Freelance Artist

Chapter 330: The King of Masked Singers Is Born!

in a few days.

Lin Zhibai received a call from Jiangcheng.

"Boss, according to the latest market survey, the market share of our Kunpeng Video has reached about 16%!

"Myth video is now 42%!"

"Tianguang video is now at 22%!"

"Nathan's video is now around 14%!"

"That is to say, the current market share of our Kunpeng Video ranks third among all video sites, slightly higher than that of Nathan Video, one of the three old video sites."

Kunpeng Video is gradually developing!

The number of member users of the website is increasing!

The reason is very simple, because on Kunpeng Video, you can watch all the TV series and variety shows that Kunpeng participated in, which is impossible for the three major video websites. Only these two video sites have the copyright for Kunpeng’s videos; but what if someone wants to watch “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”? Then you can only watch Tianguang video, or Kunpeng video; what if someone wants to watch "The Temptation of Going Home"? Then you have to watch Nathan's video, or Kunpeng's video.

Have you found the pattern?

Kunpeng’s variety shows and TV series are too scattered on the three major video sites. As a fan of Kunpeng’s variety shows and TV series, the best choice is the Kunpeng video site, let alone the Kunpeng video site. The variety show "The Voice" aired!

This program was independently produced and broadcast exclusively by Kunpeng, and was not authorized by any other video sites.

It is precisely because of the exclusive appeal of "The Voice" that the number of users of Kunpeng Video surpassed Nathan Video this year and became the third largest video website in Qinzhou in market share. Before this program, Kunpeng's market share could only rank Qin Zhou came fourth.

Jiangcheng Road:

"With the end of "The Voice", the user registration speed of our website members has gradually slowed down, so I want to ask the boss if there are any new variety shows in hand, we can continue to do similar exclusive content, and strive for this year Surpassing the market share of Tianguang Video..."

Lin Zhibai was thoughtful.

With Erbo in charge of Shinhwa Video, Kunpeng Video's ultimate goal is to kill Shinhwa Video and become the number one video site in Qinzhou by market share. To achieve this goal, Kunpeng Video must produce more high-quality content.

In terms of variety shows, it is best to do some exclusive programs like "The Voice".

In terms of TV dramas, it is best to broadcast exclusively on Kunpeng like "The Beginning", so that other video sites cannot get a share of it.

"Exclusive TV dramas are not needed for the time being, mainly because our Kunpeng film and television shooting team is not strong enough. We have already started filming the boss's script called "The Hidden Corner". Next, you'd better come up with a variety show plan case out."

Jiang Cheng suggested.

Lin Zhibai won several excellent scripts in the lottery before, and "The Beginning" filmed by Kunpeng himself was one of them.

And "The Hidden Corner" was also won in that lottery, and now it has started filming. This will be Kunpeng's second self-produced drama.

Then there are only variety shows left.

The weight of this variety show cannot be underestimated, after all, the purpose is to help Kunpeng attract users.

But Lin Zhibai has already produced a lot of good variety shows in his previous life, and now his range of choices has become smaller and smaller.

never mind.

Just ask the system.

Lin Zhibai called out the system: "Customize a high-quality variety show for me. The variety is not limited, but the market potential must be large."

"Ding dong!"

Perhaps the requirements are relatively general, the scope is large, and the system's response is extremely fast: "Congratulations to the host for getting the variety show "King of Masked Singer"!"


It turned out to be "The King of Masked Singer"?

Lin Zhibai has an impression of this show, it is a very creative music variety show, and it does have high market potential.


That's it!

Lin Zhibai said, "Then let's do another music variety show."

"Music variety show?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, "With "The Voice" in front of us, it should be difficult for us to make a better music variety show, right?"

"Variety shows mainly depend on the quality of the content." Lin Zhibai said: "As long as we control the quality of the content of our new variety show, it may not be worse than "The Voice"."

"What's the name of the new variety show?"

Lin Zhibai said: "This variety show is called "The King of Masked Singer". The rules are very simple. We have to invite some stars to participate. Designers need to design masks and costumes for these stars. Cover it up as much as possible, and let these stars compete on stage. Of course, these stars can be singers, actors, or even hosts. Anyway, as long as they are stars in the entertainment industry, they can participate, as long as they are famous enough , Stars who lose the game can choose to reveal their masks, or they can choose to give up revealing their masks, and stars who win don't need to reveal their masks, and automatically enter the next round until the final singer is determined by the competition!"

Jiang Cheng was stunned when he heard that.

But now he is well-informed, his brain is running fast, and he quickly understands the biggest point of this variety show!

"So the biggest pleasure for the audience to watch this show is to guess the identity of the star!"

"Yes, we not only let the audience guess for themselves, but also invite some judges and guests to sit in the audience and guess the real identities of these contestants with the audience, and even guide the audience's thinking. Let’s call it the guessing team.”

"Sounds so interesting!"

Jiang Cheng was a little excited, but he quickly calmed down and thought of the problem.

"The voices of some singers are very recognizable. Isn't it easy to guess?"

"Singers can adjust their vocals."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile: "It's not difficult for them to change the vocal position. It doesn't matter if they keep a little of the original tone, but it will confuse the audience even more."

"I see, there is one more question left."

Jiang Cheng worried: "Although the show's creativity is very good, it's not easy to invite those top singers. Don't show up at that time. The audience will only see some small stars. In the end, everyone still prefers to watch big-name lineups."

"It shouldn't be too difficult."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Singers from Shinhwa and Tianguang, can't we basically handle it? Besides, Kunpeng's variety shows are attractive to the entertainment industry."

Jiangcheng's worries were established before the release.

The most difficult part of "The King of Masked Singer" is how to invite big-name stars to participate.

The "King of Masked Singer" in the previous life encountered this problem.

But today is different!

Not many singers would refuse Kunpeng's invitation to a variety show now!

Not to mention Lin Zhibai's influence on Shinhwa and Tianguang right now!

It may be exaggerated to say that anyone who wants to participate can participate, but the vast majority of people, as long as Kunpeng wants to invite, can invite them!

Lin Zhibai wants to exert his invisible influence!

Let "The King of Masked Singer" become a music carnival in the Qinzhou entertainment circle!


Jiang Cheng fully realized the potential of this show,

"If it's masked, I feel that the boss can even participate in person. At worst, we will deliberately lose a game, and then choose not to reveal our face to leave. Anyway, it is our own show, and we must be careful about keeping our identities secret. dead!"


Lin Zhibai's eyes moved.

This is an idea that has not been imagined.

Don't even mention it, it seems that you are really messing with it.

Even Lin Zhibai felt that even if he really revealed his face, it would not be unacceptable, the big deal would be that Chu Ci's identity was exposed!

In the past, Chu Ci's vest was secretive, because he was afraid that a few uncles would notice, targeting Kunpeng's development.

Now Kunpeng has full wings!

Lin Zhibai's family has also established a solid foundation in the Shinhwa Group!

Under such circumstances, so what if Lin Zhibai exposed Chu Ci's identity?

Those uncles are now completely unable to withstand Kunpeng's offensive, and the old man even intends to let himself be the future heir of the Shinhwa Group!

With Chu Ci's identity exposed, he will only be valued more by the old man!

Good guy.

The more Lin Zhibai thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

This turned out to be a very beneficial choice for me at the moment! ?

Although deep down in his heart, there is a trace of resistance to social death, after all, Bai Di and Chu Ci have been fighting for so long...

The final exposure, let's take a look:

Good guy, it turns out that Baidi and Chu Ci have been fighting each other for a long time?

The death of the society is the only flaw of the lost horse, but it is not meaningful to continue to hide the identity of Chuci, after all, the purpose of Kunpeng's development has been achieved.


It's okay to be thick-skinned about the death of the society. After figuring out the key point, Lin Zhibai said:

"Then I will personally participate in this "The King of Masked Singer"."


Jiang Cheng was dumbfounded immediately, so I just said casually, do you really plan to participate?

"Are you planning to play a few games casually, then admit defeat and leave without revealing your face?"

"talk later."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "I will send you the program plan first, and the director will let the director of "The Voice" come. As for the stage, we will use Tianguang TV Station. The next thing you need to prepare well, let Zhou Han Let them all join in!"

It is said that Zhou Gewang is the second child of ten thousand years.

The season standings have been suppressed by Baidi.

But Baidi is a composer, Zhou Gewang is a singer, this kind of comparison is actually not intuitive.

it's good now.

Lin Zhibai is going to end up as a singer!

If you can meet Zhou Gewang, the scene must be very interesting, Lin Zhibai is looking forward to it!

And from this rhythm.

Maybe when we go to open up the Qizhou market, the two vests of Chuci and Baidi have already merged into one!


I also have a changing voice!

Then I participated in "The King of Masked Singer" and sang the first song, whose voice is better?

Week cold?

Zhang Xiyang?

Even Qin Lian!

Even Li Xiao!

Lin Zhibai's ever-changing voice is too strong, if there is no voice that he can't imitate, even the singer himself will be absolutely ignorant!

Although it is the same as the previous book, we have to reveal the face of the king of masked singers, but this time we approach it from a different angle, and the plot will also change~ It’s not just a matter of laurels!

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