Freelance Artist

Chapter 265: Condor Heroes

On July 31st, the second day after the Condor Shooting Heroes broadcast, there were still a lot of discussions about this TV series on the Internet, but compared with the TV series, it seems that the original work of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" caused more discussions, and even some academic circles Experts have begun to conduct research——

Qinzhou's famous media "Qinzhou Daily" published an article.

The title is quite bluffing, it is called "You may not understand "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"A lot of people are discussing the five masters of the Central Plains after watching the drama. The theory of the five masters is indeed more imposing than the five masters, but you may not have studied the names of the five masters carefully. East evil, west poison, southern emperor and northern beggar are not night-and-night masters." Randomly arranged, which contains the theory of the five elements."

"That is gold, wood, water, fire, and earth."

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth each correspond to a substance and an orientation, that is, eastern wood, western metal, southern fire, northern water, and central earth..."

"The east belongs to wood and plants, so Dongxie is Huang Yaoshi, who likes to wear green clothes, and yellow is also the initials of cursive, which is wood; Water, so Hong Qigong’s flood is three points of water; the middle is earth, which corresponds to Wang Chongyang, because the weight is earth, and Wang Chongyang did enter the earth early... The south belongs to fire, so the lamp of Yideng is next to the word fire, One or two may be a coincidence, but if they all correspond, it is an ingenious design..."

In order to further demonstrate this idea, the experts who wrote the article analyzed the specific plot.

For example, because the five elements generate and restrain each other, Nanhuo overcomes Xijin, and because of Master Yideng's Yiyang finger in the novel, he can restrain Ouyang Feng's toad kung fu, and because gold restrains wood, Ouyang Feng drives Huang Rong away, bullying to death for his nephew. Huang Rong and so on.


The article also mentioned "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon".

"It's different from other martial arts novels whose martial arts names are made up randomly, how domineering and how they come from. Although this martial arts is also domineering, the moves in it are very particular. The hexagram, Xiang said Shangjiu; the flying dragon in the sky is also the Qian hexagram, which is called the ninety-five. Said: Nine three..."

at last.

The article also concluded: "The so-called Five Wonders of the Central Plains, in fact, there are also the settings of various schools of thought. For example, Dongxie Huang Yaoshi escapes from the world in Peach Blossom Island, which inherits Zhuangzi's Taoist thought that fame and fortune are like floating clouds; Ouyang Feng loves intrigue and intrigue. Unscrupulous, has the taste of a political strategist; while Master Yideng represents the Buddhism, converts to Buddhism and sees through the world of mortals and sees the six senses of purity; Hong Qigong embodies the Mohist thought, helping the poor and helping the poor, saving people in danger!"

Be reasonable.

When most people read this book or followed this drama, they never expected so much, so they were shocked when they read this article!


"Pose up!"

"It turns out that Bu Yehou didn't make up these things randomly?"

"Hou Ye is a big bully!"

"It's no wonder that some of the sentences in the "Nine Yin Manual" sound familiar to me. After checking the information, I found out that this is part of the original text of Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching"?"

"I think Hong Qigong is more like Confucianism."

"There is an old saying [Nine Confucianism and Ten Beggars]. This Confucianism is a mixture of Confucianism and Mencius, and it is also mixed with the study of "Yi". Use the art of Huang Lao to recuperate."

"It's no problem that the Five Absolutes correspond to the theory of the Five Elements, but I think the theory of the various schools of thought is far-fetched."

"That's because you haven't done enough research on the history of the various schools of thought. Let's take Ouyang Feng of the West as an example. We all know the Legalists of the Western Qin Dynasty. At the end of the novel, Ouyang Feng practiced the "Nine Yin Manual" backwards. When it comes to the "Tao Te Ching", does it seem like Han Fei rehearsed the "Tao Te Ching" and eventually became a lineage of Legalism for thousands of years, and with the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the Legalists did indeed defeat other schools, Just like Hua Shan's theory of swords and western poisons finally defeated the northern beggar Dongxie, even though he was crazy..."

"Shooting the Condors is not just a martial arts novel."

"This book has entered the room and reached the level of a literary work. Based on this alone, no other martial arts novels can compare."

"I think Bu Yehou really portrayed Guo Jing's heroic demeanor."

"Martial arts, martial arts, and other martial arts, all emphasize the part of martial arts. Only when Bu Yehou worked hard on the word "Xia" did he achieve Guo Jing's perfect personality!"

These statements gradually formed a consensus.

And following this article, there was also a wave of online interpretation of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The few novels written by Bu Yehou have never been interpreted so seriously by netizens or even experts.

The charm of Jin Yong's martial arts can be seen.

In fact, the main reason is that it has a high standard, which is abruptly higher than other blue star martial arts novels.

In fact, the most persuasive sentence is the sentence "The great man serves the country and the people", but Lin Zhibai does not plan to release this sentence now.

Because it takes "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and the contribution of Guo Jing and Huang Rong to defend Xiangyang to reflect the power of this sentence.


Lin Zhibai is already preparing to release the novel "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

This book has a total of less than 1.2 million words. After using the hand speed potion provided by the system, he finished it during the broadcast of the Condor Shooting——

This time he will write the novel first and then the screenplay.


Because Lin Zhibai is afraid that if the TV series is played directly, the audience will collapse when they see the part where Xiaolongnv loses her body, which will directly affect the ratings.

It would be better to publish the original novel first, so that the audience can have psychological expectations in advance before watching the drama.

Before writing about Baguio's death, readers rebelled. Lin Zhibai felt that the movement caused by Xiaolongnu's incident would only be more exaggerated, and he also had psychological expectations.

But there is no way.

This is how the original book was written, and the version provided by the system has not been modified. It is the default system that thinks this paragraph is okay.

Lin Zhibai asked himself that he had no ability to modify it by himself, and he was unwilling to modify it. After all, Jin Yong revised "The Legend of Condor Heroes" several times in his previous life, and he never changed this paragraph, even out of respect for this martial arts master. change.

Let's talk about it after it's published.

Before the novel is published, of course, publicity must be done first, strike while the iron is hot, so as soon as August arrives, Lin Zhibai released the news that the second original novel of the Condor Shooting Trilogy has been completed and is being prepared for publication and release, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" "The title of the book was also officially released.


At this time, the Condor Shooting fever is not over yet, and because everyone knows that Bu Yehou is going to write a trilogy of Condor Shooting, so they are looking forward to the second part.

I didn't expect Buyehou to be so powerful!

The TV series "Shooting the Condors" has only been aired for a few days, and the second part is coming, and this time it is the novel first, which immediately sparked heated discussions across the Internet!

"Is the second part coming so soon?"

"Bu Yehou is the writer with the most creative energy I have ever seen!"

"The second part is "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

"Why is it a sculpture again?"

"Could it be Guo Jing's two eagles?"

"So the new book is the story of Guo Jing and Huang Rong?"

"This time the novel is released first, is it because the original "Legend of the Condor Heroes" is too popular?"

"I will read them all. Although the plots of novels and TV dramas are similar, they look and feel completely different."

"It's true that if you read the novel first, you will be more interested in the TV series."

"Because I can make up my mind when I read novels, and then I look forward to the drama that I have made up in my mind."

"Aren't we just brainstorming around the title of the book now?"

Because many people will subconsciously think of Guo Jing and Huang Rong when they see the title of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

After all, everyone knows that Guo Jing has raised two eagles, one female and one male, so it is normal to have such brain supplements.

In fact, it was because "Legend of the Condor Heroes" was too popular in the previous life when it came out.

At that time, the public comment was "Shooting the eagle out, ghosts and gods startle", which shows its influence.

Baodao also blocked this book because the word "shooting the eagle" echoed the phrase "only know how to bend the bow and shoot the big eagle".

The truth is that the family members are speechless.

And because the novel was serialized in Ming Pao when it was published.

At that time, Mr. Jin Yong wrote editorials with one hand and martial arts with the other, maintaining the update of the newspaper serials. Many people who bought "Ming Pao" went to read the serials of the novels. It was also because of the great influence of shooting eagles that they were even called the top volume of the martial arts world. Therefore, Jin Yong himself felt inexplicable pressure. In order to continue and borrow the name of Shooting Condor, the new name also deliberately used the word "Diao".

To put it simply, it is to rub the heat of my old books.

After all, Jin Yong was often popularized by others at that time.

At that time, there was a martial arts novel published by Wuliang Publishing House, and the author's name was directly called "Jin Yongxin".

So everyone will see "Jin Yong's new work" written in the author column of xx martial arts novels. Is there no sense of disobedience?

Those who didn't know thought it was Jin Yong's new book.

Then it is understandable for Jin Yong to rub his own enthusiasm.

Besides, the title of the book "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is also appropriate, after all, Yang Guo's name in the Jianghu is the Condor Hero.

Lin Zhibai did not explain this, and left the novel alone after it was published by Shinhwa Publishing House.

It was a piece of news on the Internet that caught Lin Zhibai's attention.

"The song "Bubble" written by Chu Ci and sung by Han Yueshuang was released, and it is currently ranked first in the season list!"

Good guy.

Lin Zhibai handed over this song to Han Yueshuang last year, but she didn't expect the other party to hold it back for about a year before releasing it.

But the timing was very accurate, and the heat was very good——

They're all rubbing heat, rubbing against others and rubbing against themselves.

Because Chuci's song last month also won the first place in the season chart.

That's right.

It is the theme song of Shooting Condors "Iron Blood and Heart"!

That song was sung by Han Yueshuang and Zhang Xiyang.

With last month's record, "Bubble" will be released at this time, and there will be a bonus for writing and composing Chu Ci...

It's normal for Han Yueshuang to take the first place in the season list.

It is also because "Bubble" won the first place in the season chart. Chuci's song seems to be unlocking the achievement of two consecutive championships in the season chart?

This is just great.

Chu Ci's fans had something new to brag about in front of Baidi's fans.

After all, Baidi's songs haven't won the season rankings for two consecutive times. Lin Zhibai is considering whether to let Baidi win once?

Even three consecutive championships and four consecutive championships are not impossible.

After all, it is no longer difficult for Lin Zhibai to simply win the first place in the season rankings, and it is not even worth writing about.

It's just about winning consecutive championships in the season rankings. Lin Zhibai didn't deliberately unlock this achievement before.

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