Freelance Artist

Chapter 366 Lin Zhibai: I'm definitely going to be an intercontinental superstar!


The news is bombarding, too.

"Bu Yehou broke the circle again, and its influence spanned the world of novels, film and television, and comics! "

"Bu Yehou" comics are popular! "

"One Piece, phenomenal popularity! "

"Looking at Ye Hou Hou's Gorgeous Turn from Writer to Cartoonist! "

"Buyehouhou has achieved great success in cross-fields, and the level of enchantment is close to that of Baidi! "

"Bu Yehou Leads the Rise of Qin Zhou's Local Comics!" ? "

Before "One Piece".

Blue Star's hottest comics are basically from Chuzhou, just like the Celestial Dynasty in the previous life, the hottest comics are basically from Neon!

Qinzhou's local comics have never been able to do foreign ones!

But the popularity of "One Piece" by Bu Yehou is now so high that even Chuzhou comics have to avoid the edge!

But Lin Zhibai was not surprised by this.

After all, "One Piece" is one of the hegemonic comics that ruled the comics market for so many years in the previous life, how could it hit the street?


Lin Zhibai has never been worried about problems with this comic, and even many people have never imagined that the current popularity of "One Piece" is actually just the beginning. When more plots of this comic are presented, it will usher in The pinnacle of glory!


Next, I will continue to draw "One Piece". Anyway, there is nothing else to do, just treat it as a pastime after the competition.


"One Piece", which shocked the Qinzhou comic world and made countless comic readers popular, is just a pastime for Lin Zhibai.

Compared with the results of "One Piece", Lin Zhibai's focus of attention recently is actually more on the blue team trials——

The blue team audition for the variety show "The King of Masked Singer"!

At present, the blue team's competition has entered the second period.

Lin Zhibai watched both episodes, after all, there are some people who will become his opponents.

And among them.

There are several masked singers who have already made their mark in the "King of Masked Singer" blue team audition, which caught Lin Zhibai's attention.

One is a female singer named Bawanghua, with a particularly strong treble, and singing skills at the level of a queen!

One is a male singer named Hebian Liu, who has the strength of a king of singers, and his style is a bit similar to Zhang Xiyang. He is a hexagonal warrior who can control various styles.

There is also a female singer named Xiaocao Qingqing, who also feels like a queen.

These three have been taking the top three places in the "King of Masked Singer" blue team trials.

Even against the red team's Tibetan Mastiff, Frog Prince and Variety Star King, they are completely comparable.

Not even these three.

In addition, there are several singers who also showed good singing skills.

Lin Zhibai analyzed it in his mind, and found that compared with the red team, the overall strength of the blue team was even faintly superior!


There are two hot spots in the recent Qinzhou news!

One is the big hit of Bu Yehou's first comic work "One Piece".

The second is the wonderful selection of the "King of Masked Singer" blue team, as well as various professional analysis of the blue team's masked singers.

But it's fun to say.

Although the singers of the "King of Masked Singer" blue team audition are very strong, the discussion seems not as exaggerated as the red team, although there is no problem with the number of hits in each issue.

Probably because of the blue team's trials, there was no existence like Variety Star to do things?

Anyway, this is how netizens reacted.

"I haven't heard Mr. Variety sing for two weeks, I miss him."

"The blue team's game was very exciting, and some stages were even more explosive than the red team, but I always felt that it was almost meaningless. Sure enough, there must be a meme king like Variety King on the stage to have fun."


"Before watching the red team's trials, I thought the show was too effective and overshadowed the performance itself. Now that the show is so good, you start to think that the blue team's game is too serious, and it doesn't have the effect of the red team's show?"

"The audience is really hard to serve."

"What I'm worried about now is actually the red-blue confrontation match. Lord Variety will be eliminated when he meets top players."

"Thinking about it carefully, I should be most reluctant to be eliminated by Lord Variety."

"Add one upstairs!"

"The strength of the main Variety Star is a bit confusing. Sometimes I feel that he has the strength of the king of singers and the queen of songs, and sometimes I feel that, in addition to the special effect of the program, the performance of the song itself seems to be okay. It seems that when you are strong, you are strong The feeling of being weak when you are weak?"

"Simply put, it's a lack of stage dominance."

"In contrast, both the Frog Prince and the Tibetan Mastiff are at the dominance level, but considering that the Frog Prince is Zhou Hanjin, it is understandable that the stage dominance is so strong. In addition, even if the Tibetan Mastiff is not the King of Songs, he has no doubts It is at the level of a singer-songwriter."

So these guys are starting to miss me?

Seeing the discussion among netizens, Lin Zhibai smiled. It seems that the image of Mr. Variety has been successfully created.

As for stage dominance?

Lin Zhibai didn't think about it at all during the red team selection process.

Especially after knowing that the group of masked singers are his friends, Lin Zhibai's desire to win is almost zero. He just wants to ensure that he will not be eliminated. Maybe he has to be serious when the red and blue match is held.


The news on the Internet that "One Piece" is about to be animated is also true. Jiangcheng signed the animation adaptation rights on behalf of Kunpeng. Anyway, both Kunpeng and Shinhwa Publishing House are Lin Zhibai's own companies, so the signing process went smoothly. In the stage of wrangling, Kunpeng took the copyright and contacted Shinhwa Entertainment to prepare related animations.

After getting this done.

Lin Zhibai nestled on the sofa at home at night, watching the third episode of the blue team audition of "The King of Masked Singer" with his family.

This issue has a replacement singer.

The replacement singer's name is very interesting, called Exploding Durian, and he is a male singer.

What is more memorable than the name is the stage where the durians exploded. The performance on the stage shocked the audience at the beginning, and even Lin Zhibai showed a surprised expression.

Such a strong singing skill!

"I've looked all the way, how do I feel that the strength of the masked singers of the blue team is stronger than the overall level of the red team?"

Mom spoke.

Lin Xiruo thought: "If I'm not wrong, this exploding durian is probably a song king in Qizhou. I had contact with him in the early years..."

"Qi Zhou King of Songs?"

Lin Shengtian said unexpectedly: "Is this an attempt to challenge the status of an intercontinental superstar?"

The superstars of Blue Star's continents have basically reached their peak status in this continent. If they want to improve their status, they have to find new breakthroughs.

For example, a king of singers like Zhang Xiyang.

No matter how much he develops, his singing career in Qinzhou has reached its peak anyway.

If you want to make further progress, you can either go to another industry to act or something, so as to let your influence break through the circle.

However, it is too difficult to cross the line. The relatively simple solution is to develop in other continents and let your influence reach the level of an intercontinental superstar. After all, reaching the top in one continent and reaching the top in the entire Blue Star entertainment circle are two a different concept.

"should be."

Lin Xi narrowed his eyes: "Otherwise, why would you come to Qinzhou to participate in "The King of Masked Singer" when you are the king of singers in Qizhou? Don't forget that you can get preferential treatment for being an intercontinental superstar."

"Introduction of preferential treatment?"

It was the first time Lin Zhibai heard such a statement, "What do you mean?"

Dad smiled and explained: "You may also want to take this path in the future. This intercontinental superstar is an official standard set by Blue Star. Usually, if a star's influence can cover more than two continents at the same time, it will meet this standard." threshold."

"The influence covers two continents?"

Lin Zhibai blinked, feeling that it was not particularly difficult.

Lin Xi smiled and said, "Let me take Zhou Hanjin as an example. Zhou Hanjin is a super star in our Qinzhou, but he is actually not very famous in Qizhou, because Zhou Han's songs are so popular in Qizhou." There will be various restrictions on the official side of Qizhou to prevent the introduction, and fans there who want to listen to Zhou Hanjin's songs have to download through some special channels, which limits Zhou Hanjin's influence in Qizhou, right?"

Lin Xi said it tactfully.

Lin Zhibai understood it, just like in his previous life, he wanted to watch the American drama "Shameless", but because the scale of the drama was too large, it could not be imported in China, so he could only find a way to find resources by himself. Anyway, there are always places where you can find it. Resources……


Lin Xi continued: "If Zhou Han goes to Qizhou to develop, sing his own songs there, accumulate popularity little by little, and become a super star in Qizhou, then his works will be completely unlocked in Qizhou, including If he releases a song in the future, he can also release it on two continents at the same time, in other words, he can earn the money of two continents with one song!"


Lin Zhibai said: "But it is still very difficult to become a super-tier one in one continent, how easy is it to reach the super-tier one in another continent?"

"Of course it's difficult."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "But it's actually not as difficult as you imagined. Reaching the first line in one continent means that you can't have no influence in another continent. Let alone Zhou Hanjin, even if you are Baidi Qizhou must also have some fans, because there are always some of your works that will appear in Qizhou through some gray channels!"

Lin Zhibai: "So?"

Lin Xidao: "So if you reach the first-tier in Qinzhou, then go to Qizhou to develop, usually you will start as a third-tier star, or even a second-tier or even a first-tier star. This mainly depends on how far your works have been circulated privately in other continents. , In addition, because you are developing under the banner of a certain continent, you will naturally get more attention, who is not curious about the business level of the top superstars in other continents?"


Lin Zhibai's eyes flickered, so he could do both, and when he went to Qizhou to open up the market, he would strive to be on the top line as soon as possible!

Including Qin Zhou's side.

Lin Zhibai also wants to get on the super line as soon as possible.

The battle line should not be stretched too long. Lin Zhibai will definitely enter the front line when the vests of Bai Di and Chu Ci are merged.

If Buyehou's vest is also exposed, then Lin Zhibai should have no problem going straight to the front line, but Lin Zhibai is not ready for the exposure of Buyehou's vest.


When Qi Zhou becomes a super star, he can consider exposing Bu Yehou's vest, and then the two continents will reach the top at the same time!

Become an intercontinental superstar in one fell swoop!

"Chuzhou superstar Eiichiro, you know, this guy is Chuzhou's top singer. After coming to our Qinzhou, it only took less than two years to achieve Qinzhou's super first-line status. His mother is related to us from Qinzhou, generally speaking, it is not an easy task to reach the top in other continents..."

Lin Xi is like every treasure.

The main reason is that Baidi will definitely become a top-notch one day in Qinzhou, and Lin Zhibai will soon go to Qizhou to open up the market.

This road is suitable for Lin Zhibai.

Becoming an intercontinental superstar should be Lin Zhibai's path.

"I even suspect that you may start as a third-tier star when you arrive in Qizhou, because you showed top-level calligraphy skills in the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" at the charity dinner, and many people in all continents have remembered you. The world's number one calligrapher, who wants to become an intercontinental superstar, is always the best way to show his face on the world stage, but unfortunately everyone knows this way, but not everyone can show his face in front of the world audience..."

It's like the charity dinner before.

No matter who writes a work like "Lanting Preface", or shocks the global audience in a similar way, it can lay a solid foundation for it to hit the status of an intercontinental superstar, but the question is how many people can do it?

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Suddenly, I feel more and more that stud calligraphy is the right choice before, and I will be One Piece...

Feel sorry.

Wrong set.

I will be an Intercontinental superstar!

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