Freelance Artist

Chapter 338 The real Zhou Hanjin!

"last question."

The time for the interaction between the Frog Prince and the guessing group is almost over, and the director has quietly issued a reminder.

After the guessing group received the director's signal, Li Xiao stared at the frog prince and said, "Did you wash your hair after getting up this morning?"

Good guy.

The audience is happy.

Just now Li Xiao asked the Tibetan mastiff the same question. She obviously knew whether Zhou Gewang washed his hair after waking up this morning.

The Tibetan mastiff said it was washed.

And now Li Xiao asked the same question to the Frog Prince.

But the Frog Prince gave a completely different answer.


Speaking of this, the Frog Prince pointed to his mask and said, "Not only did I not wash my hair in the morning, I didn't even put on makeup before going on stage today. That's why I am willing to participate in "The King of Masked Singer."

The audience laughed.

"Where does this show need freshening up and makeup, anyway, the whole body is covered up, we can't see anything at all."

"Questions from Empress Li Ge are so fun!"

"I never expected that Li Gehou's way of identifying Zhou Gewang was to ask the masked singer if he washed his hair!"

"This plastic love!"

"After Li Ge, we agreed, as long as King Zhou Ge appears, you can recognize him instantly?"

The guests were also laughing.

Han Bo said with a funny face: "Then here comes the question, did Zhou Gewang wash his hair this morning?"

Li Xiao blinked: "Don't inquire about Zhou Gewang's privacy."

She still didn't say anything.

Guessing the guests of the judging group is no different, but the effect of the program has already come out.

After several rounds of dialogue like this, the Frog Prince finally bowed and left.

The host in the corner came on stage again and said: "Thank you for the wonderful performance of the Frog Prince. It can be seen that our guests in the guessing group have fallen into a difficult situation. I wonder if the next contestant, everyone in the guessing group, will be able to have a good performance." As for the idea, let's invite today's fourth masked singer with applause—”

"Lord Variety Star!"

The first three contestants have already aroused the audience's strong interest in this identity-guessing game, so everyone is already looking forward to the fourth contestant before it appears on the stage. At this time, the host just finished the curtain call, and the scene sent out enthusiastic applause!



Wearing a white mask, Lin Zhibai walked on the formal stage for the first time in his life in the name of the Variety Star. He didn't feel nervous, but was a little eager to try. He walked through the moon gate and arrived at the place where the lights converge in the center of the stage.

"Lord Variety Star?"

"What does the name mean?"

"It doesn't matter what it means, anyway, it's not an animal this time!"

"Otherwise, I thought "The King of Masked Singer" would really turn into a zoo convention!"

"I don't know if the group of masked singers had a collective discussion. It's either a frog, a Tibetan mastiff, or even a giant panda."

"Two of the three key animals are Zhou Hanjin!"

"It's so weird!"

"This Lord Variety looks normal!"

"The white mask is quite handsome, and the painting style is obviously more reliable than the previous two Zhou Han."

The audience whispered.

Suddenly the stage went dark.

The sound at the scene was silent.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of voice this Variety Star will make.

the most important is:

Can you tell which singer's voice this is!


The current playing is played.

The faces of the audience suddenly changed!

The expressions of the guests in the guessing group became weird in an instant!

This rhythm!

the music!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Because the audience is very familiar with this song!

"What the hell!"

"This is Zhou Hanjin's most difficult representative song "Years"!"

"I remember when Zhang Xiyang participated in "I Am a Singer", the first stage choice was to cover Zhou Hanjin's song!"

"The key point is that few people can cover this song!"

"Those who dare to cover this song are generally at the level of a singer!"

"What is the origin of this Variety Star Lord, who dares to cover the most difficult song of Zhou Sing King like Zhang Xiyang back then?"

"This cover song, maybe it will overturn!"

"Could it be that this Lord Variety is also the King of Songs?"

"You are a Chinese cabbage when you are the king of singers. I want to see how good this guy is. He dares to cover Zhou Hanjin's most difficult songs!"

The prelude is over.

The place was quiet.

Everyone prick up their ears!

And when everyone heard the voice of Lord Variety, the audience was staggering!

this voice!

"The years are in the palm of your hand."

"We're still pulling willily."

"What is left after pulling to the end."

"Time has seen how tortuous the road we came from."

"Looking back on those memories is a gradually yellowing color."

"Those years of being muddled."

"Those days I was half asleep and half awake..."

The question is not whether the Variety Star has the ability to cover Zhou Hanjin's super high-key "Years"!

Facts have proved that Lord Variety has this strength.

However, this is no longer the focus of the audience's attention!

Everyone's focus at this time is:


Isn't this the original song!

This Variety Star seems to be Zhou Hanjin himself!

Guess the judges.

Tian Wei: "..."

Han Bo: "..."

Yingwei: "..."

Li Xiao's eyes were even darkened, and she almost couldn't even stand firm. Even though she is usually well-mannered and has a very gentle personality, she couldn't hold back at this moment and burst out in her heart!

I'll go to your uncle!

The old lady finally figured out that the Tibetan mastiff might be a counterfeit, and the possibility that the frog prince is Lao Zhou is very high, but why did another voice sound more like Zhou Hanjin halfway through!

How can you tell the difference!

The program team messed with my mentality, right?

Test my relationship with Lao Zhou, right?

Is it intentional? Still careless? Was it intentional or careless? This Kunpeng has to break the relationship between me and Lao Zhou, right? ?

Well, it's all a joke.

This celebrity couple is all over the place.

The main reason is that Li Xiao and Zhou Hanjin participated in "The Voice" as mentors at the same time, and they often robbed each other of outstanding students. In the end, there was a mentor battle, which caused netizens to joke that when the show is over, King Zhou and Li It's time for the post-song relationship to end.

The result was unexpected.

Li Xiao came to participate in Kunpeng's new show "The King of Masked Singer", and he was already sitting in the guessing group, so he still had to face this "test".


The audience laughed like crazy!

"Why is Zhou Hanjin coming again!"

"Today is really Zhou Hanjin's imitation contest, isn't it?"

"Which one is real!"

"Tibetan mastiff?"

"Frog prince?"

"Lord Variety Star?"

"I use my spicy stick to guarantee that this Variety Star Lord is the real Zhou Hanjin!"

"Why? Obviously these three voices are very similar! Although this Lord Variety sounds the most similar!"

"The voices are indeed very similar, but the first two only imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice, but Baibian Xingjun used Zhou Gewang's voice to challenge the most difficult song of Zhou Gewang! You must know that imitating Zhou Gewang is a bit low-key. Songs of equal difficulty, even medium difficulty, are fine. Can you directly imitate the most difficult song of Zhou Gewang? Except Zhou Gewang himself, I can’t think of anyone who can do it! The most important thing is that I feel that the voice of Variety Star is really real. It's exactly the same as Zhou Gewang, a little more like the previous two!"

In fact, this wave is also Lin Zhibai being too skinny.

He also imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice during the sound audition before, including during rehearsal, but he didn't imitate to the limit!

Isn't it normal to hold back a hand before going on the field?

However, today Lin Zhibai's firepower was fully activated, and his ever-changing voice was brought to the extreme, and he used all his skills directly, the kind that he didn't hide!

Can't it be like that!

This is a system plug-in!

As for the difficulty of this song, it is indeed very high.

Don’t forget that Lin Zhibai deliberately raised his singing skills to the level of a singer before the competition. It was a challenge for him to imitate Zhou Hanjin’s voice with ever-changing voices and sing this extremely difficult song. But the overall completion is still very high!


Lin Zhibai successfully bluffed the audience!

Even the other masked singers were bluffed by Lin Zhibai!


Tibetan mastiff lounge.

The camera is aimed at the Tibetan mastiff.

No one can see the face under the mastiff mask.

However, it can be clearly seen that the Tibetan Mastiff is staring at the Variety King performing on the TV at the moment, and his body is obviously a little stiff.

"How did he do it?"

The Tibetan mastiff murmured through the voice changer.

Could this guy really be Zhou Hanjin himself?

What happened to the frog prince next door!

The Tibetan mastiff's mind was a little confused.

Referred to as cpu burned.


The Frog Prince Lounge.

Zhou Han was completely motionless.

If outsiders saw it, they might think it was a still picture.


Zhou Hanjin wearing a frog mask really felt like he was going crazy!

What the hell is this Variety Lord, how can he be so like me!


I'm still too conservative!

Although Zhou Han thought that the most dangerous place is the safest place, he sang with his original tone today, but because Li Xiao, the person next to his pillow, was sitting in the audience, and because Zhou Gewang was somewhat guilty, he was afraid He was really hammered by the audience, so he finally changed his singing style a little bit, and didn't fully show his original voice!

But it's just this little bit.

The direct result is:

Variety Star became the person who sounded most like himself in the audience today! ?

Zhou Han did his calculations, and the sound of the Tibetan Mastiff is about six to seven.

Zhou Han's voice, on the other hand, has an eighth image with the original sound, which is the result of his deliberate control.

However, the voice of Variety Star King is almost as similar to his own or even a little higher, which is really beyond Zhou Hanjin's expectation!

How can this be justified!

Obviously I am Zhou Hanjin!

It turned out to be like I was a fake!

On the stage at this time, the singing of Variety Star King ended, and then the audience shouted a name, harmonious and unified!

"Zhou Hanjin!"

"Zhou Hanjin!"

"Zhou Hanjin!"

It can be seen that Zhou Gewang's popularity is really high!

It can also be seen that the audience really believes that Lord Variety is Zhou Hanjin!

This directly caused Zhou Hanjin, who was wearing a frog mask, to twitch crazily on his cheeks.

Damn it!

The Frog Prince was very upset. This subtle discomfort was really unpleasant.

Guess the judges.

Variety artist Yingwei even yelled: "Mr. Baibian Xingjun, did you wash your hair after waking up today?"

Good guy!

This is a personal question that Li Xiao asked the Tibetan Mastiff and the Frog Prince before!

"I didn't wash my hair."

Lord Variety replied with Zhou Hanjin's voice.

As soon as the voice came out, the audience shouted even louder!

Because the Variety Star Lord didn't use a voice changer, and even his normal speaking voice was exactly the same as Zhou Hanjin's!

Could it be King Zhou Ge himself?

If it wasn't for Zhou Han, we audiences would wash our hair upside down!

This plot is played with oolong information and poor information. It does not rely on original songs to pretend to be forced. It mainly wants to play a humorous effect. It happens to be different from the previous book, but then we have to enter the normal rhythm of copying songs. There is another chapter, ask everyone for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

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