Freelance Artist

Chapter 397: Qi Zhou, Here I Come!

Lin Zhibai naturally didn't know that he had already attracted the attention of some people in Qizhou before he left. He spent the last days with his family, enjoying the rare free time leisurely, and opened the system to study by the way. Take a look at your personal data panel.

【Guitar: 50】

【Piano: 60】

【Painting: 80】

【Vocal: 86】

【Calligraphy: 100】

Guitar and piano are both musical instruments, so there is no urgent need to upgrade. Vocal music and painting have reached the master level, and calligraphy has entered the realm of the gods. Lin Zhibai feels that his need for skill points has gradually decreased.


Lin Zhibai looked at a project report of various departments under Kunpeng that Jiangcheng sent to him recently, which included a summary of Kunpeng's profitability in recent years. It is obvious that the income has been rising steadily every year. Among them, Kunpeng Video's performance is particularly outstanding, especially with the popularity of "The King of Masked Singer", the market share has reached as high as 28%!

When I first took over.

Video sites are a mess.

With the support of Lin Zhibai's various works, it has been completely done now. At the end of the report, it was mentioned that a brand new work will be launched tonight, which is expected to help Kunpeng Video's market share break through 30%!

This work is called "One Piece"!

To be exact, it is the animated version of "One Piece"!

Because the comics of "One Piece" continue to be popular, and the animation has not yet been launched, the fans' expectations are already very high, so Lin Zhibai feels that it is really impossible for Kunpeng Video to occupy more than 30% of the market share when this work is launched. question.


that night.

Once the animated version of "One Piece" was launched, the number of hits increased steadily. Countless fans of the comics clicked in for the first time, and some Evernight fans who had never read the original comics also entered Kunpeng video viewing with curiosity. , and the comment area quickly became lively!

"It's finally aired, twelve episodes have been updated in one go!"

"The quality of the animation is pretty good. It doesn't break away from the manga adaptation. Luffy in the animation is even cuter than the original, and Suo Da is even more handsome!"

"Wait, Luffy's voice is actually Sister Mei!"

"I'll go, Luffy is a man, and he is matched by a woman!"

"The key point is that Sister Mei is a woman, with the male lead's lines, the effect can be so good, I almost didn't hear it, so some top voice actors can do Baidi's voice switching?"

"Then Baidi is even more powerful."

"The overall dubbing lineup is very luxurious, this animation deserves me to open a membership for Kunpeng Video!"

"Hou Ye fans, I haven't read the original book, mainly because I'm not used to the comics, but this animation is really good, no wonder the comics are so popular."

"Master Hou is really fierce!"

The animated version of "One Piece" has become popular without any suspense. It is also because of the popularity of this animation that the number of registered members of Kunpeng has soared!

Arrived the next day.

Jiangcheng counted the data immediately, and sent a congratulatory message to Lin Zhibai:

The market share of Kunpeng Video has officially reached 30%!

You must know that the market share of Shinhwa Video is only about 40%!

That is to say, in terms of video sites, Kunpeng and Shinhwa Video have already divided up 70% of Qinzhou's market, and they can barely compete in the ring!

Lin Zhibai smiled.

"It seems that my second uncle is going to get nervous."

The biggest reliance of Erbo's family now is Shinhwa Video. Now that there is a formidable competitor like Kunpeng Video, their family's life is destined to become more and more difficult in the future.

Jiang Cheng also laughed.

He was worried that with the end of "The King of Masked Singer", the popularity of video sites would be affected.

Now that the "One Piece" animation is released, this worry no longer exists. Jiangcheng even started to promote this animation to Qizhou, but was blocked by the relevant departments there.

"Sure enough, it is difficult for us to easily enter the Qizhou market."

Speaking of Jiangcheng, he couldn't help complaining: "Not to mention all kinds of restrictions, the taxes and fees are too high."

Lin Zhibai said: "That's why I want to go to Qizhou to open up the market. It won't work just by introducing."


Jiang Cheng suddenly changed the subject: "One more thing, does the boss remember "Glory of Heroes"?"


This is a multiplayer online tactical arena game invested by Lin Zhibai, and the name is still his suggestion.

Jiang Cheng was a little excited and said: "This game has officially started internal testing, and the response from players has been particularly good. The next step is the public testing. It is estimated that the launch will make us Kunpeng a lot of money!"


Lin Zhibai doesn't plan to involve too much in the game industry. After all, this is just a casual game at the beginning, and he can earn as much as he can.

"Compared to this, I care more about how to open up the situation on Qizhou's side."

Although there is a movie, but filming takes time, Lin Zhibai needs to find a more efficient way to break into the Qizhou entertainment circle.

"I'm thinking about that too."

Jiang Chengdao: "You also know that I have worked in Qizhou, and I know some basic information there. As a relatively unfamiliar face, I entered the Qizhou entertainment circle and wanted to quickly gain popularity. I think there is a more tricky way. Just to participate in a variety show that is popular enough."

"Variety show?"

"That's right, Qi Zhou is a well-known variety show continent. Even Qi Zhou's top superstars will be regular guests or flying guests of some variety shows. If you are interested, I can help the boss choose some."

"Then you can choose and see."

It's not that Lin Zhibai has never participated in variety shows.

Lin Zhibai was the music director in "The Voice" before.

Later, I also served as a judge for the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

Not to mention that he had a great time playing on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer" as the ever-changing star king.

If there is a suitable variety show, it’s okay to go and have fun.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"There is no need for a script, as long as you can be more free, and there is no need to consider music competition programs."

Just finished "The King of Masked Singer".

Lin Zhibai has no interest in participating in any singing competitions for the time being.


Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Then I'll try to find you a popular lifestyle variety show. Anyway, as long as the guests are good-looking enough in this kind of variety show, you can usually enjoy it."


Jiang Cheng suddenly smiled and said, "Are you interested in Lian Zong?"

Lin Zhibai immediately refused, "No."

Lian Zong is a love variety show.

Jiang Cheng smacked his lips, somewhat regretting, and said, "Lian Zong is so good. With the boss's looks, he can definitely be killed randomly... Then I'll find someone else later."


Lin Zhibai said: "It's really not possible, I plan a variety show myself, and find someone to record it with in Qizhou."

"No problem."

Jiang Cheng has no doubts that the boss has this ability, but this is not a good way, because it takes a long time to produce a new variety show.

It's much easier to join a live variety show.

Kunpeng has developed in the past few years, and it is not unconnected with some entertainment companies in Qizhou.

Several entertainment companies have also purchased the copyright of Kunpeng's variety shows.



Jiang Cheng sent Lin Zhibai a bunch of variety shows. Lin Zhibai looked at them, and if he wasn't interested, he simply put them aside.

A few days passed like this.

Finally it was time to go.

Lin Zhibai went directly to Xicheng Manor.

Board the private jet given to him by the old man and set off.

The family members put down their work today to see Lin Zhibai off.

Mom reluctantly said: "When you get to Qizhou, remember to call me every week."


Brother Lin Shengtian smiled and said, "Marketing is not easy, if you encounter difficulties, I can spare time to help you."

Lin Zhibai nodded.

The older sister's eyes were slightly red, and she hugged Lin Zhibai: "Go over there and take care of yourself, I'll go see you when I have time,"

Lin Zhibai: "Yes."

Dad said: "Okay, let Xiao Hei get on the plane. The distance is not too short. If you have time, go home and take a look. As for the work, you don't need to have too much pressure. Even if you really can't do it well, it's okay."

"Okay, then I'm leaving!"

Lin Zhibai waved to his family, got into the plane and sat down.

He was also reluctant to part with his family, but since he decided to go to Qizhou, he must make some achievements.

It is very convenient to have a plane.

After a journey of more than five hours, Lin Zhibai arrived in Qizhou.

There was a special reception here, two people, a man and a woman, dressed in uniform, with the badge of "Myth Kunpeng Entertainment Company" hanging on their chests.

The man was wearing glasses and was tall and thin. He was bending over slightly solemnly and said:

"Welcome Representative Lin to Qizhou. I am Wang Yue, the deputy manager of Shenhua Kunpeng."


Wang Yue introduced: "This is Wu Xuan, an employee of our company."

"Hi there."

Lin Zhibai nodded.

Wang Yue tentatively asked: "Are you going to a restaurant or a place to eat next?"

"I ate it on the plane."

Lin Zhibai said: "Take me directly to my residence."

Wang Yue immediately said: "Okay, please come with me, the car is ready."

After a while.

Lin Zhibai got into the car.

There is a dedicated driver in the parking lot.

The female employee named Wu Xuan sat in the passenger seat.

Wang Yue sat in the back row with Lin Zhibai.

The car starts.

Wang Yue said: "Representative Lin, Wu Xuan is the secretary selected for you by the superiors. Of course, if you don't like it, you can change it."

"Just her."

Lin Zhibai didn't know anyone, so he just followed the arrangement first.

Mythical Kunpeng Entertainment Company was established as a joint venture between Dad and Jiang Cheng.

The so-called top refers to them. Since they are the secretary chosen by them, Lin Zhibai is naturally relieved in terms of ability.

"Thank you Representative Lin for giving me the opportunity!"

Wu Xuan quickly thanked Lin Zhibai in the front-view mirror at the same time.

This representative Lin is really handsome, and the other party is also a top calligraphy master!

Calligraphers are artists!

An artist, on the other hand, has a very high status in everyone's heart, let alone the other party is the grandson of the mythical emperor.



Lin Zhibai naturally didn't know what the little secretary was thinking, so he casually asked about the company's situation.

Wang Yue said: "Our company is mainly engaged in music and movies, but it is still in the initial stage, and we need your leadership and command."

"Is there any signed artist?"

"There are a few, but this is not our main business. Currently, the company is mainly busy with the filming of "Nine Pins of Sesame Officials."


Wang Yue said: "Mr. Buyehou, the screenwriter of "Nine Pins of Sesame Officials", didn't you come?"

"He's coming in a few days."

Lin Zhibai talked nonsense, "I will contact you through a single line after midnight, and you don't need to worry about it."


Wang Yue is from Qizhou, but he has done information before and knows some things, for example, the Marquis of Night Never Shows His Face.

Another example is that Representative Lin is a very talented person in Qinzhou!

Of course, because he is from Qizhou, he has no more intuitive concept. All the news about this representative Lin is hearsay.

Whether this young leader is really good or not remains to be seen.

Of course, to please is to please, no matter how capable the opponent is, so Wang Yue's attitude is very low:

"This is the deep city of Qizhou. If you want to go around, you can ask Wu Xuan to be your guide tomorrow."

"We are happy to help!"

Wu Xuan spoke immediately, but she was very active.

Lin Zhibai said noncommittally: "Wu Xuan, right? Let's talk about Qi Zhou's entertainment industry structure."

Wu Xuandao: "Qinzhou is the top three of Shinhwa Skylight and Nathan. Kunpeng has a faint tendency to become the fourth largest, but Qizhou is different. No company here is too leading. The largest companies are also very strong in terms of strength. It’s close, among them the better ones, such as Backlight Entertainment, Lyceum Entertainment, Crown Media, etc., I will send you a detailed information in the evening.”


Wu Xuan went on to say: "As far as artists are concerned, there are four heavenly kings in Qizhou, two of them are actors, two are singers, both are top superstars, and there are also two queens, we collectively call them the 'Four Kings. Two queens', one of the queens is Qi Jianjia, the daughter of the chairman of Backlight Entertainment, she has a special status in the entertainment industry, and the other queen is called Nightingale, the little princess of Crown Media, and Qi Jianjia is in a similar situation, so the two The relationship is also more subtle."


Lin Zhibai listened and didn't comment.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a single-family villa.

"This residence was chosen for you by your father. He said that if you are not satisfied, you can change it. We have several alternatives."

"Let me see."

Lin Zhibai went in and walked around. The villa has two floors and a basement.

The layout is similar to that of the villa at home. Dad was worried, so Lin Zhibai nodded and said:

"That's it."

Lin Zhibai is used to living in a villa.

"Okay, this house has been furnished, and there is nothing missing in it. If you need anything else, you can contact me, or you can contact Wu Xuan. She lives in a nearby community, not too far from here. .”

"Well, you guys go back first, Wu Xuan remembers to drive me to the company tomorrow."


Wu Xuan is very conscious of beating workers.

After the two left, Lin Zhibai walked into his bedroom.

When the curtains are opened, there is a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The scenery outside the window is beautiful, and the garden and river are all very eye-catching.

The corners of Lin Zhibai's mouth twitched slightly.

Qi Zhou!

I am coming! ——

ps: I just finished writing a big plot, a stroke of Calvin's, so it's very late, and there are only so many words today, so I have to sort out the follow-up plot carefully.

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