Freelance Artist

Chapter 381 Lin Zhibai: It's just the second child of ten thousand years!

Lin Zhibai prepared several songs for the second round, among which the most confident song is "I Really Love You"!

without him.

Because this is one of BEYOND's most well-known masterpieces, it can be called an eternal classic, and it can be called a king on this stage!

There are so many Cantonese songs.

But because many people don't know Cantonese, they can't sing even if they are familiar with it, but a few songs such as "Really Love You" are special cases!

Even if you don't understand Cantonese.

Many people will sing this song too!

After all, the popularity of this song in previous lives is too exaggerated, it can be said to be popular all over the country, anyone who clicks it on ktv, everyone can sing along!

The singing is over.

Lin Zhibai bowed.

Many audience members stood up and applauded wildly. Some even raised their hands above their heads and clapped together!

"Lord Variety Star!"

"Lord Variety Star!"

"Lord Variety Star!"

This stage was once again conquered by Variety King. Everyone chanted the same name and marveled at his endless cards!

"Oh My God!"

"Who would have thought that Lord Variety could speak Qi Yu? If this song was not sung by Qi Yu, I wouldn't be so shocked. I have stayed in Qizhou for a few years, and Qi Yu can be considered pretty good, but Bai Bianxingjun’s level of Qi language, I feel like a native of Qizhou, no one can find any faults, every sound is so accurate!"

"I'm going crazy!"

"Eyes are swollen!"

"I really can't cry anymore. How can these two songs of Mr. Variety Star be so easy to cry? From the variety of voices, to the singing of the sea monster, and then to the song of my father that moved the audience, I thought Mr. Variety Star was really good. The limit is reached, but this guy told me time and time again that his limit is to be broken again and again!"

"Lord Variety Star is too fierce!"

"The Variety Star was crazy in the last episode, but who would have thought that he could kill even more crazy? As the only singer in the red team to enter the winner's group, he played against the blue team alone in this wave, which is completely 1v3 level. !"

"Have you reached the limit?"

"You can't believe half of the punctuation in the words of Mr. Variety Star. You have said that you have no tricks since "Dalabang Bar", but in the end, you even took out the fucking Qiyu songs. This is called no tricks." baby?"

You don't do this...

Does it mean that no one has more tricks than you?

In many cases, the horizontal comparison is often the most intuitive. The Qi Yuge that exploded durians really brought surprises to the audience, but Variety Star also used Qi Yuge to fight. Comparing the two, many judgments will be much easier!

for example:

Everyone clearly felt it!

The song of Variety Star is even more emotional!

Li Xiao from the guessing group doesn't know what to say at the moment. This Variety Star Lord is a slapstick monster. The less favored he is by everyone, the more amazing his performance will be!

Instead, it was before.

During the trials.

Obviously everyone was looking forward to Variety Star's performance, but as soon as this guy came up, he played all kinds of tricks and played with the effects of those shows. Although he always got a good approval rate, it was difficult to get the first place.

"The less favored he is, the more energetic he is!"

Qin Lian is also familiar with the characteristics of Lord Variety, "We feel that this set has no hope for him to surpass the exploding durian, and then he came up with such a nuclear bomb-level Qiyu song!"

Couldn't agree more!

The guests of the guessing group nodded one after another!

Zhao Youyue couldn't help asking even more: "Mr. Baibian Xingjun, you are not a Qizhou singer, are you? This Qiyu is too powerful!"


Mr. Variety replied.

Han Bo said abruptly: "Everyone can listen to Mr. Baibian Xingjun's words. If he says yes, he will deny it."

Ha ha!

The audience laughed.

Isn't that what the Variety Star Lord is like!

The host Huang Li also stepped onto the stage, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Baibian Xingjun's performance was so wonderful that I couldn't help but take advantage of the time of the song just now to call my mother. Today is Filial Piety Day, after listening to so many songs about parents, I hope that everyone can spend time and care about their relatives and elders, so let’s get down to business, and it’s time to announce the number of votes. Do you think the singer of this issue will eventually spend Who will fall into it?"

"Lord Variety Star!"

"Exploding Durian!"

The audience in the audience immediately shouted!

Among them, some people mentioned Bawanghua and Riverside Willow, but their voices were obviously much quieter, and the ones who shouted the most were Variety Star and Exploding Durian.

Listen carefully and you will find:

The voice of calling Variety Star Lord is even louder!

Because as the noise of the audience continued, the supporters of Variety Star gradually gained the upper hand, and the audience who supported the exploding durian gradually lost their confidence. After all, the song "I Really Love You" had to shock everyone to the scalp Numb!

"Definitely Mr. Variety Star."

Lin Dong in the audience smiled and said, the whole family voted for Mr. Variety, the song just now was so touching, the masked child on the stage might be Xiao Hei!


Voting results:

Variety Star King is the first!

Exploding Durian 2nd!

Riverside Willow is third!

Overlord Flower ranked fourth!

With the announcement of the voting results, the host Huang Li announced loudly: "Congratulations to Teacher Baibian Xingjun, who won the song king of this issue again!"

Three kills!

As the only seedling of the red team, Variety Star suppressed the three kings and queens of the blue team including Exploding Durian with his own strength!

The face of the exploding durian is black!

The breath under the mask is gradually getting thicker!

Before losing to Variety King, Exploding Durian was not convinced. He felt that he was not prepared enough and overturned.

Even ordinary viewers know that the exploding durian lost the duel because they underestimated the enemy.

But this time there was no excuse for exploding durians, and he actually lost to Lord Variety in the Qi language song that he was proud of!

What about revenge?

Why is the loss worse this time than last time!

This guy did it on purpose!

I sing Qi language, and you sing Qi language too! ?

It is a pity to lose the privilege of singing king, but what really makes Explosive Durian unacceptable at this moment is that I once again overturned on the same person!

There is only one way to wash away such a shame!

That's the next issue, to win the championship of "The King of Masked Singer"!

"I swear……"

Gritting his teeth, Exploding Durian made an oath in his heart: "I will definitely win you next time, or I won't develop in Qinzhou in this life!"

He seems to have forgotten.

The last time I lost to Lord Variety, I also swore in my heart, but the result was a particularly slap in the face.

"Okay, all the singers are invited to come on stage!"

Huang Li invited all the masked singers to the stage, and said, "Mr. Baibian Xingjun, you said earlier that you wanted to resurrect someone, but who is it?"


Huang Li asked: "The frog prince, or the little carp?"

The little carp and the frog prince are silent, Lord Variety said that if they win this season's championship, they will be resurrected.

Is he serious?

This guy is so unreasonable that he can make any decision.

So the two of them couldn't be sure.

While the two were in a state of anxiety, Mr. Baibianxing said without hesitation: "Children make choices, and I want them all."


As soon as this sentence comes out!

The audience is boiling!

No one would have thought that Lord Variety Star, with all his efforts to win the song king of this issue, planned to revive his two teammates!

"Variety Star Lord's layout, I am convinced!"

"Both are resurrected, this is not leaving a retreat for myself!"

"Master Variety Star is real, I'm crying to death!"

"He can obviously make himself two lives more than others... If he doesn't revive the frog prince and the little carp, then he can have three lives and one life in the next finals. This is a double insurance opportunity for the championship position. You just gave up like that!"

"That's what I said, but there is also an element of show."

"A show? Is this how you make a show? It doesn't matter if he doesn't revive the frog prince and the little carp. He obtained the right to be the king of singers by himself, so it's understandable to leave him with double insurance, right? Don't be special. How about playing moral kidnapping, everyone wears masks, and each other can't even be sure who each other is!"

"Lord Variety Star, my God!"

"Master Variety Star doesn't know that these two resurrected people will become his opponents. After all, there is only one champion, so let's forget about the resurrection of the little carp. It is difficult for her to threaten Lord Variety Star, but the frog prince may be Zhou Hanjin. Ah, a strong contender for the championship, his voice will become very scary once he recovers, which is equivalent to resurrecting an opponent who is so terrifying that he is qualified to carry him away!"

The audience is really convinced!

Don't say everyone doesn't think it's a show!

Even if this is really a show, how can ordinary people do it with such precious two resurrection quotas? ?

Such as celebrity donations.

It has never been a matter of opinion.

You say it's a celebrity putting on a show.

That family donated millions, even tens of millions, what do you say?

In fact.

The little carp and the frog prince were also shocked at this moment!

Mr. Variety Star did what he said, he fulfilled his promise, he really won the song king of this issue, and he wanted to resurrect both of them!

"Are you sure?"

Huang Li didn't expect that Mr. Variety Star would not leave any retreat for himself.

Even if it's just for show...

Why don't you give yourself a chance?

Both opportunities were used!

Just to support a little carp who is destined not to go long, and a frog prince who is qualified to compete with you for the song king in the next issue?


Under the mask of Lord Variety, Lin Zhibai smiled.

One is my friend, and the other is an artist of my company, so of course I can help!

As for the champion?

Just do your best.

Is it really necessary to revive yourself once or even twice in order to win the championship?

The champion doesn't matter!

Maybe I can win the championship without the privilege of singing king?

Then you can't help the second resurrection, and then kill the other party twice or even three times, right?

How vicious!

It's better to use these two privileges now.

Huang Li said with emotion: "I personally express my deep admiration to Mr. Baibian Xingjun, so according to the rules we set before, Mr. Little Carp and Mr. Frog Prince will be resurrected!"


With a crying voice, the little carp took the initiative to hug Variety King.


The Frog Prince also hugged Mr. Variety Star, and whispered in his ear:

"I hope you don't regret it. I resurrected such a powerful me. I won't show mercy to you in the finals because of this..."

Is it so high school?

Lin Zhibai smiled, and also whispered in Frog Prince's ear: "It's just the second child of ten thousand years."

Frog prince:? ? ?

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