Freelance Artist

Chapter 356 Songs of Chu, Lyrics by Baidi, Composed by Lin Zhibai, Sung by Lin Zhibai

Lin Zhibai wrote the movie script very quickly. He started writing that night and finished it the next day. The job of finding a director must also be handed over to Jiang Cheng.

Now Kunpeng has a very large scale.

Lin Zhibai can also find some professionals to do the things that Lin Zhibai entrusted to Jiangcheng. The better Kunpeng develops, the less resistance Lin Zhibai wants to do things. Sometimes, things like money and relationships have to be considered.

the next day.


My parents, my brothers and sisters suddenly came home from work.

Dad said to Lin Zhibai: "The old man asked you to go to Xicheng Manor."

Lin Zhibai was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

"I didn't say anything on the phone, but we don't worry about you going to the West City Manor alone. Everyone will accompany you."

My sister frowned.

Lin Zhibai's going to Xicheng Manor is prone to accidents.

Once he hurt his head, and once he had a fight with other members of the third generation of the Lin family.

It made the family feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy when they heard the old man suddenly call Lin Zhibai to go to Xicheng Manor.


Lin Zhibai has no objection, although he feels that the family battle is a bit exaggerated, and everyone has to go with him even if they are not working.

After lunch.

Lin Zhibai's family arrived at Xicheng Manor.

Secretary Jin greeted him at the gate of the manor. Seeing that Lin Zhibai's family had come, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Are you planning to have dinner at Xicheng Manor at night?"

"Just come and walk around." Lin Zhibai was curious, "Why did you call me here?"


Secretary Jin blinked and took Lin Zhibai's family to the private airport in the manor.

A private jet was parked in the venue at the moment, it was brand new, and it was the first time Lin Zhibai had seen it.

"This is the s380 private jet that the chairman spent 1 billion last year to customize in Wave Air Company. It was just delivered last month. It can fly tens of thousands of kilometers with one refueling..."

Secretary Jin introduced everything in detail.

Lin Xidao: "So what does this have to do with us?"

"Listen to me." Secretary Jin said with a smile: "This plane adopts the most advanced technology and covers all luxury configurations. It is almost a flying hotel. It has a living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. , as well as a bar and a luxurious kitchen, etc., which can meet all independent flying and living needs. In addition, it also has a large intelligent theater screen and sound system to ensure that passengers have the best experience of in-flight entertainment.”

"Then what?"

Lin Xi's heart moved, and she seemed to have guessed something vaguely.

"And this plane, the chairman has already given it to Master Xiaobai. As long as Master Xiaobai signs, this plane will be in your personal name." Secretary Jin looked at Lin Zhibai.

"Send me off?"

Lin Zhibai was surprised, the old man had never given him a model airplane toy before.

Why did you send yourself a real plane now?

I don't seem to be doing anything lately, right?

But Lin Xi suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! So this plane belongs to our family!?"

Mom and Dad also smiled.

"It's black."

Brother Lin Shengtian was also overwhelmed with surprise, but he calmly reminded Lin Xi.


Lin Xi said happily: "Can I go in and have a look?"

"Then you have to ask Master Xiaobai." Secretary Jin said with a smile.

"Then you don't need to ask!" Lin Xi dragged Lin Zhibai to get on the plane. The relationship between siblings is not fake.

"Let's have a look together."

Lin Zhibai called his parents, brother and his family to enter the plane, and the luxurious decoration inside instantly made Lin Xi scream continuously.

Lin Zhibai's family is very rich, but they are really reluctant to spend one billion yuan to buy a private jet. The most important thing is that the real value of this private jet does not lie in its own price.

It was because of the old man's doting on Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhaomu has a lot of grandchildren, besides Lin Zhibai, who else can get such a gift?


"The old man gave Lin Zhibai a plane worth a billion yuan!?"

The news that Lin Zhaomu sent his grandson Lin Zhibai to fly quickly spread throughout the Lin family, and the uncle's family was outraged!


Lin Gong's eyes were red: "The older the old man, the more partial he is!"

"Why!" Lin Jing was also extremely jealous, "Then what's so great about Lin Zhibai!"

Lin Chun clenched his fists, old man, are you serious? As the eldest son of Lin, I have worked hard for Shinhwa Group for so many years, so I am not as good as your youngest grandson?


Erbo's family.

Lin Hu felt his temples throbbing: "Old man, what does this mean? Lin Zhibai is already the grandson of the Shinhwa Group!?"

"I'm afraid that's what the old man meant!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

The old man is so kind to Lin Zhibai, so good that even a fool can see some kind of intention of the old man!

Lin Bao sighed and said, "Perhaps it's time for us to change our attitude towards the fourth uncle's family."

Lin Xia slapped the table hard: "You want me to curry favor with Lin Dong? Dreaming!"


Sanbo's family.

Lin Liu was so angry that her whole body trembled, she couldn't imagine what kind of liquidation she would face when Lin Zhibai really came to power in the future!

"With Lin Zhibai's family inside and Kunpeng outside, we are in a difficult situation."

Lin Shu narrowed his eyes.

Lin Sen took a deep breath and said, "Are we just sitting there waiting to die?"

Lin Qiu glanced at his sons and daughters, "There are certain things about the future that need to be prepared in advance. The old man has never been so kind to any children and grandchildren in the past. He is not the kind of person who spoils his children and grandchildren."


Who will Lin Zhaomu pass on the Shinhwa Group to? This has always been a matter of concern to the Lin family and even the entire Qinzhou entertainment circle, so his mere act of delivering the plane is enough to make people fill up countless information!

Lin Zhibai himself was calm.

Now he doesn't pay attention to the uncle's family anymore.

Erbo's video site.

There is also Sanbo's TV station.

They were all suppressed by Lin Zhibai.

As for the film industry that the uncle is in charge of, Lin Zhibai is not easy to attack for the time being, but this situation will not last long.

But the old man had to say thank you for sending the plane to Lin Zhibai, so he called his grandfather Lin Zhaomu at night.

The main reason is that I didn't see the old man in Xicheng Manor during the day.

"If you really want to thank me," Lin Zhaomu said calmly after receiving the call, "write me a picture."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

It seems that the old man is quite resentful about not being able to shoot "Lanting Preface" last time, and he is still thinking about his calligraphy.


Lin Zhibai agreed, "I'll pick a day to write a picture and send it to you."

It was only after I promised that I realized something was wrong. It seems that the calligraphy I created seriously can sell for more than one billion yuan, right?

If so, why do I feel that I am at a loss?

Lin Zhibai finally understood the horror of capitalists.

Ginger is still old and spicy.



Lin Zhibai received a call from Jiangcheng to remind him that the recording of the fourth episode of "The King of Masked Singer" will officially start tomorrow.

Down three consecutive periods.

The popularity of "The King of Masked Singer" is extremely high now!

Judging from the data alone, it has reached the level of "The Voice"!


The one with the highest degree of discussion is of course Variety Star.

Especially in the last issue, after Variety Star sang "Perfume is Poisonous" in Li Xiao's voice, the discussion became crazy!

Even Luo Yan, who has the same skill, has been on the hot searches for the past few days!

Although everyone knows that it is almost impossible for Lord Variety to be Luo Yan, but who makes everyone really clueless?

Some even launched a poll online.

The title of the poll is "Do you think Mr. Variety is a man or a woman".

a, male

b, female

c, in the circle

Lin Zhibai chose "b" without hesitation.

The main reason is that if you don't choose, you won't see the support rate of the two viewpoints, so I clicked it.

The result surprised Lin Zhibai:

60% of netizens think that Baibian Xingjun is a man.

20% of netizens think that Baibian Xingjun is a woman.

Another 20% of the netizens directly chose "in the circle". They didn't dare to draw a conclusion whether it was a man or a woman. It really made Lin Zhibai happy.


Maybe I can change my mind.

I know what song to sing next time.

Originally, Lin Zhibai thought that pretending to be a female singer was just for fun, and no one would believe it.

Unexpectedly, a small number of viewers really thought there was such a possibility, and some even hesitated.

That being the case, why not continue pretending to be a female singer for fun.

And on the phone.

Jiang Cheng suddenly smiled and said, "Boss, once you reveal your face and lose your horse, then Chuci and Baidi will become one from now on. Have you thought about what identity you want to play in the music world in the future, whether to let Baidi disappear or Chuci?" Ci disappeared?"

"Why did it have to disappear?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "For a song, Bai Di composes it, Chu Ci writes the lyrics, and Lin Zhibai sings it. This should be reasonable and logical, right?"

Jiang Cheng: "..."

It really is a kind of future that has never been imagined. In this way, no one really needs to disappear, and it is very interesting.

Even if everyone knows the truth, they will only smile knowingly.

"All right."

Jiang Cheng then said: "Recently, there are still some people who are concerned about your creative ability, but some voices think that your songs are created because there are songwriter masters behind them. Do you need to respond?"

"Do not care."

Variety Star said on stage that these songs are all composed by himself, but many audiences obviously don't believe this statement.

After all, this is the stage of "The King of Masked Singer".

Unless I have repeatedly stated, such as Baibian Xingjun has emphasized that he is not Zhang Xiyang, otherwise it may be a lie.

After all, these masked singers can do anything in order to hide their identities, and the audience also likes this kind of gameplay.

that's all.

the next day.

Lin Zhibai went to Tianguang TV Station again to prepare for the recording of the fourth episode of "The King of Masked Singer"!

And today.

Another replacement singer came in.

This replacement singer is called Red Carp.

When the temporary managers told the news to the masked singers in charge, everyone laughed.

"Fish again?"

The devil fish that Lin Shouzhuo pretended to be was just eliminated in the last issue, and a red carp came in this issue.

It is indeed "The King of Masked Singer Zoo Fan Club"!

According to the rules of this issue, there are still two songs per person, and the player with the lowest overall votes will be eliminated!

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