Freelance Artist

Chapter 316 Incomparable talent!

The author of Lin Zhibai's poem is Bai Juyi.

To be precise, this is a poem written by Bai Juyi to Liu Yuxi.

The cleverness of this poem lies in the fact that the three images of "green ant wine", "little stove" and "twilight snow" are separated and viewed in isolation. The images are incorporated into the overall structure by Bai Juyi, or in other words, when these three images are linked together, they directly form a picture full of sound and color, blending scenes.

And if you add the last sentence "I can drink a cup of nothing", it will be sublimated instantly.

Because this sentence is actually a sentence of spoken language, adding spoken language to the end of this poem not only increases the charm of the whole poem, makes it have the beauty of ethereal swaying, the wonderful lingering sound, but also creates a situation, leaving people with endless imagination The space not only overflows with warmth and warmth, but also reveals a sense of humanity.

Let's put it this way.

Other literati wrote about snow or plum blossoms.

But what Lin Zhibai wrote was the fireworks in the world.

From the conception of the work, Lin Zhibai is directly superior to others, and his poems are more suitable for the occasion than pure Yongmei or Yongxue. After all, most literati are cooking wine and bragging in the hall at the moment.

So all the literati present were pale!

Yun Lan came back to her senses after a few seconds, and commented carefully: "This short poem of Wujue is very interesting. Through the description of the drinking environment and the outside weather, the drinking atmosphere is repeatedly rendered, and the last sentence is naturally drawn. The language of the whole poem Concise and subtle, written with endless charm, please come in, Teacher Baidi."

Lin Zhibai entered the hall.

Then Zhou Tai read a poem and followed into it, sitting beside Lin Zhibai.

The literati in the same hall were already whispering to each other.

"The more you taste the poem, the better it feels."

"Looking at the whole poem, the language is light and affectionate, and the words are short and long."

"Finding poetry in life and refining the poetry in life with heart, this is the most touching part of this poem."

"The color matching of green wine, red furnace and white snow is even more exquisite."

"The poem at the door is a bit of a word game. It doesn't matter how talented he is. It can only be said that this Baidi is witty, but this poem is not just as simple as wit."

"Oh, you're exaggerating too much."

"Bai Di is still good, and Mr. Xiao Ji's song is better."

"that is!"

"Besides, Mr. Xiao Ji was the first one to enter the door. Although this Baidi's poem is good, it took a long time to prepare, and it took a long time to enter the door."

Too long?

Zhou Tai frowned when he heard these words.

Poetry writing is not a match, everyone compares the quality of the work, so compare the quality well, how can you compare who can write faster and who is the first?

Ji Quantai's song is really good.

But who knows whether Ji Quantai created it on the spot or wrote it in advance?

On the contrary, Baidi's poem is very suitable for the occasion. No one doubts that he wrote it in advance, because every line of his poem is written in the current situation.

And in the live broadcast room.

When Lin Zhibai's poem came out, Baidi's fans became excited, but some people became unhappy!

"I rely on it!"

"This poem is too good!"

"I really like the sentence at the end, can I have a drink?"

"Didn't many people doubt that Baidi was not worthy of participating in the poetry meeting before? They also suspected that he could not write poetry. How do you say it now!"

"Bai Di has already written two poems, both of which are of very high quality. I think they are better than Ji Quantai's works!"

"How dare you touch Ji Quantai?"

"Ji Quantai is the number one young generation!"

"The quality is okay, but the content is too ordinary. Ji Quantai's poem is even better!"

"Don't forget that Ji Quantai was the first to enter, and the poems came out of his mouth!"

"Ji Quantai has already won in terms of creative speed!"


Lin Zhibai was naturally unaware of the various discussions on the Internet, and he had already sat down to warm up the wine.

It is said to be the ancient green ant wine, but it has been improved in modern times. Lin Zhibai drank a few sips and felt that the taste was quite good.

Probably because of the average drinking capacity.

Lin Zhibai felt that this kind of rice wine was very suitable for him.

Yun Lan, Mrs. Zhao and other poets also sat down one after another. Everyone drank wine and chatted more and more.

at this moment.

Huang Yulou, head of the Qinzhou Writers Association, suddenly laughed and said: "Today's poetry meeting, everyone has written so many poems about chanting snow and chanting plums, but when it comes to chanting plums, I remember that Mr. Zhao is especially good at this, why not come today How was the last one?"

Teacher Zhao is Mrs. Zhao.

The four people with the highest status in today's poetry club are Jiang He, Huang Yulou, Yun Lan and Mrs. Zhao.

The first three have official positions, and Mrs. Zhao is the oldest and most experienced, and she can be regarded as a highly respected celebrity in the industry.

Hearing what Huang Yulou said, Mrs. Zhao said, "Since President Huang invites you, I'm going to make a fool of myself..."


The old lady Zhao read: "All the people in Xiangguo come and go, and the flowers and birds hang upside down in the wind. The boundless plum colors reflect each other, and the twilight is horizontal and cold."

Everyone tastes it carefully and feels exquisite.

Mrs. Zhao's plum-chanting poems are really good.

Lin Zhibai also nodded, Mrs. Zhao's poems are indeed very good. Although her poems were copied by the old masters in her previous life, her appreciation ability is not bad, and her reading comprehension is full.

All of a sudden everyone praised.

And Huang Yulou nodded again and again: "Among us Qinzhou literary poets, there are two female gentlemen who are the most admirable, one of them is Teacher Zhao, and the other one is also here today, so why not write a poem? ?”

Huang Yulou smiled and looked at Yunlan.

Among Qin Zhou's female poetry masters, one is Mrs. Zhao, and the other is Yun Lan.

Yun Lan is younger than Mrs. Zhao, but how can she be so incompetent as the president of the Poetry Association?


Yun Lan didn't refuse, but just smiled and said, "It rarely snows in my hometown, but plum blossoms are common, so I prefer today's snowfall to plum blossoms."


Yun Lan opened her mouth and said: "The north wind blows the snow, and I go to the plum garden for thousands of miles. On the Junyao platform, I dance in front of two couplets."

This is a poem about snow.

Lin Zhibai tasted it carefully, and admired it secretly. Yun Lan's level is not worse than that of the old lady Zhao. The two of them, one Yongmei and the other Yongxue, both of their works are quite amazing.

"Good poetry!"

Huang Yulou applauded: "As expected of the two most accomplished female poets in the Qinzhou literary world!"

Everyone is also full of praise.

Even Ji Quantai said loudly: "These two poems by the two teachers, one is about snow, the other is about plum blossoms, they are equally divided!"

And in the admiration.

Suddenly someone said: "Speaking of which, all of you here are old friends in the circle, but today there is only one new friend here, and that is our Teacher Baidi."

Lin Zhibai is drinking.

Hearing the voice, he looked up, but a woman about forty years old was looking at him with a smile on her face.

Seeing that Lin Zhibai didn't seem to know him, Zhou Tai took the initiative to say:

"What does Teacher An An teach you?"

Lin Zhibai suddenly realized that it was that An An.

This woman and Ah Lei are in the same group, and the couplet scolding battle on the Internet had the other party's share. Lin Zhibai had some impressions, and she suddenly mentioned that she was obviously uneasy and kind.


Then Teacher An An said in the next moment: "Since Teacher Baidi is a new friend, why don't you express your opinions on some poems, just talk about Mrs. Zhao's Yongmei and President He Yun's poems about snow. Who does Teacher Baidi think?" It’s even better, but don’t have sex with Si Ni in front of everyone, you’ll be punished with three glasses of wine if you fight Si Ni.”

An'an is shady enough.

This question seems simple, but Mrs. Zhao has high morals, and Yun Lan is the president of the Poetry Association. No matter how Lin Zhibai evaluates it, it is not appropriate. He is destined to offend one of them. .

But An'an blocked the conversation ahead of time.

Whenever Lin Zhibai said that both of them are very good, it became what she called "harmony"!

Everyone couldn't help but have subtle expressions.

A Lei An'an and others had conflicts with Lin Zhibai on the Internet before, who didn't know about it?

There are also many colleagues in the literary world who stand in line for Aleian and others.

At this time, An An suddenly made such a move, apparently to roast Lin Zhibai on the fire!

Zhou Tai couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "There are so many people present, why didn't Teacher An An ask other people, but why did he ask Teacher Baidi? Could it be that there was some misunderstanding before, so today I deliberately made things difficult for you?"


An An had been prepared for a long time, and said calmly: "First of all, I said that Teacher Baidi is a new friend, so I should say a few more words. Secondly, I know that Teacher Baidi can participate in this poetry meeting. Personally recommended by the old lady, Teacher Baidi just entered the door three years ago, and President Yun was in charge of the assessment. With so many connections, it is appropriate for Teacher Baidi to evaluate the works of the two teachers. What do you think? "

"It makes sense."

Ji Quantai actually spoke, "Teacher Baidi, don't refuse."

"Tell me!"

"It's okay!"

"Let's talk straight if we have something to say!"

"Presumably the two teachers will not be angry!"

Seeing that Ji Quantai spoke up, everyone quickly followed, insisting on Lin Zhibai saying something.

Yun Lan didn't say anything, but looked at An An with a slightly cold look in her eyes. This woman made things difficult for Emperor Bai, and actually took advantage of herself.

The old lady Zhao also had a helpless expression, she knew that as long as Baidi came today, he would be embarrassed.

Alley was the first.

Ann is the second.

Maybe there will be a third later.

Zhou Tai was at a loss, and he couldn't help Lin Zhibai in this situation.

Lin Zhibai glanced at Ji Quantai, he didn't seem to offend this so-called No. 1 poet of Qinzhou's young generation, why did he bring rhythm to An An?

It's sinister enough.

May I say "both are fine"?

But if he said that Mrs. Zhao's poems are good, Yun Lan's face would be unbearable.

And if he said that Yun Lan's poems are good, then Mrs. Zhao is his recommender.

Some people might say that in order to curry favor with Chairman Yun, he even betrayed his seniors who loved and supported him.

These twists and turns, Lin Zhibai can see clearly, whoever stands in his own position, probably at this time can only bite the bullet and say, "Both works are very good", rather than being said by everyone, "Harmony" ".

At most, he would be punished with three glasses of wine and be ridiculed by everyone.

However, Lin Zhibai didn't want to just admit it. He poured himself a glass of wine, drank it all, and then slowly said:

"Old lady Zhao sang plums, and President Yun sang snow. The themes of the poems are different, so it is difficult to compare horizontally..."

"Aren't you still mixing mud? You should be fined three glasses of wine!" An An interrupted immediately.

"It's very reasonable!" Zhou Tai's eyes lit up, and he immediately retorted: "It's not about whose poem is better, it's about which is better, Xue or Mei!"

"You are changing the concept secretly!"

An An didn't expect Lin Zhibai to use this method to break the situation.

But Ji Quantai suddenly smiled and said: "There is indeed some truth to this, so why not tell me, Mrs. Zhao's plum is better, or President Yun's snow is better?"

This Ji Quantai is so ruthless!

It turned the problem around again!

Zhou Tai cursed secretly in his heart, but Lin Zhibai knew that he had achieved his goal, and said with a faint smile:

"In my opinion..."

Lin Zhibai drank another glass of wine unhurriedly, then looked out the window at the plum blossoms and the flying snow, and softly recited:

"Mei Xue fights for spring but refuses to fall."

"Sao Ren Ge's pen fee review."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment. Is Baidi going to respond with a poem?

It's really coquettish, speaking at a poetry meeting, it is of course best to use poetry!

The meaning of these two poems is simple and easy to understand. In layman's terms, "the plum blossom and the snow flower both think that they have taken the best of the spring, and neither of them is willing to admit defeat. It is also difficult for literati to comment on the merits of plum and snow, so they have to put down their pens and think about it."

Pretty good.

Then what?

Everyone stared at Lin Zhibai, waiting for his next words.

Lin Zhibai didn't keep everyone waiting, and continued to read the third sentence:

"Mei Xu Xunxue is three points white."

As soon as these words came out, there was some commotion at the scene. This was clearly saying that "Snow" was better, and this Baidi finally chose to side with President Yun!

An An sneered.

Ji Quantai also raised the corners of his mouth.

A trace of disdain flashed in everyone's eyes.

Responding with verses, although tactful, could not conceal the fact that Baidi stabbed Mrs. Zhao in the back.


next moment.

Lin Zhibai, who was still staring at the beautiful scenery outside the door, continued to chant, and his voice resounded throughout the audience: "Snow loses the fragrance of plum."


The whole audience was shocked!

An An's smile froze!

Ji Quantai also twitched the corner of his mouth!

Mrs. Zhao and Chairman Yun looked at each other, and burst out laughing. This poem by Baidi performed the textbook-like "Art of Duan Shui"!

Meixu Xunxue is three points white!

Snow loses to Mei for a while!

Anyone can understand this!

Whether you understand poetry or not!

The fool's translation is: "All are very good, each has its own merits!"

A simple translation is: "Plum blossoms lose to snowflakes in terms of crystal clear whiteness, but snowflakes do not have the fragrance of plum blossoms."

The high-level translation is: "Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It is right to have self-knowledge, learn from others' strengths, and make up for your own weaknesses."

To put it bluntly, it is still water and mud!

But Lin Zhibai's art of serving water is so high that no one can say anything wrong!

Even this poem in response has an astonishing artistic level, even surpassing Mrs. Zhao's Yongmei and President Yun's Yongxue!

"Fuck, awesome!"

Zhou Tai suddenly got up and swears!

Lin Zhibai was pretending to be aggressive, and he almost froze when he heard this, why didn't you say "very good" and "wonderful", and "fucking awesome" is what Zhou Tai should say at the poetry meeting!

The artistic conception has been destroyed by you!

But I have to say that Zhou Tai spoke out everyone's aspirations!

This wave is really beautiful, the last two sentences of this poem are the ultimate in water use, and I even shared with you the principle of learning from each other's strengths to make up for one's weaknesses. It's no longer a simple comparison between Xue and Mei!


The whole audience is noisy!

Everyone thought that Baidi wanted to flirt with President Yun, but they didn't expect the complete poem to be like this!


"I'm afraid this matter will be passed on as a good talk!"

"Mei Xu is three points inferior to Xue Xue, but Xue is inferior to Mei Yi Duan Xiang, the better the quality, the second!"

"He is definitely qualified to participate in the poetry meeting!"

"If he is not qualified to participate in the poetry meeting, many people present are even less qualified!"

"This level, even compared to Ji Quantai..."

"A genius response!"

The literary world as a whole is xenophobic, but not everyone excludes Lin Zhibai, and some literati are relatively neutral.

And at this moment.

These neutral literati have been completely conquered by this poem, and the way they look at Lin Zhibai has changed a lot from before!

That's recognition!

Even admiration!

Of course, in the webcast room, An An's deliberate embarrassment was also broadcast live, so when Lin Zhibai's poem came out, the bullet screen exploded instantly!


"This wave of 6 turned over!"

"The power of the White Emperor is unmatched!"

"At this level, just ask Heizi if he accepts it!"

"Heizi speak!"

"This is the level of everyone in poetry!"

"Dick exploded!"

"I dare not question Bai Di's talent anymore!"

"It turns out that he is not only invincible against pairs, but also easy to handle poetry!"


The uproar lasted for a full minute.

When the scene calmed down again, President Yun smiled and said, "It was agreed to comment on the works of Teacher Zhao and me, but in the end, you Baidi wrote a poem with a higher level than both of us."


Lin Zhibai had to be humble.

The old lady Zhao followed with a smile and said: "This is not a compliment, it is indeed better than ours. It seems that this year's Poetry Festival will not be able to do without you."

Everyone sighed.

With the endorsement of Mrs. Zhao and Chairman Yun, Bai Di has been lifted to a new height, but his poems are indeed worthy of such praise!

That's not all.

President Yun suddenly changed the subject and said, "Baidi's poem is considered to have been commented on, but I don't know what Teacher An An thinks?"

An An was taken aback.

Is this for self-assessment?

She was already confused by Baidi's poem, her head was in a daze, and she said bravely, "Of course it's all...all very good..."

"Three cups of wine!"

Zhou Tai laughed loudly and said: "You don't allow Teacher Baidi to have sex with Si Ni, why did you make it with Si Ni instead?"


"This wine should be punished."

Yun Lan stared at An An with cold eyes.

An An's face turned pale, and she suddenly realized that she had offended Chairman Yun today.

In order to deal with Baidi, he actually forgot about this, and could only bear the humiliation in his heart, drank three glasses of wine in a row, but choked his throat because of the rush, and coughed one after another.

"Cough cough cough."

Ah Lei, who had been silent beside him, suddenly coughed, probably because he had suffered a little cold at the door before, and he actually didn't dare to provoke Baidi anymore. When An An was in trouble just now, he pretended to be dead all the way, and he didn't even dare to help kind of...

Now Aleigh is rejoicing.

Fortunately, I was just playing dead.

Otherwise, the last bit of dignity is really gone.

And Ji Quantai looked at this scene, his eyes suddenly became a little dazed, he planned to take this opportunity to become famous in today's poetry meeting, but no matter how you look at today's script, it looks like the rhythm of Baidi wanting to become famous in the world with his poetry!

I accidentally fell asleep last night, and I started coding when I got up today. There is another chapter, but it will be later.

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