Freelance Artist

Chapter 383: The biggest program effect is here!

Variety Star is currently the most popular contestant in "The King of Masked Singer"!

And Eiichiro is Chu Zhouchao's first-line, and Qin Zhouchao's first-line, a genuine intercontinental superstar!

The influence of the two is undoubtedly terrifying!

But strictly speaking, Eiichiro's influence is of course even more terrifying.

Because Eiichiro is an intercontinental superstar!

The fans are all over the two continents of Qinzhou and Chuzhou!

Unlike Variety Star, who only rose to prominence through the show "The King of Masked Singer".

Everyone doesn't even know who the Variety Star is!

But no matter who has more fans, when Eiichiro makes such remarks, it is bound to cause controversy!

The comments section for this post.

Numerous fans and supporters of Mr. Baibian are rebutting:

"Who you support is your own business, but isn't this remark a little bit of suspicion of trolling Lord Variety?"

"I'm thinking about the song performance of Mr. Variety Star in these two episodes. It should be enough to shut up all doubters, right?"

"Playing the effect of the show, Variety Star is invincible, stronger than the song, he is not afraid of anyone!"

"I'm afraid you are fighting for your friend?"

"It is said that the exploding durian is Ye Junji, one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou, and your remarks made me confirm it."

"The exploding durian must be Ye Junji!"

"Because the relationship between Ye Junji and Eiichiro has always been very good!"

"Good guy."

"Dare to endorse for a friend?"

After learning the truth, some people became angry in the comment area.

Unexpectedly, Eiichiro sent another long post afterwards!

"I don't know who the Exploding Durian is, and I didn't expect that my words would make the fans of Variety Star Jun so angry. These are not the point of the matter. No matter whether the teacher is my friend Ye Junji or not, I will so.

That's right.

Although Variety Star's performance in these two episodes is perfect, I personally even like the song "Big Fish", but have you ever thought that he can win because of the high quality of the song itself...

Instead of singing skills?

Some people may say that it is the singer's freedom to sing which songs, and the selection of songs is also part of the competition. I also admit this.

That's fair!

If the songs of Variety Star were all composed by himself, then he is the most successful singer-songwriter in the history of the Blue Star music scene!

If this is the case, it is his ability to win these games. I am convinced and have nothing to say!


I've been in the Blue Star music scene for so many years, and I really didn't know there was such a number one person who not only has singing skills at the level of a singer, but also has such a creative ability that is close to the level of a song daddy!

So obviously:

Someone is writing a song for Variety Star!

At this time, I’m going to ask, other masked singers are basically singing old songs, but Variety Star is singing new songs. After all, there are people who help write songs behind the scenes, so his songs have such a good response, and the approval rate is even higher. Yiqi Juechen, does the credit belong to the master who wrote the song, or to the singer Variety Star?

I believe everyone has understood what I mean!

Variety Star Lord is very powerful and has reached the threshold of the king of singers. His ability to imitate various voices is also terrifying. This is his biggest killer move.


If there is no one behind him to help Mr. Variety create those popular songs, can he still beat the exploding durian twice?

Not to mention the exploding durian.

If Variety Star only sang old songs, he might not even be able to make it to the semi-finals. After all, we need to know that if you ask people such as Exploding Durian or Tibetan Mastiff or Frog Prince to sing songs like "Father", they will not be able to make it to the semifinals. It can shock the audience!

That's why I say:

Exploding durian is the number one in my heart!

Even if Variety Xingjun really wins the championship of "The King of Masked Singer", it's not because his singing surpasses others, it's just that those new songs are really great, and the master who helped him write songs is too strong! "


This is an angle that many people have not imagined.

But I have to admit that Eiichiro's words do have some truth.

Variety Star King can win the competition again and again, although there are factors of his own strength, but it is also inseparable from the quality of the songs themselves!

And if those songs were given to other masked singers...

It seems that the effect will not be bad, after all, the quality of the work is there!

It's just that the premise of all this is based on the fact that someone silently helps Mr. Variety write songs.

for a while.

Many netizens hesitated.

If these songs were created by Mr. Variety himself, then Eiichiro's words are tantamount to farting.

But if there is really someone behind the scenes to help Mr. Variety write songs, the gold content of his victories will indeed be discounted a lot.

Because someone was curious before:

Where did those songs from Mr. Variety come from?

And Variety Star's explanation in the show before is:

These songs are all composed by himself, which means that Baibian Xingjun is a singer-songwriter!

But there is no truth in this guy's mouth, no one knows whether the words of Lord Variety are true or not.

The most important thing is that the quality of the previous songs of Mr. Variety is not as high as his recent songs, so everyone no longer struggles with who the creators of those songs are.

But the quality of the last few songs is too high!

From "Big Fish" to "Father" to "I Really Love You", such classic new songs, one after another!

At this moment.

It is understandable that Eiichiro raised such doubts.

Who is Lord Variety, is he really capable of creating so many masterpieces?

After all, the truth is as Eiichiro said——

It seems that there is no such a number one person in the blue star music world, who has both singing ability at the level of a singer and creativity at the level of a song father!

At most, there are some singers with good music creation ability.

Or some composers have good singing skills.

And this kind of singer-songwriter who has reached the top in two fields at the same time is really unheard of by everyone!


Many netizens are at a loss.

Even some of the supporters of Lord Variety, didn't dare to refute anything for a while.

After seeing his long post, which left netizens speechless, Na Eiichiro actually updated the status for the third time:

"I know a few of the top singer-songwriters of Blue Star, but none of them can reach the level of Variety Star. He can even quickly create high-quality songs based on some short-term hot search topics in just a few days. I said that it is hard to imagine, can someone really take care of competitions and rehearsals, and at the same time, still use such a fast speed to create classics one after another?"

this time.

Suddenly someone said in the comment area:

"You said that such a person cannot exist, have you heard of Chu Ci?"

Eiichiro actually replied:

"Teacher Chuci is a top singer-songwriter, and also one of the twin stars of Qin Zhou's music scene. He is as famous as Teacher Baidi. Of course I have heard of it, and it can even be said that he has admired his name for a long time, but if you take Mr. Baibianxing Compared with Chuci, what is the basis of Variety Star? Besides, even Mr. Chuci has not reached the top level in both fields, right? His creative ability is enough, but his singing skills are far from enough. His early singing skills were even received by others. Criticisms from some professionals, you can still check the news now."

Mention top singer-songwriters.

Chu Ci is definitely an existence that cannot be ignored.

However, Chu Ci's singing skills have indeed been criticized, especially when he debuted in the early days.

Many people said that Chu Ci had a good voice, but her singing skills were very average, so there was nothing wrong with Eiichiro's words.

Even though Chuci's singing skills have improved a little later, they are still far from the king of singers!

What else can I say?

Insist on thinking that Mr. Variety's songs are all composed by himself?

Doesn't that mean that Lord Variety is even better than Chuci, one of the twin stars in the music scene, who is as famous as Baidi?

If it is true, then Mr. Variety must be the strongest singer-songwriter of Blue Star, right?

But will this be true?

Don't say Eiichiro doesn't believe it!

Netizens can't believe it either!

Now everyone really doesn't know how to refute Eiichiro, and even a large number of netizens have become fans of this kind of remarks!

Especially Eiichiro's fans are all excited!

"Teacher Ichiro is mighty!"

"Haha, this wave of analysis has penetrated into the inside, and the fans of Variety Star Jun who are directly complaining are speechless and resigned!"

"The one behind Lord Variety is most likely a Qu father!"

"So the exploding durian didn't lose!"

"In other words, Explosive Durian didn't lose to Variety Star Lord, but just lost to Father Qu behind him!"

"The Variety Star Lord is also very good, there is such a father Qu to help him all the way!"

"Yeah, you know, since the "King of Masked Singer" competition, the Variety Stars have sung almost all new songs!"

"It feels like it is specially created and tailor-made according to the competition!"

"Unless Lord Variety proves that those songs are composed by himself, it will be difficult to convince the public even if he wins the championship!"


Eiichiro successfully convinced a large number of netizens. The most intuitive manifestation is that he was listed in the "Championship Prediction" ranking initiated by the program group.

Lord Variety stumbled and fell to the third place!

The first and second places with the highest support rate among netizens became exploding durians and Tibetan mastiffs respectively...

And at home.

Lin Zhibai also noticed this sudden change.

"Oh this!"

My mother worried: "Are you going to be discovered by everyone, and you are the person behind Lord Variety?"

"There was such a rhythm before the final."

Lin Xi sighed and said: "The popularity of Variety Star is too high. According to the current trend, the hope of winning the championship is too great, so Eiichiro will use this method to suppress the popularity of Variety Star, so that he can help in disguise. to exploding durians.”

"Do you want to do something?"

Lin Shengtian frowned and said: "Either Xiao Hei, you can post a post, admit that you are the person behind it, and help him canvass votes at the same time, if you really want to help Lord Variety."


Dad nodded and said: "Although Eiichiro is an intercontinental superstar, in Qinzhou, Xiao Hei has greater influence than him. If you want to publicly support Lord Variety, you can completely offset Eiichiro's influence."


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "What a program effect."

After doing so many shows, Lin Zhibai feels that they can't compare to Eiichiro's rhythm. When the mask is lifted, it must be a lot of fun.

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