Freelance Artist

Chapter 276 Become the boss of Myth Publishing House!

Of course, Baidi has long been famous, and this wave is mainly due to his success in the literary world. This couplet competition is destined to have a far-reaching impact——

that night.

The news is out!

"Baidi wins five couplet masters in a row and wins the championship of the couplet contest!" "

"The White Emperor's Eternal Absolute! "

Lin Zhibai, the first person in the couplets of the "Blue Star Youth Generation"! "

"White Emperor Domineering Fighting Couplets, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 100 million! "

"The White Emperor Enters the Literary World of Qinzhou! ? "

"Mrs. Zhao, director of the Qinzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, praises Baidi! "

"Bai Di Was Conferred as the Number One Talented Scholar of Qin Yi!" "

"White Emperor's Famous Saying: The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold!" "

"Baidi's couplets sparked heated discussions on the Internet! "

As the media said, Lin Zhibai's couplet sparked heated discussions on the Internet!


Netizens find it most pleasing to the eye, which is the phrase "Green water has no worries, and the face is wrinkled by the wind-the green hills are not old, but they are snow-white."

Many netizens directly used this sentence to post on Moments.

Some people even directly use this couplet as a personal signature.

This couplet between Zhou Tai and Baidi seems to be passed down as a good talk for a while.

It's just because this couplet is not only beautiful in artistic conception, but also very compelling, and contains certain philosophical principles.

But to say the most discussed...

Of course, it is the eternal absolute "Smoke Lock Pond Willow" left by Lin Zhibai!

Countless netizens tried their best to make a second line, but no one in the whole network succeeded!

On the contrary, someone deliberately spoofed and said "Shencheng Teppanyaki", which successfully aroused the laughter of countless netizens...

Not to mention.

Although this second line is full of spoofs, at least the radicals of "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth" really match.

It is also because the discussion rate is too high.

Many people who didn't watch the live broadcast also searched the recorded video to watch out of curiosity, but they were stunned by the high-powered couplets throughout the whole process!


"Bai Di, this is too fierce!"

"When the first round was only for additional questions, I knew it was not easy!"

"The second round is handsome. It's only for the first five, and the last five can be right, but it's not right on purpose. It's too personal!"

"The third round with full firepower is the hottest!"

"I used to compare the lyrics of Baidi and Chu Ci, and I always thought that Chu Ci's literary talent was better than Baidi's. Now it seems that Baidi is more powerful!"

"I don't like to hear that."

"Everyone has something that everyone is good at. Besides, how can you be sure that Chuci doesn't understand couplets?"

"Chu Ci's talent is definitely not weak!"

Although Baidi's show was truly spectacular, Chu Ci's fans certainly refused to accept it, even though they must have admired it in their hearts.

Netizens were overjoyed when they saw that Chuci fans were still talking hard.

Watching fans fighting between Baidi and Chu Ci has always been one of the sources of happiness for netizens, but this wave of everyone also thinks that Baidi is superior.

Lin Zhibai naturally also saw the discussion of netizens.

It was a joy to watch at first, but Lin Zhibai was not happy seeing someone start to use Baidi to step on Chuci.

It is better to try to balance the two vests.

Then Chu Ci can only do something.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhibai directly used Chuci's account to post this post:

"Peach burning Jinjiang embankment."

Netizens froze for a moment when they first saw these five words.

Immediately afterwards.

Everyone just reacted!

"Good guy, Chu Ci is the second line of Baidi's eternal absolute, Yansuo Pond Liu?"

"I go!"

"Golden wood, water, fire, earth...the Tao burns the Jinjiang's really the second line of Yansuo pond willow!"

"So stupid?"

"Chu Ci broke the online helplessness of the whole network!?"

"There is no problem with the five elements, and there is no problem with the artistic conception. It is even more correct than Baidi's sentence of "Bao Zhen Hai Cheng Lou!"

"This is absolutely eternal!"

"Is there any boss to analyze it?"

"Chu Ci actually understands couplets?"

"What's the level of this lower line?"

Not everyone has a sufficient level of appreciation. Most people just think it is very powerful when they see this second couplet, but they can't tell the reason for the specific analysis.

Fortunately, there are many good people on the Internet.

Soon, a university professor analyzed: "The upper couplet of Yansuo Pond Willow is flat and flat. Since the upper couplet is not a standard horseshoe pattern, if it is corrected according to the clear law of two, four, and six, the second couplet should be even and even. Pingping, which means it can be both flat and flat, so if you look at it strictly, the second line of Tao Ran Jinjiang Embankment is not perfect..."


Then the university professor added: "Considering that the first couplet is an absolute level of difficulty through the ages, the second couplet of Chu Ci is already the best in the whole network, even better than the five words [Pao Zhen Hai Cheng Lou] corrected by Baidi himself. Even better, judging from the sophistication of this second couplet, the level of Chu Ci's couplets is definitely not bad, at least I can't think of a better second couplet than him!"

And not just this university professor.

Many literati are actually thinking about the second couplet, and when they see the pair of Chu Ci, they express their heartbreak.

"It is already the best solution!"

"It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in the whole network."

"I'm afraid no one can come up with a better version."

"Chu Ci's couplets are not to be underestimated."

"The best solution!"

"Barely can be used as a public answer."

Now the fans of Chu Ci are happy. Although this does not mean that Chu Ci is better than Baidi's couplets, at least it is a victory!

At least Baidi fans can't make faces!

Because Bai Di himself was right about "Pao Zhen Hai Cheng Lou".

The comprehensive score is not as good as Chu Ci's "Peach Burning Jinjiang Embankment".

In the future, when everyone searches for Baidi's eternal and absolute answer, the first one that pops up is destined to be the second line of Chu Ci!

The second is the second couplet of Baidi himself.

From this point of view, although Chu Ci did not win, he did not lose either...

Lin Zhibai once again expressed his satisfaction with his "perfect point control" skills. The correct way is to develop the vest in a balanced way!

Then again.

The prestige feedback of this couplet competition is really high, Lin Zhibai deliberately called up his personal data and took a look.

【Name: Lin Zhibai】

【Age: 19】

【Vocal: 60+】

【Piano: 50+】

【Guitar: 50+】

【Painting: 36+】

【Calligraphy: 32+】

[Reputation: 7390976]

[Summary: Compared with today two years ago, the talent of the host has basically improved slightly, and the biggest improvement is in vocal music. It is recommended that the host can develop in a balanced manner. 】

It's a bit of an improvement.

Lin Zhibai remembers that his piano was 48 before, and the increase to 50 may be because he has practiced for arrangement and live broadcast in the past two years.

The guitar was also 46 before.

However, Lin Zhibai likes to play the guitar during the live broadcast, and practiced hard for the effect of the live broadcast, and now he has raised it to 50 points.

Painting and calligraphy only went up a little.

There is nothing to say, it has only increased a little in two years, it is pretty good, it is not bad if it has not regressed, after all, Lin Zhibai has neglected to practice these two things.

As for the vocals?

This is Lin Zhibai's own improvement through learning all the way and cooperating with adding points.

"Although the system advises me to develop in a balanced way, other talents are not in a hurry to improve right now. I should continue to give priority to strengthening Chuci."

Lin Zhibai's most important thing is vocal music.

In order to choose songs more freely during the live broadcast, Chuci's singing skills were raised to 60 points by Lin Zhibai in one go.

According to the system, 60 points is the standard level for professional singers.

After that, Lin Zhibai obtained 17 skill points from the system one after another.

It's useless to save now.

Lin Zhibai thought about adding ten points to the vocal music first.

"Add some crimson!"

"Sound plus 10 skill points!"

As soon as the words came out, Crimson started to run the system, and Lin Zhibai felt a cold feeling in his throat, as if he had eaten throat lozenges.

It's an amazing experience.

Then the brain also felt a little numb.

After this process lasted for a few minutes, Lin Zhibai suddenly heard a ding dong.

Scarlet: "Congratulations to the host for reaching 70 points. Your singing skills have reached the level of a senior professional singer."

The professional singer is 60!

The king of singers and the queen of songs are 80!

Lin Zhibai's current singing skills are somewhere in between, stronger than the average professional singer but weaker than the King of Songs and Queen of Songs.


Lin Zhibai was talking to himself.

At this moment, the system made another "ding dong".

Scarlet: "Congratulations to the host for triggering the special talent reward [variable voice]!"

Ever-changing voice?

What is this stuff?

Lin Zhibai quickly took a look at the introduction: "As the name suggests, the ever-changing voice means that the host can make a variety of different voices..."

Make many different sounds?

Lin Zhibai's eyes lit up, and he began to sing "Song for Myself".

Different from his usual singing, Lin Zhibai sang deliberately imitating Zhang Xiyang's voice.

As soon as the voice came out, Lin Zhibai was startled.

Good guy!

He could actually imitate Zhang Xiyang's voice!

Then Lin Zhibai imitated Lin Shouzhuo's voice and sang "Dissipating Sorrow".

After singing a few lines, Lin Zhibai couldn't help laughing, guessing that Lin Shouzhuo would be dumbfounded when he heard it, right?

I even imitated Lin Shouzhuo's voice so much!

Some people are born very good at imitating the voices of major singers, this is a talent.

And now Lin Zhibai also has such a talent, he is even stronger than those imitators!

Those gifted imitators can at most imitate 80% of the original singer?

But Lin Zhibai directly imitated about 90% of it!

Suppose Lin Zhibai is singing a song by Tianguang singer Zhou Hanjin...

If the audience didn't look at their faces, they would probably think it was Zhou Hanjin who was singing.

so fun!

Lin Zhibai had a great time playing.

He even tried to imitate Sun Gu's voice and sing "Moonlight".

Lin Zhibai can actually control that unique style, but it's not just because his current ability to imitate is terrifying.

It is also because Lin Zhibai's singing level has reached 70 points, which has already surpassed Sun Gu and is close to the level of the king of singers!


Can a feminine voice be imitated?

Lin Zhibai tried it, and was immediately overjoyed, he seemed to be able to control even a feminine voice!

But if you listen carefully, you can still hear the voice of a man.

If I had to make an analogy, it might be a bit like the singer Zhou Shen in the previous life?

Although the voice sounds like a female singer, but after careful identification, you can still hear a bit of a male singer...

"This talent is not bad."

I didn't expect that there would be such a hidden reward when the singing skill reached 70 points, and Chuci had been strengthened at the epic level!


What to do with the remaining seven skill points?

After Lin Zhibai hesitated for a while, he directly added the "piano" talent, leaving aside calligraphy and painting.


Lin Zhibai's piano level has reached 57 points!

Don't underestimate this value, Lin Zhibai's piano level has almost reached the professional level after this wave of enhancements!

"When my piano level improves a bit, I'll come out with some piano pieces."

Lin Zhibai showed a smile. As a father of Xiaoqu, he will play the piano and even the symphony sooner or later!

It's a pity that the skill points are used up again, so I have to earn another wave.

At that time, the piano can be raised to a professional level, and the vocal music can also be directly raised to the level of a singer!

Lin Zhibai had such a plan in his mind.

Of course, you can't count on the system to add points.

Lin Zhibai's vocal music has improved a lot with his own efforts.

In the next time, if you have nothing to do, you can also rely on your own efforts to improve your talents such as piano.

Let's practice the piano!

With such a goal in mind, Lin Zhibai really practiced the piano at his residence in the next few days.

This thing needs more practice.

Even a genius like Beethoven and Mozart had to practice repeatedly.


Hard work pays off.

On September 15th, Lin Zhibai, who had been practicing the piano for half a month, saw his statistics skyrocket!

All right.

A small increase of 1 point.

Reached 58.

Anyway, it is a little bit more, after all, Lin Zhibai is one step closer to his goal of becoming a professional pianist.

Also this day.

Lin Zhibai went to the Shinhwa Publishing House for a meeting.

meeting room.

Ren Jiachun, who has been promoted to the vice president of the Shinhwa Publishing House, is not without excitement and flatters loudly:

"The president is wise!"

This wave is indeed worthy of Ren Jiachun's flattery.

Because recently many books written by celebrities have been published.

It was Lin Zhibai who asked his sister to write it for these celebrities, including Zhang Xiyang.

The book written by Zhang Xiyang is called "Follow the Encounter". The title of the book fits his character very well. It can be regarded as a personal autobiography. In the book, he took the initiative to expose his failed marriage experience for the first time, as well as his personal experience during the years of silence, etc.

As a result, the work sold well as soon as it was published!

After all, Zhang Xiyang is the king of singers, a superstar who belongs to Qinzhou, and his terrifying fan appeal alone is enough to support a certain amount of book sales!


Many passers-by fans of Zhang Xiyang, and even some people who were not fans of Zhang Xiyang, bought this book with great expectations and enthusiasm.

How fresh!

Aren't writers usually publishing books?

This is the first time that everyone has heard that celebrities can also write books. The unprecedented freshness and countless sales blessings are the real reasons for the popularity of this book. Of course, there are some customers among them, out of some kind of curiosity, or I only bought the book if I wanted to spy on it, because the celebrity is still far away from the public, and it seems very unreal. Many people want to know what the private life of the celebrity is like.

Not only Zhang Xiyang's book.

The books of other celebrities are also selling well, and the reasons are nothing more than the above.

It's just that Zhang Xiyang is the most popular as a super-line, and his writing is also the most thoughtful, so the sales volume is the hottest.

As a result, Mythology Publishing House has achieved a wave of performance gains, and it is only then that Ren Jiachun flattered him during meetings. He admired it from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, the entire senior management of the publishing house has surrendered to Lin Zhibai Xinyue.

Because the idea of ​​finding a celebrity to write a book was completely thought up by the president Lin Zhibai!

There was Bluestar Chinese website before!

There will be a blue star audiobook project!

Now with the support of celebrity publishing books!

It has only been half a year since Lin Zhibai joined the publishing house as the president. Not only did he clean up some disobedient high-level executives, but he also made the rest of the people docile and obedient, and even made the company's performance soar. Not convinced?

Finish kissing.

Ren Jiachun said:

"The latest survey shows that our Myth Publishing House has become the largest publishing house in Qinzhou without a doubt!"

"Nason Publishing House, which used to be the most competitive with us, has been left behind by us!"

"Tianguang Publishing House can only follow our ass to eat ashes."

"The company has today's size and the president owes a lot to it!"

With the explosion of celebrity book sales, Mythology Publishing House has completely secured its leading position in the Qinzhou book market!


Nathan Press.

Tianguang Publishing House.

Including countless peers, everyone saw that the performance of Shinhwa Publishing House began to grow rapidly again, and everyone was about to fall into autism.

"Myth Publishing House is already unstoppable."

"Bai Di is too powerful!"

"It's only been half a year, and we've been defeated steadily!"

"Is this guy really a junior?"

"The maturity of this kind of business thinking is not inferior to that of his grandfather."

"Fortunately, we thought he was a layman before."

"Where is this layman?"

"He knows the book market better than us old folks!"

"This guy is simply a genius. I watched the couplet contest he participated in, and I confirmed this more and more."

"I even doubt that Baidi will become the future heir of the myth!"

"Recently, there have been a lot of such statements in the business world. Leaving aside the second generation of the Lin family, everyone in the third generation has been overshadowed by Baidi."


Westside Manor.

Lin Zhaomu asked with a half-smile, "Will Xiaobai become the future successor of the Shinhwa Group? That's what people outside say?"


Secretary Jin said with a smile: "Myth Publishing's performance is getting better and better. Recently, the gimmick of the celebrity's book publishing has also been released. The market response is very good. Nathan's and Tianguang's publishing houses have followed suit."

"it's useless."

Lin Zhaomu said indifferently: "Xiaobai drank the head soup. This kind of gimmick of publishing a book by a celebrity is mainly a novelty. If there are celebrities to follow to publish a book later, there is no need to have too much hope in terms of sales."


Secretary Jin said with emotion: "Master Xiaobai's intelligence is indeed amazing, and he has a taste of both civil and military skills."

Personal talent is strong enough.

The business vision is also long enough.

According to the standards of the Shinhwa Group's heirs, this is both civil and military.

If there is only commercial ability, it will be said to be a capitalist who smells of money.

But if you only have artistic talent and no commercial ability, then you are not as good as a capitalist who is full of money.

But Lin Zhibai took it all.

Even Lin Zhaomu couldn't fault it.

Secretary Jin also knew that the old man Lin Zhaomu had watched the couplet contest that Lin Zhibai participated in some time ago.

Although there is nothing after reading it, Secretary Jin believes that in Lin Zhaomu's eyes, these will become Lin Zhibai's bonus points.

"He behaved so well. As a grandfather, I have to show something."

Lin Zhaomu tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "Let him hand in the papers ahead of time, I can rest assured that Shinhwa Publishing will give it to him."

"what do you mean?"

"All the shares of Mythology Publishing House will be transferred to Lin Zhibai."

Lin Zhaomu said, originally the settlement started at the end of the year, but Lin Zhibai's performance was so good that there was no need to wait until the end of the year!


two days later.

Lin Zhibai met Secretary Jin at the Shinhwa Publishing House.

"Is it really all transferred to me?"

"Sign it, Myth Publishing House will be yours from now on."

Secretary Jin smiled and guided Lin Zhibai to sign a contract to complete the change of legal person.

"The old man is quite generous."

Lin Zhibai smiled, signed his name decisively, and directly held all the shares of this publishing house.

The publishing house did not take it for nothing, after all, it took a lot of hard work, and it was published online, listened to books, and found celebrities.

These are golden ideas!

And with Lin Zhibai formally signing under the witness of the lawyer team——

Mythology Publishing House has finally become an asset 100% controlled by him, Lin Zhibai!

In the future, Lin Zhibai should no longer be the president of Shinhwa Publishing House.

He's upgraded!

Become the boss of Myth Publishing House directly!

But the old man's sudden generosity made Lin Zhibai unable to help but think too much.

The old man's body can't really fail, can it?

Because the old man has always been a person with a strong desire for control, he should be the first person in the Lin family to officially inherit part of the property.

"Congratulations, Young Master Bai!"

Secretary Jin smiled and said: "Friendly reminder, be careful of your restless uncles."

"I know."

Lin Zhibai sent Secretary Jin away.

Turning around again, Lin Zhibai saw that all the senior executives of the Shinhwa Publishing House were staring at him with complicated eyes.

"Congratulations, President!"

These high-level people spoke in unison.

Ren Jiachun laughed and said, "It's time to call him the boss."

"Congratulations boss!"

This change of words means that everyone knows that they will no longer work for Shinhwa Group in the future.

Instead, he was working for Lin Zhibai himself!

Lin Zhibai waved his hands and said, "Everyone can work with peace of mind."

After officially taking over Shinhwa Publishing House, he didn't make any new big moves, and all disobedient people in the company have been cleared out.

After appeasing the middle and high-level officials, Lin Zhibai made another phone call with Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised when he heard the news, and said with emotion: "The current valuation of Myth Publishing House is not low. Now, boss, you will really become a billionaire."

"I want to change the name to Kunpeng Publishing House..."

Lin Zhibai complained, but it was just talking about it. He has the right to change his name, but he can't really change his name.

On the contrary, the skill points have increased a lot.

As Lin Zhibai won the Myth Publishing House, the system directly reminded Lin Zhibai that he had obtained 30 skill points!

Get rich!

But this is also understandable, after all, it is an entire Myth Publishing House, this is so valuable, Lin Zhibai even felt that the system was a bit stingy for the reward of thirty skill points!


ps: I will write another chapter, and ask everyone for a monthly pass at the end of the month!

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