Freelance Artist

Chapter 354: The Story of the Wolf!

In a blink of an eye.

It's Saturday again.

this evening.

The third episode of "The King of Masked Singer" is on air!

After the heat fermentation of the first two episodes, the third issue of "The King of Masked Singer" has attracted even more attention. On the Qinzhou Variety Show Popularity Ranking, the influence of this show has completely reached the phenomenon-level standard. This hot search topic can be said to be continuous, and many viewers who usually don't pay much attention to variety shows have been attracted in!


"It's started again!"

"In the first round, Chu Liuxiang played against the Frog Prince?"

"Chu Liuxiang is so strong!"

"Which singer is this again!"

"I feel like the Frog Prince is a little bit hung up."


"The Frog Prince won!?"

"This song is too explosive!"

"Prince Frog is a song king. He must be Zhou Hanjin. It would be reasonable if he is Zhou Song King!"

The first pk.

All kinds of adrenaline rush for the audience to watch!


And compared to the first game.

The second pk match between Devil Ray and Variety King will focus on a program effect!


"The voice of the devil fish!"

"It's Lin Shouzhuo's voice!?"

"Depend on!"

"Two Lin Shouzhuo!?"

"It's over, I've lost my mind, who is Lin Shouzhuo!"

"Mr. Variety Star is trying to kill me with laughter. This song is actually called "I'm a Fish"!"

"Ya sing 'I'm a Fish' to the stingray?"

"Hahahahahahaha, although the stage of Variety Star Lord is not the kind that is particularly explosive, I really like to watch it. The effect of this show is really invincible!"


After rounds of pk like this, the last episode finally ended, the stingray revealed its face, and a bigger program effect came!


"Lin Shouzhuo!?"

"The devil fish is really a bracelet!"

"Lord Variety Star really has a big asshole!"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Variety Star, you have done a terrible job with the bracelet. They were arrested by Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang because of you!"

"Eternal injustice, this is it!"

"You said you pretended to be someone else's voice, why did you pretend to be the master!"

"This wave of bracelets is forced to reveal the face. If you don't expose the face, you will never be able to get rid of the scapegoat!"

"The Variety Star suddenly turned "The King of Masked Singer" into a comedy show!"

The audience burst out laughing!

But the more exciting is always the next issue!

Because each issue of "The King of Masked Singer" is divided into upper and lower broadcasts.


Under the third issue.

When Variety Star sang the song "Perfume is Poisonous" with Li Xiao's voice, the biggest climax of the whole third issue officially came!

"Oh my God!"


"This is Li Xiao's voice!"

"So Lord Variety is a woman!?"

"He must be a man, but what's the matter with this voice, is this the same voice as Luo Yan?"

"Luo Yan is not as good at imitating as Lord Variety!"

"And in terms of singing skills, I feel that Lord Variety is stronger than Luo Yan. Is this the level of a queen?"

"It's definitely not Luo Yan!"

"But Luo Yan is definitely going to take the blame hahahahaha, these people would rather kill 10,000 people by mistake than let one go! I suspect that this wave of Lord Variety is deliberately tricking him!"

"Poor Luo Yan!"

"It was actually targeted by Lord Variety!"

"It's not just the voice, this song is also so good, it's very emotional, especially during the climax, you smell of her perfume on your body!"

"Li Xiao is stupefied!"

When Variety Star sang "Perfume is Poisonous" with Li Xiao's voice, the camera focused on Li Xiao in various ways, and every reaction of her was captured. Anyone who saw her bewildered face couldn't help but want to laugh!


at home.

Lin Zhibai also watched this issue of "The King of Masked Singer" with his family.

When Variety Star sang the first song, the family just laughed out loud, but the second song made people want to laugh!

this song...

Lin Xi's eyes were like lightning: "The level of Lord Variety is definitely not ordinary. When he reveals his face, no matter who it is, I must find a way to bring him into our mythology!"

"I guess you're not the only one thinking about it."

Lin Shengtian said with a smile: "Master Baibianxing has probably become the target that the major entertainment companies in Qinzhou want to scoop up!"

My mother is a genius at counting, she snapped her fingers and said, "Did you find Lord Variety, does that mean you have Zhou Hanjin, Zhang Xiyang, and Li Xiao at the same time?"

"There is also Lin Shouzhuo as a gift."

Dad Lin Dong added with a smile that even he has become a die-hard viewer of this show, and it feels more fun than chasing TV series.

And don't know why.

Lin Dong always felt that Mr. Baibian Xing made him inexplicably kind, and couldn't help liking him.

"Maybe it's because the image of the Variety King is more pleasing?"

Dad thought so, although the whiteboard mask of Mr. Variety has no funny elements at all.


Variety Star is indeed pleasing, but the pleasing is not in the image.

But because of its various deceitful behaviors, it is completely entertaining others to entertain the public and finally entertaining itself!


King of Masked Singer's Popularity Ranking.

Lord Variety's favorite degree has once again secured the first place!

If Variety Star won the first place before, it was because everyone thought he was Zhang Xiyang, which caused Zhang Xiyang's fans to exert their strength.

Well this time.

Variety Star won the first place because the audience loves Variety Star himself from the bottom of their hearts!

Whoever he is!

"According to this rhythm, Lord Variety's popularity will explode as soon as he reveals his face!"

"It may also be hit and exploded!"

"After all, he provoked two singers and one queen at the same time."

"Hahahaha, and Lin Shouzhuo and Luo Yan will not let him go!"

"Speaking of which, the confrontation between red and blue at the end of the program seems very interesting. I'm looking forward to the performance of the blue team!"

"But I still want to watch Lord Variety!"

"It's okay, after the blue team trials are over, Variety Star will participate in the red-blue competition!"

"Treasure the next two issues!"

"After two episodes, I won't be able to see Lord Variety and the others for at least a month!"

The audience is actually reluctant!

After the third issue, everyone already has feelings for these masked singers, especially the Variety Stars!

Because of the existence of Lord Variety.

The first thing everyone cares about is not even the ranking of each competition, because with the participation of Variety Star, happiness is the key point!


Mr. Variety Star is indeed too happy!

Make the audience happy too!

But everyone's happiness is obviously based on the "pain" of some people who were cheated!

It was the second day after the third episode aired.

Another hot search appeared on the Internet. # Luo Yan was arrested # Netizens clicked into the topic and saw it, and they laughed so hard that they couldn't help but laugh!

It turned out that Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang were dispatched again, and even Li Xiao became their teammate!

The two song kings and one queen went straight to Luo Yan, and the three of them took a group photo around Luo Yan!

In the photo.

Luo Yan squatted, holding his head in his hands, trembling.

Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Hanjin and Li Xiao stared at each other ferociously.

All four of them uploaded this photo on their respective feeds.

Zhang Xiyang: "In the process of extorting a confession through torture, it seems that the wrong person has been arrested again."

Zhou Hanjin: "The suspect is very cooperative, maybe Baibian Xingjun is someone else."

Li Xiao: "I will definitely catch Lord Variety!"

Luo Yan: "You are new to the music world, please let me go!"

Of course, everyone knows that this is the four of them deliberately teasing the netizens, but seeing this scene is still very funny!

"What a miserable man!"

"Hahahaha Luo Yan is really miserable!"

"A new victim has appeared!"

"Luo Yan: If I want to have the skills of Lord Variety, "The Voice" can make that Han Bo win the championship?"

"Pfft, Luo Yan is worse than Lin Shouzhuo!"

"There are more and more suspects, but I feel that the efficiency of Zhou Gewang, Zhang Xiyang and Li Xiao in solving the case is a bit low (dog head)"

"Do you still dare to reveal your face in the future?"

"This guy who reveals his face will be besieged by the King of Songs and the Queen of Songs!"

"Baibian Xingjun better pray that he is really a female singer, so that the kings of singers can be more compassionate (cover their mouths and laugh)"

Netizens are already looking forward to it.

When Lord Variety reveals his face, he will definitely be "arrested" like this.

When the time comes, Lord Variety will hold his head in his hands tremblingly and be surrounded by singer kings and queens. The scene must be very interesting!



The recent news is also all related to "The King of Masked Singer"!

"Variety Stars Are Male and Female Indistinguishable!" "

"Lin Shouzhuo and Luo Yan successively took the blame for Lord Variety! "

Known information confirmed by "Variable Star King: Not a singer, no more than forty years old!" "

"Masked Singer King Red and Blue Confrontation? "

"Masked Singer King's blue team will have singer king and song queen sit in town?" "

The popularity of "The King of Masked Singer" is catching up with the original good voice! "


The hottest entertainment news basically comes from the three major companies.

But after the rise of Kunpeng, many news have nothing to do with the Big Three.

This also proves from the side that Kunpeng's influence on Qinzhou's entertainment circle is getting more and more exaggerated!


Of course, Lin Zhibai also read Luo Yan's hot search, snickered for a full five minutes, and laughed away his merits.

This is the first time that Luo Yan has been ranked first in the trending search!

Although the way is very strange, but there are countless fans, what a beautiful thing!

You must know that in Qinzhou, it is not easy to be the number one in the hot search, especially for a star like Luo Yan who has just debuted.

Even for Lin Shouzhuo, it has been three years since his debut.

Some time ago, it was also the first time to be on the top of the hot search.

After all, not everyone can make Variety Star King into a hole, and not everyone can make more than one super star "arrest".

In the short term, "laughing" is good.

In the long run, it is a real benefit.

Celebrities need topics, even if they are super-first-line.

Because of the constant topics in the past two years, Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang are now one of the most popular singers in the blue star music scene!

"But the effect of the program belongs to the effect of the program..."

Lin Zhibai was also thinking about whether he should sing with his original tone next.

He is no longer so worried about exposure, just like the story of "Wolf is Coming", as long as he imitates enough voices, and the audience, guests and other singers are deceived enough times, then it is considered that he used it in one of the competitions. This tone is sung, and everyone will only think that Mr. Variety is imitating it again!

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