Freelance Artist

Chapter 401 You have to earn all the money for the program group!

Lu Xun has a famous "window opening theory".

He said that Chinese people like to make compromises. You think the room is too dark and you need to open a window. Most people will not allow it, but if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the window——

This is really what Lu Xun said!

Facts have proved that this theory works no matter which time and space it is in. Nightingale is a good example.

Return her a peach blossom coin.

She has to thank us too.

Completely forget that the wool comes from the sheep.

The car was driving on the highway and soon entered the urban area. When driving to a red light, Lin Zhibai suddenly saw an SUV of the same model beside him.

The other driver rolled down the window.


Lin Zhibai turned his head and saw that he looked familiar. He was a very handsome guy with a mic on his collar. He was obviously a guest of the program group. He was greeting him warmly:

"Hey! Dude, hello, my name is Lan Ye!"

"Hi, Lin Zhibai."

Lin Zhibai had read the list of guests announced in advance by the program group, and there was indeed Lan Ye, who seemed to be a very popular young meat recently.

As for the co-pilot in Lan Ye, there was a girl in a white shirt whose face could not be seen clearly.

On the other hand, Nightingale, who was sitting next to Lin Zhibai and counting peach blossom coins all the way, suddenly showed her face and asked:

"Lan Ye?"


Lan Ye knew Nightingale, most of the people in the same circle knew each other.


Nightingale asked, "Where is it in your car?"

"it's me."

Lin Zhibai saw a cool face protruding from Lan Ye's side. His skin was as white as snow, his face was like a lotus and his brows were like a willow. Out of alienation and indifference.


The smile on Nightingale's face faded a bit, and she said in a neutral tone, "Long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Qi Jianjia's voice was a little cold.

It happened to be a green light at this time, and Lanye coughed:

"See you later."

As he said that, he kicked the gas pedal, and the car drove away far away, as if he was a little afraid of letting Nightingale and Qi Jianjia communicate too much.

"Follow them!"

Nightingale suddenly regained her spirits and didn't even count peach blossom coins.

Lin Zhibai started the car in a calm manner, and said with a smile, "Slow down and be safe."

"Here's a coin!"

Nightingale took out a peach blossom coin without hesitation, "The requirement is that you must arrive at Lishan before them!"

"This is an urban area, and there is still a bit of traffic jam ahead."

Lin Zhibai looked at Lan Ye's car that had disappeared from sight, and suddenly changed the topic:

"I have to pay more!"


Nightingale almost lost her waist, how could this guy keep talking about peach blossom coins? She glared at Lin Zhibai viciously:

"I'll give you a Peach Blossom Coin and catch up with them!"


Lin Zhibai promised: "If you can't catch up, I will pay you five times."

"make a deal!"

Nightingale said unhappily.

Because of the peach blossom coins that were returned just now.

Nightingale's slightly improved impression of Lin Zhibai began to deteriorate again.

This hateful Qin man doesn't seem to buy himself, the queen of Qizhou, at all!

Any other star in Qizhou would never treat herself like this!

"Then you sit still."

There is a speed limit in the urban area, so Lin Zhibai definitely can't drive fast.

However, in some traffic jams, the other party can't run far at all.

Lin Zhibai had just finished a skill book, and his strength was full when he saw every stitch, and he drilled in whenever he saw an opening.

"Hey hey!"

"Be careful!"

"It's about to hit!"

Seeing Lin Zhibai jumping into every corner, Nightingale's face turned pale with fright, several times she felt that she was about to collide with other cars.

But I don't know why.

Although it was thrilling, every time Lin Zhibai was able to overtake the car steadily and successfully.

After a few cars in a row, another traffic light came, and Lin Zhibai and Lan Ye's car were again side by side.

Lan Ye was stunned when he saw Lin Zhibai appearing next door.

It shouldn't be.

So many cars on the road.

How did this guy catch up?

"The light is green." Qi Jianjia still said expressionlessly, "Get rid of them."


Lan Ye didn't say hello this time, he just stepped on the accelerator, and the speed was faintly faster than before.

"Chase chase chase!"

Nightingale's ambition rose.

Lin Zhibai smiled slightly, took the money to do things, and went directly to catch up. This little traffic can't stop a top old driver.

Not long.

The two cars drove side by side again.

When Lan Ye saw that he was being chased again, he immediately knew that Lin Zhibai's driving skills were pretty good, and the man's damn competitive spirit immediately came up.

last year.

Lan Ye once made a movie about racing. In order to make that film well, Lan Ye hired a coach to learn racing for half a year. His level is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Although he can't race on this road, he can get rid of Lin Zhibai That car should be enough.

With that in mind.

Lan Ye concentrates on it, he has no other distractions, he is going to start serious!

Swish Swish Swish!

After getting serious, Lan Ye began to overtake continuously.




Lan Ye didn't start to slow down until he was about to pass the toll booth, and said with a smile: "It seems that my technique is better."

"You are too happy."

Qi Jianjia looked at the rearview mirror, and frowned. The car that Nightingale was riding in followed Lan Ye to death the whole way!


When Lan Ye looked at the rearview mirror, he felt bad all of a sudden, that guy followed him on purpose!

What makes Lanye even more desperate is...

When passing through the toll booth and getting on the expressway, Lin Zhibai's car accelerated suddenly, passed through the gap between the two cars, and successfully overtook him!

Can't beat it!

Really crazy!

Mainly because he was recording a program, Lan Ye didn't dare to speed up for the sake of competitiveness.

And Lin Zhibai relied on the distance between the cars to control, and overtook himself within the speed limit.


Seeing Qi Jianjia's car being thrown away, Nightingale suddenly didn't mind paying the two peach blossom coins, and became excited all over. Although this Lin Zhibai didn't understand the style, it seemed unexpectedly reliable. Really work!

Just two peach blossom coins.

It's worth it to crush a woman's head, I guess that bad woman must be furious now!

Lin Zhibai smiled, feeling that Nightingale's Peach Blossom Coins are very profitable, and when he gets to Lishan, see if he can think of a way to make more money.

"How long have you been driving?"

Nightingale was curious. She could see Lin Zhibai's skills.

Just one or two overtakings, perfect distance control, maybe luck, but so many times in a row, it can be seen that the opponent's skills are really good.

"Two months."

Lin Zhibai said so, it took him two months to get his driver's license, and he never drove a car after that, and there was a driver to pick him up when he went out.

"It's a liar."

Nightingale rolled her eyes and said, "Two months of learning a driver's license may not be enough."

Lin Zhibai didn't explain.

After driving like this for forty minutes, Lin Zhibai saw several SUVs of the same model parked in front of him.

All roads are blocked.

Nightingale said: "It's the car of other guests, why don't they leave?"

It's not there yet.

The map shows that there are still five kilometers to go.

Lin Zhibai stopped the car, "Go over and see what's going on."

The two got out of the car, but the guests in front were also waving vigorously. Lin Zhibai had already seen several acquaintances, including Qin Lian, Li Xiao, Zhou Hanjin, Zhang Xiyang, Han Yueshuang, and even Ye Junji and Eiichiro. Obviously, they set out more quickly. morning.




Those who do not know each other are greeting each other.

Ye Junji also wanted to say hello, after all, he knew Lin Zhibai, but seeing his friend Eiichiro's indifferent face, he hesitated for a while before saying anything.


Nightingale knew one of the girls very well, and the other girl had already run over, and they hugged each other.

"Let me introduce, this is my best friend, Chuchu!" Nightingale pawed at Lin Zhibai, and then introduced:

"This is Lin Zhibai from Qinzhou."


Chu Chu said hello, a little surprised.

Yingying and Lin Zhibai should have just met, so how do you introduce them with a very familiar look?


Lin Zhibai nodded and asked, "Why do you all stop here?"

"The program team is so pitiful!" Zhou Hanjin and the others walked over as soon as they saw Lin Zhibai, explaining as they walked, "There is a very narrow intersection ahead, it is difficult for us to drive in..."

"Hello, everyone."

Zhou Hanjin's voice was interrupted, and a middle-aged man wearing a hat rushed over, "I'm Huang Ting, the program director."

"Hello director."

The guests greeted each other.

Huang Ting said with a smile: "In fact, you can drive into the intersection ahead, but it's more difficult. For everyone's convenience, our program team has found a very professional driver who can help you pass the intersection ahead, but every car You need to pay five peach blossom coins."

"This is robbery!"

Someone was dissatisfied, Lin Zhibai took a look, it was Qi Tianwen, one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou.

"The program group is fair."

Huang Ting said with a smile: "If Tian Wen is sure you can drive the car over, we won't charge you a cent."

"Open it!"

Qi Tianwen felt that he could try it.

Huang Ting said unhurriedly: "If any car gets scratched, the program team will have to pay 20 Peach Blossom Coins."

Qi Tianwen stared at him and was scared.

God knows how useful the Peach Blossom Coin will be later on. This show has just started recording, and it's too dangerous to have no money.

Lin Zhibai didn't speak, went to the intersection to look around, and took a rough measurement with his eyes.


The program team has been prepared for a long time. The intersection is really narrow. Everyone's cars are medium and large SUVs, and it takes extreme technology to pass.

But this thing seems to be difficult for me.

Skill books are not free.

He quietly returned to the crowd.

Director Huang Ting was still flickering: "If you can't even bear five peach blossom coins, you can only go to Lishan on foot. The remaining distance is about five kilometers. It takes an hour to walk normally, but considering It may take two hours until everyone has their luggage..."


Zhou Hanjin said gloomily, "How can we go on such a hot day!"

"So, there are three options, either ask our professional drivers for help, or walk over, or try to cross by yourself."

Huang Ting looked at everyone with a smile.

Everyone had no choice but to discuss with each other.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "There is a fourth choice."

"What choice?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai said: "Pay me four Taohua coins for each car, and I will drive it for you."

Everyone was taken aback, but Nightingale burst out laughing.

Lin Zhibai!

As expected of you!

You have to earn money for the program group!

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