Freelance Artist

Chapter 310 Qinzhou Poetry Association

Although Lin Zhibai from the Qinzhou entertainment circle has not cleared the customs yet, the road ahead is already smooth, and there is no problem at all in the next expedition to other continents.

But it is definitely not possible to go to other continents now, Lin Zhibai plans to set off when the time is ripe, and now he is just planning in advance, first of all he has to think about which continent to go to, and then how to develop the market and so on...

At this time February has just arrived.

Lin Zhibai has just started school, and he still wants to enjoy the campus life in the second year of his junior year at Qinzhou Art Institute.

According to the school's arrangement, senior students have to go out for internships, but this arrangement is meaningless to Lin Zhibai.

As the owner of Kunpeng and Mythology Publishing House, he belongs to the existence that provides internship opportunities for senior students, so the next school year of junior year will be Lin Zhibai's last college time, so cherish the present moment.

Also in this February.

The variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" produced by my brother ushered in the last episode!

As the music director of the show, Lin Zhibai participated in the recording of the last episode, of course he just showed his face, and he didn't need to perform.

In the end, the program group released ten quotas for forming a group.

Popular contestants such as Lin Xiujing and Mizuhashi Mai are all selected!

However, Lin Zhibai knew that this kind of combination formed because of variety shows would only become a gimmick in the end.

Because the participants of Sister Lang are all artists who have debuted for many years, some sisters have different companies behind them, and it is impossible to coordinate their work well.

For example, players like Shuiqiao Wu from Chuzhou will eventually return to Chuzhou to develop.

"Welcome Teacher Baidi to come to our Chuzhou to play in the future, and I will treat you to our Chuzhou's delicacies when you come~"

The song "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" that Lin Zhibai gave to Shui Qiaowu made her very popular, so at the end of the show, she specifically asked Lin Zhibai to thank her.

"I'll be there."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said that the foreign continent market must not be let go.

After Sister Lang ended successfully, there were naturally countless comments on the Internet. This is Qin Zhou's second most popular variety show right now!

"I'm so sorry!"

"This variety show is really good!"

"I like "The Voice" the most in Kunpeng's variety show, followed by Sister Lang."

"The only thing left is "The Voice"."

"It's a good thing there's "The Voice", otherwise I wouldn't have watched variety shows."

"If there was no "The Voice", Sister Lang would be the hottest variety show right now!"

"Hahahahaha, the key is that both of these are Kunpeng's variety shows!"

"Does this mean that Kunpeng is the only one who can defeat Kunpeng?"

"No, it should be said that only King's Landing can defeat King's Landing!"

"Qinzhou Variety Show is now completely controlled by King's Landing!"

Before "The Voice", Sister Lang was the most popular variety show, which is recognized by everyone.

Now that Sister Lang is over, Kunpeng's "The Voice" that is currently on the air has no rivals. Even this show doesn't need Lin Zhibai, the music director, to worry about anything, and it is completely on track.

In fact, it also started with "The Voice".

Junlin has already become a god in variety show planning. The first and second places in Qinzhou Variety Show Hot List are all variety shows planned by Junlin. No one can copy such a legend!


With the end of "Sister Lang", Lin Zhibai became more and more at ease in the following days.

However, this comfort only lasted for a few days before it was broken. Principal Qin Yi found Lin Zhibai.

"You don't want me to pair again, do you?"

Lin Zhibai entered the principal's office and took the initiative to make a joke.

The principal was amused, "How can there be so many pairs for you? It's not me looking for you this time, but a respectable old man looking for you."


Lin Zhibai froze for a moment.

A voice came from outside the door: "Do you still know me?"

Lin Zhibai turned his head and saw a somewhat familiar old lady enter the door.

The old lady wore a pair of thick glasses, her hair was graying, and her figure was a little stooped, but it didn't affect her temperament at all. She had a poetic and bookish air in her stomach, and Lin Zhibai recognized her at a glance.

"Old Zhao, I didn't expect it to be you."

Lin Zhibai had a good impression of Mrs. Zhao, one of the judges of the last couplet competition.

The old lady Zhao said with a smile: "The Astronomical Federation will hold the 23rd Qinzhou Poetry Conference in a few days. I thought it would be a pity not to go because of your talent. I happened to pass by Qin Yi, so I wanted to talk to you. "

"Poetry meeting?"

Lin Zhibai knows the name of the Poetry Association. This is a grand event in Qinzhou's literary world. Because Blue Star is not like Earth, there are not many people who study poetry in modern times. The inheritance of ancient poetry is very complete here, and the research is also very in-depth. Even though this place has also entered the modern society, the literati still pay attention to the attainments of ancient poetry, and there are many antithetical couplet competitions and poetry competitions.

Lin Zhibai asked: "So you want to compete again?"

The principal quickly replied: "The poetry conference should not be regarded as a competition, at least the atmosphere is not so serious. The so-called poetry conference is essentially a cultural salon. Mrs. Zhao wants to take you there to show your face. If you write a good poem, You can become famous in the literary world, but the threshold for this poetry club is also high, if you don't have a senior to lead it, or you don't have a little reputation in the literary world, you really can't get in."

Saying that, the principal winked at Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai understood, this is Mrs. Zhao supporting him, although he doesn't care about this kind of support, he has the earth as his backing, poetry and so on can be said to be invincible in the world in Blue Star, but after all, it is Mrs. Zhao's heart, he I still have to show affection, so I smiled and said: "It sounds interesting."

"Come if you are interested."

The old lady Zhao was still smiling.

Lin Zhibai thought for a while, nodded and agreed. The reason why Baidi worked so hard to get to the front line during the Chinese New Year was because he didn't have enough accumulation. Since there is a poetry meeting where he can hold a large number to gain reputation, he might as well go there , Save the cramming and have to take out a bunch of works at once.

"Don't stress."

Mrs. Zhao hesitated when she saw Lin Zhibai, thinking that he was worried about his poor performance at that time, and comforted her: "If there is no good work to come out by then, it should be taken as a distraction, because the topics and the like are temporary. No one dares to say that he will be able to write a good poem on the spot."


Lin Zhibai was hesitating because he was wondering if the poetry would be worth a trip, not because he was worried about anything else, but the same sentence, with the backing of the earth, he was invincible in poetry.

"That's it."

The old lady Zhao said: "On the 7th of this month, in the suburbs of Los Angeles, an invitation letter will be sent to the school with the specific address on it. You can just go there when the time comes."


The Qinzhou Poetry Conference can be described as a grand event in the literary world.

The poetry meeting is held every year, not only the literati pay attention, but also many netizens who love poetry, and the attention is not low!

Some excellent works that appeared at the Poetry Conference will also be listed on the hot searches and cause the whole network to taste!

This year is the same, as the Poetry Fair is approaching, there have been a lot of related discussions on the Internet.

"This year's poetry fair is about to begin!"

"I don't know which excellent poems will appear this year."

"The song "Song of the Wind" written by Mr. Li Zhenghui last year was really good!"

"I still think the song "Summer" written by Mr. Hetong the year before last was well written."

"Then what you said, the song "Summer" was officially praised and promoted, okay?"

"And Teacher Chen Xing's "Like a Dream" is also great!"

"These poets who have performed amazingly in previous years should also participate this year, right?"

"Of course it will, it would be less fun without them."

"What I am most looking forward to is Ji Quantai, the number one poet of today's young generation!"

"Ji Quantai is really good! Last year, he was almost the best at the Poetry Festival!"

"Isn't this year's list out yet?"

"I'm waiting."

"It's almost time for an announcement at this time in previous years."

Because poetry will receive a lot of attention, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles will announce the list of invitations to the literary world in advance, usually around 100 people.

This year is no exception.

At nine o'clock that night, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles announced the list, and countless people immediately opened it and looked at it one by one!

"I go!"

"This year's lineup is more luxurious than last year!"

"Ji Quantai is here!"

"Li Zhenghui is here too!"

"And Teacher Chen Xing!"

"Looking forward to Mr. Hetong's work this year!"


"Lin Zhibai?"

"Does this name sound familiar?"

Someone found the word "Lin Zhibai" in the list, and thought it sounded familiar, and then suddenly remembered:

Baidi's real name seems to be Lin Zhibai, right?

"Ah this!"

"Same name and surname?"

"may be."

"I don't think they have the same name and surname. The name Lin Zhibai is relatively rare, and it's not like Zhang Qiang and Li Wei."

"If it's not the same name, how could Baidi, Xiao Qu's father, appear on the list?"

"Maybe it's because Baidi's talent is not bad?"

"Don't forget that in Qin Yi's couplet competition before, Baidi's couplet level is simply terrifying, so it should be normal to receive an invitation, right?"

"But pairs and poetry should be different, right?"

"No matter how good the poetry is, at least Baidi is very talented!"


Word spread quickly!

When Baidi's fans learned about this, they immediately became excited!


"White Emperor Cow!"

"He was even invited to the poetry meeting!"

"It seems that Baidi's talent in couplets has been recognized by the literary world!"

"The most talented composer (dog head)"

"It seems that this year's Poems will not be missed."

"I don't know what Baidi will do at the poetry meeting!"

"After all, I'm still a newcomer in the literary world, so let's talk about it after getting acquainted."

“It would be great to be invited to participate!”

Of course, the fans have reason to be excited, because being invited to participate in the poetry meeting in the literary world is itself a recognition of a person's talent!

The Poetry Club is a top-level event in Qinzhou where no matter how many literati are overwhelmed, they can't get in.


When Lin Zhibai's name appeared on the list of the poetry meeting, Baidi's fans were very excited, and they all made up their minds to watch the live broadcast at that time!


The news that Baidi was invited to participate in the 23rd Poetry Conference made it even more popular in one fell swoop!

Although poetry is very popular in Blue Star...

But no matter how popular it is, it can't compare to the traffic that Baidi brings!

If you want to describe it, Baidi's popularity in Qinzhou is roughly equivalent to the top-ranking fresh meat in his previous life?


ps: Kawen is actually there. I have been in Kawen since the plot of Baidi rushed to the second line. I can only go to the outline first, but I am not satisfied with the quality. In fact, I have already thought about how to write the follow-up, such as the plot of Outer Continent, such as Chu’s resignation of the horse, etc., but I can’t write these directly now, the rhythm is wrong, there must be a few plots to undertake the foreshadowing, so the update volume in these two days is less Point, let me ponder.

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