Freelance Artist

Chapter 362 Master of Painting!

"This can all be discovered!?"

Zhou Hanjin never expected that it was not his voice that revealed his identity, but a pair of shoes.

It seems that I have to win the next game hard. Everyone knows that Zhou Hanjin is the frog prince. If he loses badly, he will lose face. This wave will reveal his face in disguise!


The red team's game has just ended.

The competition of the blue team will last for more than a month. It is also the recording of five episodes, and the singers in each episode will sing two songs. Take the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

at this time.

June has come.

Lin Zhibai received the notice.

In mid-July, the red-blue competition officially started.

And at the beginning of July, Lin Zhibai will usher in the summer vacation of his junior year.

Considering that there is really nothing to do in his senior year, Lin Zhibai feels that his college career is almost over.

Therefore, Lin Zhibai attended classes honestly in the next few days and did not skip a class.

All right.

The main reason is that Lin Zhibai has a lot of things to do, and the frequency of skipping classes is also high, so the credits are a bit tight at the end of the semester.

Fortunately, the school has preferential treatment for "Little Qu Daddy", similar to how credits can be added to various certificates, the honors obtained by Bai Di can also give Lin Zhibai credits.


Although Lin Zhibai is absent frequently, his test scores have always been good, and he has a good relationship with the principal, so there are basically no problems.

That's what art colleges are.

Those students who are still studying but have already become stars are more or less given preferential treatment in school, let alone Baidi?

And after school every day.

Lin Zhibai will honestly go back to Donghu Villa to live with his parents, after all, he has to go to Qizhou after "The King of Masked Singer".

My mother has been talking about this recently, mainly because she is reluctant to bear her son.

Lin Zhibai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's not like we're leaving now, we're leaving in a month or two. Besides, even if we go to Qizhou, we can come back to visit you at any time. Didn't Grandpa send me a plane?"

"Who knows how often you come home."

The mother snorted and said, "I asked you for an amulet a few years ago. Don't forget to take it with you when you set off. The master has consecrated it."

"You are a feudal superstition."

"Who said that the amulet is alive, otherwise how could your injury heal suddenly?"

"Crimson cured."

Lin Zhibai murmured in his heart, but he replied that his mother had indeed begged for a talisman for him.

"Go find it now, but you didn't even see it with you."

"Okay, okay."

Lin Zhibai couldn't hold back his mother, so he went back to the room and rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found the amulet under a sweater.

Just picking up the amulet, Lin Zhibai didn't leave immediately, but stared at the sweater with some regret.

This sweater is very small.

The current Lin Zhibai must not be able to wear it, the size is not suitable, but he has been keeping it, and it has been placed in the closet for several years.

I take it out and wash it once a year.

Because it was woven by my mother for Lin Zhibai.

Although my mother's knitting skills are not very good.


It's also my mother who keeps talking about it when she has nothing to do. Although she hasn't set off for Qizhou, and even the "King of Masked Singer" competition hasn't ended, Lin Zhibai has already felt the atmosphere of parting in advance.

Let's draw a lottery.

Anyway, more prestige.

I have to keep some of my works in Qinzhou.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai directly called out the system to start a continuous lottery draw.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong!

The system prompts kept ringing.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the variety show "Happy Forward""

It doesn't make any sense, it's just a water level show, Lin Zhibai's vision is high now, and he's no longer interested in this kind of variety show, so let Jiang Cheng handle it later.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the TV script "Legend of Sword and Fairy""

This Lin Zhibai is quite satisfied. The successful script has been verified in the previous life, and it can create huge benefits for the company in this world!

"Congratulations to the host for getting the song "Nocturne""

Lin Zhibai's eyes lit up this time, it turned out to be Jay Chou's masterpiece!

This hanging!

Nocturne generally refers to a genre of piano music created by the Irish composer Field in his previous life.

This world also has the genre of "Nocturne", although Jay Chou's "Nocturne" refers to Chopin's version.

But it doesn't matter.

Go ahead and draw.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the song "Learn to Meow""

Lin Zhibai couldn't help but support his forehead. This kind of slobbery song must not be released in his own situation. It doesn't match his image at all. His prestige is a waste. Keep up the good work!

"Congratulations to the host for getting the manga "One Piece""

It may be that the result of the last lottery draw was not good, but this time Lin Zhibai actually directly drew a manga work with top popularity in his previous life!

This is called a lottery!

But my painting skills are very poor, even if I give myself "One Piece", I can't draw it, so I should try to improve my painting skills?

After all, after learning calligraphy last time, Lin Zhibailu accumulated another 12 skill points one after another, especially the system that the old man sent the plane rewarded 8 points in one go!

Forget about comics.

Check out what's below.

Lin Zhibai went on to draw the lottery. He was a little crazy and drew twenty-nine times in one go!

This is the first time Lin Zhibai has played such a big game. Twenty-nine consecutive draws consumed a lot of his reputation, but he also gained a lot of works because of it.

"This is good."

"This is rubbish!"

"This previous life has a bad reputation!"

"This word of mouth is good, but the popularity doesn't seem to be high?"


"This song can be used later in the game."

"And this one."

Lin Zhibai kept tapping on his trophies, overall he was quite satisfied, many of them were song rewards, and he could consider using them directly for the subsequent competitions of "The King of Masked Singer".

"Draw one last time!"

Mainly because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, twenty-nine lottery draws, not rounding up the whole body feels uncomfortable.

Ding dong!

The thirtieth draw!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special hidden reward: the skill points are doubled and have been automatically used for you!"

Before Lin Zhibai came back to his senses, and didn't even understand the meaning of these words, the system's notification sounded again:

"Congratulations to the host for doubling the skill points from 12 to 24!"

Depend on!

Lin Zhibai finally came to his senses, for a moment he didn't know whether to be excited or depressed!

The rewards for the 30th lottery draw are so heaven-defying, the skill points I have accumulated so hard have been doubled!

Lin Zhibai often draws prizes.

But this is the first time he has drawn this hidden reward!

His excitement at this time lies in the fact that doubling his skill points is equivalent to prostitution of the system for nothing!

The depressing thing is that if Lin Zhibai didn't stud before, with this wave of skill points doubling, he can directly realize the freedom of skill points!

But maybe this is fate?

Lin Zhibai sighed and called up his personal data.

【Vocal: 80】

【Piano: 60】

【Painting: 56】

【Guitar: 50】

【Calligraphy: Perfect】

Lin Zhibai was taken aback, and looked at the painting column in surprise, why is it 56?

Lin Zhibai called out Scarlet: "I remember it was 36 o'clock before painting?"

Crimson's voice rang in my ears: "Because the host's calligraphy level has continued to improve, and both calligraphy and painting require brushwork, so even the host's painting level has also improved to a certain extent."


Lin Zhibai was overjoyed: "I want to add some!"

Scarlet: "Which one to add?"

Lin Zhibai pondered, he was also hesitating which one to add.

Calligraphy is already perfect, just ignore it, vocal music can be considered, but I am already at the level of a singer.

If you continue to add some vocal music, is "The King of Masked Singer" still worth comparing?

Absolutely gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

never mind.

Let's play the vocal music first.

Leave some suspense in the game.

After all, the red team is basically my friends, how embarrassing it is to play games with them so much.

Just open a little hook.

But painting can be considered.

After all, Lin Zhibai just got the comic "One Piece". Although the requirements of this comic are not particularly high, his reputation is only 12 points before doubled——

Even if all of it is used to add dots to the painting, it is still stretched.

But now the skill points are doubled to 24 points, what will happen if they are all added to painting?

Then Lin Zhibai's painting level will instantly reach 80 points, reaching the level of a painting master, more than enough to control "One Piece"!


That's it!

Maybe Stud is addicted?

It is rare for Lin Zhibai not to keep skill points safely, but to add all of them to the painting in one go.


Lin Zhibai felt a numbness in his wrist.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host's painting, reaching 80 points!"

this moment.

A painting master is born!

The only pity is that Lin Zhibai did not trigger special rewards such as "Inheritance of the Book Sage" and "Variable Voice Lines".

"What a pity."

Lin Zhibai had triggered special rewards before.

This is one of the reasons why he chose Stud.

Obviously this wave of bets was lost, but considering the doubling of skill points, it was already enough for Ouhuang, Lin Zhibai didn't expect more, and he was content and happy.

"Let's draw manga next!"

Recently, if you go to class for a long time, you will be bored. The red and blue competition of "The King of Masked Singer" will take a while before it starts.

Why not take advantage of this time to get "One Piece" out.

"In the future, painting will also be promoted to perfection. I should be a true master of calligraphy and painting, right?"

Lin Zhibai thought with some anticipation, and then began to place orders online to buy some painting tools.

Drawing skills are very useful.

Lin Zhibai can feel that his current level is very comprehensive:


ink painting.

comics and more.

He has reached the level of a master in all types of paintings!

The reason why he chose to start with comics was because he just got "One Piece" and wanted to find a feel for it.

It's not just comics in the future.

Lin Zhibai also wants to try to create ink paintings that are very popular in the Blue Star art circle, "Maybe one day I can even perfectly reproduce "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"?"

Think about this.

Lin Zhibai quickly placed the order and just waited for the painting tools to arrive.

Then Lin Zhibai couldn't help but find a pen and paper, and he simply sketched a self-portrait.



Very smooth!



ps: Thanks to [LM7] boss for the reward, I wish the boss good luck and good luck in everything!

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