Freelance Artist

Chapter 314 You are not polite, let me teach you

At this time, the entrance of Yimei Garden was bustling with people, surrounded by people, not only literati from all over Qinzhou, but also some fans and tourists, everyone heard Lin Zhibai's response of "I'm watching from the sky" In an instant, the whole venue was noisy, and the tourists were very excited!


"That's a good sentence, I'm watching it in the sky!"

"These words are really level!"

"Obviously his implication is that he doesn't like those doubters, but what Baidi said is also true, and his words are watertight!"

"Look at this word game."

"For a person who is so good at fiddling with words, I don't know how good his poetry is."

"The real Baidi looks better than on TV!"

"I really want to go up and ask for an autograph. Hahahaha, Baidi really wants to carry out his status as a big star and a young master today. The helicopter enters the arena, wearing a pair of sunglasses, which is incompatible with the painting style of other literati."

"Tch, you can really pretend."

Lin Zhibai's appearance and dress are so stylish!

However, most of the literati who heard Baidi's response were unhappy, only a small number of literati remained silent, looking at Lin Zhibai with probing eyes.

At this time, two hosts, a man and a woman, appeared.

The male host held the microphone and said: "Tourists, please take a break. Teachers, please prepare to enter the garden in five minutes. Our poetry meeting will start in Yimei Garden, and drinks are already prepared inside." ..."

"What kind of wine do you have?"

A literati asked aloud.

The hostess smiled and said: "Most of them are rice wine, such as the green ant wine with a history of thousands of years, the Qiongyu wine that ancient poets loved very much, and the even older Tusu wine, etc. Today everyone You can cook wine and talk about poetry until you get drunk. Of course, those who are too drunk can also choose alcoholic beverages or green tea, black tea, etc. In addition, our poetry will be broadcast live simultaneously on multiple video sites as in previous years. The live broadcast platform includes Mythology Video , Tianguang Video, Nathan Video, Kunpeng Video, etc.”


The male host said: "Our site will soon be connected to the live broadcast signals of major video sites..."

After a few seconds.

The live broadcast is connected.

The male host greeted a camera: "Welcome everyone to watch the 23rd Qinzhou Poetry Conference. This year's Poetry Conference is sponsored and broadcast by Yimeiyuan Scenic Area. Then behind me is the Yimei Garden with a long history of two thousand years." Plum Garden!"


The hostess answered: "And our teachers participating in this year's poetry competition are also preparing to enter the Yimei Garden to cook wine and enjoy plum blossoms..."

The host is in the heat.

Staff are evacuating tourists.

The main thing is to pull the cordon to separate tourists by one meter. After all, the scenic spot can't drive everyone away directly. Anyway, these people are watching the excitement nearby.

At this time.

Suddenly, light snow fell in the sky, many tourists held up their umbrellas, and the entrance of Yimei Garden was officially opened. Lin Zhibai got rid of the reporter, went into the promenade to hide from the snow, and prepared to enter Yimei Garden, but he obviously felt excluded , I saw other literati gathered together in twos and threes. These people walked and chatted, and they would look at me from time to time, but I was alone on my side. No one came forward to communicate actively, until a voice suddenly sounded beside me:

"Little friend Lin!"

Lin Zhibai turned his head and saw that he was a middle-aged man with a beard. He looked vaguely familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that this is Zhou Tai, the master of couplets. The second came, so he nodded with a smile and said:

"Teacher Zhou."

"long time no see."

Zhou Tai opened his mouth and said: "Just now I saw Xiaoyou Lin's appearance so domineering, I didn't dare to go up and say hello."

Lin Zhibai looked around, and teased, "Aren't you afraid?"

Zhou Tai ignored the strange gazes around him, and said with a smile, "What's there to be afraid of? Is it possible that I have to pretend not to know you in order to protect myself? It's my job to make friends, and it has nothing to do with others, and I don't care What do others think?"

"Then I will make you my friend."

Lin Zhibai took off his sunglasses and smiled. He knew that he had directly or indirectly offended a large number of literary celebrities.

These ordinary people really dare not get involved with themselves.

But Zhou Tai's personality is free and easy, he doesn't care about these at all, Lin Zhibai likes such people.

The two chatted like no one else, and came to the entrance. Lin Zhibai was about to enter Yimei Garden, when suddenly a literati shouted:


Lin Zhibai turned to look at the speaker.

This is a man with a short stature and slightly thinning hair. He is looking at Lin Zhibai with a smile at the moment and said:

"I'm Ari."

Lin Zhibai was overjoyed, and subconsciously said: "Oh, you are that dog mouth..."

A Lei's expression changed immediately when he heard the words, and Lin Zhibai also calmed down and didn't finish reading, but some people couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Obviously everyone knows this trick.

If it wasn't for Ah Lei, the online couplet battle might not have happened.

And this group of people seems to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact they are somewhat contemptuous of literati. Seeing Lin Zhibai uncovering Alei's scar whether intentionally or not, even if he restrained his mouth, he couldn't help snickering in his heart, not to mention No one could hold back their mouths.



The live broadcast of the poetry meeting has begun!

When Baidi entered the arena, he actually ran into Ah Lei at the entrance. Netizens immediately became excited, and the bullet screens and comments were noisy!

"Hahahaha, it's Ah Lei who has a dog's mouth and never spit ivory!"

"Why don't you have the nerve to call Baidi?"

"What are you trying to do?"

"Looking at him like that, you know he has no good intentions!"

"Go in, Baidi, ignore him!"

"Yo, are Baidi fans afraid?"

"The poetry meeting will have a poetry competition, so it's okay to be afraid now."

"It's still too late to turn around and leave, just now I saw a helicopter outside in the camera (dog head)"

"I can't wait to see Baidi make a fool of himself!"

Baidi's fans tangled up with some literati fans.

And on the spot.

A Lei is also facing Lin Zhibai, and he said in an indifferent way at the moment: "Our colleagues who participated in the poetry meeting, one of them has a lot of poems that have been widely circulated, but Teacher Baidi doesn't seem to write any poems. Have you ever read any serious poetry works?"

There is snow in the sky.

fall on everyone's shoulders.

Lin Zhibai looked at him leisurely, "So?"

A Lei smiled and said loudly: "Since Teacher Baidi's entry is in compliance with the rules, I can't stop it, but you said that you are such a big star, and you are still a wealthy young master, so you just went in like this. My colleagues are dissatisfied, don’t you think so? In my opinion, it’s better like this. Since you don’t have any poems, you can come up with one on the spot! I don’t embarrass you, how about writing a poem about this situation?”

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Lin Zhibai just looked at A Lei indifferently.

Lin Zhibai's eyes were murderous, and Ah Lei felt a little guilty for no reason, but he had to puff up his chest in front of so many people, and shouted in a booing tone: "Everyone, don't you think so!"


"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

Most of these literati didn't like Lin Zhibai, so of course they helped Ah Lei to make a fuss at this time.

Zhou Tai couldn't help frowning and said: "Ah Lei, don't go too far, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, even if you want to write poetry, you should let people go in, sit down, think and write slowly!"

Alley was uneasy.

Even if Lin Zhibai can really write poems, he must have some time to think about it. The snow is still floating, and there is no roof or other shelter at the entrance of Yimei Garden. What should I do if I catch a cold?

"Aren't I standing here too?"

A Lei laughed and said, "Everyone is standing here. Even if you catch a cold, you catch a cold together. Is Teacher Baidi more expensive than us? Then I really can't bear it. After all, you are the young master. It's okay if you can't write it, or Please come in."

"How about this."

Lin Zhibai didn't move, just looked at A Lei like this, "Let's have a lottery, if I write it out, you will be fined to stand at the door for five minutes, and then every time someone enters, you just say [Please come in], Of course, the lottery is mutual, if I can’t write it, I will be punished.”

Alei's expression changed.

What kind of blitz is this? If Lin Zhibai really wrote it, wouldn't he stand at the door and be a welcome guest with the staff?

"Teacher Alley?"

Seeing what Lin Zhibai said, Zhou Tai knew that he was a little sure, so he also said loudly, "Teacher Alei won't accept this prize?"

"pick up!"


The literati started booing again.

A Lei scolded his teammate in his heart, but he said: "The lottery is mutual, and it's the same if you can't write it, but I have to say one more thing, if you write it badly, it doesn't count." .”

Zhou Tai said: "What kind of applause is it?"

Aleigh was about to let everyone judge, but suddenly a voice came from beside him: "If you trust me, how about a few of us being the referee?"

Everyone looked at it.

There are four old people coming!

The person who opened the mouth was Mrs. Zhao Ru, the director of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She stood on the far left. From the right, Jiang He, the vice chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Yun Lan, the president of the Qinzhou Poetry Association, and Huang Yulou, the president of the Qinzhou Writers Association!

"You four are here!"

These literati hurriedly greeted each other.

These four are the judges of this poetry competition!

But Alei nodded seriously and said: "Of course it would be great to have four of you as referees. Teacher Baidi please please, don't make everyone wait too long, everyone will be with you in this cold weather." , is ten minutes enough?"

"No, you just listen to it."

Lin Zhibai looked at Mrs. Zhao, nodded slightly in greeting, then stretched out his hand, letting the snowflakes fall on his palm, and said softly:

"One piece...two pieces...three or four pieces..."

Everyone froze for a moment.

What is one piece, two pieces, three or four pieces?

Have you started reciting poetry yet?

Lin Zhibai continued to stare at his palm, "Five six seven eight nine...ten pieces..."

Everyone was a little confused.

Are you reciting poetry or counting snow?

Even the four judges, including Mrs. Zhao, were at a loss, not knowing what Lin Zhibai was doing.

Lin Zhibai put down his palm, looked up at the growing snowflakes in the sky, and said solemnly: "Thousands of pieces, thousands of pieces, countless pieces..."

Everyone couldn't help laughing anymore.


Let you read poetry!

Do you really put this amount of snow?

You can count it you!

At the same time, those netizens who supported Ah Lei laughed like crazy!


"This White Emperor!"

"You call this writing poetry?"

"Are you participating in variety shows too much?"

"Poetry will you put it here to play variety shows with me?"

"You managed to make me laugh."

"It turns out that this is also called poetry!"

"Then I can do it!"

"Baidi's fans come out and explain your idol's behavior?"

All right.

Baidi's fans didn't know what to say, so they could only hold their breath and watch the live broadcast silently.

on site.

A Lei laughed, leaning forward and backward, almost unable to straighten his waist, but he still kept mocking: "Don't think that you can get away with it by making jokes, Mr. Baidi, we are lucky!"

"You are noisy."

Lin Zhibai felt that his brewing artistic conception was interrupted by this guy, so he simply read it again:

"One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five, six, seven, eighty, ninety pieces, thousands of pieces, thousands of pieces, countless pieces..."

Everyone is going to laugh like crazy!

The barrage is also laughing like crazy!

Zhou Tai couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

The four judges looked helpless.

Only Baidi's fans are hiding their faces.

However, amidst the laughter, Lin Zhibai stood at the door, looked at the plum blossoms in full bloom in the courtyard, and whispered the last sentence, but in the end he put the finishing touch on it: "Fly into the plum blossoms and you can't see them."


Alei's face froze!

The smiles of all the literati froze instantly!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned suddenly!

There was no sound at the scene, and needles could be heard. After the silence lasted for several seconds, someone in the crowd suddenly yelled:

"Good poetry!"

"The good thing is..."

Aleigh's head was a little confused, and he asked a question almost subconsciously. In fact, he had already realized some subtleties of the last sentence.

But the old lady Zhao said with a smile: "Fortunately, the first two sentences are written in fiction, and the last two sentences are written in reality. The combination of fiction and reality forms the artistic conception of this poem."

Among the judges.

Yun Lan, the president of the Poetry Association, went on to say: "The first three sentences seem ordinary, even a bit of a joke, but as soon as the fourth sentence comes out at the end, it instantly pushes the whole poem from a trough to a strange peak with a combination of movement and stillness. !"

"I didn't expect that numbers can also be made into poetry!"

Zhou Tai excitedly said: "This poem is almost all piled up with numbers, from one to ten to thousands to ten thousand to countless, but it doesn't feel redundant at all. Wonderful! Xiaoyou Lin's poem is really wonderful!"

The remaining two judges nodded slightly.

And no matter what those literati think about Baidi, at least they approve of this poem, especially now when the snowflakes are flying, the appearance of such a poem chanting snow for the occasion is a great shock to the literati. There was a commotion.

But Lin Zhibai remained indifferent.

This is a very popular poem chanting snow. The author is Zheng Xie and Zheng Banqiao. It is definitely not worth mentioning the ancient quatrains, but it is definitely enough to pretend to be aggressive on this occasion. Of course, Lin Zhibai has better ones. Yong Xueshi, but he didn't want to just use it like this, since it's not like it won't snow anymore, there's always a chance to pretend.


The barrage finally exploded again!

This time it's Baidi's fans excited!


"It scared me to death just now!"

"I really thought Bai Di was joking!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"The last sentence instantly changed from super ghost to super god!"

"The key is the occasion. It just happened to be snowing, and plum blossoms were mentioned at the end!"

"In this plum garden, countless plum blossoms are in full bloom. If the snow falls into it, it means you can't see it!"

"You don't even need to see the view!"

"As soon as this poem came out, a scene appeared before my eyes!"

As soon as this poem comes out, it does seem that people are placed in the vast world of heavy snow in an instant, but seeing a cut of plum blossoms standing proudly in the snow, fighting the cold and spouting beauty, and the snowflakes blend into the plum blossoms, so the people who hear the poem seem to blend into this world. Among the snowflakes and plum blossoms.

And those who supported Alley have been deceived.

This can be rounded back, he is obviously counting snow!

But even the four judges agreed, and the literati present nodded reluctantly. Those who supported A Lei had nothing to say!


on site.

After reading the poem, Lin Zhibai looked at A Lei and asked, "Is this good?"

A Lei said in a difficult voice, "Forget it..."

He is a literati, it is impossible to roll around on the ground and repay his debts.

Lin Zhibai said indifferently: "You questioned me first on the Internet, and blocked me at the door today, are you polite?"

Alley remained silent.

Lin Zhibai said: "You are not polite, I will teach you, remember our lottery?"

Alei's teeth were about to be crushed, but with so many people watching, he could only smash his teeth and swallow into his stomach, and said with red eyes:

"Please come in..."

Lin Zhibai said "thank you" and entered Yimei Garden.

All the literati behind looked at each other, feeling sorry for Ah Lei for a while, today he was really disgraced.

I don't know whether it was luck or strength that Baidi used such a strange poem to break Ah Lei's situation!

And Baidi's last sentence "You don't know etiquette, I'll teach you" is even more murderous!

It turned out that this lottery was planned by him a long time ago!

"Teach you etiquette!"

With this high-sounding reason, it is difficult for everyone to criticize Baidi's behavior, and they can't even say that he is unreasonable, because it is indeed A Lei who is rude first!

that's all.

Aleigh stood at the door for five minutes as if welcoming guests, and every time someone entered, he would say "please come in", he couldn't afford it!

And in the garden.

Ji Quantai and the others had already come in early and didn't know what happened afterwards, until someone approached and muttered: "He just wrote a poem at the gate of Yimei Garden..."

After listening to the poem.

The faces of Ji Quantai and others changed slightly.

One of them said softly: "This Baidi is very good at playing with words, but the number of lines is too strange, just like his couplets, he always likes to play with the computer and related things, it can't be regarded as a great way."


Ji Quantai laughed and said: "If he is really a rich man, he would be boring today."

It's a pleasure to step on a level opponent, otherwise, at best, I just suppressed a star.

Ji Quantai did not forget the scene at the door!

He has always been the focus of the crowd, but Baidi, who was brought out by the helicopter, looks like a clown!

Although many people didn't feel that Ji Quantai had lost face because of this, but he felt uncomfortable no matter what he thought!

Like a stick in the throat!

After Lin Zhibai stepped into Yimei Garden, this poetry meeting could be regarded as the real beginning.

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