Freelance Artist

Chapter 303 Baidi will also create on the spot?

Don't look at Lin Zhibai's usual encounters with super first-tier stars like the king of songs and queens. In fact, for the entertainment industry, second-tier stars are already considered big names. I don't know their names, but there are basically few netizens in the second line who don't know each other. What's more, Chuci and Baidi are the seedlings of Qu's father in the future, so every time they get closer to that position, they can tightly affect the hearts of the industry. !


Chu Ci entered the second line at the front, and the entire music scene became heatedly discussed at the back, and even some non-music entertainment circles participated in the discussion!

"Chu Ci is on the second line!"

"Actually, Chuci's second-line is very normal this year. His works have accumulated enough background, but his debut time is a little short, but it has been in his early two years. I am more surprised that he will enter this sequence before Baidi. .”

"It stands to reason that Baidi has more exposure."

"Even if there are twin stars in the music world, Baidi should be in front, right?"

"You don't mix in our music world, and you don't know the way of it. Chuci is more advanced than Baidi. In fact, there is a very important reason for the song "Canon" he released at the end of last year."

"The pure music?"

"Yes, the professional evaluation of that piece of pure music is very high. Many song fathers have expressed their approval. The official should also attach great importance to it. In addition to the influence of this year's "Good Luck" after it was sung in the Spring Festival Gala, so Just entered the second line."

"So that's how it is."

"Then Baidi is indeed one step behind this time."

As for Bai Di and Chu Ci, the twin stars in the music world, although the industry and the public are equally indistinguishable, but because Bai Di's real identity has been exposed, Chu Ci has always been mysterious, so the industry is actually more optimistic about Bai Di. Emperor Future became Qu's father first, but Chu Ci suddenly took the lead in entering the second-line sequence, which quietly made some people change their views.

At the same time that Chu Ci entered the second line, the comment section of his Aurora platform account was already boiling!

Unknowingly, the number of Chu Ci's followers on the Aurora platform has exceeded the 70 million mark. Maybe this year there is hope to exceed 100 million?

This is all live fans!

And there are so many people, it's natural to be confused!

"Speaking of which, Chu Ci made his debut a month or two later than Baidi, so Baidi always took the lead in terms of star ratings. Now that Chu Ci is suddenly ahead, Baidi fans will feel uncomfortable."

"Let us congratulate Teacher Chuci!"

"I look forward to the day when Chu Ci enters the front line!"

"According to Chu Ci's upgrade rhythm, I guess there is a real hope of entering the first line in the next two years, but if you want to enter the first line, you don't know how long it will take. After all, that level is Qu Daddy!"

"Baidi is still on the third line."

"I don't know how long it will take for Baidi to rush up."

"I remember that when Bai Di rushed into the third line, Chu Ci was still on the fourth line, but it didn't take long for him to catch up. Now it's Bai Di's turn to catch up. If the speed is too slow, the scene will not be very good."


"Look at the news!"

Just during the various discussions under the Chuci comment area.

Someone noticed that Tianguang Entertainment suddenly released a message:

Li Xiao, the queen of the song, will release a new Spring Festival song composed by Baidi at nine o'clock tonight!

Suddenly the whole network was stunned!

next moment.

Netizens all laughed.


A netizen on the Aurora platform.


"I'm in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

"From the leader to the chaser, can you not be in a hurry?"

"Tell you to be lazy and not write songs well. Since becoming the father of Xiaoqu, this guy is not releasing songs as frequently as before!"

"Thank you for Chu Ci's vigorous urging. Fans urging Baidi to release a song is not as effective as Chu Ci's second-line promotion!"



"This Baidi is real enough!"

"If you don't release a song early or late, you can see that Chu Ci is on the second line, and you are still on the third line, so you will release a song immediately!"

"Baidi also wants to go to the second line?"

"It shouldn't be easy to do it in the short term, right?"

"Chuci was able to catch up in a short period of time before. Baidi wants to prove that he can do it too?"


A fan of Chu Ci.

"White Emperor is trying to catch up?"

"Follow him!"

"It's not easy for the third line to enter the second line!"

"that is!"

"The higher the star rating, the harder it is!"


A fan of Baidi.

"Meow, now I know I'm in a hurry. It's useless for us to urge him to release more songs every day. Look at Chu Ci, he can produce several songs in one live broadcast!"

"I was in a complicated mood for a while."

"Should I thank Chuci for urging Baidi to sing this wave?"

"Let's not talk about that, hurry to the second line!"

"Is it really possible? I don't think it's easy to chase. The second line is a big hurdle!"


Everyone could see that Bai Di was in a hurry, and Lin Zhibai didn't hide that he was in a hurry. This wave is not a fight between left and right. The main reason is that the vest must develop in a balanced way. It is best for the queen to be slightly ahead. Chu Ci It doesn't matter if you lag behind occasionally, after all, you are a behind-the-scenes vest, unlike Bai Di who has to stand in front of the stage and face all kinds of voices, so he has to act quickly!

As for the songs?

Lin Zhibai has already made a decision. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. He wants to play another New Year's song. During the Spring Festival, this kind of song is the best choice!

The name of the song is "Congratulations Congratulations"!

Many people don't know that this song was originally a song celebrating the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and it gradually evolved into a New Year's song——

It is also a classic song that would resound through the streets and alleys once the Spring Festival came in the previous life!

This kind of song is very simple. After all, Li Xiao is a post-singer. After getting it, he can be a little proficient for a day, and he can record it that night.

Speaking of which, Li Xiao is Tianguang's queen.

As a member of Shinhwa Entertainment, Baidi cooperated with Tianguang's singer, so he should say hello to the company.

But now the head of the Shinhwa Entertainment music department is Aunt Lin Wei, and she still begs Lin Zhibai to do things, how could she dare to force Lai Lai?

The second in command of Shinhwa's music department is her sister Lin Xi, so she won't say anything more.

So it's not that hard to do.

Lin Zhibai directly called Li Xiao to Shinhwa Entertainment to record songs!

Although the three major companies have commercial cooperation, it is the first time for Li Xiao to go to Shinhwa Entertainment to record a song after being a singer of Tianguang, and it feels very delicate.

Zhou Hanjin also specially accompanied Li Xiao over here.

Seeing Lin Zhibai, Zhou Gewang said bitterly: "I didn't expect that we would stumble at Chu Ci's hands."

Zhou Hanjin didn't know how hard Lin Zhibai had set him up.

If he knew that Chu Ci was Baidi, he wondered if he would fight Lin Zhibai.

Anyway, from Zhou Hanjin's point of view, Baidi and himself are both fallen people in the world, and they have been beaten by Chu Ci.



Lin Zhibai was inexplicably guilty, seeing that Zhou Hanjin was sympathizing with him, he couldn't help coughing and said:

"Whoever sees it has a share, since I'm here, I'll prepare a song for you too..."

Zhou Hanjin's eyes lit up!

Is there such a good thing?

Lin Zhibai didn't talk too much with him, so as not to leak his words, he directly dragged Li Xiao into the recording studio.

"It's definitely too late to get your song today, let's let Li Xiao record "Congratulations" and release it first."

It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

It was agreed to release the song at nine o'clock in the evening, so it should be in time.


that night.

six o'clock.

seven o 'clock.

Eight O'clock.

As the time to release the song is getting closer, netizens are full of expectations for Baidi's new song!

"It's almost time!"

"I'm really looking forward to Baidi's new song!"

"I don't know how the quality is."

"Baidi's first New Year's Eve song is on the level of "Gong Xi Fa Cai". How can the second one be worse?"

"That's true."


"King of Songs of Zhou posted an update!"

While everyone was discussing, Zhou Hanjin suddenly updated a post on the Aurora platform.

【Recording the song, hardworking teacher Baidi, the song I just wrote today, the arrangement is still in various adjustments...】

Below is a photo of the dynamic.

In the photo, Lin Zhibai is communicating with Li Xiao.

It is said that men at work are the most handsome, and Baidi seems to mean that. He was photographed with a side profile in the photo, a very standard profile angle.

Swish Swish Swish!

The comment area exploded instantly!

"Bai Di is so handsome!"

"This looks amazing!"

"Please post more photos of Baidi!"

"It actually survived the test of Zhou Gewang's camera!"

"Zhou Gewang's photography skills are notoriously bad!"

"It's still the original camera!"

"Zhou Gewang is not just a problem with the original camera, it's not just a problem with poor photography skills. Every time this guy takes a selfie, he always takes a straight man's perspective and various death angles."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The White Emperor can stand it!"

Zhou Han read the comments all the time, and the more he read, the more depressed he became. His photography skills have been criticized by fans all the time, saying that he has a straight male perspective.

Zhou Hanjin still doesn't understand what a straight man's perspective is.

But what makes Zhou Hanjin most angry is not that everyone criticizes his poor photography skills, nor is it that netizens praise him for being handsome.


There are so many comments!

You must know that Zhou Hanjin has a rather flamboyant personality and is very active on the Aurora platform. He will post news every now and then to interact closely with fans, but he used to post news, and under normal circumstances, there are 5,000 posts in two minutes. Comments are fine.

But today's post has over 10,000 comments in two minutes!

Just because the content of my post is related to Baidi!


Why don't I see you guys being so enthusiastic when I usually post?

Zhou Han is a super first-tier singer, and Baidi is at best a third-tier star.

Isn't it?

Bai Di was still struggling with how to get to the second line.

But why does this post seem like I, Zhou Han, have completely rubbed off on his Baidi's enthusiasm?

Who is the super-first-line between us!

In the comments, some people noticed the real point of this dynamic:

"Baidi's New Year's song, was it improvised today?"


Zhou Hanjin replied directly to the other party, but it actually attracted a series of question marks from netizens. He replied again without thinking:

"I know that some people are worried about the quality of the song, so don't worry about it. Li Xiao and I's Spring Festival Gala song "Because of Love" was also a song that Baidi wrote on the spot when he was having dinner with us that day."

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