Freelance Artist

Chapter 292 Kunpeng's Best Variety Show Ever!

Many fans of "Master and Apprentice" are watching the show at the same time, and at the same time secretly paying attention to "The Voice" next door. The purpose is of course to investigate the enemy's situation. , The opening song of "The Voice" seems to be better, and each of them suddenly felt depressed after a bad start, but when they saw the host of "The Voice", their mood instantly improved again!

"The host next door is so frustrating!"

"That Huang Li has never heard of it. Anyway, it is a large-scale talent show with an investment scale similar to "Master and Apprentice". Why can't you find a decent host?"

"The host is we won!"

"The opening song of the first round is considered to be a little bit better than them, but we won the second round. The host we invited for "Master and Apprentice" is Mr. Li Han, a very famous first-line host in Qinzhou, with the ability to host. It's well-recognized, unlike this Huang Li, I checked, it's just a fourth-line host."

"Didn't they attract a lot of advertising investment?"

"Maybe all the money is used to hire the singer, and the host has no budget."

"Maybe it's not a budget issue. I suspect that many powerful hosts don't want to go to "The Voice", and they can't afford it even if they have the money."

"Haha, this Huang Li's hosting style is also mediocre."

"Even the audience obviously didn't like him."

In fact, this is a bit exaggerated, and fans of "Master and Apprentice" know it well.

Because this kind of talent show mainly focuses on mentors and contestants, and the presence of the host is very low. It is nothing more than doing some work of reporting and reading advertisements, and then there is nothing else to do. Look at "Master and Apprentice" here Isn't that what it is?

No matter how big the host is, he is only the host after all.

With only such a little space to play, can you still play flowers?


Just when everyone was thinking this way, Huang Li started to play tricks, and said with a smile: "Before the game officially starts, I will give my family a wave of benefits."

Show face.

Who is your family?

What benefits can there be?

Just when the audience laughed.

Huang Li suddenly took a deep breath:

"Authentic Chocolate Authentic Good Voice Lanfu Chocolate is now enjoying silky smoothness We invite you to officially watch the large-scale self-made music and singing talent show TV program hosted by Kunpeng Video Jia’s Thousand Flavors Orchard is cheering for Good Voice. This year, the proud disciples of the four mentors of Good Voice will embark on the Yida chewing gum music dream that cares about your teeth and more about you..."

Fans of "Master and Apprentice" are stupid!

The fans of "The Voice" were also stunned!

Countless netizens who were watching the live broadcast were stunned!


"What's the speed of speech!"

"This host is on drugs!"

"What kind of chicken blood is this?"

This advertisement must have more than two hundred words. How many seconds did it take you? This guy didn’t even read the manuscript, but he read it all right in one breath! ?


The whole network is hotly discussed!

At this time, Lin Zhibai was also watching the show with his family at home.

After all, Lin Zhibai is the program director of "The Voice", so his family is still very supportive.

And when the clip of reading the advertisement at high speed came out, sister Lin Xi almost jumped up from the sofa, "This is too amazing!"

"This lip service is really sharp!"

Mom couldn't help but admire.

Dad was shocked, "How many words do you have to say in one second?"

Lin Shengtian didn't speak, but his eyes were undoubtedly shocked. As an old variety artist, he knew how good this ad was. With the performance of this ad, Huang Li would never be short of job opportunities in the future. Almost all variety shows would Consider finding him as the host, because this is a god-level speech speed that many big-name hosts who are known for their sharp tongue can't do it!


At this time, many people in the industry were also watching "The Voice", including some hosts.

At this time, even the hosts in the industry are convinced!

"I can't do this speed!"

"I managed to do it, but I couldn't read it so clearly like him. It is easy to make mistakes or eat words at such a high speed."

"Who knows Huang Li?"

"I know a college classmate who majored in broadcasting and hosting. This guy's speech speed has always been exaggerated and he likes to play tongue twisters, but he was not so fast back then!"

"It seems that I have practiced a lot. I suspect that no one in the entire host world can be faster than this guy."

"It's no wonder that "The Voice" finally asked him to be the host. Regardless of whether the show is successful or not, Huang Li may be popular."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Watching "The Voice", there is a host named Huang Li who is absolutely amazing!"

"Then let me see, I was just watching "Master and Apprentice"."


Qin Zhou at this time.

Someone is watching "Master and Apprentice".

Someone is watching The Voice.

Many of them watched and discussed online, and then found that the opening song of "The Voice" seems to be better.

That's okay too.

After all, the music director of "The Voice" is Bai Di, so it's normal for the opening song to be better.

But the host of "The Voice" was able to trigger so many discussions, which aroused some people's curiosity.

Some who were watching "Master and Apprentice" hesitated to switch to Tianguang TV.

Although Huang Li's commercial had already ended when many people switched channels, some decided to watch it again.

If not, switch back to "Master and Apprentice".

Anyway, the competition between the two sides has not officially started yet.

However, many fans of "Master and Apprentice" felt a little sour, and expressed:


"What's the use of speaking fast, this is a competition for contestants, not a competition for hosts!"

"that is!"

"The quality of players is the key!"

"It is estimated that "The Voice" also knows that its players are not good, so they are thinking of some outside tricks."

"it's useless."

"In the end, we still have to go back to the player competition."

"Look, the first contestant of "Master and Apprentice" is here!"

"Good guy, the first contestant of "The Voice" has also appeared!"

Both sides are synchronized enough!

But there is one thing, there is a huge difference between the two sides, and that is the image of the players.

On Shinhwa TV, the first contestant of "Master and Apprentice" is a handsome young man with white skin and tender flesh, who speaks softly.

On the other hand, look at The Voice.

The first contestant was named Tian Wei, a very rough man, Kong Wu was as powerful as a hill, and anyone who said he was a sumo wrestler would believe it!


The audience on both sides reacted to a completely different style of painting.


On Shinhwa TV's "Master and Apprentice", the contestant is introducing himself, he is a college student of a certain music college, how old is he this year, etc.

"Little brother is so handsome!"

"Does little brother have a girlfriend?"

"This looks amazing!"

"He is a famous scumbag in our school!"

"Before he became famous, someone ran over to blackmail him."

"It's probably from "The Voice"."

"Little brother, come on!"


Tianguang TV's "The Voice" is playing a video, which is also the self-introduction of the contestants, which is the normal process of the talent show.

"This dude looks like Roshan!"

"Damn, Kunpeng is so real, if you say you don't look at your face, you don't look at your face?"

"But this is too disrespectful!"

"I was looking forward to it, regardless of the opening performance or the level of the host, but when the first contestant came out, there was a feeling that the painting style collapsed in an instant."

"Hahaha, physical education teacher?"

"Physical education teacher, join the singing show?"

"This buddy has a face that looks like he can't sing."

"This looks like a rock singer?"

"I guess the first song is the roaring one."

"I've watched the draft for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen a player with this image enter the main match. Can such a player sing a good song?"

in the video.

Tian Wei said directly:

I am a physical education teacher.

This profession combined with his convincing appearance instantly made the audience watching the show dumbfounded.


Tian Wei himself said very seriously in the VCR: "In fact, I have tried to participate in some talent show variety shows over the years, but I have never passed the audition due to image problems, and even participated in the audition of "The Voice" and was rejected. Until later, the program team contacted me, saying that Mr. Baidi saw my audition singing and decided to let me participate in the competition. I am very grateful to Mr. Baidi for giving me this precious opportunity. Today I will dedicate my best performance to Teacher Baidi!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience became interested.

You must know that some viewers saw Tian Wei's honor just now and wanted to switch channels to watch "Master and Apprentice" next door, but since he was chosen by Baidi, it shouldn't be too bad, right?

Think so.

Tian Wei has already taken the microphone and stepped onto the stage.

next moment.

The music starts.

The song information appears.

Song: "Unfortunately Not You"

Lyricist: Chu Ci

Composer: Chu Ci

Vocals: Tian Wei

The audience who were watching the show instantly staggered, laughing like crazy, Baidi's fans almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Thank you, Mr. Baidi, for the good agreement. Whose song is not good for you to sing on the stage at the beginning, but you want to sing the song of Chuci!"

"Bai Di: Is this the song you want to dedicate to me?"

"My stomach hurts from laughing. This buddy doesn't pay attention to entertainment news after seeing it. I don't know how delicate the relationship between Bai Di and Chu Ci is?"

"The effect of the program is instantly full!"

"But what the hell is this song?"

"Shouldn't you be singing roaring-style songs, you are a big and thick guy? How can you sing such a tender and poignant love song?"

"Can this work?"

Everyone is no stranger to "Unfortunately It's Not You". This song has a very high rate of singing, but it is too strange to sing this song with Tian Wei's image.

for a while.

Three question marks appeared on everyone's head.

But when Tian Wei officially sang, as soon as the voice that contrasted greatly with his image came out, the question marks on everyone's heads instantly turned into exclamation marks!

"I go!"

"This is too nice to hear!"

"Why is his voice so delicate!"

"This voice is amazing, he has refreshed my understanding of physical education teachers!"

"I finally understand why the show has a rotating chair design. The instructors can't see the faces of the contestants, so they can only judge and make decisions through singing. The instructors' reactions are wonderful!"

"So this is "The Voice"?"

"It really fits the theme of the show. Although this guy doesn't look like a celebrity, his voice is really good. This level of singing is enough for everyone to ignore his appearance. This is a soul singer!"

"Li Xiao turned around!"

"The four instructors have all turned around!"

The moment they turned around, the expressions of the four mentors were all dumbfounded!

This immediately made the audience shout excitedly. Before, everyone was still wondering whether the instructors would have known the information of the contestants, but now looking at the expressions of these four people, they definitely did not know the contestants themselves before, because this expression is too real No, it couldn't be from a performance. They really didn't expect that the one who made such a good voice turned out to be such a strong player!


So much fun!

But the more interesting thing is yet to come:

After the four mentors sang the song, they directly started the fight for talent!


"What are you doing?"

"Can't I?"


"What are you doing?"

"I'll just hey."


In the fight for the person, the four mentors were about to fight to get Tian Wei. The rumored couple Zhou Hanjin and Li Xiao even acquiesced in their relationship.


Countless discussions!

"Zhou Han is so interesting, his sense of variety is full, this is letting himself go!"

"The four super first-line stars have no airs at all, and each of them is so real in the world!"

"It's so down-to-earth!"

"I really like the atmosphere of the four of them, it's completely different from the hypocrisy and politeness in other talent shows!"

"Zhou Hanjin and Li Xiao are definitely a couple!"

"Zhang Xiyang made me laugh so hard, he directly said that the couple might also break up after the show."

"Isn't it? Look at this scene of falling in love and killing each other, it's so fun!"

"It's the first time I've seen the King of Songs singers show such a side, and I'm going to blow it up during the stealing part!"

"Is Zhou Gewang's 32 concerts this year okay? On the surface, it's for the contestants, but it's actually an opportunity to advertise on the show!"

this world.

Stars in the entertainment industry, the bigger the name, the more serious they are, they are far away from the public.

Unlike the entertainment industry in the previous life, when it developed to the later stage, the stars began to have a "down-to-earth" personality.

Because the audience actually likes this kind of down-to-earth, everyone has long been tired of watching big stars being superior——

too fake!

We are all human.

There will be seven emotions and six desires.

Now the performance of the four instructors of "The Voice" is in line with the audience's preferences.


This is the first contestant, and the audience who watched "The Voice" have already fallen in love with it. Everyone is satisfied with the rotating chair design of Kunpeng's program, the part of the mentor's competition, and even the performance of the contestants. Very!


Some people have already started calling friends, "Look at Tianguang TV's "The Voice", it's really a fairy show, it's so good!"

friend doubts——

"Are you sure "The Voice" is wonderful? Didn't many people say before that the quality of the contestants on this show is not good?"


Although I haven't seen the follow-up and only watched one player, many viewers have changed their minds!

"The level of the contestants is definitely not bad. Although the appearance may not be that high, it doesn't matter at all. This show is good because people don't look at their faces. I don't know the details. You can see it yourself. It's really invincible nice!"

All right.

That's what it says.

But when the second contestant, the beautiful white-collar Zhao Youyue, came out, the audience was more or less worried.

Fortunately, this worry was replaced by amazement when he turned his head!

Because Zhao Youyue's voice is so distinctive, there is no other female singer with such voice characteristics in the entire music world!

"This voice!"

"So charming!"

"This voice can pass the trial!"

"Type with both hands to show your innocence!"

"Don't say anything, I'm going to follow up with this show!"

"Three turns?"

"King Zhou Ge hesitated. It's a pity. This one should turn four. I have a hunch that this girl named Zhao Youyue might be very popular. She is no worse than Tian Wei!"

"King Zhou Ge is also regretting it!"

"Hahahaha, Zhou Hanjin really made half of my jokes today!"

"The Zhou Gewang who used to like to pretend to be aggressive and pretended to be cool wearing sunglasses when he had nothing to do is dead. Now on this stage is Zhou Hanjin who has completely awakened his funny soul!"


that's all.

The third student comes on stage.

A fourth singer comes on stage.

The fifth student comes on stage.

"I'm a housewife..."

"I'm a taxi driver..."

"Hi everyone, I'm a resident singer at a bar..."

The more the audience watched, the more excited they became. This show is really unreasonable!

The occupations of the students are varied, and most of them are ordinary people!

Some even said:

This program should not be called "The Voice"!

Perhaps it is more appropriate to change the name to "Master in the Folk"!

Because many of the students are from the folk, they have not even studied music theory systematically, and most of them are very ordinary, but no matter what they look like, what they have in common is that they all have a good voice, so that after the audience hears their singing , directly ignoring the appearance.

So are the top five.

The same goes for the sixth, the seventh, and the eighth.

Even the player who regretted being eliminated because he didn't get the mentor's turn, the audience didn't like it, and felt sorry for it.

Because in this program, even the eliminated contestants have a very good singing voice. In other similar programs, the performance level alone is definitely top-notch!


On the other hand, "Master and Apprentice" is also on the air, and the response here is also quite lively.

"This is so handsome."

"This one looks more handsome."

"I like this girl."

"Miss, can you split your fork?"

"Unfortunately, this little brother's singing is a little out of tune."

"Isn't it from a top music academy? I feel that the treble is a bit difficult. I shouldn't choose this kind of treble song."

"It's normal to make some mistakes, it's enough to look good!"

"The mentors are very humble, and the relationship in private should be pretty good."

"I don't know how "The Voice" is going."

"The quality of the contestants on that show is definitely not as good as this one!"

"Not interested in."

"I'm not interested either, but it seems that many people discuss "The Voice" online."

do not forget.

Many people surf the Internet while watching programs.

Especially in "Master and Apprentice", when the performance of the contestants is not very attractive, the audience will randomly brush up a few topics on the Internet.

As a result, this brush was incredible.

It seems that there are a lot of discussions about "The Voice" on the Internet!

Obviously when it first started, there were more discussions about "Master and Apprentice" on the Internet. What happened next door?

Why does it seem that 90% of netizens are now discussing "The Voice"?

Some people couldn't hold back their curiosity, and took advantage of the boring performance of a certain section of "Master and Apprentice", so they tuned to Skylight TV.

at this time.

Skylight TV's "The Voice" is just playing the VCR of the last contestant!

"My name is Luo Yan, and I'm a delivery rider. I came to the stage of "The Voice" today, hoping to get the mentor's turn..."

This sentence is over.

A thin-looking man appeared in the camera, who was accompanying an old woman in front of the hospital bed, and the two were talking and laughing.

The old grandma looked pale and seemed to be in poor health.

Outside the ward was an old man, who said to the camera: "My wife is sick, and Xiao Yan will stay with him in bed every day after delivering the food. He earns the medical expenses through work."

The interviewer asked, "Where are his parents?"

The old man shook his head and said: "Xiaoyan's parents died in the accident very early. We two elders brought him up. He started working part-time after finishing high school to make money for his grandma's medical treatment. This child won't listen to any advice. He could have gone to a good university, but we delayed him..."

Interviewer: "Is there anything you want to say to our program team?"

The old man said helplessly: "I hope everyone can accept Xiaoyan's voice. Because his voice is different from others, he has always been ridiculed by his classmates since he was a child, but my wife and I like listening to Xiaoyan sing very much. His grandma likes it." He can sing all the songs."

see this.

The curiosity of the audience is aroused.

What is so different about this player's voice?

What kind of voice will be ridiculed by the surrounding students?

Some people even thought it was exaggerated, and wondered if the program group deliberately used this kind of miserable story to attract attention. Some viewers who came over from "Master and Apprentice" immediately sneered.

"Is it a story?"

"Both parents died? Selling miserably?"

"Give up your studies to earn medical bills and take care of grandma?"

"Even if these are facts, what kind of voice would be laughed at by classmates?"

"It's an exaggeration."

"I thought this show was so powerful, so many people praised it on the Internet."

"This contestant looks so ordinary, any male contestant from "Master and Apprentice" can crush him."

"He's also short, maybe it's because of poor conditions, so he didn't keep up with his nutrition (dog head)"

"Give up some good words, go back and see your handsome men and beauties!"

Seeing the fans of "Master and Apprentice" talk like this, even some passers-by couldn't stand it anymore.

Speaking of "The Voice" in the previous life, there were indeed some contestants who sold miserably and made up stories. Most of the program groups asked for it, but it was later exposed that caused word-of-mouth damage.

The players followed suit.

However, Luo Yan's story is completely true and can withstand any investigation. Lin Zhibai will not let "The Voice" become a "good story".

But if there is a story, there is no need to hide it.

In the midst of such discussions, Luo Yan made his official debut!

It just opened its mouth!

All the audience got goosebumps!

Even some "Master and Apprentice" fans who stayed behind out of curiosity were scalped!

"Ahhh, his voice!"

"Why is it a woman's voice!"

"How did this happen!"

"So beautiful!"

"Just listening to the sound makes me a little drunk!"

"I declare that the program "The Voice" has become a god!"

"Those fans of "Master and Apprentice" go away, do you still question it now, this voice will indeed be laughed at by ignorant classmates in reality, for example, he is very motherly, but I don't think this is called a mother, people deliver food Taking care of the elderly, this behavior is very manly, the real mothers are some girls who are obviously boys, but they are effeminate and effeminate, which makes people feel physically uncomfortable!"

"I like Luo Yan so much!"

"I want to cry. He is really kind. He even told his tutor that he was often teased by some classmates because of his voice. In fact, he must have been ridiculed. This kind of thing happens to strange people in school, including me when I was young. I saw my classmates stuttering while wearing hearing aids, and I laughed at them, but I really didn’t understand at that time, so I have always regretted that I was too ignorant to hurt others when I grew up..."

Countless viewers were moved!

The instructors also had red eyes!

But it wasn't because Luo Yan's story moved everyone, the instructors didn't know his story.

What was really touching was actually Luo Yan's singing voice, which was enough to conquer the ears of all audiences!

at this time.

There is a barrage that is extremely eye-catching and has been recognized by all the audience: "This is the best variety show Kunpeng has ever had!"

The author is busy with the college entrance examination and delayed the update (狗头)

I wish all the little brothers and sisters who are taking the college entrance examination a smooth future and a bright future!

Dirty white continued to write.

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