Freelance Artist

Chapter 345: Variety Star Lord is a scam!

program site.

The recording officially begins.

Host Huang Li is in the heat.

The guests of the guessing group were still the group headed by Li Xiao.

Huang Li smiled and said: "The first issue of our "The King of Masked Singer" has aroused widespread attention. After you returned, Mr. Li Xiao, did you confirm with Mr. Zhou Hanjin whether he is our first issue of Masked Singer?" one?"


Li Xiao blinked.

Everyone suddenly laughed.

A few minutes later, Huang Licai got to the point: "Then the competition can officially begin. The first singer who will appear today is the most popular singer since the last episode of the show..."

King of popularity!

With the appearance of Variety Star King, the audience's eyes lit up, and the scene immediately burst into cheers. Lin Zhibai felt that his popularity was indeed very high, even if there was some bad public opinion.


"Variable Star Monarch Zhang Xiyang!"

"I'm here for him!"

"Zhang Xiyang is now a clear card. I feel that the public opinion on the Internet is a bit reasonable. Zhang Xiyang's voice is showing off, and his popularity is too high..."

"I don't think so."

"It is the singer's freedom to sing with any voice."

"Zhang Xiyang did not violate the program rules."

"That's what I said, but it always feels unfair to other singers."

"It's not that he's not allowed to use the original tone, but let's restrain ourselves a little bit. Zhang Xiyang instantly made a lot of suspense disappear."

The scene was loud.

But there are also different voices.

Li Xiao didn't panic at all today, because she already knew that the frog prince was Zhou Hanjin, so she smiled and said, "Did Mr. Baibianxing wash your hair today?"

The guessing group suddenly laughed.

The audience laughed along.

Whether Zhou Hanjin washed his hair that day or not was a hot topic after the show aired, and today Li Xiao was obviously playing tricks on his own initiative.

However, Lord Variety Star did not answer.

Because there is no interactive arrangement before singing.

But this question, Lin Zhibai can really answer, because the name of the song that Mr. Variety Star will sing appeared on the big screen!


When Li Xiao saw the name of the song about to be sung by Variety Star, Li Xiao immediately blew it up, and everyone in the guessing group was overjoyed, and the audience even burst out laughing, because the name of the song is six characters:

So no shampoo!

"Hahahahaha, who can tell me what the hell is "So I Didn't Wash My Hair"? Is that the title of the song? Zhang Xiyang is getting more and more skinny!"

"Is this a new song?"

"I've never heard a song like this before!"

"Could it be Teacher Zhang Xiyang's original work?"

"Although the title of this song is too superficial, isn't he afraid of being eliminated, using this kind of meme song, and playing the meme of the previous show!"

"Popular and capricious?"

"His popularity can indeed be played casually."

"Everyone knows that he is Zhang Xiyang, and he will definitely vote."

"I don't vote, it's fine to play tricks, but the stage performance can't be bad, right? Even if it's the king of singers, even if it's Zhang Xiyang, you have to take it seriously!"

Everyone is discussing.

The prelude sounded.

At the same time, the voice of Lord Variety also sounded:

"Looking back, I realized that I have never lived a passionate life. Because I have no dreams, the only thing that wakes me up every day is the alarm clock. When I am lazy, I don’t even wash my hair when I am in a bad mood. Anyway, no one can understand even if I dress up carefully... "

Swish Swish Swish!

The audience was stunned!

The guests of the guessing group are stupid!

The other participating singers were also stunned!

The voice of Lord Variety this time was not Zhang Xiyang's voice, nor even Zhou Hanjin's voice. It was a voice that everyone was vaguely familiar with, but they couldn't think of whose voice it was!

how so?

Isn't Mr. Variety Zhang Xiyang?

What is going on with this voice!

"Walking on the road, a group of school uniforms bounced past me. I can't remember if I was lively and active at that age. It seems that when I was younger, there were more sunshine and smiles than now. It doesn't matter what they have, I also have it. Pass……"

on stage.

Variety Star continued to sing.

Many people in the audience had goosebumps. It wasn't because of how amazing the performance was or how shocking the song was. It was purely because of the singer's voice, which broke everyone's perception and imagination of Zhang Xiyang. My brain is down!


"I remembered!"

"This is Lin Shouzhuo's voice!"

"That's right, that's right, I just said, why is it so familiar! It turns out that Zhang Xiyang can still imitate Lin Shouzhuo's voice?"

"What Zhang Xiyang! You motherfucker hasn't realized it yet! This Variety Star Lord is not Zhang Xiyang at all. He successfully misled all of us. First he used Zhou Hanjin's voice, then Zhang Xiyang's voice, Now imitating Lin Shouzhuo's voice, he is a monster who can imitate the voices of different singers, no wonder this guy is called Variety Star Lord, his voice is really varied!"

"He's not Zhang Xiyang!?"

"Then there are still a bunch of people attacking on the Internet, saying that Zhang Xiyang deliberately revealed his identity in order to get votes from fans?"

"Zhang Xiyang died wronged!?"

"It's not only Zhang Xiyang who was wronged, but Lord Variety Star who was wronged too. He just imitated it too well, and everyone misunderstood it in the end!"


So many spectators.

It doesn't matter who complained about "Zhang Xiyang deliberately leaked his identity" on the Internet before.

At this moment, everyone changed their views in an instant. On the one hand, they sympathized or apologized to Zhang Xiyang, and on the other hand, they were shocked and admired by Lord Variety!


Lord Variety is Lin Shouzhuo?

If it was the first episode, many people might really think so, but after listening to Baibian Xingjun singing three songs in a row, he has changed the voices of three singers in a row, who dares to say that he must be so and so!

It can only be said that it may be Lin Shouzhuo!

Someone tried to find the answer in the song.

Mr. Variety Star's voice was warm and a little sad: "The people queuing up at the breakfast shop have the same indifference as me. Maybe the day that made him tired has just begun or finally ended. It seems that it has been a few years that I am glad that I finally don't have to be Forced to eat breakfast, when did you learn to take care of yourself?"

The audience listened in silence.

Everyone didn't find the answer to who is Mr. Variety Star, but they were unknowingly poked by the lyrics of this song. Everyone felt that these lyrics seemed to sing their own voices.

It sounds good.

Like the next paragraph.

"Staying up until the lunch break, there are groups of people who don't know if they are friends. Sitting silently, I know that they only contact each other at noon every day. The strange thing is that the number of people lying in the address book is increasing every day. Most of them may not be friends. Know what my name is."

Isn't this a true portrayal of many social animals?

There are more and more people in the address book but fewer and fewer friends.

I just saw the title of the song "So I Didn't Wash My Hair" and everyone subconsciously thought that it was an opportunistic playful song, and some people wondered if it would be too serious. After all, this stage is very professional, but when you hear it, everyone They all feel sorry for each other.

"The lyrics are so good!"

"This song is so poignant."

"The original song by Mr. Variety in the last issue is also very good. He said he wrote it himself, so is this one also written by him?"

"Couldn't he be a composer?"

"Which composer sings so well?"

"I know one, Chuci!"

"Could it be that Lord Variety is Chuci?"

"Impossible, Chu Ci's voice is too familiar to me, die-hard fans!"

"The most important thing is that Chu Ci's singing skills are not up to the level of a singer. When he first debuted, he was even criticized by the media for his poor singing skills. However, the singing skills shown by this Variety Star Lord in the last episode have clearly reached the level of a singer!"

Lin Zhibai didn't even know.

Someone guessed the answer.

But it was rejected by more people in an instant.

At this time, Lin Zhibai was fully devoted to singing, and he was deliberately imitating Lin Shouzhuo's voice: "I always miss the sunset after get off work, but luckily I didn't miss the last bus. Men and women who look like students are leaning against the window of the car. It seems that there have been Such a person makes you want to say everything to him, and after so many years, you have long forgotten what you said..."

The original singer of this song is Mao Buyi.

It can be regarded as Mao Buyi's relatively small works.

However, Lin Zhibai personally likes this song very much. It just so happened that Zhou Hanjin’s meme about not washing his hair was on the hot search again in the last issue, so he wanted to sing this work with Lin Shouzhuo’s voice, just as an excuse to gain popularity Come on, by the way, help Zhang Xiyang carry away the scapegoat.

Obviously Lin Zhibai succeeded.

Everyone in the guessing group was dumbfounded!

Li Xiao said blankly, "It seems to be Lin Shouzhuo's voice, right?"

Yingwei said with emotion: "In other words, the possibility of Chang Xingjun being Zhang Xiyang is actually not that great. After all, this is already the third voice he uttered. He is a top imitation singer, but I don't remember anyone in the circle. Your ability to imitate is so strong..."

"A regular imitation is just what it sounds like!"

Han Bo, who won the "Good Voice" championship, said excitedly: "But the time when Variety Star imitated Zhou Gewang, his singing skills even reached the original singing level!"

"I didn't expect Lin Shouzhuo to be so terrifying!"

Tian Wei, who also participated in "The Voice", gasped.

How could there be a singer with such terrifying imitation ability in the world, no wonder everyone misunderstood him as Zhang Xiyang!

Lin Shouzhuo?

Everyone around looked at Tian Wei.

My good fellow, I have already been deceived twice by Lord Variety, this guy dares to be so sure, isn't he afraid of being deceived a third time?

Well, everyone is a little hesitant and tangled in their hearts, mainly because Lin Bracelet is too visual when listening to this song!

on the stage.

The song is over.

"Walk through many places without leaving anything behind. We are still walking. It is different from what I imagined. So this is life. My dear friend, I forgive you for not being able to accompany me to the end..."


Lord Variety's voice was soothing, as if he was relieved, and he sang in a strong Lin Shouzhuo style: "My dear friend, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you to the end."


The Frog Prince Lounge.

Looking back, I found that I never had a passionate life.

Because there is no dream, the only thing that wakes you up every day is the alarm clock?

When I'm lazy, I don't even wash my hair when I'm in a bad mood. Anyway, no one can understand even if I dress up carefully?

The lyrics are so good!

With the topic of "not washing your hair", countless in-depth connotations have been derived, and every sentence has been written into the hearts of ordinary people. Even Zhou Hanjin himself has been emotionally infected...


Now is not the time to analyze the song, what the hell is going on with this voice, Zhang Xiyang is the one who promised to be the Variety Star! ?

This was clearly Lin Shouzhuo's voice!

Zhou Han is absolutely familiar with Lin Shouzhuo's voice, because the only time our Zhou Ge Wang Ping won against Baidi was when the other party wrote Lin Shouzhuo's debut novel "Sorrow"!

Under the Frog Prince mask.

Zhou Hanjin was in a mess!

"Can Zhang Xiyang imitate both my voice and Lin Shouzhuo's voice? No, no, no, this is not Zhang Xiyang at all. Maybe Zhang Xiyang is also a victim like me, so Lao Zhang didn't lie to me. He really didn't participate in "Mongolia" "The King of Face Singers", so could this guy really be Lin Shouzhuo!?"

Zhou Hanjin's head became a mess!


The mastiff lounge next door.

A smile appeared under Zhang Xiyang's mask.

This Variety Star is quite interesting.

In order not to let me take the blame, I changed someone to imitate?

Zhang Xiyang felt that the other party was not Lin Shouzhuo, after all, the bracelet was an acquaintance of Zhang Xiyang.

Everyone participated in "I Am a Singer" together before, and Zhang Xiyang interacted with Lin Shouzhuo a lot.

So who are you?

Imitate me, imitate Lao Zhou, imitate the bracelet.

Is it because you are familiar with the few of us?

I don't want to clarify this time, is it a tacit understanding between us that you slapped your face during the game, or is it purely a coincidence?

Zhang Xiyang fell into deep thought.


Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the probability of him being Lin Shouzhuo is not low. After all, there is really no one else to analyze, and there is only so much information.

Could it be that this little bracelet is tricking me?

Good boy!


Next door again.

Another lounge.

There is a replacement player named Devil Ray in this lounge.

Under the fish head.

A young face is twitching slightly at the moment.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

The interim agent found that the replacement singer stingray's reaction was a bit wrong.

"I feel that Master Variety Star is really a fool!"

The stingray spoke in a weird voice, with some inexplicable grievances.

"It's very cheating, it's a cheating god!"

The temporary manager muttered, "I feel like this sounds like Teacher Lin Shouzhuo. I didn't expect Teacher Lin Shouzhuo to be so conceited and to give Teacher Zhang Xiyang such a big scapegoat. Fortunately, he stopped pretending after this showdown, otherwise..."

"He is not!"

The devil fish finally couldn't hold back anymore!

He is Lin Shouzhuo? How could he be Lin Shouzhuo? If he is Lin Shouzhuo, then who the hell am I! ?


The devil fish felt that a huge black pot had fallen from the sky, and it directly slammed down on itself!

Smashed a sinkhole!

The song is relatively small, everyone didn't guess it seems~ the next choice is a more popular one~

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