Freelance Artist

Chapter 386: Variety Star King vs Overlord Flower

This round is to compete for the place in the semi-finals. With the unveiling of the little carp, Explosive Durian has been confirmed to enter the semi-finals.

"thank you all."

After the last deep bow, Little Carp Han Yueshuang walked off the stage, but instead of leaving, she chose to sit with the guests of the guessing group. Singers are destined to reveal their faces one by one.


As the stage camera swept across the first row, the audience in front of the screen exclaimed, only to realize that today's audience in the front row really has a lot of background!

"Lin Shouzhuo is here!"

"Luo Yan next to you!"

"The one on the far right in the first row is Eiichiro, and he's here too!"


"That old man looks familiar!"


"It's Lin Zhaomu, the chairman of Shinhwa Group!"

"Oh My God!"

"Why is Mr. Lin here too!?"

The audience in front of the screen quickly recognized the celebrities in the auditorium, but the focus of everyone's attention was Lin Zhaomu, chairman of Shinhwa Group!

It is indeed the final!

Lin Zhaomu even came to watch the game!

However, the rhythm of the stage is still tight, and the second set of duels of this round will begin. Tibetan Mastiff and Hebian Liu are on the stage. After the two rock-paper-scissors, Tibetan Mastiff won. Sing first.

next moment.

Willow by the River began to sing.

The audience suddenly became excited!

Because the performance of Hebian Liu turned out to be singing and dancing. In the previous competitions, the singers only sang on stage, and the dances were all in charge of the dance team. Singing and dancing fully mobilize the atmosphere of the scene. This kind of stage makes it difficult for people to simply evaluate how good their singing skills are, because Hebian Liu understands that he seems to be weaker than Tibetan mastiffs in pure singing skills, so he thought of using Dance to make up for it, just like Variety Star during the selection contest, using stage effects to gain the favor of the audience!

The Tibetan mastiff watched silently.

When the performance of Hebian Liu ended, the Tibetan mastiff walked onto the stage. The opponent's stage was too lively, and the audience listened very happily. Can't pay attention to the specific singing of the singer.

close your eyes.

Accompanied by the prelude.

The Tibetan Mastiff started his singing. This is a high-pitched song called "Cicadas Singing in a Summer". It is recognized that the song is extremely difficult to sing, and because the difficulty of this song is too high, the Tibetan Mastiff no longer hides itself He needs to ensure that he can perform perfectly!

"This voice!"

"It's Zhang Xiyang!"

"Tibetan mastiff is really Zhang Xiyang!"

"I definitely didn't run away, this singing is too good!"

"I'm getting goosebumps!"

"Ahhh, he finally has a showdown!"

"This song, if you don't use the way you are most familiar with, it is really difficult to perform it perfectly!"


"The show was almost perfect!"

Tibetan Mastiff adopts sound mixing technique, the falsetto is continuous and circuitous, the pitch is so high, but the pitch is perfect, and the most difficult part of turning is easy, it is a kind of hearty joy!

What an old man!

As expected of Lao Zhang!

Lin Zhibai sighed, this is indeed because Zhang Xiyang's voice is gone, the opponent's strength seems to be stronger than when he participated in "I Am a Singer", it seems that he has been improving, if it was two years ago, Zhang Xiyang Today, it might be impossible to catch Hebian Liu's performance that drove the atmosphere of the audience.


Zhang Xiyang caught it!

This stage is perfect!

The expression on the face of Hebian Liu who was waiting next to him was already ugly under the mask. The Tibetan Mastiff was indeed Zhang Xiyang, and the other party's performance obviously successfully controlled the field!

And it is true.

With the announcement of votes.

The Tibetan Mastiff got about 15 million votes, almost the same as the previous Exploding Durian!

And the number of votes for the willow by the river is actually not low, more than 13 million votes, but in the end it still lost to the Tibetan mastiff!




The second place in the semi-finals was produced, and the Tibetan Mastiff advanced!

And Hebian Liu lifted off his mask with a smile amidst the voices of the audience, revealing a very familiar face:

Nathan's singer!

Super star Shin Chuanxu!

"It's really you!"

Qin Lian smiled and said, "I didn't guess it before."

After being Qin Zhouge, Qin Lian is naturally very familiar with Shen Chuanxu.

Li Xiao next to him smiled and said hello: "Mr. Shen, long time no see."

The relationship is not familiar.

But know each other.

Shen Chuanxu nodded with a smile. The game can be lost, but the demeanor is still necessary. It's just that when he was speaking about the elimination, he said:

"I hope Brother Durian will work hard, he is the best hope for our blue team to win the championship."

The exploding durian stretched out his fist in the distance, and lightly hit his chest to bid farewell to the teammate of the blue team.


The willows by the river reveal their faces.

Shen Chuanxu left.

The host Huang Li said with emotion: "The competition has entered a fierce stage. The battle for the top four in the semi-finals is more intense than we imagined. What kind of performance will the group that will be on stage bring us next? The third group, please come on stage!"

Overlord flower!

Variety King!

It was my turn to take the stage. Lin Zhibai stepped onto the stage, and it was Bawanghua who came to meet me. The audience in the audience was already talking about it!

"Overlord Flower!"

"Lord Variety Star!"

"Will Variety Lord win?"

"If you don't consider other factors, there should be no problem, but I feel that I may lose. Don't forget Eiichiro's comment. He said that the Variety King can win, all thanks to the help of an expert behind him to write songs."

"This has a huge impact."

"I don't care who is writing songs for Variety Star, as long as he sings well, I will vote. As for who wrote the songs, those are things that should be considered after the competition."

"Me too!"

"I only pay attention to the performance itself!"

"Since Mr. Variety's songs were written with the help of others, then I have to raise the bar. Unless the songs are really good, the melody or lyrics alone will not convince me."

Different audiences have different opinions.

Mom looked forward to: "Can you sing the new song written by Xiao Hei?"

Dad also sat up straight, "The probability should not be small. Hasn't Xiao Hei been running to the program group recently? I guess it's just to discuss this matter."

Brother said: "It depends on whether the audience buys it or not."

My sister said: "Although the popularity of Variety Star has dropped a lot because Eiichiro is approaching the final, but as long as he sings well, I believe everyone will still vote."

most corners.

Eiichiro remained expressionless.

And Lin Zhaomu, who was next to Secretary Jin, looked at the figure of Lord Variety with probing eyes, as if he was confirming something.

on the stage.

Rock paper scissors.

Lord Variety won, and Lin Zhibai felt that he was lucky, so he directly asked Bawanghua to sing first, so that he could make targeted adjustments.


Lin Zhibai stepped aside from the stage.

Bawanghua began to perform.

There was a lot of smoke on the stage, and the next moment the backup dance team came on stage. In the gorgeous prelude, Bawanghua raised the microphone high:

"I'm a dreamer."

"I heard the sound of running water."

"It's a mysterious forest."

"There are running deer, and unknown trees."

"The elves sang, and I danced in the moonlight."

This song has a very strong folk music color, the sound of guqin and pipa merged together, it sounds a bit like a folk song, and when the climax is sung, it seems to be rock and roll. Generally speaking, the style is very mixed. But the combination of various styles is very good, there is no sense of disobedience, and it gives people a variety of different tastes.

"A very well-rounded song."

Lin Zhibai was thoughtful. Among the songs he had prepared, there was no song with such a mixed style, but one of them had the temperament of folk music and rock music at the same time. It should not be difficult to take this stage. There is no need to notify the band to change songs for the works that are used to compete in the semi-finals.


"This style is so comfortable!"

"This song is really good!"

"Bawanghua sings really well!"

"This is the strength of the queen!"

"Shi Bingjie!"

"This is Shi Bingjie's voice!"

"Nathan Queen!"

"Looks like the netizens got it right again!"

Bawanghua used her native voice, and her voice had already been recognized by the audience. In addition, this song was so good that some people in the audience shouted!

"Very strong."

On the side of the guessing group, Qin Lian said in a low voice: "But compared to the previous rounds of Master Variety, it still feels a little less interesting."


Li Xiao agreed, "Whether Variety can win basically depends on his current popularity and how much he has been influenced by Eiichiro. As far as the song performance alone is concerned, I still have great confidence in him."

"Teacher Baibian Xingjun can definitely do it!"

Han Yueshuang, the little carp who had already revealed her face, clenched her fists.

But at this moment, Bawanghua's singing ended, Huang Li temporarily took over the stage, and said with some emotion: "Mr. Baibian Xingjun, who will be on stage next, has left everyone since the first issue of "The King of Masked Singer". I am deeply impressed, everyone must be like me, wanting to know who is the person under that mask, then can the next song by Mr. Variety reveal the answer for us?"


Huang Li said, "I invite you, Mr. Variety Star!"

Lin Zhibai adjusted his breathing and walked towards the stage. Looking at the audience, he suddenly had a feeling that a journey was coming to an end, and he felt a little bit sad in his heart. If he was eliminated in this round, he would definitely regret it Bar?

The feeling of wearing a mask.

Actually very good.

No one knows who they are.

You can speak and act without any scruples.

He didn't even ignore the question of whether he would die after revealing his face. Anyway, Lin Zhibai felt that this stage brought him a lot of happiness!

The prelude sounded.

The sound of the flute came.

The sound of the guzheng sounded.

The eyes of those who know how to do it have widened, because this song uses a lot of folk music, but it plays a rock melody. It seems that this is the rhythm of a new song! ?

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