Freelance Artist

Chapter 399 Variety Show Brawl!

With the current configuration of "A Journey to Lishan Mountain", even for Qin Zhou's first-line superstars, it is very attractive, so Zhou Hanjin didn't care much about the appearance fee, so he agreed directly. It is no longer money, but a higher status and status——

Such as becoming an intercontinental superstar!

And "A Journey to Lishan" seems to be just a variety show, but because of the participation of Qizhou's four kings and two queens, the nature of the matter has changed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the top hotspot in Qizhou. Standing out from the crowd will definitely be of great benefit to hitting the status of an intercontinental superstar in the future!

that's all.

After several toss.

One after another, Xingcan announced the list of a large number of guests who have confirmed to participate in "Laishan Tour".

This guest list is definitely very luxurious. In addition to the previously announced four kings and two queens, there are also a large number of popular stars in Qizhou.

On Qizhou Network.

There are waves of hot discussions on the whole network!

"This list is so luxurious!"

"I saw Ling'er!"

"Chuchu actually participated!"

"And intercontinental superstar Eiichiro!"

"Lan Ye is also there, he is the hottest little fresh meat recently!"

"Chuchu is Yingying's best friend, so it's normal to participate with Yingying!"

"Wait, who is this Lin Zhibai? The name sounds familiar, but I don't remember who it is. How many stars?"

"And who is this Zhou Hanjin?"

"Ahhhhh, Zhou Hanjin is Qinzhou's first-line singer, and he even came to participate in this show!"

"Isn't Lin Zhibai that Qin Zhou's calligraphy master at this year's charity dinner!"

"These two are Qin Zhou's stars!"

Lin Zhibai and Zhou Hanjin appeared in the list announced this time, but Qizhou netizens are not very familiar with it, so the attention is not high.

Of course, everyone didn't think it was so strange.

It's like the occasional appearance of artists from other continents in some variety shows in Qinzhou.

It's not surprising that people from Qinzhou appear in Qizhou's variety show.

After all, there are thirteen stars in this list.

Most people's attention is still on the 'four kings and two queens'.

At the same time, everyone also understands:

Judging by the number of people who watched this variety show, "Journey to Lishan" must be a super-large variety show.

Because even if it’s not about the coffee positions of the guests.

There were thirteen people in the list announced in the first wave, which is rare in itself.

Judging by the nature of the entertainment industry, I'm afraid that after these guests start recording, they will inevitably split into several small groups.

There can be six groups of five people in the female dormitory.

The entertainment industry is even more exaggerated. It is not too much for thirteen stars to make up twenty-six small groups, right?

And twelve people is not the end. According to Xingcan's explanation, there will be about sixteen guests participating in the first episode of this show.

In other words, there are still four places that have not been determined.

As for the remaining four places, why haven't they been determined?

In fact, it has something to do with Lin Zhibai taking Zhou Hanjin into "A Journey to Lishan".

"What Xingcan means is that since Zhou Han is going to come, why not invite a few more top-tier stars from Qinzhou to participate? According to the tacit understanding between the officials of each continent, as long as there are enough Qinzhou super-stars in this program , then this program can be broadcast simultaneously in Qinzhou after it is recorded, I think this is a good idea."

Jiang Cheng communicated with Lin Zhibai.

Under normal circumstances, "A Journey to Lishan", as a Qizhou program, cannot be broadcast in Qinzhou.

But if a large number of famous Qinzhou stars appear in "Laishan Tour", then this program can be broadcast simultaneously on the two continents.

"Is that so?"

Lin Zhibai was a little tempted. If "A Journey to Lishan" could be broadcast simultaneously in Qin and Qi, it would definitely be good for him.

After all, Qin Zhou was his base.

"I think so, call our old Kunpeng friends over to play together, such as Li Xiao, Qin Lian and Zhang Xiyang, and Han Yueshuang can also be brought in. "Journey to Lishan" is a good opportunity for development. I believe they will also would refuse..."

Jiang Cheng suggested.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhibai said, "Then it's decided, let the four of them come over to play together, the condition is that "Journey to Lishan Mountain" must be broadcast exclusively on our Kunpeng video after entering Qinzhou."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "It's only natural."

The addition of a large number of Qinzhou Chaoxian will inevitably make Qinzhou audiences also full of interest in "Journey to Lishan".


Regardless of Qizhou's four kings and two queens, it is also good for Qinzhou's stars, and it can be regarded as a win-win rhythm.

As for who wins more?

Then it depends on who can gain more popularity in the show.

Then each depends on his ability, no matter what the result is, no one has the right to complain.

After discussing the results, Jiangcheng got in touch with all parties, and after a few days of dragging, all parties reached an agreement.

Zhang Xiyang, Li Xiao, Qin Lian, and Kunpeng's Han Yueshuang confirmed to participate in "A Journey to Lishan"!

That is to say:

There are a total of sixteen guests in this program.

Including Lin Zhibai, there are five stars from Qinzhou, and Han Yueshuang is half of them, after all, she debuted in Qizhou.

Later, I went to Qinzhou, participated in "I Am a Singer", and then joined Kunpeng.

As a variety show dominated by Qizhou, the proportion of guests from the two continents is already considered a relatively reasonable configuration.

Now, no matter for Qizhou audience or Qinzhou audience, there are a lot of stars they are very familiar with in this show!


When the final guest list of "A Journey to Lishan" was announced, Qizhou was boiling again!

"This is the rhythm of the two continents co-organizing!?"

"Qin Zhou actually has so many super-first-line participants!"

"Although I'm not familiar with it, I'm quite curious about super stars like Qin Zhou!"

"I feel like this show is a mess!"

"Those who should have come and those who shouldn't have come have come!"

"Hurry up and record!"

“Extremely looking forward to it!”

"I didn't expect to see such a lineup of fairy variety shows in my lifetime!"

"There are stars from both sides of the strait, not to mention Qin Qi, even the intercontinental superstar Eiichiro from Chuzhou has joined in!"


And in Qinzhou.

There was also the news of "A Journey to Lishan". In terms of the sensation caused by the news, it was no less than that of Qizhou!

"A variety show co-hosted by Qin and Qi two continents!?"

"Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Han, Li Xiao, and Qin Lian all participated, as well as Han Yueshuang, and most importantly, Lin Zhibai was there!"


"I thought it would be a long time before I heard from Chu Ci!"

"Hehehe, I can see Baidi again in variety shows!"

"This list is really interesting. The exploding durian is Ye Junji, and Eiichiro is also in it. He offended our emperor and grandson severely before!"

"Are you sure there will be no melee during the recording?"

"I'm really afraid that they will fight in groups!"

"Hahahahaha, you don't know that there are actually more contradictions among the stars in Qizhou. In short, this show is a complex of contradictions. A bunch of enemies get together. It's too chaotic. It can't be done well. It's "Lishan Punishment"!"


Of course Ye Junji knew that Lin Zhibai, the "King of Variations", would also be participating in this program.

Even though Ye Junji's heart trembled when he saw the list, he almost didn't quit "A Journey to Lishan" on the spot!

"How can I meet him anywhere!"

Lin Zhibai came to Qizhou. Although Ye Junji was flustered, he avoided him because he thought it would be a big deal.

The result is so deadly.

I participated in "Lishan Tour" and ran into each other again!

"The enemy's road is narrow!"

His good friend Eiichiro gritted his teeth. He participated in "A Journey to Lishan" mainly because he was optimistic about the prospect of this program.

Also to be with Ye Junji.

However, Eiichiro never expected that the culprit who caused him to escape from Qizhou would actually be in the same frame as himself in this program!


There is a lot of disturbance.

Another few days passed.

On this day, Lin Zhibai asked Wu Xuan to arrange a private restaurant.

He wants to invite friends to dinner.

And friends are naturally Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Hanjin, Li Xiao, Qin Lian, and Han Yueshuang.

"I didn't expect our group to meet in Qizhou."

Zhou Hanjin said excitedly, "I don't know how the program "Travel to Lishan" is going to be played."

"reality show."

Qin Lian guessed: "It's probably the model of "Where Are We Going, Dad?"."

Now "Where Are We Going, Dad" is very popular in Qinzhou, and it also gave everyone a clearer concept of the so-called reality show.

"I also watched "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

Li Xiaodao: "This kind of program usually puts artists directly in remote villages, so that everyone can live a relatively primitive and self-reliant collective life."


Zhang Xiyang said with a smile: "I checked the information on Lishan, the place is very remote, and there are rural areas nearby, but the scenery is good."


Han Yueshuang, a native of Qizhou, said: "I have been to Lishan Mountain, the scenery there is really beautiful, there is a big lake at the foot of the mountain, more than one variety show in Qizhou has recorded outdoor programs there, so I guess it is just like what Sister Xiao said , the program team will let us live in groups at the foot of Lishan Mountain, I suggest that everyone bring more food, because there is no takeaway there, and the transportation is very inconvenient..."

"Maybe they will let us farm."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, there were various reality shows in his previous life, and there were all kinds of gimmicky ways of playing. Letting stars farm the land is simply child's play. He has also seen artists directly playing wild survival.


Zhou Hanjin stared: "I can't even cook, and he asked me to farm?"

Lin Zhibai said: "The so-called reality show is to let you pampered stars experience the life of hard work."

Everyone: "..."

Can we be pampered?

Of our group, you should be the most pampered grandson of the mythological group, right?

Lin Zhibai seemed to know what these people were thinking, but he didn't panic at all. After the upgrade of the system mall, he could basically learn everything.

Even if the program group really asked everyone to play survival in the wild.

Lin Zhibai will definitely become the one who lives the most nourishing life!

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