Freelance Artist

Chapter 372 The treacherous and cunning Variety Star!

"Qi language?"

"Good standard pronunciation!"

"Tudou is the singer of Qizhou!?"

"This pronunciation, if you don't understand Qiyu enough, you really can't reach this level!"

"Didn't you say Tudou is the weakest of the blue team?"

"Why does it feel like the level of potatoes has soared by more than a star and a half when singing Qiyu?"

"So he is best at Qi language, but it's just been useless before?"


"At first, I felt that the little carp had a better chance of winning, but now it seems that Tudou has a better chance of winning?"

No one thought of it.

Tudou actually sang a Qi language song!

Of course, Qin Zhou listened to Mandarin songs the most, followed by Qiyu songs!

Because Qi language is very close to Mandarin, unlike Chu language and Korean, the audience in Qinzhou has a very high acceptance rate!

The key is:

Tudou, who sang Qiyu, seemed to be a different person, and his level has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before, which made the audience feel very novel and surprised!


Red team here.

The little carp who was waiting suddenly laughed.

Potato finished singing.

The little carp is on stage.

As soon as she opened her voice, all the audience exclaimed!


"Qi language!"

"It's Qi language again!"

"Little carp can speak Qi language!?"

"Could it be that both Little Carp and Tudou are Qizhou singers?"

Amidst bursts of exclamation, everyone gradually felt the charm of Little Carp's singing!


"It's as standard as a potato!"

"It's also Qi Yu, I think Little Carp is stronger!"

"I feel the same way!"


red team.

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Sure enough, the little carp was Han Yueshuang.

Han Yueshuang is a singer in Qizhou. She went to Qinzhou to develop because of "I am a singer" and joined Kunpeng.

Tudou wants to use Qi language, and Han Yueshuang is caught off guard.

Unexpectedly, Han Yueshuang made her debut singing Qi Yuge, she is so good at it!

as expected.

This time, Han Yueshuang directly won with a high score!

Tudou was stunned, what the hell is this little carp, she can speak Qi! ?


"I have not let down Master Variety Star's efforts!"

Little Carp returned to the lounge, smiled and said, Mr. Variety Star resisted the exploding durian for himself.

Under such circumstances, if you still lose, it's too bad!


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "The pressure has come to the Tibetan mastiff."

"Looking good."

The Tibetan Mastiff smiled faintly, his opponent was Bawanghua.

Very strong!

It should be the queen!

However, he played the queen of the song!

Sure enough, the Tibetan Mastiff won this pk!

Although the difference in the number of votes between the two is not big, and the advantage of the Tibetan Mastiff is not obvious, but if you win, you win.

This is in line with the previous predictions of netizens.

Everyone believes that the strength of the Tibetan Mastiff is a little stronger than that of the Bawanghua.


Fourth group.

Frog Prince vs. Riverside Willow!

Everyone is looking forward to this one!

Hebianliu, the blue team's strongest player after Exploding Durian, is basically a singer-level existence!

Not to mention the Frog Prince.

Five words explain everything: Suspected Zhou Hanjin!


The frog prince won the game!

Although judging from the score, the Frog Prince had a thrilling win, only three votes more than the opponent!

Considering that everyone knows that the Frog Prince is likely to be Zhou Hanjin, so many people will vote biasedly...

This wave of Frog Prince didn't play well.

Lin Zhibai felt that there was something wrong with the voice of the Frog Prince.

Is this downcast?

Anyway, this guy's voice is not in good condition.


fifth group.

The last game.

Cuckoo against Xiaocao Qingqing!

It's hard to say this time, but Lin Zhibai feels that the cuckoo is a bit dangerous.

Cuckoo obviously also realized that this game was very important, so he did not hesitate to expose his true voice!

After all, it will be difficult for him to perform perfectly if he does not expose his own timbre!

"It's Luo Yan!?"

"This voice should be unmistakable!"

"so similar!"

"Unless he is also a master of imitation like Master Variety!"

"Not an imitation!"

"It must be me!"

"When I watched "The Voice" I liked him the most!"

The audience was pleasantly surprised!

But then Xiaocao Qingqing came on stage to sing, which made the audience feel even more exciting!

Cuckoo... lost!

Although it was a narrow defeat, everyone in the red team knew in their hearts that the cuckoo was dead!

Just look at the lineup of the loser's bracket:

Exploding durians!

Willow by the river!

Overlord flower!


These four are very difficult for the cuckoo to beat anyone except potatoes.

"It's okay."

Facing everyone's eyes, Cuckoo smiled and said, "I'm already very satisfied to have come here. It's an honor to lose, but after singing the last song, I'm going to reveal my face."

The Tibetan mastiff joked, "It's like you didn't reveal your face."

Everyone laughed.

Now everyone knows that the cuckoo is Luo Yan.


Next is the loser's bracket.

After rounds of competition, Potato and Cuckoo were finally eliminated, which did not surprise many people.

"I'm going to reveal my face."

Potato looked at the exploding durians and the others, and spoke with a wry smile.

"next episode!"

Bawanghua took a deep breath, "The blue team will win back."


Hebian Liu said solemnly: "Next time we will take your share and win it all back together!"

Xiaocaoqing was silent.

Although Xiaocao Qingqing won, the rest of the blue team lost.

The exploding durian didn't speak either, he felt a fire gathering in his chest.


The potatoes are uncovered!

The guests were very surprised!

"Zhou Yang! The potato turned out to be you!"

"I just said why your voice sounds familiar!"

"Audience friends may be a little unfamiliar with Zhou Yang, he is a first-line singer in Qizhou, very good!"

Li Xiao introduces you.

Li Xiao became a song queen five years ago, and wanted to become an intercontinental superstar, so she went to Qizhou to develop for a period of time.

Although he failed to hit the intercontinental superstar in the end, Li Xiao met many Qizhou people, including this Zhou Yang.

"Zhou Yang?"

"Qizhou first line?"

"No wonder Qi Yu is so good!"

"I didn't expect singer Qizhou to participate in "The King of Masked Singer"!"

"By the way, is Little Carp also a Qizhou singer?"

"After all, Little Carp's Qi language is also very good."

"I do not know."

The audience discussed with great interest.

At this time, the blue team came to the stage, and everyone hugged and sent Tudou away. The atmosphere was a little sad.


The host Huang Lidao: "Thank you for the performance of Tudou Zhou Yang, a famous first-line singer in Qizhou. He left us with a lot of deep memories on this stage, so let's welcome Mr. Cuckoo's unveiling with warm applause! "

The voice fell.

Cuckoo came onto the stage.

The mask on his face was taken off.

Luo Yan's face appeared in front of the audience.


"It's really Luo Yan!"

"Hahahahahahaha, so Lord Variety is really not Luo Yan!"

"Luo Yan is responsible for Lord Variety!"

"Originally we knew it wasn't, but who asked King Zhou Ge to arrest whom?"

"come on!"

"Luo Yan has a promising future!"

"It's an exaggeration to be able to get to this point. After all, in the red-blue competition of "The King of Masked Singer", these people are all top singers!"

"Luo Yan is only on the fourth line now!"

As a fourth-tier singer, Luo Yan's performance was already legendary when he rushed to the stage of the "King of Masked Singer" red and blue contest!

Don't forget that many first-line singers have been eliminated!

Huang Li looked at Luo Yan: "Mr. Luo, do you have anything to say?"

Luo Yan said with a smile: "I want to tell Mr. Baibian Xingjun that you can never fool me again!"

The audience laughed.

Luo Yan was indeed cheated by Lord Variety before!

After a pause, Luo Yan continued: "Then I'm actually very curious about who Teacher Baibian Xingjun is."

Huang Li smiled and said, "We are as curious as you."

This is true, with so many masked singers, what everyone most wants to know is the identity of Lord Variety!


The host invites the red team to bid farewell to the cuckoo Luo Yan.

Tibetan Mastiff, Frog Prince, and Little Carp hug Luo Yan one by one.

When hugging Mr. Variety Star, Luo Yan blinked his eyes and said, "Either you tell me secretly, and I promise not to tell anyone else!"

Listen to this.

The audience laughed again.

Li Xiao shouted from the audience: "If he wants to tell you, you can tell me secretly!"

Qin Lian raised her hand, "And me!"

Luo Yan is a student from "The Voice", and Zhang Xiyang is his mentor.

And Qin Lian and Li Xiao are also very familiar with Luo Yan, after all, they are also the mentors of "The Voice".

"All right."

What everyone in the audience didn't expect was!

Lord Variety Star actually agreed: "I will tell you alone."

next moment.

Lin Zhibai approached Luo Yan's ear, and said softly, "Are you sure I can't trick you again? You're still too young..."

It's very soft.

Only Luo Yan could hear it.

Luo Yan's expression suddenly changed wildly, he knew he was about to be tricked again!


next moment.

Mr. Variety Star patted Luo Yan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't tell others."

Luo Yan: "..."

What did you tell me!

However, Qin Lian stood up excitedly: "Quickly tell me who he is!"

Li Xiao couldn't help laughing and said: "It's okay, tell us, it's too hard for you to keep this secret alone!"

Even the Frog Prince and the Tibetan Mastiff are ready to move.

The audience booed wildly!




What did I say? Me!

Luo Yan was about to cry, "He didn't say anything, and he cheated on me again!"

Lord Variety smiled and said: "Yes, that's it. In the future, when others ask you, you can answer like this!"


Luo Yan collapsed!

Lord Variety taught him the last lesson!

Tonight, Zhou Hanjin and Zhang Xiyang will definitely have a good chat with him, Luo Yan can almost foresee it!

Because everyone thinks:

I already know who Lord Variety is!

After all, everyone saw that Mr. Variety Star whispered to himself!

Seeing is believing!

Although Luo Yan now understands that seeing is not necessarily believing, Lord Variety is too cunning!

"OK OK."

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, the host Huang Li hurriedly said: "We will discuss who the Variety Star Lord is later, and then we have to decide who is the singer of this episode. Please start the winner group." Get ready for this season's song king competition!"

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