issue. After all, it is necessary to quickly make the show famous.

Then there are Huo Mei and Zhao Lanying...

Don't worry Zhao Lanying, this kind of old singer is very good.

Huo Mei needs to worry about it, the other party is a TV actor, his professional skill is acting, singing is definitely not that professional.

I can give her a simpler song to help her quickly gain a foothold in the show, after all, she is a thorn who dares to fight against Lin Jing...

That's right.

As long as the other party is willing to confront Lin Jing, Lin Zhibai is willing to lend a helping hand and prevent the other party from participating in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" for nothing!

And after this night's discussion.

the next day.

Shinhwa Entertainment started to promote this brand new variety show!

The fourth variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" produced by Kunpeng and curated by Junlin is here!


Netizens and countless people in the industry cast their attention one after another!

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