Freelance Artist

Chapter 246 Entertainment family? Baidi's family exposed

Lin Shengtian started editing after the first episode of recording was completed. This had nothing to do with the four judges, but everyone did not stop working because of this, especially Lin Zhibai was even busier than his brother.

Because he is going to start choosing songs.

In his previous life, the selection of songs for the performance of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" must have been from old songs, but Lin Zhibai wanted to play something big, so he decided to take out some new songs for his sisters to choose from. few……

And when Lin Zhibai was busy.

The news that Baidi will join "Sister Lang" as the program director appeared on the Internet.

The first episode of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" is complete! "

"Bai Di will serve as the program director of Sister Lang! "

"Baidi Zhang Xiyang co-serves as the judge of Sister Lang! "

"Bai Di will participate in a variety show for the first time! "

"Everyone is looking forward to it, what kind of sparks will Baidi and Sister Lang collide with?" "


A certain Baidi fan group.

"Look at the news, look at the news!"

"Mr. Baidi will be the program director of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves"?"


"Originally, I was not interested in this show, but with Baidi participating, I have to watch it."

"Haha, after losing his horse, he is stubborn. He used to be reluctant to show his face, but now he is willing to appear on variety shows, and he even appeared on this show with his famous Zhang Xiyang!"

"White Emperor fans gather!"

"Do you think Teacher Baidi will release a new song on this show?"


"Looking forward to the new song!"

"Finally, I can fully enjoy Baidi's appearance. The director team remember to show Mr. Baidi some more shots, and I will add chicken legs to you when the time comes!"


Aurora platform.

"This show is awesome!"

"You actually invited Baidi out!"

"Although Baidi lost his horse, he was still very mysterious and never showed his face in public. It seemed that he was blocked by reporters at the school gate the day he lost his horse."

"Program director, this position is very high!"

"Is this the rhythm of releasing new songs through the show?"

"Baidi hasn't released a song for almost half a year. There must be a new song in this wave. Don't forget that he didn't participate in "I Am a Singer" before, and he even released two new songs for that show!"

"I'm getting more and more interested in this show!"

"When will it air?"

"Look at the preview, it says it's June 10th!"

"Then there are only six or seven days left?"



"Baidi also participates in this variety show?"

"And the new singer Zhang Xiyang?"


"The lineup of this variety show is very strong!"

"Then this variety show may not be a small explosion..."

"Based on Baidi's influence, it shouldn't be too much to explode on the show, right?"

"What kind of bad word is middle explosion, maybe it can be a big explosion?"

"Big explosion is too difficult, even if Bai Di and Zhang Xiyang go together, it will be a bit difficult, after all, the professional problem is too serious."

"Now I'm more curious about how many new songs Baidi will bring this time."

"It's hard to say, because this is a girl group development program, but Baidi seems to have never written songs for girl groups, so he may not be good at it."


Xiaoqu's father, Baidi!

New singer Zhang Xiyang!

These two participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" together, which is indeed extremely attractive to netizens.

Especially Baidi, who participated in a variety show for the first time after losing his horse, many people were full of curiosity about him, wondering what kind of character this Xiaoqu father had.

I'm even more curious about what new song Baidi will release on this show!

Also under the influence of this good news, all the brands went crazy and began to want to become the sponsor of "Sister Lang".

Lin Shengtian is also well versed in hype.

When everyone started discussing that Baidi and Zhang Xiyang would also participate in this program, a rumor suddenly came out saying:

In the first episode of the program, there is a sister who will sing Baidi's new song!

This is one of the points that everyone is most looking forward to, so it instantly attracted a lot of attention for this show, and now it has the meaning of being popular before it is broadcast!


Lin Shengtian released some list of participating programs one after another.

Of course it’s only part of it, still holding the pipa half-hidden, but Rao’s part also surprised and even surprised the netizens!


"Huo Mei?"

"This is a straightforward person!"

"There is also Zhao Lanying, my mother likes her very much, a female singer with a very bold personality, and her singing skills are also very good!"


"Pinru is coming too?"

"Ellie is here!"

"Doesn't this call Hong Shixian to come over and perform a show of Shura for everyone?"

"I'm already looking forward to that battle song!"

"Only these few are interesting, and the others are seriously out of date."

"I think it's okay. Although it's outdated, many of them are sisters I used to like, or fans of passers-by."


one day.

two days.

three days.

In the following days, Lin Shengtian, like squeezing toothpaste, revealed the list of participants in "Sister Lang".

Viewers watch for new rosters every day!

"She is coming!"

"She's here too!"

"It turned out to be her!"

Young audiences may not be impressed, and may not even be so familiar with some sisters, but older audiences are overwhelmed by the anticipation of these lists, because there are many sisters in them. It's been a big stroke!

It can be said that there are endless surprises!

Of course, young audiences also have a sense of participation.

Because at the same time as the various lists were released, Lin Shengtian released another piece of news:

"One of the judges of Shinhwa's new variety show "Sister Lang", Lin Xi, the head of Shinhwa's singer department, is Baidi's biological sister!"

News below.

There is also a photo of Lin Xi.

Lin Xi's appearance is still very capable, and her strong Yujie temperament instantly excited netizens!


"Baidi's sister?"

"She's so beautiful!"

"These brothers and sisters look amazing!"

"My sister can make her debut directly!"

"What's your name, sister, that's my sister-in-law!"

"Are you still awake?"

"Lin Xi is obviously my eldest sister-in-law!"

"You want to grab my husband, right?"


Lin Xi actually enjoys the treatment of a star, which makes his younger brother's enthusiasm ten percent.

Of course, this breaking news was approved by herself, and she took a lot of photos specially for the breaking news, which can be said to be quite cooperative.

But seeing the netizens discussing so much.

Lin Xi rolled his eyes and directly forced Lin Shengtian to reveal his identity as Baidi's brother.

Lin Shengtian felt that the problem was not serious, so he also released the news.

"Baidi brother Lin Shengtian is the director of the variety show department of Mythology Entertainment and also the program producer of Sister Lang! "

Of course it's the one with the photo attached.

In an instant, the discussion on the Internet became more lively.


"This is the uncle of my future child!"

"Uncle is handsome!"

"Huh? Isn't he the director of "I Am a Singer"?"


"It turned out to be him. In "I Am a Singer", this guy drank water as soon as he reported his ranking. He was so anxious!"

"So he is Baidi's elder brother!"

"With his looks, it seems that being a husband is not bad, although he is slightly inferior to Baidi."

"This family is all good-looking!"

"So Baidi is the youngest?"


For the popularity of "Sister Lang", Lin Shengtian also worked hard. Seeing the lively discussions among netizens, he simply joined the battle with his whole family. Even the news that Baidi's mother is Wen Yu broke out.

Mom is quite excited.

Sitting at the computer early in the morning, frantically scrolling through netizens' messages to discuss.

"Wen Yu?"

"She is so beautiful, she is Baidi's mother?"

"No wonder Baidi's family looks so good!"

"Ah, hello, mother-in-law!"

"Is mother-in-law okay?"

"I watched several of Wen Yu's dramas back then!"

"The recent photo is so beautiful, my mother-in-law has taken good care of it!"

Everyone is calling mother-in-law!

Wen Yu has almost become the mother-in-law of the whole people!

Of course, most of those who called mother-in-law were female fans of Baidi.

Maybe occasionally there are some male fans?


My mother is out, so how can I lose my father?


Regardless of whether dad agrees or not, mom waved her hand and let Lin Shengtian break the news.

Another Baidi family news:

"Baidi's father, Lin Dong, is the director of the TV series Hurricane!" "

This next family is really tidy.

"father in law!"

"Huh? Isn't it your father-in-law?"

"Hello, father-in-law!"

"Eunuch sounds weird."

"Hahahaha, it turns out that my husband's father is the director of "Hurricane". No wonder the soundtrack of that drama is all Baidi!"

"The two chefs are ecstatic, I really like "Hurricane"!"

"In this way, Baidi's family is all engaged in entertainment, father is a director and mother is an actor, brother is a variety show producer, sister is an agent, let alone Baidi himself!"

"The entertainment family belongs to it!"

"After all, they are descendants of the old man from Shinhwa Group!"


Seeing that the whole family is rubbing off on his enthusiasm, Lin Zhibai can't laugh or cry, for the success of "Sister Lang" his family has spent a lot of money.

The effect is undoubtedly very good.

Because of the super good looks of Lin Zhibai's family, there have been several waves of hot searches.

Also after this continuous publicity and hype, the time finally came to the broadcast day.

this day.

Myth TV.

Yes, this program was aired on Shinhwa TV.

Although Mythology TV Station is now controlled by Erbo, the popularity of this show is too high.

Even the second uncle would not intentionally embarrass this kind of thing, otherwise it would not only be a matter of tearing his face, but the entire Shinhwa Entertainment would not agree.

It's a pity for Lin Zhibai.

If the second uncle forcibly prevents "Sister Lang" from being broadcast on Shinhwa TV, but the show explodes, he will definitely die.

"It's a bit smart."

This program can bring a lot of ratings to the TV station, which is cheaper than this second uncle.

Nine o'clock that night.

Countless viewers who had been looking forward to the show sat in front of the TV early!


Shinhwa Video Network and Kunpeng Video Network can also watch this variety show.

Lin Zhibai guessed that there might be more people following variety shows on the Internet than on TV?

that's all.

It's ten past nine!

The long-awaited "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" is officially broadcast!

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